Potassium bromide is a reagent with interesting properties

Chemical properties

According to the pharmacopoeia, potassium bromide is the potassium salt of hydrobromic acid . In appearance, these are white or colorless crystals, fine crystalline powder, taste salty (sweet in a dilute solution, bitter in a concentrated solution). The formula for Potassium Bromide is quite simple: BrK . Judging by the formula, the chemical bond in potassium bromide is ionic. The substance, when released into water, undergoes a dissociation reaction (not hydrolysis), and is slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol. Molecular weight of chemical. compounds = 119 grams per mole. If we describe in detail the mechanism of dissolution of Potassium Bromide in water, it can be noted that the substance undergoes complete dissociation due to the fact that the salt was formed by a strong acid and a strong base.

The product is used as a source of bromide ions to produce silver bromide, which is used in the manufacture of film and photo films. Using Potassium Bromide, IR spectroscopy of liquid substances is carried out. In medicine, the medicine is used as a sedative and anticonvulsant (at the moment it is more actively used in veterinary medicine).

What foods contain potassium?

A deficiency of the substance in the body can lead to cramps, muscle weakness, dry skin and unhealthy hair, heart problems, and heart attacks. Potassium is found in bee products, apple cider vinegar, legumes, potatoes, bananas, carrots, rye bread, melons, dried fruits and nuts. The daily requirement for a person is 2 grams. Potassium bromide does not affect the potassium content in the body, it just has a calming effect on the nervous system.


  1. "Potassium bromide 221864".
  2. "ChemIDplus - Potassium Bromide". chem.sis.nlm.nih.gov
  3. “Labchem MSDS, sec. 16, p. 6" (PDF).
  4. "Potassium bromide". Bulletin of Titi Tudoranch
  5. ^ abcd Goodman; Gilman (1970). "Chapter 10: Hypnotics and sedatives." Pharmacological basis of therapy
    (4th ed.). London: Macmillan. pp. 121–2.
  6. Metcalfe, Alan A. (2004). Predicting new words - the secrets of their success. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. pp. 36 -42. ISBN 978-0-618-13006-1. Retrieved August 27, 2021.
  7. Adams, Samuel Hopkins (1905). The Great American Fraud. American Medical Association Press. The Great American Fraud.
  8. German booklet
  9. Reusch, W. "Infrared spectroscopy". Virtual Text of Organic Chemistry
    . Archived from the original on October 27, 2007. Retrieved December 18, 2007.
  10. Anchell, Stephen; Troops, Bill (1998). The Film Development Cookbook
    . Boston: Focal Press. paragraph 28.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The medicine enhances inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex, stabilizes the functioning of the central nervous system. Has an anticonvulsant effect.

The compound is well absorbed in the digestive tract and binds to plasma proteins. It is excreted slowly; within 12 days, the plasma concentration of the drug is halved. Potassium bromide is excreted through the kidneys and intestines, mammary and sweat glands. The medicine has the ability to accumulate in the body.

Side effects

Bromism may occur during treatment with the drug :

  • lethargy, general weakness and lethargy;
  • slow speech, decreased hearing and vision, apathy;
  • ataxia , irritation, apathy, memory loss;
  • skin rashes, inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane ( rhinitis , bronchitis , cough, diarrhea , inflammation of the conjunctiva), gastralgia , other allergic reactions.

Kali bromatum

Kali bromatum (Kali bromatum) - potassium bromide

CHARACTERISTICS Although Kali bromatum has been tested, most of the pathogenesis is composed of

symptoms observed with an overdose of this drug during

allopathic treatment to which symptoms from homeopathic treatment are added

practices cured by this drug. Old school doctors prescribed Kali

bromatum for epilepsy and other convulsive symptoms in order to more quickly

suppress the disease rather than cure it. In many cases it

prescribed to reduce or prevent recurrence of attacks

at the cost of the patient being constantly under the influence of the drug,

“reduced the excitability and energy of motor cells of the brain” (Alberton) and

gradually leading him to a state of mental dullness or dementia. In parallel with its effect on the brain, Kali bromatum causes many

various skin rashes. And yet Kali bromatum, without a doubt,

specifically associated with epilepsy and status epilepticus, since in

in appropriate cases, this pathology is cured with the help of it

breeding It also deeply affects the genitals and mental state,

associated with the sexual sphere: sensual, voluptuous fantasies,

satyriasis and nymphomania and, finally, impotence and exhaustion of the genital organs.

Kali bromatum is most effective in cases of epilepsy associated

sexual excesses and abuses in men; and symptoms,

associated with the menstrual cycle in women. Effect of Kali bromatum on

the genital area is very large. Being an allopath, I knew that a few grains of salt regularly prescribed

at night, improve the condition of young people who are worried about erections and

sexual arousal when going to bed. Kali bromatum is also indicated in cases of epilepsy occurring during the full moon and

when after an attack the patient feels a headache. For spasms due to

fear, rage or emotional disturbances in nervous, plethoric

subjects; during childbirth, teething, whooping cough and

Bright's disease. One of the most painful consequences of allopathic use

Kali bromatum - the appearance of all kinds of rashes, but the most

Acne was notable. Acne is directly related to

genitals, especially common in adolescence and

women during menstruation. I don't know of any remedy that is more useful

for common acne than Kali bromatum 30. It causes moist eruptions and

pityriasis-like peeling of the scalp (pityriasis). They are especially amazed

sebaceous glands of the hair, in which seborrhea later develops. Some

patients under its influence developed erythema nodosum. Attitude to

moral values ​​and intellectual abilities to a large extent

degrees are violated. Memory loss is observed: the patient forgets how to

say; aphasia; it is necessary that he be prompted to speak before he

will be able to pronounce it. Depression, melancholy, uncontrollable crying. “Patients feel like they are losing their minds.” Anxiety and insomnia in

connections with concerns. Unsteady gait; ataxia; numbness and tingling in

legs and spine with increased sexual needs.

“Restless hands”: the patient must constantly finger something;

twitching of fingers; can't sit still.

Night terrors in children due to overexcitation; worries; during

teething. Infantile cholera and symptoms of hydrocephalus.

Drowsiness is one of the hallmarks of this remedy:

“falls asleep right in the chair, and if woken up, immediately falls asleep again.”

Deep sleep can be interrupted by fright, although awakening is very difficult.

Confused dreams. Dulling of the sensitivity of the brain. Reflexes are reduced, there is a loss of sensitivity in general, and

also in certain parts of the body, especially the pharynx, larynx and urethra. The downside of this depressed state is the extraordinary

anxiety and fussiness. From the respiratory system, pulmonary edema may develop and

asthmatic bronchitis; the patient becomes exhausted, his condition

resembles typhoid fever (Amory Hare). Another characteristic feature of Kali bromatum is its association with

neoplasms. Under its influence, a large number of cysts disappeared

ovaries, as well as fibromas and lipomas. The property of a remedy to cause the appearance

acne indicates its connection with fat secretion and it cures cysts

sebaceous glands and wen. Due to or independent of ovarian tumors, other disorders

Uterine bleeding may occur - metrorrhagia or menorrhagia.

They can begin due to reflex irritation and be accompanied by

sexual arousal, but not in all cases. Hering points to Kali

bromatum for "uterine bleeding, especially in young women."

Burford used it extensively in similar cases and usually in dilutions,

close to the first hundredth. Doctors of the old school consider the following to be contraindications to the prescription of bromides:

general asthenia and weakness of the nervous system; post-typhoid and postpartum

mental disorders; senile encephalomalacia and mucosal irritation

gastrointestinal tract (Hare). These states are the key ones

symptoms of Kali bromatum in high dilutions.

PSYCHE Nervous, active, must always be busy with something (more often this is inherent

specifically for women). The patient is not aware of what is happening around him; won't know

friends, and his friends do not make him happy. The memory is completely disordered; anemia; exhaustion. Memory loss; the patient needs to be prompted with words before he

will be able to pronounce them (amnestic aphasia). Inability to express your thoughts. The writing is completely illegible due to missing words and parts of words; words

are repeated or their location has been changed. Mental dullness, lethargy; delayed perception, patient responds with

delay. Feeling of numbness in the brain. Terrible premonitions, the patient feels as if he cannot pass by

some place. Drowsiness. Fear of loneliness. Frightening images at night (in women in the third trimester of pregnancy; they

it seems as if they have done or are about to do something terrible in their own way

crime of cruelty, such as killing one's children and husband). Auditory and visual hallucinations with or without mania,

preceding cerebral symptoms or paralysis. Delirium with hallucinations; the patient feels as if she is being followed, as if

they are going to poison her, as if she was chosen for Divine vengeance,

as if her child died, etc. Delirium tremens in the first stage (irritation); face and eyes red; delirium,

accompanied by sudden excitement; frightening illusions; tense,

fast pulse. Postpartum psychosis, with overflow of blood vessels in the brain. Hands are constantly busy with something; all sorts of frightening illusions arise;

the patient walks around the room, moans, bemoans her fate, is full of fears,

labile mood. Attacks of uncontrollable crying and deep delusions (with melancholic

coloring). A feeling of lightness and joyful excitement replaces heaviness and

depression. Depressed, sad, nervous and anxious. Deep melancholy with depression, hallucinations having a religious

connotation, and a feeling of moral inferiority; often cries, depressed, leads

behaves like a child, gives free rein to his feelings; complete indifference, almost disgust

to life (melancholy). Profound melancholy due to anemia. Night terrors in children (not related to digestive disorders), with

about screams in sleep and trembling; the patient is not aware of what is around him

happens, does not recognize friends, and friends cannot alleviate his condition;

sometimes followed by strabismus. Screams. Somnambulism. Epilepsy. Epilepsy due to irritation of the ovaries. Epileptic seizures during, before or after menstruation.

TYPE Kali bromatum is more suitable for people prone to obesity, children and nervous people


TROPHY More right-sided symptoms than left-sided ones.

CLINIC Asian cholera. Acne. Anorexia. Apoplexy. Asthma. Ascites. Aphasia. White

fever. Insomnia. Vaginismus. Rashes on the skin of the nose. Haemorrhoids.

Hydrocephalus. Headache. Dizziness. Delirium. Depression. Children's

cholera. Diabetes. Dyspepsia. Diphtheria. Shaking paralysis. Diseases

ovaries. Stuttering. Constipation. Impotence. Curvature of the penis. Cysts

sebaceous glands. Whooping cough. Colic. Strabismus. Hives. Screams. Locomotor

ataxia. Malaria. Masturbation. Uterine bleeding. Menorrhagia.

Impaired sense of smell. Speech disorders. Urinary incontinence. Nymphomania.

Nightmares. Dyspnea. Paralysis. Paralysis in the mentally ill.

Paroxysmal spasms of the larynx. Pneumonia in alcoholics. Polyp

(rectal). Pollutions. Diarrhea. Loss of sensation. Psoriasis. Pulpitis

in children. Vomit. Satyriasis. Seborrhea. Syphilis. Somnambulism. Spasms of the larynx.

Tabes dorsalis. Tetanus. Acne. Erythema nodosum. Uterine fibroid.

Follicular and catarrhal laryngitis. Boils. Eczema. Epilepsy.

GENERAL SYMPTOMS Individual parts of the body suddenly seem to grow to large sizes. Attacks of numbness, with a tingling sensation of needles. Trembling sensation. Chilliness in a warm room and itching at high temperatures are observed. Symptoms are characterized by periodicity (which in itself indicates

connection of the drug with epilepsy); symptoms return in the form of attacks:

every 2,3 or 24 hours; twice a week, once every two weeks, on the new moon. Temperature is low, extremities are cold, wrists and hands are moist and

cold as ice: irritation of the brain, in infantile cholera. Weakness and drowsiness.

SKIN Cold, blue, blotchy, wrinkled (infantile cholera). Weeping eczema of the legs with pityriasis of the scalp. Weeping rashes. Slightly raised, smooth, red plaques resembling

urticaria, but with a dense base, as with erythema nodosum; itching at night

in bed and at high temperatures; appears in winter. Acne simple and compacted, bluish-red, pustular, more profuse

on the face and chest, especially in patients with a lymphatic constitution. Pink nipple-shaped rash on lower extremities; sometimes in the center

plaques, pustules appear, turning into crater-shaped depressions,

from which a moist, paste-like substance is released, forming

thick yellow crusts. Consecutive appearance of small boils, mostly on the face

and torso, with painful itching.

Large, flaccid, painful pustules; boils. Long-lasting non-scarring scrofulous ulcerations. Syphilitic psoriasis. Rashes on the skin of the nose. Erythema nodosum. Seborrhea. Sebaceous gland cysts. Urticaria in winter. Skin symptoms are significantly reduced in cold weather.


Drowsiness, deep sleep, which is often disturbed by attacks of fear,

although awakening is difficult; confused dreams.

Drowsiness, the patient falls asleep right in the chair; if he is woken up, immediately

falls asleep again; during the day. Drowsiness: in anemic patients or nervous individuals who are exhausted

and irritated; due to congestion of cerebral blood vessels; V

convalescence period; in case of mercury poisoning; accompanies

mental anxiety, hysteria, pregnancy and general nervous

irritability; after sexual arousal. Insomnia, anxiety; can calm down, only continuously with something

while studying. The patient is immersed in deep sleep or a peaceful drowsiness.

Deep sleep, which is still disturbed; the patient always wakes up with

a feeling of internal struggle, not understanding at first where it is and what

happened. Children have nightmares, in their sleep they clench their teeth, moan,

shout; terrible dreams. Somnambulism in children. Children wake up with severe headaches.


The body is cold, the skin is wrinkled and covered with spots. During a cold

trembling and cold skin, although the child was given a mustard patch. Chilliness and feeling of cold throughout the body, worse in the extremities (malaria). The fever, like the chill stage, is not very pronounced. Heat in the head, as if in a stove, with a feeling of coldness and chilliness. Copious sticky sweat all over the body; unusually long lasting and

causing wasting (malaria).

HEAD Heaviness, confusion of thoughts, slow speech, staggers as if drunk. Sensation of constriction in the brain, as if it were too crowded, with a feeling

loss of sensitivity in the brain. Headache in the right frontal eminence; drowsiness. Severe, dull, throbbing pain in the back of the head, spreading

on the thoracic spine; the patient cannot sit, cannot walk, or

just shake your head without feeling worse;

severe weakness and depression. Extremely severe headache, especially in the back of the head. Red face, pulsation of the carotid and temporal arteries, reddened eyes;

feeling of fullness in the head. The brain is irritated. Impaired brain function due to fluid loss; constant

drowsiness; coma; pupils dilated; sunken eyes; eyeballs

involuntarily move in different directions; hands and feet are blue and

cold; pulse is not detected. Hydrocephalus.

Serious consequences when the brain is overstrained, especially due to

suffering from grief, anxiety or nervousness.

Intense headache after concussion. Headache due to mercury abuse. Apoplexy. Aphasia. Speech disorders.

Dizziness Dizziness, tinnitus, nervous agitation, insomnia. Dizziness, palpitations, nausea, even loss of consciousness; memory

worsens; feeling as if the ground is disappearing from under your feet; unsteady gait;

confusion and heat in the head; drowsiness; stupor; severe weakness and

nausea followed by healthy sleep. Dizziness worsens when bending over.

HEAD OUTSIDE The head hangs down, the patient cannot hold it upright. Tension in the scalp; numbness and confusion.

Seborrhea. Pitiriasis.

FACE Pale; like a drunk; tired, anxious, dejected, dazed;

like a weak-minded person. The complexion is yellowish, the face is emaciated. The face is red. The face is expressionless; initial stage of encephalomalacia.

Acne on the face in young, obese people with a dense build. Papular rash.

EYES Blurred vision, dilated pupils, heavy eyelids and irresistible

drowsiness. Sunken, dull eyes, fixed gaze. The eyeballs involuntarily move in different directions. Pupils are dilated, contract sluggishly, dizziness and confusion;

the pupils are constricted. The vessels of the fundus are dilated; conjunctival hyperemia. The eyes are filled with tears. Strabismus after night terrors in children.

EARS Ringing in the ears. The roaring in the ears at night is synchronous with the pulse. The sound of an echo in the ears; headache. Hearing impairment.

NERVOUS SYSTEM Nervous weakness, up to motor paralysis and numbness. Paralysis. Shaking paralysis. Paralysis in the mentally ill. Locomotor ataxia. Loss of sensation. Tetanus.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Hyperesthesia of the laryngeal nerves. Loss of sensation. Chronic inflammation with purulent, bluish-gray sputum. Follicular and catarrhal laryngitis. Uncomplicated spasm of the larynx with a sharp, shrill voice due to

neurosis or reflex irritation. Paroxysmal spasms of the larynx with tabes dorsalis. Spasmodic, dry croup that appears suddenly due to a reflex

irritation, teething, worms, but not of inflammatory origin. Membranous croup, with whitish exudate. Breathing is hot and accelerated. Shortness of breath, nervous headache and insufficient sleep. Bronchial asthma; with a dry, nervous, spasmodic cough and very

tense breathing. Paroxysmal, dry cough. Dry, tiresome cough at intervals of two to three hours, with difficulty

breathing and subsequent vomiting of mucus or food; worse at night and in

lying position, tension in the chest while breathing. Weak, nervous children who wake up with a dry, spasmodic cough,

which scares them terribly and makes them scream. Nervous, dry, hysterical cough in women, especially pregnant women. Whooping cough with spasmodic, dry cough; spasm of the glottis, convulsions.

The cough gets worse when lying down.

After childbirth, the voice changes; whisper.

CHEST Burning in the chest. Pneumonia in alcoholics.

THROAT Anesthesia of the mouth, throat and pharynx (chronic alcoholism). Liquids cause dysphagia (in children); the patient can only swallow

solid food. Congestion of the uvula and pharynx, then swelling. Dry throat. Diphtheria with rapid pulse; fever, dry tongue, foul-smelling

breathing; pronounced vascular injection, pharynx dark red; plots

washable leathery exudate on the tonsils or in the pharynx. Spasms of the larynx. Paroxysmal spasms of the larynx.

NOSE Impaired sense of smell. Rashes on the skin of the nose. Sticky mucus and yellow crusts in the nose. Erythema and swelling of the nose.

HEART AND CIRCULATION Pulse weak and intermittent; The patient is so nervous that she must

constantly being busy with something or walking; pulse small and slow;

heart contractions lack energy, heart sounds are muffled and

weak, slow heart rate, fluttering. Rapid heart rate that later slows down. Neurosis of the heart due to irritation of the spine or uterus.


MOUTH Difficulty speaking, impaired functioning of the tongue; slowdown and

difficulty speaking after waking up, stuttering. Tongue: red, dry, enlarged; red, later dry and brown;

white around the edges, as well as on the back; pale and cold. Breath is foul; characteristic nauseating odor; tongue is white. Copious saliva and bad breath. Suppression of salivation in children during teething. Taste: disgusting, salty; absent. Intense thirst and dry mouth. • taste. Salty taste in the mouth.

TEETH Pulpitis in children. Difficult teething in children. Vomiting and diarrhea during teething.

STOMACH Repeated retching and vomiting; nausea and dizziness. Hysterical women who vomit immediately after eating, especially

against a backdrop of exciting emotions. Vomiting: with great thirst; in drunkards after drinking; with whooping cough; from opium. Weakness in the stomach, dyspepsia. Painful pressure in the stomach after eating; lethargy.

APPETITE Anorexia, bad breath; the tongue is white, including the edges and back, but not

necessarily covered with plaque; severe lethargy, severe headache;

disgusting gagging or vomiting mucus; salty taste in

mouth Children can easily swallow solid food from birth, but everyone needs to drink

times provokes an attack of suffocation in them.

ABDOMEN Enlarged liver and spleen. A small tumor in the spleen area. Feeling as if intestines were falling out. Feeling of cold inside the abdomen. The abdomen is retracted, almost “stuck” to the spine (infantile cholera). Colic in young children; the abdominal wall is retracted and dense, while

the intestines are pulled together into a dense, visible lump, the size of a small

orange. The lump moves from one part of the intestine to another; frequent

attacks of excruciating pain not associated with diarrhea or constipation, often

simultaneously with the appearance of aphthae in the mouth. Colic in children occurs periodically, around 5 pm. Colic due to flatulence in children and hysterical women. Ascites with lesions of the liver or spleen.

ANUS AND RECTUM Painless diarrhea with severe chilliness, even in a warm room. Stool: watery (like rice water); painless. Frequent, green, watery discharge with severe abdominal cramps,

during which it becomes hard; thrush; convulsive movements

eyes and limbs. Bloody, mucopurulent diarrhea with severe thirst, vomiting, sunken

eyes, pupils dilated; the skin is wrinkled and covered with blue spots, the body

cold, tongue dry and red, pulse imperceptible, urination suppressed. Brain irritation in infantile cholera. Asiatic cholera (initial stages), vomiting, convulsions, discharge in the form

rice water; the drug restores urine secretion. Constipation: stools are very dry, hard and rare. Vomiting of all food eaten and persistent constipation. During defecation: sensation as if bowels were falling out; allocation

urine drop by drop. Spasmodic strictures of the anal sphincter. Constant diarrhea with more or less intense tenesmus and discharge

large amounts of blood; when the patient strains to defecate, thin, worm-shaped feces appear, accompanied by yellow,

foul-smelling discharge; feces flattened; intestinal distension

gases; the patient is pale and looks sick (rectal polyp). Haemorrhoids. Confluent and very painful varicose veins,

black chair.

Pain in hemorrhoids, anal fissures and painful growths.

URINARY SYSTEM Pain in the kidney area, spreading towards the ascending colon,

after which profuse urination occurs. Neuralgia of the bladder neck. Decreased sensitivity of the urethra. Urine: copious, with thirst; with excess phosphates; abundant, pale; at

poor collapse, up to anuria; scanty, every time at the beginning of bowel movement

a few drops of urine are released. Urinary incontinence. Urine is liquid, yellowish.

Involuntary loss of urine at night. Exhaustion, paleness, skin cold and dry; pulse is rapid and weak;

tongue red and sore; gums are loose and bleeding; strong thirst;

insatiable appetite; constipation; urine is pale, frequent discharge of large

quantities of urine with high specific gravity (due to increased

sugar content); the liver is painful and enlarged (diabetes mellitus).

WOMEN'S Nymphomania. Sterility due to excessive sexual indulgence

whims. Disappearance of sexual sensations during sexual intercourse. Aversion to sexual activity; menstruation scanty. Consolidation of the uterus; enlargement of the uterus (after childbirth) with pathological

secretions. Uterine fibroid. Ovarian neuralgia due to unsatisfied sexual desire,

nervous anxiety. Ovarian neuralgia; pain, swelling, tenderness of the left ovary, decreased

sexual desire. Large tumor, smooth and tight, palpated in the lower abdomen, in the right

iliac region; the tumor is slightly painful when pressed, in it

fluctuation is clearly felt; abdominal measurement taken along the line

iliac crests, revealed an increase in size by 25 centimeters;

scanty urine, frequent urge (cystic ovarian tumor). The abdomen is large, but not tense; upon palpation, elastic

tumor, with vague fluctuation, in the left iliac region, also there

movements are felt, as if at the first movement of the fetus (increased

ovary). Metrorrhagia due to reflex irritation; or nervous

origin. Menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, nymphomania and menstrual

epilepsy; but the drug is also used for neurological symptoms. Menorrhagia due to irritation of the ovaries caused by strong

sexual desire. Uterine bleeding, especially in young women. Changes in life: anxiety forcing the patient to be in

constant movement; insomnia; shiver; rushes of blood to the face and head;

heartbeat; menorrhagia. Vaginismus. Itching of the external genitalia that develops with irritation

uterus or ovaries or hypersensitivity of blood vessels localized in

this area; strong sexual arousal, often actually nymphomania. Frightening images at night; the patient imagines that she has committed

a terrible crime - killing your children and husband (during pregnancy). Enlarged uterus. Masturbation.

MENSTRUATION Scanty menstruation in obese women. Headache before menstruation. During menstruation: epileptic convulsions, nymphomania, itching, burning and

stimulation in the external genitalia, perineum and clitoris. After menstruation: headache, insomnia and fever in the genital area. Erotomania for several days after menstruation. Epileptic seizures during, before or after menstruation.

PREGNANCY. CHILDREN. Morning sickness and vomiting during pregnancy, threat of abortion; cough

dry, strong, almost incessant. Frightening images at night (in women in the third trimester of pregnancy; they

it seems as if they have done or are about to do something terrible in their own way

crime of cruelty, such as killing one's children and husband). Convulsions during childbirth. Nymphomania during childbirth.

MEN Sensual and voluptuous fantasies and dreams. Excessive desire with constant erection at night. Satyriasis. Decreased desire to the point of impotence. Erections at night; pain

in back; uncontrolled restless movements of the hands. Impotence with melancholy, loss of memory, nervous prostration; epilepsy. Consequences of sexual excesses, such as impotence, paralysis and spasms

due to depletion of the spinal cord. Wet dreams accompanied by despondency, joyless thoughts, pain in the

back, unsteady gait and severe weakness. Spermatorrhea before the development of paralytic symptoms, erection

normal, but annoying with its constancy, with nightly

ejaculation and nervous system disorders due to

unsatisfied sexual desire. Curvature of the penis during gonorrhea. Masturbation.

MUSCLES Discoordination of muscle function.

BACK Tabes dorsalis due to sexual excesses. Back pain, fatigue and aching legs (ejaculation).

LIMBS • Arms. Trembling of the hands during voluntary movements, as if

delirium tremens. The hands and fingers are in constant motion; often

twitching of the fingers occurs. • Legs. Weakness of leg and foot extensors. The patient cannot stand

standing up straight; weak legs. Unsteady gait; it is often mistaken for

drunk. Loss of sensation; pinching or applying hot

causes pain (locomotor ataxia).

INFECTIONS Infantile cholera. Syphilis.

CHILDREN Night terrors in children (not related to digestive disorders), with

screams in sleep and trembling; the patient is not aware of what is around him

happens, does not recognize friends, and friends cannot alleviate his condition;

sometimes followed by strabismus.

Pulpitis in children. Difficult teething in children. Vomiting and diarrhea during teething.

Colic in young children; the abdominal wall is retracted and dense, while

the intestines are pulled together into a dense, visible lump, the size of a small


Colic in children occurs periodically, around 5 pm. Colic due to flatulence in children.

MODALITIES • Worse. In hot weather. In summer. Regular worsening at 2 p.m.

Most symptoms are worse at night.

ETIOLOGY Anger. Fright. Emotional disturbances. Care. Difficulties and losses in

business. Sexual excesses and abuse.

RELATIONSHIPS Antidotes for Kali bromatum are: plant acids,

vegetable oils, Camphora, Nux vomica, Zincum. Kali bromatum is an antidote for lead poisoning. Follows well : Asonitum and Spongia in croup; Eugenia jambosa for acne. Compare: Bromium, Camphora bromatum, Ammonium bromatum, Aurum bromatum (night

fears); Kali carbonicum (persons prone to obesity; also Ammmonium carbonicum,

Calcarea carbonica, Graphites); Kali iodatum (acne, syphilis); Kali phosphoricum and Calcarea carbonica (nightmares); Nuoscyamus (mania; hypersensitivity without inflammation of the brain;

fear of being poisoned; sees ghosts; sexual arousal); Platinum (sees ghosts, demons, etc.); Argentum nitricum (horrible premonitions; the patient feels as if he cannot

pass by a certain place); Glonoinum (afraid of being poisoned, also Rhus toxicodendron); Staphysagria (mental depression, weakness in legs during masturbation); Gelsemium (for muscle incoordination); Conium (nervous cough during pregnancy); Bovista, Stramonium (slow, difficult speech; stuttering); Ipecacuanha (infantile cholera); Zincum (anxiety and restlessness; Zincum - in the feet, Kali bromatum - in the hands); Tarentula (reflex symptoms; minor irritation, e.g.

Teething or indigestion leads to cramps. Restless hands).

Source: John Henry Clarke. “Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica in 6 volumes” (Homeopathic Medicine Publishing House. Moscow, 2001).

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