Cheaper analogues of Otipax - list, comparison of effectiveness, which is better

How to drip Otipax

The medicine should be dripped into the external auditory canal of the ear.

For an adult, it will be enough to drop 4 drops into each ear 3 times a day.

The maximum duration of treatment is 10 days. Before starting treatment with Otipax, you need to ensure the integrity of the eardrums. Therefore, you must first be examined by a doctor and study the instructions in detail.

Before dropping the medicine, you need to hold the bottle in your hands for a while so that it warms up. This will prevent the discomfort that usually occurs when cold liquid enters the ear.

First you need to remove the cap from the bottle, then turn it over and point it into the ear canal. After this, you need to press on the center of the dropper and squeeze out the required number of drops (depending on age). After the manipulations, you need to tightly close the bottle and put it back in the packaging.

The importance of timely use of drops

When an inflammatory reaction occurs in the outer and middle ear, its cause must be identified in a timely manner. It can be allergic, fungal, bacterial, viral. If this is not done, the inflammatory process will spread deeper. Possible extensive damage to the eardrum. If this happens, severe suppuration will occur. It will need to be opened. This is fraught with many complications, including hearing loss.

Many ear drops have side effects. Some of them negatively affect the trophism of the ear canal, for example, glucocorticosteroids. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend using them only for their intended purpose after diagnosis. Thanks to her, they determine which medicine to choose.

For example, for infection, drops containing an antibiotic and a glucocorticosteroid are prescribed. In case of intolerance, the latter substance can be replaced with lidocaine, which has an analgesic effect.

Despite the fact that ear drops have only a local effect, they are used for a short course. The eardrum is easily susceptible to negative influences, including side effects from long-term use of drops. All of them must be used strictly according to the instructions received from the doctor. Be sure to monitor the expiration date. Drops should not be used for more than 1 month after opening. When instilled, they are held carefully, correctly, without touching the tip.

How to properly drip Otipax for children

In children, one of the common problems is the penetration of infection from the nasopharynx into the middle ear, which ultimately leads to otitis media. In such cases, the most effective and harmless remedy is Otipax. It can also be used for ear congestion, otitis externa, purulent otitis and after foreign objects have been removed from the ear. It is allowed to give the drug to children from birth.

Before using drops in your child’s ears, you need to be examined by a pediatrician. This is necessary to ensure that there is no rupture of the eardrums, as this is one of the main contraindications. If you ignore this point, the child may develop inflammatory reactions, which can have serious consequences.

For babies under 1 year old, it is enough to drop 2 drops into each ear once a day.

A child aged 1 to 2 years is allowed to increase the number of drops to 3.

Older children can drip 4 drops 3 times a day.

After the solution gets into the ear, you need to cover the passage with a cotton swab pre-treated with Vaseline so that the medicine does not evaporate.

Other drugs for ear pain

When ear pain occurs, patients cannot tolerate the discomfort. It is so strong that it is impossible to eat, sleep, or do work. An urgent consultation with a doctor is required to find out the cause. Most often, this is an infectious-inflammatory process spreading from the environment or nasal passages.

It is necessary to use one of the types of effective drops to simultaneously eliminate pain and infection. Doctors advise doing this only as directed, since the patient may cause harm on his own. Use one of the tools presented in the list of the table.

A drugActive substancePrice
LorotoxPhenazone, lidocaine350
OtipaxPhenazone, lidocaine250
SofradexFramycetin sulfate, gramicidin, dexamethasone380
AnauranPolymyxin sulfate, neomycin sulfate, lidocaine400
OtofaRifamycin sodium180
OtinumCholine salicylate280

To choose the right remedy, an examination is carried out by an otolaryngologist. If required, bacteriological culture is performed. For infection, antibiotics are prescribed. If the patient has an inflammatory process caused by minor damage to the eardrum, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Usually one type of ear drops is enough to eliminate the pathology. Additionally, oral antibiotics may be prescribed if the bacteria have penetrated deeply and caused severe inflammation.


Sofradex is a drug in the form of drops produced in India by Aventis pharma. This is a multi-component product, therefore it is highly effective. It consists of the following substances that determine the pharmacological action:

  • framycetin sulfate;
  • gramicidin;
  • dexamethasone.

These substances have an antibacterial effect, active against many gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to the bactericidal effect, it provides fungistatic activity, that is, the product destroys some of the fungi. Dexamethasone provides anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. Therefore, itching, burning, pain, and congestion are eliminated in the ear canal.

If you apply the product to the ears, you can eliminate otitis externa. However, it can also be used for eye diseases. For example, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, scleritis. It is applicable even for eczema of the eyelid skin.

Side effects when used against otitis media include dermatitis, itching, pain, burning, localized on the epithelium. Many patients are interested in which is better, Sofradex or Otipax. The answer lies in the diagnosis identified in the patient. If it is a bacterial or fungal infection, it is better to drip Sofradex. When pain of unknown etiology develops, Otipax and Lorotox are used. They can be supplemented with an oral antibiotic.


Anauran is a complex medicine, ear drops. Storage is carried out in the cold. They are used only in cases of proven bacterial infection. They consist of the following active components:

  • polymyxin B sulfate;
  • neomycin sulfate;
  • lidocaine hydrochloride.

From the composition it is clear that the drug has a broad spectrum antibacterial effect. It is active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms and fungi. In such conditions, the patient feels acute pain in the ears. Therefore, lidocaine is additionally added to the drops, which eliminates discomfort. The following indications for use are distinguished:

  • acute, chronic otitis media;
  • otitis media with perforation;
  • exudative otitis in the acute or chronic stage;
  • postoperative, purulent complications.

Side effects are rare. Minor allergic reactions in the form of itching, peeling, and redness are possible. The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance.

During pregnancy, the product is allowed, but only in cases of extreme necessity, since it contains an antibiotic.

If we consider the question of which is better, Anauran or Otipax, then the first medicine is effective for bacterial infections. Otipax can be used during pregnancy. Both products can be used for a child. During periods of acute pain, Otipax is used. If it is bacterial in nature - Anauran.


Otofa - ear drops containing only 1 component. This is an antibiotic from the rifampicin group - rifamycin sodium. It is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and is used to eliminate infectious and inflammatory diseases. Its mechanism of action is based on suppression of RNA polymerase production. The reproduction of the bacterial cell is blocked. The following indications for use for adults and children are distinguished:

  • acute otitis;
  • chronic otitis in the acute stage;
  • the risk of developing otitis media after middle ear surgery.

Adverse reactions may include allergies. Unlike other means, it can manifest itself not only locally, but also systemically. For example, hives form. Individual intolerance is considered a contraindication for use. Sufficient clinical trials have not been conducted in pregnant women, so the drug is used only for acute indications.

When figuring out which is better, Otipax or Otofa, they look at the condition of the middle ear and the symptoms that appear in the patient. If he suffers from pain from inflammation, Otipax is used, since the composition contains an anti-inflammatory and analgesic component. When a bacterial infection has developed and the pain is minor, Otofu can be used. This product does not contain lidocaine, so it will not have an anesthetic effect.


Otinum is a medicine in the form of drops containing choline salicylate. This is a derivative of salicylic acid that relieves inflammation and pain. The effect occurs due to the suppression of cyclooxygenase synthesis. Therefore, no further inflammatory reaction occurs. Additionally, the drug has a slight effect against bacteria and fungi, so the initial stage of the infectious process can be eliminated. The product is indicated for use in the following diseases and conditions:

  • otitis media in the acute or chronic stage;

  • the formation of a large sulfur plug (the use of the drug helps to soften it).

There haven't been enough clinical trials. Therefore, the number of side effects is not precisely determined. The following negative consequences are possible:

  • an allergic reaction manifested in the form of redness and itching;
  • hearing impairment in patients with perforated eardrum.

There are many more contraindications than other ear drops. There are bronchial asthma, nasal polyposis, perforation of the eardrum, pregnancy, lactation, children under 1 year of age, individual intolerance. This is how the drug differs from Otipax, which has much fewer contraindications. But in the presence of infection, Otinum helps more, as it has an antibacterial and fungicidal effect.


Garazon is a combination drug based on betamethasone and gentamicin. After opening, the bottle is stored in the refrigerator. That is, it simultaneously contains a glucocorticosteroid and an antibiotic, and therefore eliminates the inflammatory reaction and infection. Indicated for use in acute and chronic otitis media and ear canal infections.

Unlike other drops, Garazon can be used for infections of the ear, eyes, and eyelids.

There are many more contraindications than other ear drops. There are individual intolerance, fungal infections, perforation of the eardrum, age up to 8 years, pregnancy (especially 1st trimester), lactation. Other contraindications are related to eye pathologies.

Side effects are rare. Mainly when the dosage or course of treatment is exceeded. An allergic reaction or proliferation of a fungal infection in the outer ear area is possible. The remaining side effects occur in the eyes. For example, increased intraocular pressure, blurred vision, cataracts.

Otipax, Lorotox have much fewer contraindications and side effects than Garazon. But it has a beneficial effect on the patient during a bacterial infection, since the antibiotic in its composition has a wide spectrum of action. If the nature of otitis is bacterial, Otipax is prescribed only in combination with oral or injectable antibiotics.


People who have perforated eardrums or have increased susceptibility to the constituent components should avoid taking the drug. If there are ear injuries, then taking medication can only worsen the situation.

It is also not recommended for athletes to take before the start of competitions, since the elements present in the composition may show a positive response when tested for doping.

Particular caution should be taken when taking the medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Adverse reactions and overdose

After using the medication, undesirable reactions may occur, namely the appearance of an allergy at the site of use of the drug, the symptoms of which are a burning sensation, peeling of the skin, and redness.

If such signs appear, you should stop treatment and inform your doctor.

The drug is characterized by low adsorption. That is why, if the specified dose is observed, cases of overdose are not permissible. If you neglect the instructions, side reactions may appear in a more pronounced form.

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