Semax (nasal drops): instructions for use, price, reviews from doctors and patients, analogues

Modern life is characterized by high rhythm, as well as increased mental and physical stress. Lack of sleep, constant stress and other negative factors impair memory and reduce concentration. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of life in general. With age, the risks of developing negative deviations increase. The nootropic drug Semax will help stop age-related changes, increase performance and improve memory.


The nootropic drug is released in the form of nasal drops .

The therapeutic effect is achieved thanks to the active component - the synthetic polypeptide Semax .

The compound, called methionyl-glutamyl-histidyl-phenylalanyl-prolyl-glycyl-proline, lacks hormonal activity.

For better absorption of the polypeptide by tissues and cells of the body, the following is also used in the preparation of the drug:

  • parahydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester;
  • distilled water.

The solution is produced in different concentrations of the active substance: 1% and 0.1%.

The medicine is packaged in 3 ml bottles. The container is equipped with a pipette stopper or a dropper stopper. The drops appear transparent, colorless, and have no specific odor.


The active substance in combination with methyl ester, a derivative of parahydroxybenzoic acid, has the following effect on the body:

  • helps improve cognitive functions of the brain;
  • enhances concentration, which makes information analysis better;
  • has a positive effect on the protective processes of the central nervous system in response to a lack of oxygen (or intoxication/recovery after administration of anesthesia);
  • improves memory;
  • stimulates the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which increases a person’s ability to learn.

The nasal solution also has a neuroprotective effect.

This stops the death of neurons, the inflammatory process, and the development of oxidative stress.

The activity of the synthetic polypeptide normalizes the balance of cytokines and brings into operation a cascade of anti-inflammatory factors.

Children's problems

Adaptation Adaptation

The process of adaptation to changing environmental conditions. It is of great importance for the body, allowing it to endure significant and sudden changes in the environment and actively rebuild its physiological functions. children's ability to study and difficulties with concentrating are becoming an increasingly pressing problem these days for parents and teachers, as well as for schoolchildren themselves.

Attention deficit disorder in children is usually combined with hyperactivity Hyperactivity

A condition in which a person’s activity and excitability exceeds the norm. It is more common in children and adolescents, as it is caused by emotions, which is why experts call it ADHD for short. This condition is characterized by two main criteria:

  • Constant inattention
  • Hyperactivity and impulsive behavior

In their intellectual development, children with ADHD are in no way inferior to their peers, however, for example, studying at school and being in a group requires the ability to concentrate. Symptoms of ADHD in children appear in early preschool age.


Nasal drops that have a nootropic effect can be purchased at a pharmacy or through an online store.

One of the main conditions for the sale of the drug is the presence of a prescription , which is written out in Latin.

The cost of a 0.1% solution (3 ml bottle) is determined by the range of 360-380 rubles .

Semax 1% in a bottle of the same volume will cost more - 1700-1790 rubles .

To select the appropriate concentration of the drug and treatment regimen, you must consult your doctor.

Indications for use

Depending on the pathology and etiology of the disease, the doctor selects the appropriate concentration of the medicinal solution.

The one percent drug is used only for ischemic stroke occurring in the acute phase.

Nasal drops 0.1% are prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • after TBI during the rehabilitation period or in the subacute phase;
  • neurogenic infections, toxic brain damage;
  • cognitive disorders resulting from damage to the blood vessels of the brain or provoked by an organic pathological process;
  • after anesthesia;
  • neurotic disorders, neuritis;
  • optic nerve atrophy;
  • transient ischemic attacks;
  • minimal mental and mental dysfunction (in children over 5 years old);
  • encephalopathy (dyscirculatory type);
  • rehabilitation period after strokes (ischemic and hemorrhagic).

The drug is also used to increase the cognitive abilities of a person who finds himself in an extreme situation.

The drug is used to prevent and relieve stress due to mental and emotional fatigue.

ADHD and difficulties at school

Manifestations of attention deficit and hyperactivity in children become a source of serious difficulties, such as poor social adaptation and problems with discipline or poor performance at school. Since the school years have a significant influence on the formation of a child’s personality, difficulties during this period can become a source of complexes and deep internal conflicts that last a lifetime.

Studying at school is always associated with an increase in load on the central nervous system. Already in the elementary grades, this can lead to such behavioral changes as disobedience, stubbornness, negativism, and even a slowdown in psycho-speech development and neurotic disorders. Neurotic disorder

A group of functional mental reversible disorders that tend to have a protracted course. Main manifestations: excessive anxiety, hysterical symptoms, phobias, depression..

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children may begin to appear during the period of adaptation to school, that is, at the beginning of first or preparatory grade, after moving to a new school, after the holidays, and so on.

Instructions for use

Nootropic nasal drops are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

The specialist takes as a basis the treatment regimen proposed in the annotation, or develops an individual regimen for taking Semax.

The drug must be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor in order to eliminate side effects and complications of concomitant pathology.

Self-medication is prohibited, even in the absence of contraindications.

The method of administration of the pharmacological agent is intranasal.

For convenient administration of drops, a bottle pipette is used.

  1. Before using the drug for the first time, you need to cut off the tip of the pipette so that the cap closes tightly.
  2. After preparing the hole, the bottle is turned upside down so that the liquid fills the cavity of the pipette (if the solution does not penetrate well into the hole, you need to lightly tap the bottom with your finger).
  3. The medicine enters the nasal opening after pressing the wide part of the dropper with your fingertips. There is no need to insert the pipette deeply into the nasal passage; it is enough to touch the mucous membrane with the head slightly raised.

Recommended doses (for drops of concentration 0.1%)

A single dosage of the medicine is 50 mcg of active substance, which corresponds to 2-3 drops.

In some cases, it increases to 300 mcg (about 6 drops). This dose should be divided into 2-3 injections with an interval of 10-15 minutes.

The amount of medication is calculated taking into account the patient’s body weight:

  • single dose - 3 to 30 mcg are prescribed per 1 kg, which corresponds to 200-2000 mcg of the active substance;
  • daily norm - per 1 kg is prescribed from 7 to 70 mcg, which corresponds to 500-5000 mcg.

The course duration recommended by the manufacturer is 3-5 days. But the attending physician may recommend longer treatment (up to 14 days).

Common treatment regimen for an adult patient:

  • a single dose of solution is 2-3 drops;
  • number of repetitions per day – 2-3 times (corresponds to 600-900 mcg/day);
  • Course duration – 10 days.

For children, the following scheme is recommended:

  • single dose – 1-2 drops;
  • number of repetitions per day – 2 times (corresponds to 200-400 mcg/day);
  • Course duration – 1 month.

Recommended doses (for 1% concentration drops)

For a patient diagnosed with the acute phase of a stroke, the following treatment regimen is recommended:

  • inject the solution into each nasal passage, 2-3 drops (approximately 2000-3000 mcg);
  • the interval between procedures is 3-4 hours (in total no more than 4 times per day);
  • daily norm – 6000-12000 mcg;
  • Course duration – no more than 10 days.

For seriously ill patients, doses can be increased to a single administration of 3-4 drops, repeated up to 5 times a day.

Restrictions on use

Before using Semax nasal drops, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions, especially with regard to the contraindications section.

The use of the product is prohibited in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • allergy to one or more components of the composition;
  • psychosis of any origin, occurring in an acute form;
  • anxiety syndrome;
  • history of seizure activity.

Other restrictions include:

  • age up to 5 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Side effects

When conducting studies to study the effect of the active substance of the drug on the human body, practically no negative reactions were identified.

In rare cases, sleep disturbances and excessive excitability may occur.

Immediately after administering the solution, irritation of the nasal mucosa is sometimes felt, especially if long-term treatment is prescribed.

The most dangerous side effects are:

  • hives;
  • rhinitis;
  • facial skin hyperemia;
  • Quincke's edema.

They appear due to individual intolerance to the drug. If alarming symptoms are detected, you should immediately seek medical help from specialists.

Contraindications and negative reactions of the body

The main contraindications for Semax drops are hypersensitivity to the active component. The medicine is not prescribed to children under 7 years of age. Its use is contraindicated when carrying a child and during breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that studies have not been conducted to prove safety for the fetus and newborn child.

It is necessary to stop using the drug if you confirm:

  • Acute psychotic disorders, which are characterized by difficulties assessing reality.
  • Conditions of internal anxiety that cause dizziness, panic, muscle tension, shortness of breath.
  • History of seizures, characterized by involuntary contraction of muscle groups.

There were no side effects when taking the medication. Sometimes minor irritation of the mucous membrane may occur. Signs of overdose were not affected even with repeated dosage increases.

You can find both positive and negative reviews about the drug. Many patients emphasize that after the course of treatment, memory and concentration have significantly improved. Many also note a positive effect associated with slowing the progression of dementia.

All negative reviews, as a rule, contain information that there is no positive result. Negative side reactions of the body are also often observed, due to which it was necessary to abandon the medicine.

Patient reviews

Angela, 28 years old:

Preparing for school with my son progressed slowly, the boy barely remembered new letters and words. After classes the next morning, I could not remember the material that seemed to be well learned the day before. I made an appointment with a neurologist, and there I learned about mild mental retardation. The doctor convinced that this defect was easy to correct, Semax attributed.

I gave the medicine to my son for a month, but the effect became noticeable after the first week of treatment. The baby gained perseverance, became indignant less often, and his vocabulary increased.

What I liked most was that the drops are administered into the nose; with tablets things are worse.

Victoria, 34 years old:

After losing in a sports competition, she was exhausted not only physically, but also emotionally. The neurologist prescribed Semax. The domestically produced medicine is affordable, injected into the nasal passage, and acts directly on the brain. The main advantage of the drug is its safety for the gastrointestinal tract. The course of treatment lasted only 10 days, but upon completion, my mood significantly improved and I felt a surge of strength.


Semax drops, the instructions confirm this, have a neurometabolic effect on the central nervous system when used in small doses. When used, it is possible to improve attentiveness and stimulate memory development. This allows you to quickly assimilate new information, which means increasing learning rates. In addition, it reduces the body’s negative reactions during oxygen starvation or cerebral ischemia.

The neuroprotective effect of the drug allows you to stop and limit areas of brain damage. As a result, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of restorative therapy for various pathological processes.

With increasing doses of Semax nasal drops, they additionally have antioxidant, angioprotective and antihypotoxic effects. This minimizes the development of problems due to oxygen starvation caused by decreased blood flow to the brain.

The active substance is absorbed from the nasal mucosa at rates of 60-70%. It spreads quickly throughout the body. Therefore, a positive result is obtained even after a single dose in the shortest possible time.

Due to the simple chemical structure of the drug, incompatible combinations with other drugs are excluded. The active substance does not enter the bloodstream through the gastrointestinal tract.

Reviews from neurologists

Alekseeva Anna Mikhailovna, experience - 12 years:

I often prescribe Semax at a concentration of 1% for the treatment of the acute phase of stroke. When the drug is prescribed, patients recover noticeably faster, while a slight neurological deficit is observed. The drug is included in complex treatment aimed at neuroprotection of the brain, localization and reduction of the focal zone.

Egorov Valentin Petrovich, experience - 25 years

Analyzing the results of treatment of patients who were prescribed the nootropic drug Semax, we can conclude that in most cases the desired effect was achieved. The medicinal solution activates the protective functions of the brain, helps to increase concentration, and improves the psycho-emotional state to a feeling of euphoria.

This is ideal for eliminating symptoms characteristic of depression or asthenia. I definitely recommend the drug, but only according to the testimony of specialists.


The influence of Semax use and the time of initiation of rehabilitation on the level of BDNF

At study entry, plasma BDNF levels were low and did not differ between the early and late rehabilitation groups (see Tables 1 and 3).

Table 3. Dynamics of BDNF levels in the examined patients (M±m) Note. * - differences are significant compared to the initial indicators at t≥2.0 and p≤0.05; ** - tendency towards significant differences compared to the initial indicators at t=2.03; and p=0.052; *** — differences are significant between subgroups 1a and 1b at t=2.62 and p=0.011; # - differences are significant between subgroups 1a and 1b at t=3.44 and p=0.001; ## — differences are significant between subgroups 2a and 2b at t=4.86 and p=0.000; ### — differences are significant between subgroups 2a and 2b at t=4.12 and p=0.000; † — differences are significant between subgroups 1b and 2b at t=2.40 and p=0.021. 1 month after the start of rehabilitation, the level of BDNF in all subgroups, with the exception of subgroup 2b, significantly increased compared to the initial values ​​and reached an average level (Table 3). After 5 months, the level of BDNF in subgroups 1a, 1b and 2a decreased compared to the end of the 1st month, but remained significantly higher than the initial values. In subgroup 2b, at the end of the 1st month, there was a tendency towards a significant increase in the level of BDNF (see Table 3), which disappeared by the end of the observation, and the level of BDNF in this group remained low throughout the study.

Treatment with Semax influenced the level and dynamics of BDNF; the differences between groups 1 and 2 were significant throughout the study. In addition, the administration of Semax eliminated the effect of the time of initiation of rehabilitation on the level and dynamics of BDNF. Thus, in subgroups 1a and 2a, the dynamics and magnitude of the increase (Δ) of BDNF did not differ from each other, but were significantly different from subgroups 1b and 2b. After 1 month from the start of observation in subgroups 1a and 2a, the increase in BDNF reached 191.3 and 187.7% relative to the initial level, while in subgroups 1b and 2b it was 112.8 and 56.9%, respectively, which caused significant differences between subgroups. After 5 months, the differences remained: with early rehabilitation in subgroup 1a, the increase in BDNF was 150.1% relative to the initial level, in subgroup 1b - 45.3%, and with late rehabilitation - 154.3 and 35.4%, respectively ( see table 3). In addition, in subgroup 1a, its level from the end of the 1st month to the end of the study decreased by 20.8% (3.1 ± 1.7 pg/ml), while in subgroup 1b the decrease was 57.7% ( 5.6±1.3 pg/ml; t

In subgroup 2a, the level of BDNF from the 1st to the 5th month decreased by 22.4% (2.8±2.5 pg/ml), in subgroup 2b it decreased by 50.0% (1.4±1.5 pg/ml; t

In patients who did not receive Semax, the magnitude of the increase in BDNF levels depended on the time of initiation of rehabilitation. Thus, in subgroup 1b after 1 month there was a significantly greater absolute and relative increase in BDNF than in subgroup 2b - 112.8 and 56.9%, respectively. By the end of the observation period, the differences between these subgroups remained: 41.9 and 28.7% (a tendency towards significant differences at t

=0.087) (see Table 3).

Thus, the use of Semax neutralized the effect of the start time of rehabilitation on BDNF indicators. The drug contributed to a more rapid increase in BDNF levels in the 1st month of rehabilitation and maintained a high and uniform concentration throughout the entire observation period. In subgroups 1b and 2b, the dynamics and increase in BDNF depended on the time of initiation of rehabilitation, and early rehabilitation led to a larger and more rapid increase in BDNF levels.

The influence of the use of Semax and the timing of the start of rehabilitation on the severity of motor disorders

When included in the study, 43 (71.7%) patients of the 1st group and 37 (74.0%) patients of the 2nd group had motor disorders in the form of hemiparesis, while their initial severity did not differ between groups (see. Table 1). When analyzing the influence of the start time of rehabilitation on the dynamics of motor disorders, it was found that in subgroups 1a and 1b, after 1 month there was a statistically significant increase in strength in the lower and upper extremities (Table 4),

Table 4. Dynamics of muscle strength recovery in the examined patients (M±m) Note.
* - differences are significant compared to the initial value at t≥2.01 and p≤0.05; ** — differences are significant between subgroups 1a and 2a at t=2.51 and p=0.015; *** — differences are significant between subgroups 1b and 2b at t=2.41 and p=0.02; # - tendency towards significant differences between subgroups 1a and 2a at t=1.75 and p=0.081; ## — differences are significant between subgroups 1a and 2a and 1b and 2b at t≥2.99 and p≤0.005. which persisted throughout the study. In subgroups 2a and 2b, a significant increase in strength in the limbs was observed only at the end of the observation. In subgroups 1a and 1b, the increase in hand strength by the end of the 1st month was significantly ahead of similar indicators in subgroups 2a and 2b. Thus, 1 month after the start of rehabilitation in subgroups 1a and 1b, muscle strength in the upper limb was restored by 89.4 and 97.8%, respectively, in relation to the final assessment, while in subgroups 2a and 2b the recovery was at a similar time point in relation to the final assessment was only 54.2 and 47.3%. Final recovery in the arm was also better with early rehabilitation (tendency toward significant differences at t
< 1.92 and
< 0.072).
In the lower limb, early rehabilitation did not affect the dynamics of strength gain in the 1st month, but led to better final recovery (see
Table 4).
A comparison of the intensity of recovery of movements in the arm and leg showed that in the 1st month, regardless of the time of the start of rehabilitation, movements in the leg were restored significantly slower compared to the arm ( p
= 0.027). When analyzing the effect of Semax on the degree and dynamics of reduction in the severity of paresis, no significant differences were noted between groups 1 and 2 throughout the study.

The results of studying the effect of the use of Semax and the level of BDNF on the dynamics of paresis, taking into account the time of the start of rehabilitation, turned out to be interesting. The assessment was carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the results of observation of subgroups 1a (early rehabilitation, taking Semax) and 2a (late rehabilitation, taking Semax) were analyzed. This choice was due to the fact that the initial and subsequent levels and dynamics of BDNF throughout the study between these subgroups were completely comparable, in contrast to the levels and dynamics of BDNF between subgroups 1b and 2b (see Table 3). Despite the same level of BDNF and the administration of Semax in both subgroups, in subgroup 1a (early rehabilitation) faster rates and better final recovery were noted (see Table 4). At the second stage, a comparison was made of subgroup 1b with subgroup 2a. At baseline, BDNF levels did not differ between these subgroups (see Tables 1 and 3). By the end of the 1st month and by the end of the study, the level of BDNF and its increase were significantly greater in subgroup 2a ( t

At the same time, the rate of decrease in paresis in the arm by the end of the 1st month was significantly higher in subgroup 1b ( t
= 2.67;
= 0.01). The data obtained can be interpreted as evidence of a more pronounced effect of even lower concentrations of BDNF on recovery, in particular on the reduction of paresis in the early period after I.I. This feature is most likely associated with the dynamics of plasticity processes after focal brain damage and with the presence of an optimal time period in the early period for the action of trophic factors, including BDNF [3, 11].

Thus, the early start of rehabilitation contributed to a faster and more complete reduction of paresis in the arm and leg, which is most likely due to the optimal state of plasticity processes in the brain during this period of time for the restoration of muscle strength and simple movements.

The influence of Semax use and the time of initiation of rehabilitation on the ability to self-care

At baseline, the Barthel score did not differ between groups (see Table 1). 1 month after the start of rehabilitation, the increase in the sum of points in subgroups 1a, 1b and 2a was statistically significant (Table 5).

Table 5. Dynamics of the sum of points on the Barthel scale in the examined patients Note. * - differences are significant in groups between indicators at inclusion, after 1 and 5 months at t>2.61; p<0.026; ** — differences are significant between subgroups 1a and 1b at t=2.84 and p=0.006; *** — differences are significant between subgroups 2a and 2b at t=4.48 and p=0.000; # - differences are significant between subgroups 2a and 2b at t=2.07 and p=0.044; ## — differences are significant between subgroups 1a and 2b at t=2.08 and p=0.042; † — differences are significant between subgroups 1b and 2b at t=2.36 and p=0.022; †† — differences are significant between subgroups 1b and 2b at t=2.39 and p=0.021. By the end of the 5th month, a further increase in the sum of points was observed and the increase became statistically significant in all subgroups.

The administration of Semax influenced the increase in values ​​on the Barthel scale, significantly accelerating it in the 1st month of rehabilitation. Thus, in subgroups 1a and 2a by the end of the 1st month of rehabilitation, the increase in the sum of points was 78.5 and 62.4% of the total increase, while in subgroups 1b and 2b the increase was only 43.8 and 21.9% . In addition, the administration of Semax increased the total score on the Barthel scale during late rehabilitation (see Table 5).

When analyzing the effect of Semax on the dynamics of individual sections of the Barthel scale, it was noted that in subgroup 1a, statistically significant dynamics by the end of the 1st month was due to an increase in scores on the movement criteria (the number of points on the “climbing stairs” test increased by 46%, “transplanting " - by 40%, "walking" - by 80%) and self-care ("eating" + 54%, "bathing" + 60%, "using the toilet" + 46%). In subgroup 2a, similar dynamics were observed: the maximum increase in indicators was recorded in the following sections: “climbing stairs” (+32%), “transplanting” (+40%), “walking” (+77%), “eating” (+49 %) and “using the toilet” (+38%).

Another important factor that, along with the use of Semax, influenced the dynamics of indicators on the Barthel scale was the time of the start of rehabilitation measures. Early rehabilitation (subgroups 1a and 1b) was accompanied by a faster increase in the sum of points by the end of the 1st month compared to subgroups 2a and 2b, as well as a larger final increase in subgroup 1b compared to subgroup 2b (see Table 5).

The total Barthel score correlated with BDNF levels at the end of the 1st month and at the end of the study ( r

=0.31 and
=0.24, respectively;
This correlation was more pronounced with early rehabilitation compared to late ( r
=0.37 and
=0.21, respectively;
<0.011), as well as at the end of the 1st month compared to the end of the study (
=0.36 and
r =
0.19, respectively;
< 0.047).

Thus, the administration of Semax both during early and late rehabilitation significantly accelerated the increase in Barthel scale scores by the end of the 1st month, and also contributed to the achievement of better final recovery during late rehabilitation. There was a correlation between BDNF levels and Barthel recovery, more significant with early rehabilitation, indicating that there is an optimal time window for BDNF to act.


If necessary, the doctor selects a substitute for Semax, which has identical pharmacological properties.

Among the popular analogues:

  • Aminalon (tablets, 50 pcs.) – 143 rubles;

  • Vinpocetine (tablets, 30 pcs.) – 87 rubles;

  • Gamalate B6 (tablets, 20 pcs.) – 350 rubles;

  • Calcium hopantenate (tablets, 50 pcs.) – 228 rubles;
  • Picamilon (tablets, 30 pcs.) – 83 rub.

It is strictly prohibited to independently change the drug recommended by the doctor or make adjustments to the treatment regimen.

An incorrectly selected remedy will, at a minimum, not give the expected therapeutic effect, and, at a maximum, will provoke serious complications.

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