Vitamir Ladycharm hair vitamins tablets 30 pcs

Vitamir Ladycharm hair vitamins tablets 30 pcs

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is necessary for the growth of hair, skin, and nails. It regulates metabolic processes in the body, which allows the hair to fully receive proteins, fats and carbohydrates. A deficiency of this vitamin causes an oily scalp, and the ends of the hair become dry and brittle, the hair becomes dull, begins to split, and the skin flakes. Taking it helps eliminate dandruff, reduce hair loss and disorders of hair growth and nutrition, which leads to fragility and dullness. Replenishing vitamin B2 deficiency helps prevent early graying of hair and acne. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the reproductive and immune systems.

Vitamin PP or B3 (nicotinamide, niacin) improves blood circulation in the skin and subcutaneous tissues and enhances the supply of nutrients to the hair root, thus promoting hair growth. By attaching to proteins, nicotinamide activates them, together with them creating many enzymes that convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy. In addition to its “energy” role, niacin is involved in the process of cellular respiration.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) improves the regeneration and nutrition of the skin, including the scalp. One of the factors behind graying and hair loss is a lack of pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid deficiency leads to inflammation of the scalp and impaired hair growth. Pantothenic acid, as a component of coenzyme A, plays a key role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and is therefore important for the maintenance and repair of all tissue cells. Vitamin B5 is capable of improving nutrition and hair growth, coloring and structure of the growing part of the hair.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) plays an important role in metabolism: it helps normalize fat metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, improves digestion, and improves liver function. Helps with hair loss, oily skin, and long-term non-healing wounds.

Biotin (vitamin B7) prolongs the hair growth phase. It acts as a deliverer of sulfur, which is part of its structure, to the skin, hair, nails, and sebaceous glands, which have a special need for this substance (sulfur, for example, is part of keratin and collagen). Biotin is essential for healthy hair growth - it is involved in cell division and keratin production. The substance plays an important role in nourishing hair follicles, helps restore deep layers of hair, prevents hair dryness, increases its elasticity, thereby preventing the appearance of split ends. If there is insufficiency of biotin, redness, peeling of the skin appears, as well as increased oiliness of the skin, hair loss, dandruff, and nail damage are observed.

Para-aminobenzoic acid (vitamin B10, PABA) is the so-called “vitamin in a vitamin”, because PABA is constantly found in combination with folic acid (part of its molecule), promotes the synthesis of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). PABA affects pigmentation and hair growth, helps restore gray hair if gray hair is caused by stress.

Zinc (Zn) improves hair condition, controls the secretion of male sex hormones, an excess of which provokes hair loss, and participates in carbohydrate metabolism with the help of the zinc-containing hormone - insulin. Vitamin A works only in the presence of zinc. This element is also necessary for bone formation. In addition, it exhibits antiviral and antitoxic effects.

Manganese (Mn) is part of many enzymes and plays an important role in the processes of growth, hematopoiesis, and bone tissue formation.

Selenium (Se) is necessary for the regulation of antioxidant processes in all organs and tissues, primarily in the central nervous system. Selenium also plays a critical role in the functioning of the immune system.

Cystine - hair is built from the keratinized protein substance keratin, its main component is cystine, which makes up 10-15% of the keratin substance. It is this that, due to the bonds, tightly strengthens the keratin molecules among themselves, making the hair strong and strong. Improves skin condition by activating regenerative processes in hair and nail plates, strengthens the body as a whole, increasing resistance to infections and stressful situations.

Inulin is a nutrient medium (prebiotic) for bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which are representatives of the normal intestinal microflora; it promotes the growth of beneficial microflora.

The optimally selected complex of substances in “LadyCharm® hair vitamins” provides:

Biotin mutually enhances the effect of vitamins B2, PP, B6. Vitamin B2 increases the efficiency of using pantothenic acid in metabolism. Improving the supply of one vitamin can facilitate the efficient conversion of another into its active form. Thus, it is impossible to eliminate disorders caused by vitamin B6 deficiency if there is a deficiency of vitamin B2, since vitamin B2-dependent enzymes take part in the transformation of vitamin B6.

VITASHARM (tablets)

divided contraindications, including children's age:
Does a 12-year-old person fit the definition of “childhood”? Legally, yes. Physiologically... no matter how mature and tall a girl may seem, no matter what bra number she wears, I think 12 years is childhood. Even if we remember the instructions for some medications, the restriction “up to 12 years” is not so rare. I decided that my child would still be “like a child,” and Katya was left without Vitasharm; I took the course of vitaminization.

I also have enough problems: my hair is falling out, my nails are just in a terrible state (they peel, break, they become thin). Even when I stopped cutting the cuticle, nothing changed:

It's creepy, isn't it? No oils, smart enamels, etc. They are no longer helping me, apparently the problem is much deeper.

However, let's get to the vitamins. I want to understand the composition and see what my body so urgently lacks:

We all know about the benefits of this or that vitamin, but either there are not enough of them in the products, or something else... Let's check our knowledge again, what exactly these vitamins and microelements affect and whether the indicated dose is sufficient. Honey. reference to help me:

1. Vitamin A: this is vision, good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (i.e., and skin condition). The daily norm for a woman is 700 mcg, in Vitasharma it is 570 mcg, i.e. more than half the daily norm.

2. Vitamin B1: regulates metabolic processes, normalizes brain activity, as well as the activity of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. The daily need for it is approximately 1.5 mg. In Vitasharma there is already 5 mg of it. Loading dose?

3. Vitamin B2: - if we consider it strictly in terms of its influence on a woman’s appearance, then consider it the first fighter against wrinkles and dry skin. As for the consumption rate, its value coincides with B1. Also a loading dose.

4. Vitamin B6: normalizes the absorption of certain microelements, “works” with glucose in the blood and... prevents swelling. Doctors prescribe it for skin diseases. The dose of vitamin B6 indicated in Vitasharma exceeds the daily requirement by 2.5 times.

5. Nicotinamide (aka B3) - regarding appearance, it is also aimed at maintaining the skin in normal condition. The dose is acceptable, but it is the maximum!

6. Calcium pantothenate (aka B5) - again, metabolic processes and skin condition. Everything is fine with the dosage, more than half the daily requirement.

Based on this small study, I conclude: it is strictly forbidden for children (I was considering the dosage for an adult woman), unless prescribed by a doctor. The main effect of vitamins is aimed at improving the functioning of the digestive system, and, in theory, should affect the improvement of the condition of nails and hair. In addition, such a complex can really improve the condition of the skin.

Vitamins are freely available:

Ahh, now it’s clear why the dosages are so powerful, look at the indications for use:

Somewhere above in the instructions it is written (in the photo) that Vitasharm cannot be used with other multivitamins. Of course you can’t, there’s already enough of everything here!

Now vitamins are produced in different forms, these are in tablets:

Not in jars, but in blisters:

The tablets are small and smooth and easy to take:

The taste is reminiscent of Revit. According to the instructions, taking vitamins is 30 days, exactly 30 tablets - 1 per day. She did everything honestly, without forgetting or omitting anything.

I didn’t have any allergic reactions, but I stopped taking pills in the morning - my work revolves around speaking, and this type of oral cavity is unlikely to put students in a serious manner:

The yellow coating on the tongue lasts about half an hour after the tablet is absorbed.

A month has passed.

The condition of the skin - it’s hard for me to judge, it was not problematic. But the nails make me happy: compared to what it was, this is the ultimate dream:

The nail plate has become thicker, the surface has acquired some shine. They began to grow much faster. Let's compare again - before and after:

As for hair, everything is worse, at least that's what it seems to me. Judge for yourself: if the nails have really “come to their senses”, then the hair... however, the photo will show everything better:

As they fell, so they fall. Vitasharm did not save them.

I can safely recommend these vitamins to people who have the same problems as me. Especially for smokers - our metabolic processes resemble stagnation. The nails definitely respond to this vitaminization “with a bang.”

And again about vitamins!

To drink or not to drink vitamin complexes? A question that many people ask. According to most experts, today people do not receive enough vitamins and minerals due to poor diet. And the use of vitamin complexes helps restore the body's performance. However, choosing a specific brand of vitamins is not an easy task, at least for the end consumer.

The main task of modern vitamin complexes
is to replenish the daily norms of vitamins that we do not get from food. From here it is quite simple to derive the key criterion for evaluating certain specific names of vitamins: the completeness and balance of their composition, as well as the correspondence of the specific gravity of the components to the daily needs of the human body.

Currently, the following requirements are imposed on multivitamin complexes: they must contain the main vitamins of groups A, B and C

may additionally contain minerals - iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus
These elements are part of vital processes that occur in the body every day. Vitamins D, E, F
. It is worth noting that the presence of certain minerals accelerates the absorption of vitamins and vice versa. Thus, iron is better absorbed with vitamin C, and vitamin D is poorly absorbed without calcium.

Calcium-magnesium metabolism also plays a major role in the body’s functioning—disturbances in it can lead to various complications. All these subtleties, well known to the medical and pharmacological community, are always taken into account in quality vitamins. When choosing a multivitamin complex, the quality of the product is also of great importance, which, in turn, depends on where the substances and other components are produced. According to their intended purpose, vitamins are usually divided into multicomplexes.

, supporting the entire body as a whole, and
highly specialized complexes
aimed at improving and preventing individual systems of the body, vitamins for the eyes, nervous system, beauty complexes for men and women, aimed at improving the trophism of the skin, hair and nails.

In 2021, the Russian pharmaceutical market became acquainted with a new brand of high-quality vitamins - VIVACIA

. The line is universal and contains a variety of products that can cope with numerous tasks in both narrow specialties and general strengthening of the body. A new multivitamin brand created in the UK. The line includes complexes for various purposes, developed with the participation of international nutrition and nutraceutical experts. All extracts used in the production of VIVACIA vitamins are standardized and have EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) quality certificates.


. A universal complex of vitamins and minerals designed to maintain health and strengthen the vitality of the body. Contains all the essential ABC vitamins, as well as trace elements calcium, zinc and iron, all components in dosages recommended by doctors. The complex is intended to improve performance, indicated for heavy physical exertion, for patients in remission or recovery from severe long-term or chronic diseases associated with asthenia, weight loss, lack of appetite and general nutritional deficiency. The vitamins included in the complex will support the functioning of the nervous system, help reduce fatigue and fatigue, support the immune system and the normal condition of the skin and mucous membranes. The microelements included in the complex are involved in restoring the immune system, nervous system and energy metabolism.


. A multivitamin complex with lemon balm to maintain calm and maintain a healthy nervous system. Aimed at improving well-being during periods of nervous disorders, as well as normalizing sleep and stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system. Being a natural antidepressant, lemon balm improves brain function, relieves headaches and calms the nervous system. The amino acid 5HTP from griffonia seeds has a beneficial effect on sleep, helps reduce irritability and aggressiveness, and reduce anxiety levels. Niacin and the amino acid L-glycine make it easier to fall asleep, normalize sleep, and relieve fatigue accumulated during the day.


. The complex is designed to improve the structure of skin, hair and nails, as well as to strengthen the immune system and maintain energy metabolism at the proper level. Leather. Natural vitamins are well absorbed in the body, which means they are highly effective. B vitamins and iron take part in the formation of hemoglobin, improve microcirculation in skin cells, thereby stimulating regeneration processes. Biotin is involved in the formation of collagen, helping to improve skin structure and elasticity. Vitamin C protects collagen fibers from breakdown, maintaining skin texture. Selenium helps protect against the effects of UV radiation and free radicals, slowing down skin aging and the formation of wrinkles. B vitamins play one of the most important roles in the nutrition of hair follicles. Iron helps deliver oxygen to the follicles, stimulating hair growth. Biotin ensures the synthesis of keratin, a protein that is the structural unit of hair and prevents hair thinning. Copper maintains rich hair color, slowing down the appearance of gray hair. Nails. Vitamin B12, folic acid and iron improve microcirculation, thereby accelerating the transport of nutrients to cells, including the growing part of the nail.


. A complex designed to replenish calcium deficiency and prevent osteoporosis. Calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K play a key role in strengthening bone tissue and preventing osteoporosis (a disease in which bones lose their strength, become more fragile and can break easily). Calcium forms the basis of bone tissue. Vitamin D helps calcium be absorbed by the body as efficiently as possible. Vitamin K helps normalize blood clotting and strengthen the skeletal system, and is involved in the renewal of heart and lung tissue. It also helps provide all cells of the body with energy due to its anabolic effect. With its help, the body fights the manifestation of pigmentation. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Thus, when choosing CALCIUM PLUS, the consumer additionally receives a bonus in the form of vascular prevention.


B vitamins improve attention and concentration, increase performance, and are necessary to support the health of the nervous system, mental abilities and quick reactions. These are 8 essential vitamins that are involved in vital processes in the body.


- the most complete complex of B vitamins. One tablet a day will improve the speed of information processing in the brain, help you react, think and act faster, and increase resistance to stress. B vitamins also contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system and normalization of energy metabolism. The complex is also suitable for use during increased physical activity, during periods of prolonged nervous strain and stress, and with poor and unbalanced nutrition (restrictive diets). It is also indicated for those people who have allergic reactions to vitamins C.

Assessing the rhythm and routine of their life, their diet and bad habits, almost any person will ask themselves the question: “Am I getting everything I need from food?” What is the answer? If you notice that even minor changes have begun to occur in your body (hair, nails, skin have changed), your mood has changed , you have become more tired, feel irritable - consult a specialist, and perhaps taking narrowly targeted or multi-complexes will help you return to the normal rhythm of life.

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE.

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