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Treatment of erectile dysfunction: honestly about a very delicate problem

Even completely healthy men can experience erection problems for a variety of reasons.
Most often in such cases, erectile dysfunction occurs. It is often also called impotence, but from a medical point of view these are slightly different problems. Erectile dysfunction in men manifests itself in the form of a decrease in the quality and duration of an erection, as well as difficulties that appear before its occurrence. This is a broader concept than impotence, which means the inability to perform sexual intercourse, that is, the complete absence of an erection. Because of this, treatment for erectile dysfunction and impotence may differ. It all depends on the cause of the problem and how advanced it is, so it is important to see a doctor in time.

Complex of ginseng, eleutheroccus and green tea extracts capsules 30 pcs. in Moscow

We often find ourselves in situations where, for several days or even weeks, we have to expend more energy than usual. This happens when changing jobs or places of residence, during increased physical and emotional stress, or even during joyful, pleasant events for us and preparation for them (wedding, anniversary, vacation, etc.).

There are other situations accompanied by the so-called “loss of strength”: when the body has insufficient energy for one reason or another, and it is required not only to maintain the usual lifestyle, but also to restore the natural functioning of organs and systems. These are periods of recovery from illness, stress, overwork. In such cases, a constant feeling of fatigue occurs, the quality of sleep is disrupted, and the body's defenses are weakened.

In all these circumstances, adaptogens come to the rescue - substances of natural origin and plants that increase resistance to stress, activate the immune system, promote energy production, tone and accelerate the restoration of the body's natural strength. The most famous adaptogens include ginseng, Eleutherococcus (Siberian ginseng), and green tea. Vitamin C also has a beneficial effect on the immune system.


Ginseng is characterized by a seasonal effect: the most pronounced effect from its use is observed in autumn and winter. The active substances in ginseng that provide its beneficial effects are called ginsenosides. Ginsenosides improve the body's adaptation to new conditions; increase resistance to stress; stimulate mental activity; tone; improve appetite; have a general strengthening effect; contribute to the restoration of physical activity.

Eleutherococcus (Siberian ginseng)

It is usually used as a root extract, the active substances of which are called eleutherosides. Eleutherococcus root extract tones, reduces lethargy and drowsiness; helps improve physical and mental performance; strengthens the body's defenses; Helps resist stress and reduces their effects on the body.

Green tea

Green tea is rich in various flavonoids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, the beneficial substances contained in green tea strengthen the body's defenses; protect cells from destruction by free radicals, an excessive amount of which is formed during stress and increased loads; normalize metabolism.

Vitamin C is involved in energy production and other important metabolic processes; strengthens the body's defenses; has an antioxidant effect; Helps restore the body after illness, stress, overwork.

Why erectile dysfunction may occur

All existing causes of impotence in men are divided into the following groups:

  • Organic. Associated with the state of the body when there is some physiological obstacle to erection. The risk of impotence is increased by smoking and alcohol abuse.
  • Psychogenic. Erection problems are caused by a man’s psychological state: strong feelings, stress, depression, problems in his relationship with his sexual partner.
  • Mixed. Here, a man is influenced by both organic and psychogenic factors.

In many cases, the cause of erectile dysfunction is problems with blood vessels associated with age-related changes in their walls. For example, when blood vessels are damaged by cholesterol plaques, obstacles appear to the normal flow of blood, so it cannot fill the corpora cavernosa of the penis. Therefore, it is so important to visit a doctor on time, since problems with blood vessels increase the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Among vascular problems, erectile dysfunction and impotence can result from:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • injuries to the abdomen and pelvis that damage the vessels supplying the penis;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension.

Ginseng + Eleutherococcus tablets 500 mg No. 30


Ginseng + Eleutherococcus, dietary supplement tablets of 500 mg No. 30


The action of the dietary supplement Ginseng + Eleutherococcus is based on the combination of properties of the extracts included in its composition: they stimulate the functioning of the central nervous system; increase resistance to stress; helps cope with physical and mental fatigue; improves protein, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism; increases the value of cardiovascular system indicators; used in the complex treatment of neurasthenia, asthenia, nervousness, arterial hypotension, diabetes, impotence, atherosclerosis, radiation sickness. Both ginseng and Eleutherococcus (otherwise known as 'Siberian ginseng') have similar adaptogenic and tonic effects on the body. Therefore, the combination of extracts of these plants in the dietary supplement 'Ginseng + Eleuthrococcus' creates natural synergism and enhances the effect of both components. There were even legends about the healing properties of ginseng root. The root of this plant not only cures diseases, but can also put a person who is dying on their feet. Ginseng root contains alkaloids, resins, vitamin C, sulfur and phosphorus, tannins, as well as micro- and macroelements. Ginseng has a calming effect on neuroses and stress. The plant is used for mental and physical stress, depression and hypotension. Eleutherococcus has a tonic, stimulating, adaptogenic and gonadotropic effect, increases mental and physical performance, stimulates appetite, strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Main active ingredient

ginseng root extract - 80 mg; Eleutherococcus extract – 100 mg

Release form



500 mg

Indications for use

Recommended as an additional source of eleutherosides and panaxazides; to maintain the functional activity of the body.

Directions for use and doses

Adults take 1 tablet orally in the first half of the day before meals with a sufficient amount of liquid. The course of admission is 30 days. If necessary, the course is repeated after 13 months.


hypersensitivity to product components, increased nervous excitability, insomnia, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, severe atherosclerosis, acute infectious diseases, children under 18 years of age, pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.


one tablet contains: eleutherococcus extract 100 mg, ginseng extract 80 mg. Excipients: lactose monohydrate, anti-caking agents: microcrystalline cellulose, talc, calcium stearate.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from direct sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding 25 0C and a relative humidity not exceeding 80%.

Buy Ginseng + Eleutherococcus, dietary supplement tablets 500 mg No. 30 in the pharmacy

Price for Ginseng + Eleutherococcus, dietary supplement tablets of 500 mg No. 30

Instructions for use for Ginseng + Eleutherococcus, dietary supplement tablets 500 mg No. 30

What symptoms does it manifest?

The severity of erectile dysfunction symptoms can range from minor symptoms to serious disorders. Characteristic features:

  • decrease or disappearance of spontaneous erections;
  • decreased ability to have repeated sexual intercourse during the day;
  • reduction in the number of full sexual acts with ejaculation;
  • inability to cause an erection during masturbation;
  • the need for additional erotic stimulation;
  • insufficient erection intensity.

Due to problems in the sexual sphere, a man becomes irritable and nervous. He may develop depression and worsen his mood.

The main symptom of impotence in men is the complete absence of an erection. Other signs include premature ejaculation, prolonged ejaculation and weakened erection.

Types of erectile dysfunction

Depending on the cause of occurrence, the following types of impotence are distinguished:

  • Endocrine. Associated with a lack of the hormone testosterone.
  • Anatomically determined. It occurs due to curvature of the penis, its partial or complete removal, pain due to a hernia in the scrotum.
  • Neurogenic. It develops against the background of diseases of the nervous system, for example, neuropathy or sclerosis.
  • Vascular. It is explained by problems with blood vessels, which lead to impaired blood supply to the penis and the inability to achieve an erection.

Is it possible to cure erectile dysfunction?

Treatment of impotence in men is carried out comprehensively and always taking into account the cause. For diagnosis, you need to see a doctor - a sex therapist. He will examine the genital organs, ask questions regarding the nature and frequency of erection, and also prescribe the necessary examinations: duplex ultrasound and computed tomography of the penis, rheography, etc.

Treatment of vascular impotence is carried out with the help of drugs that dilate blood vessels. If there is a lack of testosterone, appropriate replacement medications are prescribed. Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor drugs show a good effect in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in older men. They promote erection, but do not affect the nature of the problem.

In addition to drug treatment, the following are used:

  • psychotherapy;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • massage;
  • Exercise therapy.

At the clinic Dr. AkNer practices the most modern and effective treatment methods. Here, men are assisted by a urologist, andrologist and sex therapist with more than 40 years of experience. After treatment at the clinic, 99% of men completely restored their sexual function, so you can trust us with your delicate problem.

How to increase libido in men and women?

Kubareva Svetlana Vladimirovna


August 29, 2018

Sexual activity is an important indicator of health for both men and women. In addition, intimate relationships largely determine the quality of life. But what to do if you don’t want intimacy at all, and sexual caresses don’t give you pleasure? Decreased libido or lack of sexual desire is becoming an increasingly common problem today, regardless of gender differences.

In the previous article, I already said that there are psychological and physiological reasons for impaired desire. But more often, several reasons are present simultaneously. Therefore, the approach must be comprehensive.

For men and women:

  1. Pay attention to relationships! Quarrels, conflicts, grievances and omissions ruin sex life in more than half of the cases. The only way out is a heart-to-heart conversation. Learn not to hush up problems with your partner, but to clarify them. Very often we are haunted by misunderstandings. Then we attribute our own conjectures to others, which does not correspond to the real state of affairs. Have an evening of revelations. Tell your spouse about your doubts and suspicions. The sooner you resolve all the pressing issues, the sooner you will experience the joy of sex again. And at the same time, further relationships with your partner will be restored.
  2. Physical health! Any type of physical activity will significantly increase libido. It has been clinically proven that daily walks, running or swimming, with regular exercise, contribute to a qualitative improvement in sex life.
  3. Balanced diet! Review your diet. It is very important that the foods you eat contain all the necessary microelements. For example, halibut, salmon, clams, and oysters increase sexual desire due to the fatty acids present in their composition. Dark chocolate, liver, eggs, avocado, and bananas have stimulating, erogenous properties. Some spices also excite: pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, horseradish, garlic, onion. Don’t forget about zinc, a very important microelement that is a building material for testosterone. Meat, nuts and seafood are rich in it and allow you to naturally restore hormone levels. A number of studies have shown that there are many herbs that help increase libido. Celery, mint, parsley (and especially ginseng, which is called the root of life) stimulate the activity of the reproductive system. They can be used in the form of decoctions or infusions, as well as seasonings for other dishes.
  4. Enough sleep! For a full intimate life, it is important to sleep at least eight hours at night. This will provide you with much-needed rest and recuperation. In addition, testosterone is actively produced at night in men and in some quantities in women. The result will be, with good health, men will have night and morning erections, and women will have psychophysiological readiness for sexual contact.
  5. Romance! Everyday problems and everyday life very often lead to the fact that we cease to surprise each other. When was your last romantic evening!? Light music, candles, a couple of glasses of wine and a set table with the above products. This situation primarily affects the emotional relationship in a couple. Intimate conversation, fleeting flirtation, mutual pleasure from each other's presence will increase your sensuality and trust in each other. Organize such evenings (you can leave home) 1-2 times a month and you will be able to prevent routine in relationships and a decrease in mutual attraction.

Especially for men:

  1. Alcohol and smoking! Give up bad habits. They depress the nervous system. Long-term smokers have thinner blood vessels. Impotence develops due to decreased blood flow to the penis. Alcohol affects the production of sex hormones. For example, beer contains phytoestrogen (an analogue of female sex hormones), which replaces endogenous testosterone, dulls libido and also reduces erectile function. Take care of your desire in the perspective of age-related changes and the formation of chronic diseases.
  2. Uneven sex life! A too vigorous and active sex life, its complete absence or alternation with periods of prolonged abstinence affect male sexual health. Try to normalize your relationship with your partner and ensure regular sexual activity. Firstly, in this way you will become more stress-resistant, and secondly, you will prevent a number of diseases of the reproductive system, and therefore a premature decrease in potency.

Only for women:

  1. Long live sensuality! Learn to please yourself with simple things. Develop sensitivity: touch, smell, hearing... Favorite music, the subtle aroma of perfume, the touch of silk fabric - all this can become a source of pleasure for your sensuality. Relax, forget about all worries and troubles. Feel your body, love it. Look carefully at yourself in the mirror: the expressiveness of your eyes, the curve of your hip, the curl of your hair, the grace of your hand. You are unique! There is no other like it! Feel yourself, look through the eyes of men, imagine their admiration. Remember! Men love different women: thin and “in the body”, blondes and brunettes, with different facial features. Accept yourself for who you are and you will get the most out of life.
  2. Viva foreplay! A great way to increase sexual desire is to have longer foreplay. Explain to your partner that before intercourse you need even more sexual affection. Most likely he won't mind. Use your imagination, improvise! Diversify your intimate life with role-playing games and sex toys. Do not forget about the use of lubricants; these are special gels that compensate for the lack of lubrication and contain stimulating substances. And remember that regular sexual activity rarely leads to decreased libido. In your busy life schedule, don’t forget to pay attention to sex and be happy!
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