Diabeton MB, 30 pcs., 60 mg, modified release tablets

Diabeton® MR

Gliclazide is intended for the treatment of adults only.

The recommended dose of gliclazide should be taken orally, 1 time per day, preferably during breakfast.

The daily dose can be 30-120 mg ('/g -2 tablets) in one dose.

It is recommended to swallow the tablet or half of the tablet whole, without chewing or crushing.

If you miss one or more doses of the drug, you cannot take a higher dose at the next dose; the missed dose should be taken the next day.

As with other hypoglycemic drugs, the dose of gliclazide in each case must be selected individually, depending on the concentration of blood glucose and HbAlc.

Initial dose

The initial recommended dose (including for elderly patients > 65 years) is 30 mg per day (*/g tablet).

If adequately controlled, gliclazide at this dose can be used for maintenance therapy. If glycemic control is inadequate, the daily dose of gliclazide can be sequentially increased to 60, 90 or 120 mg.

An increase in dose is possible no earlier than after 1 month of therapy with gliclazide at the previously prescribed dose. The exception is patients whose blood glucose concentrations have not decreased after 2 weeks of therapy. In such cases, the dose of gliclazide can be increased 2 weeks after starting treatment.

The maximum recommended daily dose of gliclazide is 120 mg.

1 tablet of the drug Diabeton® MV, modified-release tablets 60 mg, is equivalent to 2 tablets of the drug Diabeton® MV, modified-release tablets 30 mg. The presence of a notch on 60 mg tablets allows you to divide the tablet and take a daily dose of both 30 mg (*/2 60 mg tablets) and, if necessary, 90 mg (1 and '/g 60 mg tablets).

Switching from taking a drug containing gliclazide at a dosage of 80 mg to the drug Diabeton® MB, modified-release tablets, 60 mg

1 tablet of a medicinal product containing gliclazide at a dosage of 80 mg can be replaced */2 tablets of the medicinal product Diabeton® MB 60 mg with modified release. When transferring patients from a drug containing gliclazide at a dosage of 80 mg to the drug Diabeton® MB, careful glycemic control is recommended.

Switching from another hypoglycemic drug to the drug Diabeton® MB, modified-release tablets 60 mg

The drug Diabeton® MV modified release tablets 60 mg can be used instead of another oral hypoglycemic drug. When transferring patients receiving other oral hypoglycemic drugs to the drug Diabeton® MB, their dose and half-life should be taken into account. As a rule, no transition period is required. The initial dose should be 30 mg and then titrated according to blood glucose concentrations.

When replacing sulfonylurea derivatives with a long half-life with the drug Diabeton MB, in order to avoid hypoglycemia caused by the additive effect of two hypoglycemic agents, you can stop taking them for several days. The initial dose of the drug Diabeton® MB is also 30 mg ('/g tablet 60 mg) and, if necessary, can be increased further, as described above.

Combined use with another hypoglycemic drug

The drug Diabeton® MB can be used in combination with biguanides, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors or insulin.

If glycemic control is inadequate, additional insulin therapy should be prescribed with close medical supervision.

Elderly patients

No dose adjustment is required for patients over 65 years of age.

Patients with kidney failure

The results of clinical studies have shown that dose adjustment of the drug is not required in patients with mild to moderate renal failure. Close medical monitoring is recommended.

Patients at risk of developing hypoglycemia

In patients at risk of developing hypoglycemia (insufficient or unbalanced nutrition; severe or poorly compensated endocrine disorders - pituitary and adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism; withdrawal of glucocorticosteroids after long-term use and/or use in high doses; severe diseases of the cardiovascular system - severe coronary heart disease, severe atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries, widespread atherosclerosis), it is recommended to use the minimum dose (30 mg) of the drug Diabeton® MB.

Prevention of complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus

To achieve intensive glycemic control, you can gradually increase the dose of Diabeton® MB up to 120 mg/day in addition to diet and exercise until the target HbAlc concentration is achieved. The risk of hypoglycemia should be remembered. In addition, other hypoglycemic drugs, such as metformin, an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, a thiazolidinedione derivative, or insulin, can be added to therapy.

Children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

There are no data on the effectiveness and safety of the drug in children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

The role of insulin in bodybuilding

As you understand from the description, diabetes affects the production of the hormone insulin in the human body.

Insulin began to be widely used in bodybuilding in the 90s of the last century. Professional athletes rapidly gained large muscle volumes and turned into “mass monsters.”

The fact is that insulin is a very effective transport system for muscle and fat cells.

With the help of this hormone, much more nutrients necessary for their construction are delivered to the muscles. These are primarily amino acids, glucose and creatine.

True, the same thing happens with fat cells. Thanks to insulin, their volume also increases.

That is why the professionals of the 90s were not only the most massive in competitions, but also with the maximum amount of subcutaneous fat in the off-season (up to 150-160 kg).

For these reasons, the use of insulin in bodybuilding is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it helps to gain total body weight much faster, and on the other hand, part of the weight is added due to adipose tissue.

If you do not carefully monitor your diet during the cycle, then 60% of the new weight may be fat and only 40% muscle.

Therefore, to effectively use this hormone, you need to understand both nutrition and the action of the drug itself.

Side effects

Diabetes, the use of which is permitted in bodybuilding, also has side effects. One of the most dangerous is hypoglycemia. It is characterized by a decrease in blood sugar levels, which can lead to death and poor health. To avoid hypoglycemia, it is advisable to monitor your health and in no case exceed the dose of the drug.

If a bodybuilder begins to use nutritional supplements, he must eat a timely and balanced diet. You can’t go on low-carb diets and limit yourself in food. The drug is effective for 10 hours. During this time period, it is advisable to eat more carbohydrates. If nausea, weakness, drowsiness and dizziness appear, you should urgently consume chocolate, sugar and other sweet foods.


H2-histamine receptor blockers, ACE inhibitors, NSAIDs, fibrates, antifungal drugs, coumarin anticoagulants, MAO inhibitors, anabolic steroids, sulfonamides, biguanides, cyclophosphamides, pentoxifylline, theophylline, tetracycline, reserpine , disopyramide , insulin, ethanol , allopurinol enhance the effect of Diabeton .

GCS, barbiturates , antiepileptics, adrenostimulants, BMCC, thiazide diuretics, triamterene, furosemide , baclofen , diazoxide, asparaginase, triamterene, morphine, isoniazid, terbutaline , ritodrine, glucagon, salbutamol, rifampicin, estrogens , chlorpromazine, nicotinic acid weakened affect the effect of the drug.


“Diabeton” has become widespread in bodybuilding, but has contraindications. People with liver and kidney disease should not take this drug. It is also prohibited to take it for infectious diseases, allergic reactions and individual intolerance to certain components.

It is important to monitor your health and general condition. The drug for weight gain belongs to the category of potent ones, which is prescribed in especially difficult situations. Any discomfort should serve as a signal to visit a doctor.

Features of modified release tablets

Diabeton is available in two versions - regular and MB. You need to pay attention to this when purchasing medicine.

In bodybuilding, only Diabeton MV .

MV stands for modified release.

The tablet is swallowed without chewing, that is, without violating the integrity of the shell. In this case, the active substance is gradually released in the body and has a prolonged effect.

Ultra-short-acting injectable insulin does not have this. True, there is also medium- and long-acting insulin, but they are not suitable for mass-gaining purposes.

Analogues of Diabeton

Level 4 ATC code matches:








Analogues of the drug include the following drugs: Glidia , Glykinorm , Glyclada , Gliclazide , Glioral , Diaglizide , Dyazid , Panmicron , Reklid .

Which is better: Maninil or Diabeton?

Maninil is considered a more harmful drug.

Diabeton price, where to buy

You can buy a package for about 300 rubles. However, it is now almost impossible to purchase regular Diabeton, since the safer Diabeton MV is mainly sold.

The price of Diabeton in Ukraine is approximately 100-130 UAH.

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  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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