Espumisan Baby for newborns: instructions for use, where to buy

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The mechanism of action of simethicone is based on reducing the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the intestines, which leads to their rupture. Simethicone acts on the surface of gas bubbles without affecting the mucous membrane and is not absorbed, therefore it is harmless to the child’s body. The released gas is removed from the intestines naturally, while digestion is normalized and nutrients are better absorbed.

The drug does not affect gastric secretion. There is no habituation to it. In terms of pharmacological treatment, colic is considered one of the most effective carminatives. Prescribed during the onset of pain (pain disappears within 10 minutes) or for the purpose of prevention with each feeding.


After oral administration, it is not absorbed from the intestine and is excreted unchanged.

Indications for use

Drops are prescribed in the following cases:

  • when the first symptoms of infant colic occur;
  • when the first symptoms of flatulence occur in children (including during the period after surgery);
  • with bloating as a result of dyspeptic disorders;
  • during preparation for diagnostic studies of the abdominal and pelvic organs;
  • in case of acute poisoning with detergents that contain foam-forming tensides. In this situation, Espumisan Baby acts as an antifoaming drug.

Instructions for use of Espumisan Baby drops

Children's Espumisan is a drug in drops in bottles with a dropper, with which you can accurately dose the drops by holding the bottle vertically with the pipette down. Remember that the bottle is shaken before use.

Instructions for Espumisan for newborns

How many drops to give to a newborn? Give 5-10 drops during each feeding or after, but no more than 5 times a day.

How to take Espumisan for newborns? The drug is given from a spoon; if that doesn’t work, you can add it to a bottle of water or formula. To avoid negative consequences, you cannot prescribe the drug to your child on your own, but only on the recommendation of a pediatrician. It can exclude a pathology such as intestinal obstruction, in which the drug is contraindicated. This medicine is effective for increased gas formation that occurs during the period of adaptation of the digestive system, which is still imperfect in infants. Since not enough enzymes are produced, gas formation is inevitable.

Instructions for use for older children: the drug is given to children from 1 to 6 years old, 10 drops up to 5 times a day, over 6 years old - 20 drops up to 5 times. If you do not find Espumisan Baby in the pharmacy, you can use Espumisan 40 or Espumisan L, however, the dose will be higher, since these drugs contain 8 mg and 40 mg of simethicone in 1 ml, respectively, and not 100 mg. Newborns and children up to one year old are given 1 measuring spoon (or 25 drops) during each feeding, children from 6 years old 2 measuring spoons (or 50 drops) up to 5 times a day. Any drug can be taken long-term.

Active components

The active substance is simecticone, a carminative defoaming agent. It passes through the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, collapses the gas bubbles resulting from fermentation and comes out unchanged.

1 milliliter of the drug contains 100 milligrams of simecticone. Macrogol stearate, glyceryl monostearate, sorbic acid, water, sodium chloride, sodium citrate, and natural hypoallergenic Banana flavor are used as additional components.

Espumisan Baby is sold in dark glass bottles. It is a viscous milky-white liquid with a banana aroma.


Level 4 ATC code matches:

Mint tablets



Espumisan L

Espumisan 40


Dill water


Sub Simplex







Analogue for children:

  • Bobotik
  • Sub Simplex
  • Baby Calm
  • Happy Baby
  • Plantex

Bobotik is approved for children from 28 days of age, contains raspberry flavor and citric acid, and does not contain milk sugar.

Simplex suspension is used from birth. The suspension is not viscous, separates and requires careful shaking. Should be used with caution in children prone to allergic reactions. Espumisan for children is also used from birth, but the emulsion is more viscous in consistency compared to the suspension.

Which is better: Plantex or Espumisan for newborns?

These are drugs with different active ingredients. Plantex are granules for making tea, containing fennel fruit extract. It has a carminative effect (prevents the formation of gases), improves digestion, eliminates spasms. It can be given to newborns from 2 weeks of age as a drink. Diluted tea does not change its properties during the day. The drug contains lactose, so tea should not be given to children with lactase deficiency. Pediatricians note that children are often allergic to the drug. Parents also report this in their reviews.

What is better than Espumisan for children? First of all, it is physiologically inert, not absorbed, and does not contain lactose. It can be used for a long time without fear of addiction and the appearance of any side effects.

Espumisan for newborns: quick help for colic?

Gas flows down the esophagus in a thick foam, which is covered with mucus. The drug plays the role of a damper; it removes accumulated bubbles. The product lowers the pressure at the site of separation of liquid and gas, as a result, a foam-like mass is released into liquid and free gas, which is quickly absorbed by the surface of the esophagus or excreted through the rectum.

Babies gradually adapt to the new environment, the stomach reacts sensitively to everything unusual. The baby is often capricious and behaves restlessly. Sometimes it’s difficult to calm him down, mom starts using different methods:

  • wrapping the tummy with a warm diaper;
  • taking dill water;
  • medicines.

IMPORTANT: There is no guarantee that Espumisan for children will completely relieve a baby from colic. The manufacturer himself writes about this.


Infantile colic begins to bother the child at 2–3 weeks of life and continues until 3–6 months. To eliminate them, there is children's Espumisan. Questions often arise: can it be given to a newborn and how to give it to an infant? Let's look at these questions. A child under 28 days of age is considered a newborn. Espumisan L and Espumisan 40 are approved for use in children from birth. They do not contain lactose. For ease of dosing, they have a measuring spoon or pipette. These drugs can be given to a newborn without fear, and the dosage is the same as for infants (from 1 month to a year). For newborns and infants, the drug is prescribed 1 scoop or 25 drops. Give directly from a spoon, mixed with a small amount of milk, added to milk mixture or water.

How often can Espumisan be given to newborns? The drug is given after each feeding. How many times can you give to an infant? In the same way - after each feeding, up to 5 times a day. This drug intake is preventive. Can only be given during colic. Some pediatricians believe that these drugs are best given during colic, and not for the purpose of preventing it. It has been reliably proven that this drug does not cause side effects and long-term use is possible without harm.

Reviews about Espumisan for newborns are varied. There are reviews that parents tried all the drugs, and only Espumisan helped. Some people are helped by this drug, others by Plantex, and some by dill water, massage, a warm heating pad on the tummy and removal of gases using a gas tube. Sometimes children refuse to drink Espumisan (they spit out the medicine), but Baby Calm and Sub Simplex are taken with pleasure. You need to choose the drug that brings relief to your child. You can try everything together. For example, any drug based on simethicone and Baby Calm.

Consult your pediatrician about taking Bifidumbacterin . In addition, a nursing woman needs to exclude from her diet foods that cause gas (kvass, legumes, cabbage in any form, apples, grapes, sweets, baked goods) and take a decoction of chamomile with dill and fennel seeds.

Why does infant colic occur?

The exact picture of why colic occurs remains unclear. The main reasons are:

  1. Delayed work of the enzymatic system of the gastrointestinal tract. Enzymes act as catalysts in body reactions. They speed up the digestibility of incoming food. If the system fails, food is not digested and fermentation occurs.
  2. Immaturity of the autonomic nervous system. It is the ANS that controls the functioning of internal organs, is responsible for digestive processes, and sends signals to the gastrointestinal tract. If the nervous system is not functioning well, transmission is poorly adjusted, which is why colic occurs.
  3. Hydrochloric acid deficiency. It activates the functioning of the stomach and participates in the formation of hormones.
  4. Intestinal dysbiosis. The baby is born with sterile intestines. It takes time to colonize it with beneficial bacteria, which is often accompanied by flatulence.
  5. Impaired intestinal motility.
  6. Feeding a baby with mother's milk and the presence of gastrointestinal diseases. Since milk is formed from blood substances, the mother’s diet directly affects its composition. When toxins enter the bloodstream, they irritate the intestines.
  7. Incorrectly selected formula feeding.
  8. Allergy to Espumisan in newborns and pseudo-allergy.
  9. Changing natural feeding to artificial feeding.
  10. Overheating, in which the child sweats and loses moisture, intestinal juices become thicker, and the functioning of the stomach deteriorates.

If we combine the above indicators, then increased gas production plays a key role in the development of colic. It leads to bloating of the small intestine and impaired intestinal motility.

IMPORTANT: Premature infants are more likely to experience colic when compared with large and full-term infants. Symptoms are more prolonged and pronounced.

Price, where to buy

The price of children's Espumisan is about 600 rubles for 50 ml drops.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Espumisan Baby drops for internal use.
    approx. 100mg/ml vial. 50ml Berlin-Chemie AG RUR 625 order
  • Espumisan Baby drops for internal use. approx. 100mg/ml 30mlBerlin-Chemie AG

    RUB 474 order

Operating principle

The action of Espumisan for newborns is as follows. The main substance helps to destroy accumulated bubbles and remove air masses. You should find out how quickly Espumisan works. The result is achieved after 15-20 minutes after the mother gives the child the medicine. The baby quickly calms down as the pain disappears. How behavior changes:

  • the baby stops being capricious;
  • stops pressing the legs;
  • bloating decreases, gas comes out;
  • the child smiles and begins to play.

The medicine acts on the gastrointestinal tract for 2-7 hours. The duration is directly related to the characteristics of the body and the degree of the disease. The age category of the patient also plays an important role. In a four-month-old baby, the intestines react more calmly to gases than after birth.


The ingredient present is simethicone. One ml of medication contains 100 mg of the element. The remaining complementary ingredients are a natural preservative, banana flavor, artificial sweetener, pure water, macrogolustearate. The composition of the drug Espumisan includes elements that do not provoke adverse effects on the baby; they only allow the drug to pass through the digestive organs and improve the taste of the suspension.

IMPORTANT: The medication does not contain glucose or lactose. The absence of dangerous ingredients makes the drug harmless even for patients with high blood sugar and lactose intolerance.

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