Wormil susp. yelled 200mg/5ml fl. 10ml

Oral suspension "Vormil" is used for the indications listed below.

Intestinal forms of helminthiasis and skin syndrome Larva Migrans (short-term treatment with small doses): enterobiasis, hookworm and necatoriasis, hymenolepiasis, taeniasis, strongyloidiasis, ascariasis, trichuriasis, clonorchiasis, opisthorchiasis, skin syndrome Larva Migrans, giardiasis in children.

Systemic helminthic infections (long-term treatment with high doses):

cystic echinococcosis (caused by Echinococcus granulosus):

  • if surgical intervention is not possible;
  • before surgery;
  • after surgery, if preoperative treatment was short, if the spread of helminths is observed or live forms were found during surgery;
  • after percutaneous drainage of cysts for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes;

alveolar echinococcosis (caused by Echinococcus multiocularis):

  • in case of inoperable disease, in particular in cases of local or distant metastases;
  • after palliative surgery;
  • after radical surgery or liver transplantation;

neurocysticercosis (caused by Taenia solium larvae):

  • in the presence of single or multiple cysts or granulomatous brain damage;
  • with arachnoid or intraventricular cysts;
  • with racemic cysts;

capillarosis (caused by Capillaria philippinensis), gnathostomiasis (caused by Gnathostoma spinigerum and related species), trichinosis (caused by Trichinella spiralis and T.pseudospiralis), toxocariasis (caused by Toxocara canis and related species).


Each chewable tablet contains the active substance albendazole in an amount of 400 mg.
As well as auxiliary components: corn starch, talc, microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, aspartame, magnesium stearate, sodium propyl hydroxybenzoate, starch glycolate and sodium methylhydroxybenzoate, and mixed fruit essence. A 10 ml bottle of Vormil suspension contains the same amount of active and excipients, but also additional components: polysorbate 80 , raspberry essence and purified water.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The effectiveness of albendazole is manifested in the treatment of various parasitic lesions affecting tissues and the intestinal area. Adult helminths, as well as eggs and larvae, show sensitivity to it. Thanks to the anthelmintic effect of albendazole, tubulin polymerization is suppressed , which destroys the metabolism of helminths and causes their death.

The action of this drug is aimed at a large number of intestinal helminths and protozoa. It also helps get rid of tissue worms and so on. Treatment with Vormil leads to a reduction in size or elimination of granular echinococcus cysts.

When taking albendazole , its poor absorption from the gastrointestinal tract was noted. If you simultaneously consume fatty foods, this significantly increases the absorption of the main substance. After initial passage through the liver, it undergoes rapid metabolism. The main metabolite is albendazole sulfate , the activity of which is 50% higher than the primary substance. The half-life is 8.5 hours. This happens mainly with bile or urine. If the drug is taken in a high dose over a long period of time to treat cysts, the metabolites from the cysts may be cleared within a few weeks.

Indications for use of the drug

The main purpose of the drug is the treatment and prevention of worms . By taking Vormil for prophylaxis, you can prevent the penetration of various forms of parasites into the body. Although it is still recommended to conduct a preliminary examination for their presence.

Treatment with this remedy is carried out for:

  • hookworm;
  • enterobiasis;
  • necatorosa;
  • strongyloidiasis;
  • ascariasis;
  • trichinosis;
  • capillarosis;
  • cutaneous migratory larvae;
  • clonorchiasis;
  • giardiasis in children and so on.


Intestinal forms of helminthiasis and skin syndrome Larva Migrans (short-term treatment with small doses): enterobiasis, hookworm and necatoriasis, hymenolepiasis, taeniasis, strongyloidiasis, ascariasis, trichuriasis, clonorchiasis, opisthorchiasis, skin syndrome Larva Migrans, giardiasis in children.

Systemic helminthic infections (long-term treatment with high doses):

cystic echinococcosis (caused by Echinococcus granulosus):

- if surgical intervention is not possible;

- before surgery;

- after surgery, if preoperative treatment was short, if the spread of helminths is observed or live forms were found during the operation;

— after percutaneous drainage of cysts for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes;

alveolar echinococcosis (caused by Echinococcus multilocularis):

- for inoperable diseases, in particular in cases of local or distant metastases;

— after palliative surgery;

after radical surgery or liver transplantation for neurocysticercosis (caused by Taenia solium larvae):

- with arachnoid or intraventricular cysts;

- with racemotic cysts;

capillarosis (caused by Capillaria philippinensis), gnathostomosis (caused by Gnathostoma spinigerum and related species), trichinosis (caused by Trichinella spiralis and T.pseudospiralis), toxocariasis (caused by Toxocara canis and related species).

Wormil for children

Quite often, these deworming tablets are prescribed to children. According to the instructions for children, this medicine is recommended for use from 2 years of age. You can take the drug in any form, but a suspension is best suited for treating young patients, as it has low toxicity and is almost safe for the child’s body. When Vormil is used to treat giardiasis , take 1 tablet for 5 days. At the same time, numerous reviews indicate the high effectiveness of this drug.

Contraindications for use:

  • age less than 2 years;
  • lactation, pregnancy;
  • drug intolerance;
  • prenatal period.

Features of application


The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation and for the treatment of women planning pregnancy. While using the drug, you must stop breastfeeding.


The drug is contraindicated for the treatment of children under one year of age. Use for children in accordance with the information specified in the “Method of application” section.


Considering the presence of such an adverse reaction as dizziness, it is recommended to refrain from driving vehicles or operating other mechanisms during the period of use of albendazole.

Side effects

Sometimes treatment with Vormil may be accompanied by adverse events affecting digestive activity: vomiting, dry mouth, stomatitis, heartburn, flatulence, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation.

Nervous system reactions include: headache, drowsiness or insomnia, dizziness, disorientation, confusion, hallucinations and convulsions.

It is possible: visual impairment , as well as the development of urticaria, dermatitis, itching, pemphigus, and so on.

Adverse reactions.

From the digestive tract and liver: stomatitis, dry mouth, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation, transient increase in the activity of liver enzymes, jaundice, hepatitis, hepatocellular disorders.

From the cardiovascular system: increased blood pressure, tachycardia.

From the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: insomnia or drowsiness, headache, dizziness, confusion, disorientation, hallucinations, convulsions, decreased visual acuity.

From the blood and lymphatic system: leukopenia, neutropenia; thrombocytopenia anemia including aplastic anemia; agranulocytosis, pancytopenia. Patients with liver disease, including hepatic echinococcosis, are more prone to bone marrow suppression.

From the skin and subcutaneous tissue: skin rash, hyperemia, erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, alopecia inverse, dermatitis, edema.

From the kidneys and urinary system: impaired renal function, acute renal failure, proteinuria.

Allergic reactions: hypersensitivity reactions, including rash, itching, urticaria, pemphigus, dermatitis, fever.

General disorders: pain in bones, throat, fever, weakness.

General disorders: bone pain, throat, fever, weakness.

Patients with liver disease, including hepatic echinococcosis, are more prone to bone marrow suppression.

Instructions for Vormil (Method and dosage)

If tablets are used for treatment, you need to remember that they are intended to be chewed. At the same time, the instructions for use of Vormil inform that the dosage is determined individually depending on age and type of disease.

For example, in the treatment of hookworm, ascariasis, enterobiasis, trichinosis for children over 2 years of age and older patients, a daily dose of 400 mg is prescribed, which is taken for 3-5 days. In any case, a specialist determines how to take this or that form of the drug for a specific disease. If necessary, after a certain break, the therapeutic course is repeated.

Mode of application

The dose is determined by the doctor individually.

For children from 1 to 2 years old with enterobiasis, hookworm, necatoriasis, ascariasis, trichinosis, the drug is prescribed 5 ml of suspension (200 mg) once a day once.

For adults and children over 2 years of age with enterobiasis, hookworm, necatoriasis, ascariasis, trichinosis, take the drug orally 10 ml of suspension (400 mg) once a day once.

If a diagnosis of strongyloidiasis, taeniasis and hymenolepiasis has been established, the drug should be administered to adults and children over 2 years of age, 10 ml of suspension (400 mg) once a day for 3 days. For hymenolepidosis, a repeated course of treatment is recommended in the interval from the 10th to the 21st day after the previous course.

For opisthorchiasis and clonorchiasis, adults and children over 2 years of age should take the drug 10 ml of suspension (400 mg) 2 times a day for 3 days. This scheme is also effective for mixed infestations of Opisthorhis viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis.

For giardiasis, children aged 2 to 12 years should take the drug 10 ml of suspension (400 mg) once a day for 5 days.

For Larva Migrans skin syndrome, use the drug in adults and children over 2 years of age, 10 ml of suspension for 1-3 days.

Systemic helminthic infections (long-term treatment with high doses). Take the drug with food. Shake before use. Prescribing the drug in high doses is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. The dosage regimen is set individually depending on age, body weight, and the severity of the infection. The dose for patients with a body weight of more than 60 kg is 400 mg (10 ml of suspension) 2 times a day. For body weight less than 60 kg, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 15 mg/kg/day. This dose should be divided into 2 doses. The maximum daily dose is 800 mg.

Recommended duration of use:

  • cystic echinococcosis - 28 days (the 28-day cycle can be re-administered (3 times in total) after a break of 14 days);
  • inoperable and multiple cysts - up to 3 28-day cycles in the treatment of hepatic, pulmonary and peritoneal cysts (if there are cysts of other localization (in the bones or brain), longer treatment may be required);
  • before surgery - two 28-day cycles are recommended; if the operation must be performed before these cycles are completed, treatment should be continued as long as possible before the operation;
  • after surgery, after percutaneous drainage of cysts - if a short (less than 14 days) course of treatment was received before the operation or in the case of emergency surgery, after the operation, carry out two cycles of 28 days, separated by a 14-day break in taking the drug; similarly, if viable cysts are found or helminths have spread, carry out two full cycles of treatment;
  • alveolar echinococcosis - 28 days; repeat the second 28-day course after a two-week break in the use of the drug; treatment can be extended over several months or years;
  • neurocysticercosis - from 7 to 30 days, depending on the response to treatment; the second course can be repeated after a two-week break in taking the drug;
  • cysts in the parenchyma and granulomas - from 7 days (minimum) to 28 days;
  • arachnoid and intragastric cysts - 28 days;
  • racemotic cysts - 28 days, may last longer (duration of treatment is determined by clinical and radiological response to treatment);
  • capillariasis - 400 mg 1 time per day for 10 days; usually one course of treatment is required, but further courses may be needed if the results of the parasitological examination remain positive;
  • gnathostomosis - 400 mg 1 time per day for 10-20 days (see above);
  • trichinosis, toxocariasis - 400 mg 2 times a day for 5-10 days (see above).


In cases of overdose with Vormil, the following symptoms may develop:

  • vision problems;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • speech disorders;
  • loss of consciousness and so on.

To eliminate undesirable effects, the following are prescribed: gastric lavage, enterosorbents and other therapy depending on the symptoms.

Analogues of Vormil

Level 4 ATC code matches:









The most popular analogues of this drug are Aldazol, Nemozol, Medizol, Farmox, Zentel and Vermox . However, it is not recommended to replace the drug yourself, as this remains within the competence of a specialist.

Wormil or Vermox - which is better?

When treating helminthic infestations, a specialist usually prescribes Vormil or Vermox . Therefore, patients are often concerned about the question, which of these drugs is better? According to some doctors and patients who took both medications, Vormil has a wider range of effects on parasites compared to Vermox . It has also been established that the body perceives Vormil better.

Reviews about Vormil

The high popularity of this drug is the reason that reviews of Vormil are quite common. At the same time, reviews from doctors and patients contain information about the good effectiveness of this product. Often the whole family is treated with this drug, and test results show that the tablets help quickly get rid of the problem.

However, many parasitologists, noting the high activity of Vormil against most parasites, simultaneously notice a decrease in immunity and the development of undesirable reactions.

Almost every forum for children contains such information, where childhood diseases and ways to get rid of worms are discussed. Therefore, the choice of drug must be made only together with a specialist, after passing all the tests.


Description of the drug Vormil Susp. yelled 200mg/5ml fl. 10ml on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Wormila price, where to buy

It should be noted that the price of Vormil, given its high efficiency, is quite acceptable. By the way, in Russia you can order it on a specialized website and receive it by courier delivery at a cost of 250 rubles. In pharmacies you can buy its analogues - Nemozol and Albendazole .

In Ukraine, in cities such as Kharkov and Donetsk, the price of Vormil varies between 41-50 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine

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