Neurodosis: instructions for use and why it is needed, price, reviews, analogues

The product is registered as a dietary supplement, but contains components that are also used in official medicines. After a course of treatment, Neurodosis improves a man’s sexual and reproductive function, improves the quality of sensations and physiological health. The substances in the drug are absolutely safe and necessary for every man to prevent many diseases in this area. Neurodosis is recommended by doctors not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of stress, hormonal disorders, and androgenic problems.


active substances: see table
nutritional value per 1 capsule: proteins - 0.1 g; fats - 0 g; carbohydrates - 0 g; energy value - 0.4 kcal/1.7 kJ
ComponentContent in daily dosage (4 capsules of 267 mg), not less, mg% of adequate intake level
% of recommended intake level
Vitamin B60,420

Indications for use

Neurodosis is recommended to be used as a dietary supplement to the daily diet, as well as a preventive measure or a source of vitamins and minerals. The dietary supplement is intended only for men. It is prohibited for children and women to take it.

For adults

The main indications for taking this drug may include the following conditions:

  • premature ejaculation;
  • disturbances in emotional state;
  • frequent stress;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • depression;
  • low hormone levels.

You can take this remedy when the production of sex hormones decreases, as well as to improve the quality of orgasm.

For children

Neurodosis cannot be used for children.

For pregnant women and during lactation

It is not recommended to use capsules for women. Therefore, the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Effect on the body

Helps increase the duration of the penetration phase and the friction period of sexual intercourse (research data have shown that the duration of the friction period of sexual intercourse after taking the NeuroDoz complex in capsules increased by an average of 2.5 times).

Improves sexual function in general, as well as its components: mental, neurohumoral, erectile, ejaculatory, copulative.

Improves overall well-being: helps reduce anxiety and depression.

Increases the brightness of orgasmic sensations.

Pharmacological group

The principle of operation of this product is determined by its composition. Each component of Neurodose has a specific effect on a man’s body, but in combination the effect of the composition is enhanced, which ensures a high result after the completed course of administration.

  • Tyrosine (amino acid) - takes part in the formation of sex hormones and enzymes, eliminates nervous tension, improves overall well-being.
  • Phenylalanine – takes part in metabolic processes.
  • L-glutamine is a component that activates the activity of brain structures, increases concentration, and improves memory.
  • L-tryptophan (amino acid) – stimulates the production of serotonin.
  • Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) – synthesizes the “hormone of happiness”, has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and central nervous system.
  • Magnesium (a microelement) is an important component of enzymes and takes an active part in all processes occurring in the human body.

The presence of a number of useful substances in the drug allows not only to increase sexual activity, but also the psychological and physical state of the body. The instructions for Neurodose contain information that its use has the following effect on the male body:

  • Improves overall well-being.
  • Eliminates anxiety and increased nervousness.
  • Increases the duration of sexual intercourse.
  • Increases the intensity of orgasm.
  • Increases libido.
  • Eliminates the problem of premature ejaculation.
  • Increases immunity.

You can get the desired result from taking the drug 10 to 15 days after regular use.

Component Properties

The biologically active complex NeuroDoz is a balanced combination of substances that can suppress neurosensory factors in the development of premature ejaculation.

L-tyrosine. An amino acid in the form of an active form (L-isomer), which is part of many natural proteins and enzymes.

L-tyrosine is a precursor for the synthesis of a number of biologically active substances, incl. catecholamines (dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine) and thyroid hormones. L-tyrosine reduces depression, stress and improves mood. The need for L-tyrosine increases with increased psychological, emotional and physical stress.

DL-phenylalanine. An essential amino acid (i.e. an amino acid that cannot be produced in sufficient quantities by the human body; its supply from the outside is vital), participating in a number of the most important biochemical processes in the body.

Promotes the production of active chemicals in the brain - endorphins, which improve mood and feelings of pleasure (for example, epinephrine), and also increases the number of endorphin receptors in the brain.

Due to the above effects, the use of DL-phenylalanine can increase the colorfulness of orgasm.

L-tryptophan. An essential amino acid in the form of an active form (L-isomer), which is one of the most important amino acids for humans. In the human body, it is directly converted into serotonin, a compound that is of key importance for ensuring the duration of sexual intercourse.

In addition, regular intake of L-tryptophan causes mental relaxation and creates a feeling of emotional well-being, reduces anxiety, elevates mood, reduces feelings of tension and fear, improves sleep, in the experiment reduces cravings for food, especially carbohydrates, weakens the severity of withdrawal symptoms in nicotine addiction and alcoholism.

L-tryptophan is necessary for the synthesis of melatonin, which is involved in the regulation of human biorhythms.

L-glutamine. L-glutamine is the most abundant (conditionally essential) amino acid in the human body.

Necessary for the formation of a number of important vitamins, effective muscle growth, ensuring nervous activity and maintaining the immune system. Promotes the synthesis of serotonin necessary to ensure normal duration of sexual intercourse.

Taking L-glutamine activates mental activity and self-control, helps to concentrate, improves memory and mood; is an anti-stress factor.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride). Vitamin B6 is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin, which is why it is important for ensuring sufficient duration of sexual intercourse.

Vitamin B6, being a catalyst for amino acid metabolism and the synthesis of most neurotransmitters in the nervous system, improves metabolism in brain tissue; participates in the supply of glucose to cells. Thus, vitamin B6 increases brain performance, the ability to control the duration of sexual intercourse, improves memory and mood. Vitamin B6 is necessary for the regulation of L-tyrosine metabolism.

Magnesium. The most important microelement for the human body, which is a structural component of about 300 enzymes, incl. an important component for the biosynthesis of proteins, and also serves to ensure the processes of excitability and contractility in the nerve elements of muscle tissue.

Being a regulator of the passage of excess nerve impulses from the brain to peripheral nerves and muscles, magnesium prevents excessive spasms (involuntary muscle contractions), incl. and in the reproductive system. By inhibiting excitation processes in the central nervous system, magnesium causes a decrease in the body's response to external stimuli and is an important anti-stress component.

It has been proven that a lack of magnesium in the food eaten is an important factor in the development of premature ejaculation.

It should be borne in mind that the need for magnesium increases under the influence of increased psychological, emotional and physical stress.

Magnesium has a synergistic effect with vitamin B6, i.e. These substances, when taken simultaneously, exhibit more pronounced effectiveness and in lower doses than when used separately.

NeuroDoz (capsules)

Premature ejaculation (PE)

is the most common sexual problem: on average, it affects about 30% of sexually active men worldwide.

PE is manifested by the inability to control ejaculation to an extent that would be sufficient for both partners to receive satisfaction from sexual intercourse.

Impaired action of serotonin in the brain is the leading (so-called neurosensory) cause of primary and true secondary premature ejaculation. It is known that a large amount of serotonin in the brain allows you to lengthen the duration of sexual intercourse, while a low amount of serotonin creates conditions for premature ejaculation.

The biologically active complex NeuroDoz is a balanced combination of substances that can suppress neurosensory factors in the development of premature ejaculation.

In addition, the use of NeuroDose improves overall sexual function, improves overall well-being (helps reduce anxiety and depression) and increases the intensity of orgasmic sensations*.

Characteristics of individual components of NeuroDose


An amino acid in the form of an active form (L-isomer), which is part of many natural proteins and enzymes.

L-tyrosine is a precursor for the synthesis of a number of important biologically active substances, including catecholamines (dopamine, adrenaline, norepinephrine) and thyroid hormones. L-tyrosine activates the satisfaction centers, reduces depression, stress and improves mood. The need for L-tyrosine especially increases with increased psychological, emotional and physical stress.


An essential amino acid (i.e. an amino acid that cannot be produced in sufficient quantities by the human body; its supply from the outside is vital), participating in a number of the most important biochemical processes in the body.

Helps the brain produce active chemicals called endorphins that improve mood and feelings of pleasure (for example, epinephrine), and also increases the number of endorphin receptors in the brain.

Due to the above effects, the use of DL-phenylalanine can increase the colorfulness of orgasm.


An essential amino acid in the form of an active form (L-isomer), which is one of the most important amino acids for humans.

In the human body, it is directly converted into serotonin, a compound that is of key importance for ensuring the duration of sexual intercourse.

In addition, regular intake of L-Tryptophan causes mental relaxation and creates a feeling of emotional well-being, reduces anxiety, elevates mood, reduces feelings of tension and fear, improves sleep, in the experiment reduces cravings for food, especially carbohydrates, weakens the severity of withdrawal symptoms in nicotine addiction and alcoholism.

L-Tryptophan is necessary for the synthesis of melatonin, which is involved in the regulation of human biorhythms.


L-glutamine is the most abundant (conditionally essential) amino acid in the human body.

Necessary for the formation of a number of important vitamins, effective muscle growth, ensuring nervous activity and maintaining the immune system. Promotes the synthesis of serotonin necessary to ensure normal duration of sexual intercourse.

Taking L-glutamine activates mental activity and self-control, helps to concentrate, improves memory and mood, and is an anti-stress factor.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride)

This vitamin is sometimes called the “king of amino acid metabolism.” Vitamin B6 is necessary for the synthesis of serotonin, which is why it is important for ensuring sufficient duration of sexual intercourse.

Vitamin B6, being a catalyst for amino acid metabolism and the synthesis of most neurotransmitters in the nervous system, improves metabolism in brain tissue; participates in the uniform supply of glucose to cells. Thus, vitamin B6 increases brain performance, the ability to control the duration of sexual intercourse, improves memory and mood. Vitamin B6 is necessary for the regulation of L-tyrosine metabolism.


The most important microelement for the human body, which is a structural component of about 300 enzymes, including an important component for the biosynthesis of proteins, and also serves to ensure the processes of excitability and contractility in the nerve elements of muscle tissue.

Being a regulator of the passage of excess nerve impulses from the brain to peripheral nerves and muscles, magnesium prevents excessive spasms (involuntary muscle contractions), including in the reproductive system. By inhibiting excitation processes in the central system, magnesium causes a decrease in the body's response to external stimuli and is an important anti-stress component.

It has been proven that a lack of magnesium in the food eaten is an important factor in the development of premature ejaculation.

It should be taken into account that the need for magnesium especially increases under the influence of increased psychological, emotional and physical stress.

Magnesium has a synergistic effect with vitamin B6, i.e. These substances, when taken simultaneously, exhibit more pronounced effectiveness and in lower doses than when used separately.

*Based on the results of a multicenter open study of the effectiveness and safety of the multicomponent complex “NeuroDoz capsules” in patients with accelerated ejaculation*, 2013.


– Helps increase the duration of the penetration phase and the friction period of sexual intercourse (research data have shown that the duration of the friction period of sexual intercourse after taking the NeuroDoz capsules complex increased, on average, 2.5 times).* – Improves sexual function in general, and also its components: mental, neurohumoral, erectile, ejaculatory, copulative.* – Improves overall well-being: helps reduce the level of anxiety and depression.* – Increases the brightness of orgasmic sensations.* The
complex can be used as a dietary supplement to food, promoting: – increase duration of sexual intercourse; – increasing the brightness of orgasm (if orgasm is erased).

*The study took place at the following research centers: – Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow; – Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Moscow; – Northwestern State Medical University named after. I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg; – Novosibirsk State Medical University, Novosibirsk; – Kazan State Medical University, Kazan; – Ural State Medical Academy, Yekaterinburg; – Krasnodar State Medical University, Krasnodar; – Omsk State Medical Academy, Omsk; – Municipal medical and preventive healthcare institution Clinical and Diagnostic, Rostov-on-Don.

special instructions

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, when taking the drug you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Strictly follow the prescribed dose.
  2. Take the product only as indicated.
  3. Do not stop taking capsules at the first improvement.
  4. Consult your doctor before using dietary supplements.

Following simple rules will help increase the effect of taking the drug, reduce the risk of side effects and symptoms of overdose.

Applications and dosages

The instructions for use of dietary supplements contain standard and permissible doses that must be adhered to when there are no doctor’s prescriptions.

For adults

Neurodosis is recommended to be taken in courses. For therapeutic and preventive purposes, it is recommended to take 3–4 capsules per day. Capsules are taken after meals with a sufficient amount of water. The duration of the therapeutic course is 30 days. You can repeat taking the product after 3 months.

For children

The instructions do not contain information about taking the drug for children, since it is contraindicated.

For pregnant women and during lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, capsules are not taken. They are also contraindicated for women.


If there is a need to replace the drug, you can pay attention to products with an identical composition or mechanism of action. The following analogues of Neurodez are considered to be similar in composition:

  • Dapoxetine is a synthetic drug that allows you to increase potency and eliminate the problem of premature ejaculation.
  • Verona is a combination drug for the treatment of impaired spermatogenesis and problems with early ejaculation.
  • Priligy is a dapoxetine drug that is often used to treat problems with the quality of sexual life.

Before taking any analogue, you should consult your doctor. Uncontrolled use can be harmful to health.

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