Preparing for a colonoscopy, FCS

Stages of preparation for colonoscopy:

  1. It is MANDATORY to follow a special slag-free diet for 3 days before the colonoscopy.

Exclude from food:

  • fresh vegetables (potatoes, cabbage, radishes, radishes, beets, carrots, turnips, garlic, onions);
  • fruits and berries (especially those containing small seeds and seeds, thick skin: apricots, plums, peaches, pears, dates, oranges, tangerines, raisins, grapes);
  • greens, cereals, legumes, buckwheat, boiled rice, nuts, mushrooms, berries, black bread, bran bread;
  • meat in pieces;
  • baked goods;
  • whole milk, cottage cheese;
  • carbonated drinks.

Recommended to use:

  • mostly semi-liquid porridges and clear broths;
  • dishes made from minced lean meats, lean boiled fish;
  • boiled egg, omelet;
  • cheese;
  • White bread;
  • low-fat fermented milk products without additives;
  • tea without milk, clear juices without pulp, non-alcoholic uncolored drinks.

2. Cancel 3 days before the study medications containing:

  • iron (Fenuls, Ferrum-lek, etc.)
  • bismuth (De-nol, Novobismol, Ulkavis),
  • activated carbon (Lactofiltrum), polyphepam;


The discontinuation of drugs that affect blood clotting (Clopidogrel, ThromboAss, Cardiomagnyl, Warfarin, Plavix, Tiklid, etc.) should be discussed with a cardiologist or attending physician.

If you have to remove polyps, medications that affect blood clotting are canceled in advance, after consultation with your doctor.

If you suffer from constipation, 5 days before the scheduled test, you must take laxatives daily, recommended by your doctor, to achieve daily bowel movements. This will improve the quality of further preparation for the study.

If you take medications to lower blood pressure, anticonvulsants, antiarrhythmics, or hormonal medications every day in the morning, you must continue to take them throughout the preparation period. On the day of the study, they should be taken before 10.00 with a small amount of water.

If you have diabetes and use insulin, you need to consult with an endocrinologist about changing your insulin regimen while preparing for FCS.

Special medications are taken to completely cleanse the intestines of contents. These drugs include: Endofalk, Moviprep, Kolokit, Lavacol. A sufficient volume of the drug for good quality bowel preparation is considered to be at least 3 liters of liquid containing one of the listed drugs. BUT! Each has its own specific application!

In our clinic, colonoscopy is also performed in the afternoon. Therefore, preparation for the procedure is divided into two stages - medications must be taken in the evening and in the morning, on the day of the study. Typically, 2/3 of the total dose of the drug is taken in the evening and 1/3 of the dose in the morning on the day of the study.

Physical exercise while taking a laxative has a beneficial effect on the quality of preparation: walking, squats, bending and turning the body.

Colonoscopy timeDosage regimen for MOVIPREPDosage regimen for LAVAKOL
Diet on the eve of the day of colonoscopy: Before 09:00, breakfast according to the list of allowed foods. Lunch and dinner - only allowed liquids.
The day before the CS: 19:00-20:00 take the first liter of the drug solution 21:00-22:00 take the second liter of the drug solution After each liter of the drug taken, do not forget to drink 500 ml of the approved liquidThe day before the CS: from 16:00-17:00 to 21:00-22:00 the night before, take 200 ml every 30 minutes (3 liters of solution in total) After 22:00, eating is not indicated
Diet on the eve of the day of colonoscopy: Breakfast according to the list of allowed foods Until 13:00 light lunch according to the list of allowed foods Dinner only allowed liquids
The day before the CS: 20:00-21:00 take the first liter of the drug solution The day of the CS: 06:00-07:00 take the second liter of the drug solution After each liter of the drug taken, do not forget to drink 500 ml of the approved liquidThe day before the CS: 18:30-21:00, take the first 1.5 liters of the drug solution. The day of the CS: 06:00-07:00, take the second 1.5 liters of the drug solution.
Diet on the eve of the day of colonoscopy: Breakfast and lunch according to the list of allowed foods Until 18:00 light dinner according to the list of allowed foods On the day of colonoscopy in the morning only allowed liquids*
Day of CS: 08:00-09:00 take the first liter of the drug solution 10:00-11:00 take the second liter of the drug solution After each liter of the drug taken, do not forget to drink 500 ml of the approved liquid
Colonoscopy timeRegimen for taking the drug ENDOFALKRegimen for taking COLOKIT
Diet on the eve of the day of colonoscopy: Before 09:00, breakfast according to the list of allowed foods. Lunch and dinner - only allowed liquids.
The day before the CS: One-stage scheme: From 16:00 to 19:00-20:00, take a solution of 200-300 ml (1 glass 1 time in 10-15 minutes), thus take 3-4 liters in 3-4 hours . Two-stage scheme: From 18:00 to 20:00, take a solution of 200-300 ml (1 glass 1 time in 10-15 minutes), so take 2 liters in 2 hours. Day of CS: From 07:00-08:00 to 08:00-09:00, take a solution of 200-300 ml (1 glass 1 time in 10-15 minutes), so take 2 liters in 2 hours. The day before the CS: Take 4 tablets with 250 ml of water (or other liquid), then repeat 4 times (4 tablets with 250 ml of water or other liquid) with an interval of 15 minutes. Thus, a total of 20 tablets should be taken. Day of CS (4-5 hours before the examination): Take 4 tablets with 250 ml of water (or other liquid), then repeat 2 times (4 tablets with 250 ml of water or other liquid) with an interval of 15 minutes. Thus, a total of 12 tablets should be taken.

*Reception of any liquid is stopped 3 hours before the start of the study

If elderly patients, as well as patients with diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs are preparing for the procedure at home, then the presence of relatives or friends is necessary, since during preparation there may be a decrease or increase in blood pressure and dizziness.

Preparing for a colonoscopy, FCS

What do you need to know before video colonoscopy?

Videocolonoscopy is an endoscopic examination method that allows you to visually evaluate the inner surface of the rectum, sigmoid and colon to the dome of the cecum. A colonoscope is a flexible long probe with a built-in video chip that transmits a color image from inside the body to a monitor.

Information about the condition of the colon obtained through colonoscopy is unique; it allows you to make an accurate diagnosis and choose an adequate treatment method. Videocolonoscopy (VCS) is a low-risk procedure.

For maximum comfort and information content of the study in our center, patients have the unique opportunity to undergo VCS under medicated sleep.

On the day of the study after medicated sleep, driving is prohibited!

How is colonoscopy performed at the Gastroentrology Center?


To undergo the examination, you will need to remove all clothing below the waist, including underwear, then put on disposable shorts and lie down on the couch on your left side. For your comfort, we recommend that you bring a change of T-shirt with you for the examination. After direct digital examination of the rectum, the doctor inserts a colonoscope, lubricated with Vaseline or a special gel, into the anus. If medicated sleep (sedation) is used, this is preceded by an intravenous injection of the drug Propofol. What is medicated sleep for colonoscopy?

Contraindications for video colonoscopy

  • acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity (peritonitis, etc.);
  • severe adhesive disease;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • severe respiratory failure;
  • decompensated heart failure and acute myocardial infarction;
  • acute cerebrovascular accident;
  • aneurysms of large vessels (aorta, carotid sinuses, heart);
  • severe forms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease;
  • serious mental disorders.
Relative contraindications for video colonoscopy
  • acute inflammatory diseases of the anal and perianal area (anal fissures, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, thrombosis of hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, etc.);
  • early postoperative period (less than 14 days after colon surgery, gastrectomy).

Preparing for colonoscopy (video colonoscopy)

The first step in preparing for a video colonoscopy is to have a positive attitude. A lot depends on your calm and positive attitude towards the procedure.

An important and necessary condition for successful video colonoscopy is thorough cleansing of the large intestine from its contents .

The second step is following a special slag-free diet . This is a prerequisite for high-quality cleaning, regardless of the preparation you will use. The diet should be started no later than 3 days before the test .

Slag-free diet

DO NOT eat foods rich in fiber or foods that cause fermentation in the intestines:

  1. All fresh vegetables, mushrooms, herbs and root vegetables, cabbage are prohibited in any form.
  2. All fresh fruits and berries.
  3. Nuts and seeds.
  4. Legumes: beans, peas, soybeans and so on.
  5. Coarse cereals: corn, barley, wheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, brown rice, millet.
  6. Rye, bran and grain bread. White bread and baked goods are limited to the menu the day before the procedure.
  7. Any fried food with a crust.
  8. Canned food, smoked food, marinades.
  9. Too spicy and salty dishes.
  10. Kvass, beer, wine.
  11. Fatty and stringy varieties of lard, meat, sausage.
  12. Jams, compotes and juices with pulp.
  13. Milk.

YOU CAN eat refined foods and easily digestible foods:

  1. Boiled and grated vegetables can only be consumed on the first day of the diet, 3 days before the procedure.
  2. Two days before the colonoscopy, you can add a peeled, boiled and mashed apple, peach, half a banana, and a little melon to the menu.
  3. Cheese, cottage cheese, kefir.
  4. Rusks, white bread.
  5. Low-fat meats and fish, eggs.
  6. All clear liquids (broths without vegetables, juices without pulp, tea, coffee, still mineral water).
Approximate menu for the day in preparation for a colonoscopy:
  • Breakfast: steamed/baked cheesecakes with a teaspoon of honey, a cup of green tea.
  • Lunch: weak meat broth, white polished rice, steamed fish fillet, cranberry juice.
  • Afternoon snack: yeast-free cookies/cookies without additives, tea.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk of minimal fat content.

If you have a tendency to constipation, it is recommended to start taking laxatives (Forlax, Transulose) at least 3 days in advance.

When preparing the intestines for examination, it is recommended to walk, perform circular rotations of the body, and light massage of the anterior abdominal wall.

The third step is to use special drugs (Fortrans, Moviprep, Kolokit or Eziklen).

24 hours before the study, it is recommended to adhere to a “drinking” diet .

DO NOT eat any solid food.

YOU CAN drink clear liquids in unlimited quantities: juices without pulp, tea, coffee, mineral water, non-rich broths.

The study is carried out on an empty stomach.

Currently, preparation for video colonoscopy using cleansing enemas is considered ineffective. To cleanse the large intestine, it is recommended to use special preparations (Fortrans, Moviprep, Kolokit or Eziklen). Your doctor will determine which drug is most appropriate for your particular case.

Colon cleansing with Fortrans, Moviprep, Kolokit, Eziklen

ATTENTION! If the colonoscopy is performed in the morning before 11-00

Preparation with FORTRANS:

  • In the morning 1 day before the study, have a light breakfast as part of the 2nd step products. Before 16:00, take any permitted liquids.
  • From 18:00 to 21:00, take 1 sachet of Fortrans per hour, pre-diluted in 1 liter of water (250 ml every 15 minutes). There are only 3 sachets, which corresponds to 3 liters of liquid.
  • On the morning of the test day, from 5:00 to 6:00, take 1 sachet of Fortrans dissolved in 1 liter of liquid, to which 30 ml of Espumisan emulsion should also be added.
  • The amount of liquid cannot be reduced!
  • Approximately 1 hour after starting to take Fortrans, painless, loose stools will appear.

Preparation with MOVIPREP:

  • In the morning and afternoon 1 day before the study, breakfast and lunch before 13:00 as part of the 2nd step products. After 13:00 to 20:00 - any permitted liquids. You cannot eat solid food after 13:00!
  • From 20:00 to 21:00, take the first liter of the Moviprep solution prepared according to the instructions. Then take 500 ml of any permitted liquid.
  • On the day of the colonoscopy from 5:00 to 6:00. Take the second liter of the drug solution prepared according to the instructions, after which you need to drink 500 ml of any approved liquid, adding 30 ml of Espumisan emulsion to it.

Take the drug solution in small doses - 250 ml every 15 minutes. You cannot reduce the amount of liquid!

Preparation with EZICLEN:

  • In the morning and afternoon 1 day before the study, breakfast and lunch and dinner until 18:00 from any products except those prohibited.
  • From 20:00 to 21:00, dilute 1 bottle of Eziklen with water to 500 ml and drink within 1 hour. Then from 20.00 to 21.00 be sure to drink an additional 1 liter of water.
  • On the day of colonoscopy, from 5:00 to 6:00, repeat the same steps with the second bottle of Eziklen and from 06:00 to 07:00, be sure to drink an additional 1 liter of water.

Preparation with the drug "COLOKIT":

You should start taking the drug the day before the examination. The drug should be taken according to the following regimen:

The day before the examination

  • In the morning of the day before the examination, you can have breakfast with foods low in fiber (coffee or tea with or without sugar, toast with butter, fruit jelly or honey).
  • During lunch and later, only drinking is allowed. You can drink clear liquids - water, low-fat broth, diluted fruit juice without pulp, weak tea or black coffee.

Take 4 tablets every 15 minutes with 250 ml of any clear liquid of the patient's choice. A total of 20 tablets should be taken.

On the day of the examination (4-5 hours before the examination)

Take 4 tablets with 250 ml of clear liquid every 15 minutes. In total, you need to take 12 tablets within 30 minutes.

ATTENTION! If the colonoscopy is performed after 11-00

Preparation with FORTRANS:

  • In the morning 1 day before the study, have a light breakfast as part of the 2nd step products. Before 16:00, take any permitted liquids.
  • From 18:00 to 21:00, take 1 sachet of Fortrans per hour, pre-diluted in 1 liter of water (250 ml every 15 minutes). There are only 3 sachets, which corresponds to 3 liters of liquid.
  • On the morning of the study, from 7:00 to 8:00, take 1 sachet of Fortrans dissolved in 1 liter of liquid, to which you should also add 30 ml of Espumisan emulsion.
  • The amount of liquid cannot be reduced!
  • Approximately 1 hour after starting to take Fortrans, painless, loose stools will appear.

Preparation with MOVIPREP:

  • In the morning and afternoon 1 day before the study, breakfast and lunch before 13:00 as part of the 2nd step products. After 13:00 to 20:00 - any permitted liquids. You cannot eat solid food after 13:00!
  • From 20:00 to 21:00, take the first liter of the Moviprep solution prepared according to the instructions. Then take 500 ml of any permitted liquid.
  • On the day of the colonoscopy from 7:00 to 8:00. Take the second liter of the drug solution prepared according to the instructions, after which you need to drink 500 ml of any approved liquid, adding 30 ml of Espumisan emulsion to it.

Take the drug solution in small doses - 250 ml every 15 minutes. You cannot reduce the amount of liquid!

Preparation with EZICLEN:

  • In the morning and afternoon 1 day before the study, breakfast and lunch and dinner until 18:00 from any products except those prohibited.
  • From 20:00 to 21:00, dilute 1 bottle of Eziklen with water to 500 ml and drink within 1 hour. Then from 20.00 to 21.00 be sure to drink an additional 1 liter of water.
  • On the day of colonoscopy, from 7:00 to 8:00, repeat the same steps with the second bottle of Eziklen and from 08:00 to 09:00, be sure to drink an additional 1 liter of water.

Preparation with the drug "COLOKIT":

You should start taking the drug the day before the examination. The drug should be taken according to the following regimen:

The day before the examination

  • In the morning of the day before the examination, you can have breakfast with foods low in fiber (coffee or tea with or without sugar, toast with butter, fruit jelly or honey).
  • During lunch and later, only drinking is allowed. You can drink clear liquids - water, low-fat broth, diluted fruit juice without pulp, weak tea or black coffee.

Take 4 tablets every 15 minutes with 250 ml of any clear liquid of the patient's choice. A total of 20 tablets should be taken.

On the day of the examination (4-5 hours before the examination)

Take 4 tablets with 250 ml of clear liquid every 15 minutes. In total, you need to take 12 tablets within 30 minutes.

Prices for preparation for colonoscopy at SM-Clinic

Name of servicePrice, rub.)*Price (RUB)* after 15:00
Colonoscopy6,500 rub.5,200 rub.
Colonoscopy “in your sleep” (examination + sedation + consultation with an anesthesiologist)RUB 10,250
Colonoscopy with narrow-spectrum NBI examination of the gastrointestinal tract7,000 rub.5,600 rub.
Computed tomography colonoscopy (virtual colonoscopy)11,000 rub.7,700 rub.


- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug,

- children under 18 years of age,

- elderly people over 75 years old,

- pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Do not use in patients with a history of the following diseases:

- clinically significant renal failure,

- primary hyperparathyroidism associated with hypercalcemia,

- congestive heart failure,

- unstable angina,

- ascites,

- known or suspected obstruction, severe chronic constipation,

- megacolon (congenital or acquired), or patients who have undergone gastric bypass surgery,

- hypokinesia syndrome (as a result of hypothyroidism, scleroderma)

- intestinal perforation,

- active inflammatory bowel disease.


- patients with a high risk of renal failure, having previous electrolyte disorders or the risk of electrolyte disorders;

- patients with clinically significant arterial hypotension (also associated with hypovolemia);

- patients with heart disease, acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina; elderly or frail patients. In this risk group, the content of sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, phosphate, urea and creatinine in the blood serum should be monitored before and after use;

— patients with gastrointestinal hypokinesia; after a history of surgery on the gastrointestinal tract; with other diseases predisposing to gastrointestinal hypokinesia; in patients on a low-salt diet.

- patients taking drugs that inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme;

patients taking drugs that block angiotensin receptors or diuretics;

- patients taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - while taking laxatives, dehydration and hypovolemia may increase;

- patients taking parathyroid hormone (parathyroid hormone regulates the level of calcium in the blood serum due to its effect on bones, kidneys and intestines, and also reduces the reabsorption of phosphates from the proximal tubules of the kidneys, and therefore increases the excretion of phosphates in the urine; since the drug contains phosphates, there is a risk of interaction).

One tablet of Kolokite contains 313 mg of sodium, keep this in mind if you are following a low-sodium diet.

Doctors provide consultations in the following clinics:

"SM-Clinic" on the street. Yartsevskaya (metro station “Molodezhnaya”)

  • Goryunova Tatyana Vladimirovna
  • Ivankov Dmitry Stepanovich
  • Ignatiev Vladimir Yurievich
  • Kulikov Stanislav Leonidovich
  • Novichkova Ulyana Dmitrievna

"SM-Clinic" on the street. Senezhskaya (station MCC "Koptevo")

  • Bayandina Tatyana Borisovna
  • Mamaeva Albina Erikovna
  • Matronitsky Roman Borisovich
  • Sizonenko Evgeniy Valerievich

"SM-Clinic" on the street. Novocheremushkinskaya (metro station “New Cheryomushki”)

  • Bayborodin Alexander Borisovich
  • Bozhenko Vladimir Valerievich
  • Kaplan Vladimir Izrailevich
  • Shvanova Svetlana Yurievna

"SM-Clinic" on Volgogradsky Prospekt (metro station "Textilshchiki")

  • Allaberganov Bogdan Kadamovich
  • Nikishin Alexander Sergeevich
  • Seredin Roman Viktorovich
  • Stoletova Tatyana Alekseevna
  • Thousands Vladimir Petrovich
  • Kharkova Olga Mikhailovna

"SM-Clinic" on the street. Yaroslavskaya (metro station "VDNH")

  • Alaev Oleg Sergeevich
  • Mamaeva Albina Erikovna
  • Matveev Mikhail Olegovich
  • Tyurbeev Badma Tsedenovich

“SM-Clinic” in Staropetrovsky Proezd (metro station “Voikovskaya”)

  • Zolotukhin Sergey Vladimirovich
  • Matyunina Ekaterina Viktorovna
  • Novichkova Ulyana Dmitrievna
  • Smirnova Natalia Andreevna

"SM-Clinic" on the street. Marshal Timoshenko (metro station "Krylatskoe")

  • Goryunova Tatyana Vladimirovna
  • Novichkova Ulyana Dmitrievna
  • Tyurbeev Badma Tsedenovich
  • Shegay Dmitry Olegovich

"SM-Clinic" in the lane. Raskova (metro station "Belorusskaya")

  • Kulmamedov Fuad Bayram ogly
  • Tyurbeev Badma Tsedenovich

"SM-Clinic" on Simferopol Boulevard (metro station "Sevastopolskaya")

  • Alaev Oleg Sergeevich
  • Bykova Irina Nikolaevna
  • Voitashevskaya Natalya Vitalievna
  • Khinchagov Boris Vladimirovich
  • Shegay Dmitry Olegovich

"SM-Clinic" in 2nd Syromyatnichesky lane. (metro station "Kurskaya")

  • Volkov Artemy Viktorovich
  • Oranskaya Larisa Vsevolodovna

"SM-Clinic" in the 3rd passage of Maryina Roshcha (metro station "Maryina Roshcha")

  • Zibzeeva Anastasia Alexandrovna
  • Zolotukhin Sergey Vladimirovich
  • Kharkina Tatyana Yurievna

Children's department in the 3rd passage of Maryina Roshcha (metro station "Maryina Roshcha")

  • Zibzeeva Anastasia Alexandrovna
  • Zolotukhin Sergey Vladimirovich
  • Kharkina Tatyana Yurievna

Children's department on Volgogradsky Prospekt (Textilshchiki metro station)

  • Nikishin Alexander Sergeevich
  • Stoletova Tatyana Alekseevna
  • Kharkova Olga Mikhailovna

Children's department on the street. Yartsevskaya (metro station “Molodezhnaya”)

  • Goryunova Tatyana Vladimirovna
  • Ivankov Dmitry Stepanovich
  • Ignatiev Vladimir Yurievich
  • Kulikov Stanislav Leonidovich
  • Novichkova Ulyana Dmitrievna

Children's department on Simferopol Boulevard (metro station Sevastopolskaya)

  • Bykova Irina Nikolaevna
  • Voitashevskaya Natalya Vitalievna

Reproductive Health Center "SM-Clinic" (metro station "Belorusskaya")

  • Kulmamedov Fuad Bayram ogly
  • Tyurbeev Badma Tsedenovich

"SM-Clinic" in Solnechnogorsk, st. Red

  • Lomonosov Denis Andreevich
  • Samoilova Olga Olegovna
  • Chernykh Olga Gennadievna
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