Coding for alcoholism using the drug "Esperal"


Drinking alcohol causes not only physical but also psychological dependence. Alcoholism has long been called a disease in which a person himself cannot, and often does not want, to cope with a bad habit.

But today there are effective, sometimes radical, measures and drugs that help cope with a difficult problem. Esperal is considered one of the most effective remedies in the fight against alcoholism.

Mechanism of action

The active ingredient in Esperal is disulfiram. It interferes with the synthesis of liver enzymes, which are involved in the process of breaking down ethyl alcohol into carbon dioxide and water. Coding leads to the fact that alcohol is processed by the body only into the intermediate product - acetic acid. The toxic substance disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and causes severe poisoning.

Until alcohol enters the bloodstream, the drug has no effect and does not cause harm. Its effect begins after drinking ethanol. The reaction can be immediate or delayed, and toxic damage to the kidneys and liver is possible.

What you need to be prepared for

Let's return to the beginning of our article and consider in more detail the mechanism of action of Esperal on the human body. What will happen to an alcoholic if he drinks a couple of glasses of vodka out of habit?

When drinking a small dose of alcohol, a person will be very lucky. He will “just” experience a multi-day hangover with severe headaches, constant vomiting and a general loss of energy. Why is it believed that the patient got off easy? Because if an alcoholic drinks his “usual” amount, the body, deprived of protection, may react:

  • Drop in blood pressure and loss of consciousness;
  • Stopping breathing;
  • Convulsions and paralysis of limbs;
  • Severe pain in the chest, including heart attack;
  • In especially severe cases - death.

Forms of the drug "Esperal"

Coding for alcoholism using Esperal is carried out in various ways. The choice of technique is also influenced by the form of release of the drug:

  • tablets - suitable for patients who have made a conscious, firm decision to give up alcohol. You need to take the pills for a long time, strictly following the schedule drawn up by a specialist;
  • capsules for sewing under the skin - the active substance slowly and dosed enters the blood. The capsules are sewn through an incision in the area of ​​the buttocks, lower back or shoulder blade;
  • gel for intravenous administration - with this method of implantation, the effect of Esperal can be stopped only by taking an antidote. The injection is done under local anesthesia; this technique is as effective as stitching.

Esperal coding is carried out for a period of 1 year, 3 or 5 years.

Esperal stitching – price

The price for stitching Esperal at the Narmed drug treatment clinic is quite reasonable, and every person suffering from chronic alcoholism can afford this type of treatment. With a procedure such as Esperal coding, the price consists of the cost of the drug and the type of its administration (that is, the cost of the manipulation itself).

Esperal for 6 months.4600 rub.
Esperal for 12 months.4950 rub.

For example, sewing in a capsule with a drug will cost a little more, since it requires sterile conditions (during the procedure, the integrity of the skin is compromised, so maximum disinfection of the room and instruments is necessary).

The price for Esperal for implantation is a little higher, but not so much that one would refuse treatment. Remember that interrupting binge drinking and subsequent coding of Esperal are only the first steps towards the treatment of chronic alcoholism.

Attention! If you are interested in the Esperal implant and the price of the drug itself, then it should be noted that our doctors categorically do not recommend sewing in an Esperal implant yourself.

The fact is that although this is a small surgical procedure, failure to comply with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis can lead to suppuration.

Our doctors are also asked whether Esperal for implantation can be bought at a pharmacy. We confidently answer that this should not be done. High-quality coding of Esperal can only be done by a qualified doctor in a licensed clinic, which is Narmed.

And self-implantation of the drug Esperal usually ends unfavorably. The smallest complication you can get is wound suppuration. But it will have to be treated surgically and you will spend a lot more money, not to mention your health and the effort expended.

Coding Esperal or, in this case, Esperal implantation requires certain conditions, and only a doctor can determine the indications and contraindications for this manipulation.

Preparation for the procedure

For implantation to be effective, you need to properly prepare for it.

During the week before coding "Esperal" you must refrain from drinking alcohol. This will allow the body to cleanse itself of ethyl alcohol breakdown products. Otherwise, after administering the drug, the patient will immediately feel unwell.

To determine the body’s readiness for implantation and eliminate contraindications, it is necessary to undergo a full medical examination before the procedure. In addition, before sewing in the Esperal drug, the patient must visit a narcologist and give his written consent to the procedure.

How long does Esperal last?

Our doctors are often asked how long Esperal lasts. We give this answer - the validity period of Esperal is 1-3-5 years.

Why such a difference in time?

The fact is that during diagnosis and determining the period for which Esperal coding will be done, the doctor proceeds both from the wishes of the alcohol addict and from his condition, concomitant pathology and psychological mood.

Our doctors always approach the treatment of alcoholism strictly individually , and if it is necessary to administer an Esperal injection intravenously, the timing is discussed in advance. It is also convenient that the medicine is supplied to the clinic in a syringe, and the narcologist can easily control the dosage, thereby reducing or increasing the coding period.

Implantation of the Esperal capsule

Administration under the skin makes the drug active for a long time, while the therapeutic effect remains stable. Before sewing begins, the doctor examines the patient for contraindications, discusses the desired duration of action and obtains voluntary consent from the dependent to carry out the procedure. Forced treatment or deception is prohibited by law. Moreover, this will not bring the desired effect. The patient himself must want to be cured. The procedure is carried out in a state of sobriety of the patient. The last intake of alcohol is possible 3–7 days before filing the Esperal capsule.

Implantation is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor makes a small incision in the area of ​​the buttock or shoulder blade and injects the drug into the fatty tissue. The incision is covered with stitches and a dry dressing. Treatment with antiseptics is carried out for several days. After healing, the doctor removes the stitches, and a barely noticeable scar remains at the incision site.

The effect of the drug "Esperal" begins immediately. In some cases, after filing, the doctor does a provocative test - he gives the patient a little ethanol-based drink to track changes in well-being. Additionally, a suggestion is made to give up alcohol.

Coding “According to Dovzhenko” (with elements of hypnosis)10,000 rub.
Implantation of the drug Esperal10,000 rub.
Torpedo method9,000 rub.
IT-21 (with provocation)12,000 rub.
Assisting with decoding and removing spiral6000 - 8000 rub.
Consultation with a psychologist (home visit)6000 - 8000 rub.
Drug testing3000 - 5000 rub.
Treatment in a hospital (COMPLETE ANONYMITY, modern, safe techniques, individual approach)from 6500 rub. per day
Hospitalization for alcoholism treatment (inpatient stay is paid separately and depends on the chosen institution)8000 rub.
Vivitrol methodprice negotiable
*price is negotiable (depending on the chosen length of stay)

* The cost of a call may vary depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, age, time of day, remoteness of location and other factors.


  1. Methods of psychotherapy for drug addicted patients / I. D. Darensky. — Moscow: Sputnik+ Company, 2007. — 414 p.
  2. A manual on narcology for doctors and paramedics of primary medical care / A. A. Churkin, T. V. Klimenko. - Moscow ; Khanty-Mansiysk: Health and Society, 2006 (Cheboksary: ​​IPK Chuvashia). — 173 p.
  3. How to get rid of bad habits quickly and without problems: [result 100%] / I. A. Cheryasova. - Moscow: RIPOL classic, 2008. - 191 p.

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Precautionary measures

Coding for alcoholism with the drug "Esperal" requires the patient to comply with strict measures to prevent the occurrence of a disulfiram-ethanol reaction.

After the procedure, from the first day it is prohibited to consume:

  • alcoholic beverages;
  • products containing alcohol (for example, sweets with liqueur);
  • alcohol-based medicinal tinctures and medicines;
  • products obtained by fermentation (kefir, kvass).

The use of deodorants and eau de toilette on the skin is not prohibited. In case of accidental consumption of alcohol, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage.

Coding Esperal gel

The drug Esperal is available in gel form so that it can be administered by injection. Esperal gel coding has its advantages.

The undeniable advantage of therapeutic injections for chronic alcoholism is their low invasiveness.

In other words, in order to insert Esperal gel under the shoulder blade, sterile room conditions are not required (as for surgery), and there is no need to make an incision in the skin.

Doctors at the Narmed clinic widely use this method, since it allows Esperal to be administered under the shoulder blade or into the buttock of the patient right at his home. This relieves psychological stress, since treatment takes place at home.

Side effect

With the exception of skin reactions to the filing (redness, swelling), all other undesirable reactions are associated with alcohol entering the blood. Alcohol consumption may cause weakness, headaches, respiratory failure, heart attacks, and cerebral edema. In the case of prolonged use of alcoholic beverages, hepatitis, cerebral thrombosis and other pathologies leading to death develop.

Rules for caring for the implantation site:

  • Do not wet the Esperal injection site for 5 days;
  • The bandage needs to be changed 1–2 times a day;
  • The stitches are removed after a week in compliance with all safety rules.


There are diseases for which taking Esperal is contraindicated:

  • diabetes;
  • asthma;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hypertension;
  • seizures and nervous disorders;
  • oncology;
  • heart disease, previous heart attack;
  • age over 60 years;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding.

It is necessary to do liver tests, since taking it may cause liver damage and deterioration of the patient's condition, including death. When taking the drug for a long time, some biochemical indicators should be monitored once a month and if the drug is exceeded three times, stop taking it.

There are symptoms, for example, yellowing of the skin, discoloration of stool, loss of appetite, and some others, if they occur, the drug should also be discontinued and the liver examined.

The patient must be warned not only that it will be unpleasant for him to drink vodka, but also that a slight reaction may occur to kvass, kefir, that is, to fermentation products.

Since even the smell of alcohol-containing mixtures becomes unpleasant while taking the drug, the patient is unlikely to be able to use eau de toilette, lotions, and other cosmetics.

Any reactions are observed within two weeks after discontinuation of Esperal, as it accumulates in fatty tissues.

Advantages of the method

The main advantages of the technique are the presence of a long-term result in the form of giving up alcohol and convenience, since a person does not need to take medications every day.

The duration of the Esperal file is no more than an hour. It is necessary to understand that this technique does not relieve a person from addiction, but only restrains him. Therefore, an important role in therapy is played by the psychological component, the patient’s positive attitude, and his sincere desire to get rid of alcoholism.

Features of treatment

Treatment of the patient should only take place under the supervision of a physician, since it is impossible to predict how strong the reaction will be during testing. There are times when everything is very difficult and there is a need for medical care. Also, if the symptoms do not go away for more than an hour and a half, then doctors will have to intervene here too.

Therapy with Esperal is carried out only with the consent of the patient. They tell him what sensations may appear after drinking vodka or another alcoholic drink. The patient should be aware of the consequences.

Before starting treatment with Esperal, you must either voluntarily abstain from alcohol for 3-4 days, or, if this is not possible, put on drips for detoxification.

What determines the effectiveness of the procedure?

There are two aspects on which the effectiveness of this manipulation depends:

  • motivation - a person must sincerely want to quit drinking and set himself up to overcome all possible difficulties along this difficult path. If the decision to encode was made under pressure from family or friends, then the result will most likely be temporary and after some time a breakdown will occur;
  • doctor's qualifications - Esperal should be implanted by a narcologist with experience in conducting such procedures. Doctors of any other specialties will not be able to provide correct and high-quality manipulation.

Esperal sewing in reviews

  • Vasily, Moscow : “I can say that when I read reviews about Esperal sewing in, I didn’t immediately believe that it would help me too. But I made up my mind and called the Narmed clinic. I was immediately invited for a consultation and after 5 sober days they fixed me up. This was six months ago. Now I don’t drink and don’t crave. Thanks to the doctors from Narmed, they saved not just me, but also my family.”
  • Grigory, St. Petersburg : “At first I didn’t understand why I should go to Moscow to sober up. But my wife insisted, and I also read what Esperal binder is and the reviews were positive specifically about the Narmed clinic. It was difficult to last a week without a bottle, but I overcame this, and the filing itself did not hurt. Now I can’t look at alcohol, even kvass makes me sick!”

Removal of the drug "Esperal"

It is impossible to decode it yourself, since the drug is deep in the tissues and enters the blood gradually. To neutralize disulfiram, you must consult a doctor. This may be required in the following cases:

  • severe adverse reactions;
  • development of a disease that is a contraindication for coding;
  • the need to undergo treatment with drugs that are incompatible with disulfiram;
  • patient breakdown and threat to his life due to the development of severe intoxication;
  • personal desire.

The patient is given an antidote intravenously, which blocks the injected drug. After the procedure, a provocative test is performed to ensure that the active substance is neutralized. In a certain number of patients, it is impossible to completely neutralize Esperal due to the weak effect of the antidote.

Doctors at the NARCOMED clinic carry out coding with the drug "Esperal" in compliance with all precautions and anonymity.

Important information

Cases of Esperal overdose are the result of self-medication with a tablet drug, when the addict or his relatives try to independently calculate the dosage of the medicine. You need to immediately call an ambulance - an overdose of disulfiram provokes disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, leading to confusion and even coma.

Of course, you cannot combine Esperal with alcohol and alcohol-containing medications; this is fraught with tachycardia, vomiting, redness of the skin, and a significant dose of alcohol leads to coma. Adverse effects are possible when combined with certain medications that do not contain alcohol; you should be warned about this before the coding procedure. If you need to take any medicine, be sure to inform your doctor and take medicine only after his approval!

The effect of Esperal on the body is not accompanied by a pronounced drowsiness effect, but caution should be exercised when working with machinery and when driving vehicles.

You can contact a narcologist-psychiatrist at the Emerkon Clinic for detailed advice on coding for Esperal. Do not self-medicate - the consequences can be disastrous!

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