Treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism in 180 days with a guarantee

Contraindications for use

Taking this drug is not recommended if:

  • hypersensitivity to its components;
  • severe dysfunction of the kidneys and liver;
  • under 18 years of age;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • reduction in heart rate;
  • acute and chronic forms of heart failure ;
  • lactation , pregnancy .

pharmachologic effect

Due to its natural composition, the product has a pronounced pharmacological effect. There is an improvement in the emotional background, symptoms of irritation, anxiety and causeless restlessness are relieved.

The drug reduces the negative manifestations of stress, eliminates insomnia, and normalizes sleep. There is a restoration of heart rate and blood pressure levels.

The property of valerian manifests itself in slowing down the functioning of the central nervous system, due to which relaxation occurs, anxiety and problems with falling asleep go away. The plant is especially effective in combination and has a slow therapeutic effect.

Motherwort has sedative properties and normalizes the function of the central nervous system and cardiovascular system.

Magnesium is an important element that regulates necessary processes in the body. Without its participation, many physiological reactions do not occur; it helps improve the function of individual cells and the nervous system. It has an anti-stress effect, inhibits excitations occurring in the central nervous system and reduces the feeling of irritability and anxiety.

The drug does not cause addiction and does not cause a feeling of drowsiness when taken during the day. In the evening it does not interfere with falling asleep.

The main advantages of Valemidin are:

  1. Effective after a single use.
  2. Natural composition.
  3. Does not impair mental activity, preserves memory.
  4. It has a pronounced sedative and antispasmodic effect.
  5. Does not affect performance.

Valemidin, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

These drops are intended for oral administration. In this case, adult patients should take this remedy before meals, about half an hour. A single dosage is 30-40 drops; you must first dilute the medicine with a small amount of water and take it 3-4 times daily.

As the instructions for use of Valemidin show, the duration of treatment can be 10-15 days. Repeated therapeutic courses are carried out as prescribed by a doctor, no earlier than after 1-1.5 months.

First aid for morphine poisoning

If morphine poisoning occurs, you need to seek qualified help as soon as possible. Help for a person should be provided in several stages:

  • The stomach is washed with warm water or a solution of potassium permanganate. You will need to drink about 1.5 liters of liquid, after which you need to induce vomiting.
  • You definitely need to use enterosorbent. For example, it could be smecta, lactofiltrum, enterosgel.
  • You should also take one of the saline laxatives. It can be sodium phosphate, sodium sulfate, etc.
  • If a person has lost consciousness and there is no heart rhythm, it is necessary to urgently perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation before the doctors arrive.
  • You should not allow a person to fall asleep; you must constantly talk to him until the ambulance arrives.


Level 4 ATC code matches: Alora
Motherwort extract





Valerian tincture



Persen Forte




Motherwort Forte Evalar




Peony tincture



There is no exact analogue of Valemidin, but its components have a similar effect: valerian tincture , hawthorn tincture , peppermint tincture and motherwort tincture .

Signs of morphinism

Morphine addiction manifests itself in physical and psychological cravings for the drug. Drug addicts use this substance to achieve a feeling of euphoria. This effect continues for eight hours. A person taking this drug can be easily identified by key signs:

  • Frequent changes in body temperature.
  • Constant sleepiness.
  • The pupils narrow and do not react to light in any way.
  • The injection sites become noticeable, and ulcers with pus form in them.
  • Intestinal function is disrupted.
  • The eyes become red and there is constant tearing.

Reviews about Valemidin

Taking various sedatives is one of the components of the life of a modern person. Therefore, reviews of Valemidin show that many people actively take these drops in order to normalize their condition in a variety of cases.

There are especially frequent reports of the use of this drug for sleep disorders . At the same time, patients report that they feel a quick and stable effect: falling asleep occurs quickly, sleep becomes calm and sound, in the morning they feel good, well-rested and alert, and throughout the day they do not feel weak or drowsy .

This remedy is also used by people whose work involves mental overload, for example, teachers. They report that they are less nervous and irritated; on the contrary, they sleep well and feel better.

The effectiveness of Valemidin drops is confirmed by experts. According to doctors, some patients specifically buy tinctures that are part of this product and mix them together. However, this approach can only aggravate the problem and lead to additional disruptions to the functioning of the nervous system. As for this drug, its composition strictly complies with all permissible standards that increase efficiency and do not cause harm to the body.

Composition and release form

The sedative is intended for oral use. Sold in dark glass bottles of 25, 50 and 100 ml. Drops are brown in color, with the possible appearance of sediment. Packaged in cardboard packaging of 1 bottle.

The composition of the drug includes extracts of medicinal plants. These are valerian, hawthorn, motherwort and peppermint. Magnesium is also included in the base. Thanks to this, Valemidin has unique therapeutic properties:

  1. Motherwort and valerian have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, eliminate spasms and normalize blood pressure.
  2. Mint calms the nervous system.
  3. Hawthorn improves vascular permeability, restoring normal blood supply to tissues and the brain.

Additional ingredients are xelite, vitamin C, ethyl alcohol, water, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate.

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription, the set includes a measuring spoon.

The shelf life is no more than 3 years under optimal storage conditions.

Valemidin price, where to buy

The price of Valemidin varies within 150 rubles. You can buy this sedative at any pharmacy.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Valemidin drops for internal use.
    approx. 25ml LLC AVZ S-P./Pharmamed LLC/Kirovskaya Farm.Fabrika OJSC 140 rub.order
  • Valemidin Plus syrup fl. 100ml Pharmamed LLC

    RUB 281 order

Sensitizing agents

They are used in coding against alcoholism to create a so-called chemical barrier that makes it impossible to drink alcohol, and to develop in the patient a sense of fear of the possible unpleasant consequences of drinking alcohol. The most common sensitizing agent used in the treatment of alcohol dependence is teturam (Antabuse, disulfiram). The previously widely prescribed sensitizing drugs metronidazole, furazolidone, and nicotinic acid are now rarely used. Disulfiram has been used to treat alcohol dependence since the 1940s. It is assumed that the therapeutic effects of Teturam are due to the fear of Teturam Alcohol Reaction (TAR). The mechanism of action of this drug is based on blocking the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, as a result of which the oxidation of alcohol is delayed at the acetaldehyde stage. Before treatment with Teturam, the patient is warned about the possible adverse effects of drinking alcohol.

The drug Disulfiram for coding against alcohol dependence, valid for up to 1 year:

Currently, a fairly common method of treatment is intramuscular implantation of the drug Esperal, which is produced in sealed ampoules containing 10 tablets of 0.1 g of teturam. As a rule, this method is used when other therapeutic measures are unsuccessful. The patient and his relatives are explained that the drug implanted into the tissue will be constantly absorbed into the blood, and if the patient drinks even a small amount of alcohol, he will experience serious consequences, including death.

The use of Teturam has many contraindications due to the pronounced toxicity of the drug. Against the background of its use, various side effects often develop in the form of allergic reactions, toxic hepatitis, and teturama psychosis. Disulfiram may worsen symptoms of schizophrenia. A necessary condition for treatment is the patient’s good health, high motivation, and regularity of taking the drug. It should be especially noted that it is inadmissible to prescribe disulfiram without the patient’s knowledge (for example, adding it to food) due to the danger of the consequences of a teturam-alcohol reaction.

Is it possible to drink alcohol with herbal antidepressants?

Mild herbal antidepressant drugs are known to have a mild calming effect. If a specialist has prescribed a person to take a course with such drugs, then drinking alcoholic beverages in this situation is not prohibited. However, you need to drink it in small doses to avoid a hangover.

The minimum break between drinking alcohol should be 7 days.

Thus, you must carefully read the instructions for the medications prescribed by your doctor. If “Antidepressant” is indicated in the “Pharmacological group” section, this means that drinking alcohol is prohibited during the period.

Other medicines

The use of doxepin recommended by some authors when withdrawing from binge drinking is considered unacceptable due to the high risk of complications - arterial hypotension, arrhythmias and toxic delirium. The administration of phenothiazine neuroleptics (aminazine and tizercin) practiced by some doctors when withdrawing from binge drinking should be considered unacceptable, because These drugs increase the likelihood of developing delirium, seizures and have a proarrhythmic effect. It is known that after the introduction of phenothiazine antipsychotics into practice for the treatment of delirium in the 50s. mortality from it increased 4 times. The co-administration of barbiturates and tranquilizers should be avoided when withdrawing from binge drinking due to excessive sedation and the combination of β-blockers and clonidine due to the risk of developing arrhythmias. A fairly common mistake when withdrawing from binge drinking is forced diuresis. From a pathophysiological point of view, this is not justified in any way, because The cause of withdrawal syndrome is the reaction of neurotransmitter systems to a drop in the concentration of alcohol in the blood, and not ethanol metabolites circulating in the blood. Accelerated elimination of alcohol during withdrawal from binge drinking at home leads to an increased risk of developing seizures and delirium. Infusion therapy with polyionic solutions is indicated for patients with severe dehydration or persistent vomiting. In most cases, oral rehydration is sufficient for recovery from binge drinking.

Serotonergic agents

The relationship between serotonin and alcohol is complex. It is assumed that alcoholics try to use alcohol to normalize low basal levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin has been found to be involved in the reinforcing effects of alcohol. In addition, low serotonin levels contribute to impulsive behavior that leads to alcohol consumption. Abnormalities in serotonin metabolism may be accompanied by anxiety and depression, in which case alcohol may be used as a means of self-medication. Serotonergic drugs include the serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) sertraline (Zoloft), fluoxetine (Prozac), fluvoxamine (Fevarin), citalopram. This class of drugs was developed in the 1980s to treat depressive disorders. The mechanism of action of SSRIs is to block the reuptake of serotonin by presynaptic endings, as a result of which the level of serotonin in the synaptic cleft increases.

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