Cheap analogue of Xarelto: list, comparison

The drug Xarelto is intended to prevent the occurrence of blood clots and myocardial infarction. In most cases, it is prescribed to prevent complications after operations performed on the legs. We are talking directly about the knee and hip joint.

Note that this product is sold at a fairly high price, so people often look for cheaper analogues. There are many products that can replace Xarelto, so it is useful to familiarize yourself with the list. Then it will be possible to choose the option that is best suited for a particular patient.

Description of the drug

As mentioned, Xarelto is an anticoagulant that inhibits platelet activation.

It is often prescribed in situations where patients have extensive fractures or have undergone surgery.

The drug also helps treat thrombosis and is also used to prevent them. This product has a wide range of contraindications.

Its use can lead to allergic dermatitis, hemorrhage in the eye, jaundice, and pain in the extremities. The product can also cause diarrhea, constipation, vomiting and other problems with the digestive system. A rash, hives, and itching may appear on the skin.

When using this drug, you should strictly follow the instructions. Experts note that an overdose can be dangerous for humans. Therefore, if the patient does not remember whether he took the drug today, then there is no need to take an additional dose.

It is also important to strictly adhere to the course of treatment and not extend it without a doctor’s prescription. Otherwise, serious side effects may occur.

More affordable drugs to replace Rivaroxaban

Rivaroxaban is used for the prevention and treatment of thrombosis of various etiologies.

These tablets have repeatedly proven their effectiveness. At the same time, it is worth considering the fact that this medicine is expensive and not every patient has the opportunity to purchase Rivaroxaban, especially considering that you still have to spend money on tests and trips to hospitals.

In this regard, the problem of finding substitutes that will have a similar effect, but at the same time their cost will be lower, becomes relevant. So, what drugs would be a worthy replacement for Rivaroxaban?


Direct acting anticoagulant. The package contains syringes filled with solution. The volume can be: 0.2 ml, 0.4 ml, 0.6 ml, 0.8 ml and 1 ml, it can contain 20 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg and 1 gram of active substance (heparin) with molecular mass of 4500 daltons.

Taking a dosage of 1.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight, after two days the maximum level of active heparin is ensured. Please note that its absorption when administered subcutaneously is close to 100%. The price for Clexane is on average 1,500 rubles for 10 syringes.

It is also necessary to know that due to the peculiarities of the action of low molecular weight heparin, there is a need for periodic blood clotting studies.


A high-quality generic antiplatelet drug whose active ingredient is ticlopidine, priced from 1000 to 1200 rubles per pack.

Tiklid prevents the formation of blood clots, and the following conditions are considered indications for use:

  • Acute coronary syndrome (angina attack) of varying severity.
  • Deep vein thrombosis.
  • Prevention of complications of cardiovascular diseases.


Has a pronounced antiplatelet effect. The cost varies between 300-400 rubles.

During the course of therapy, the following dynamics are observed in the body:

  1. A change in activated partial thromboplastin time that does not affect the physiological state of platelets and the ability to bind fibrogen.
  2. Increase in aPTT by 2-3 times.

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In what cases is Tagren prescribed?

  • Prevention of venous thrombosis, embolism and thromboembolism. Accordingly, Tagren is the number one drug in the treatment of varicose veins, which is often complicated by pulmonary embolism.
  • In addition, Tagren's prescriptions are justified for patients who have suffered severe therapeutic pathologies (infectious diseases, cardiac and respiratory failure of varying severity, exacerbations of rheumatic pathologies). Many surgical interventions are performed using this product.
  • Unstable angina or myocardial infarction, but not in all cases.


By its pharmacological nature, Sinkumar is an antagonist of vitamin K and belongs to indirect anticoagulants. Produced in tablet form. A distinctive feature from all fakes is the presence of the “SYNCU” engraving. The biochemically active substance is acenocoumarol. A package of 2 mg tablets for 50 pieces costs about 550-570 rubles.

The dosage is determined purely individually and the parameters of the hemostatic system are decisive in this choice. The tablets are taken once a day, and it is important to take them at the same time. For the first time you will need from 6 to 8 mg of the drug, after which the dosage must be reduced to 4 mg per day.

When undergoing a course of treatment, there is a need for constant monitoring of prothrombin time, the value of which should be within 2-3 seconds.


An anticoagulant in injection form, the price of which varies depending on the dosage, starts at 260 rubles. Its administration requires an extensive blood clotting test (including Duke time determination), since choosing the dosage in this case is the most difficult.

What are the signs that the dosage is incorrect? The earliest symptoms are the appearance of a large number of bruises and massive nosebleeds.

In addition, blood appears in the urine, women may experience uterine bleeding, and in the most unfavorable situations, intravascular deseminated syndrome develops.

It is possible to stop the developed pathology only in the conditions of the intensive care unit.


Direct-acting anticoagulant, cost from 250 rubles. Weaker than all other analogues developed on the basis of heparin, however, this did not prevent it from finding application in the following clinical situations:

  1. Deep vein thrombosis.
  2. Pulmonary embolism.
  3. Myocardial infarction, but not transmural (no Q wave on ECG).
  4. Prevention of blood clotting during hemodialysis and hemofiltration.

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Helpful information

The following conditions are contraindications to the use of rivaroxaban-based products, as well as drugs that are similar in action but differ in biochemical nature:

  • Hereditary predisposition to bleeding.
  • Liver failure.
  • Malignant and benign formations.
  • Arterial hypertension 2-3 degrees.
  • Microangiopathy caused by diabetes mellitus.
  • Decreased concentrations of prothrombin, ascorbic acid and vitamin K.
  • Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract of an ulcerative-destructive nature.
  • Hemorrhagic cerebral infarction and the first 2 months of the recovery period.
  • Postoperative period (regarding ophthalmological, dental and ENT operations).
  • Hemorrhagic cerebral infarction.
  • Aneurysm of the aorta or arteries responsible for the trophism of brain tissue.
  • Thrombocytopenia is a condition in which there is a decrease in the number of platelets, which is manifested by a deterioration in blood clotting.

Russian analogues of Xarelto

The drug Xarelto is produced by the German company Bayer, which explains its high price. If a person wants to find affordable analogues, then you can pay attention to Russian products.

Note that a foreign drug costs on average more than 4,000 rubles. Therefore, not every patient can pay such a sum. Let's consider what to replace the drug with if you want to choose a Russian company.

List of analogues produced in the Russian Federation:

  1. Vasotic. It has an antithrombin effect and is prescribed for stroke, as well as to restore cerebral circulation. Its average price is from 400 rubles.
  2. Warfarin. This is a cheap analogue of Xarelto, which can be purchased for 200 rubles. It prevents the formation of blood clots and is used to prevent venous diseases.
  3. Gemaza. It is considered the best remedy from a Russian manufacturer, which is intended for the treatment of thrombotic diseases. Its price starts from about 2000 rubles.
  4. Fibrinolysin. It is an antithrombin agent, which is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution. Costs about 600 rubles.

As you can understand, among these products there are enough that are affordable and at the same time quite good in quality. However, if desired, you can consider other drugs that were produced in other countries.

  • The drug is in the form of a white powder with a crystalline structure, odorless;
  • Review of analogues of the drug Tobrex;
  • – analogues of Klabaks.

Indications for use of Rivaroxaban

The medication is prescribed for the following diseases and conditions:

  • deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • to prevent cerebrovascular accidents in cardiac patients (atrial fibrillation of non-valvular origin);
  • for prophylactic purposes after orthopedic and surgical interventions, to prevent the development of thromboembolism.

The drug is well tolerated by patients, characterized by its effectiveness and speed of action.

Ukrainian-made substitutes

Among the Ukrainian substitutes there are enough products that are quite cheap in price and at the same time also help with venous thrombosis. Therefore, you can also look for suitable options among them. The main thing is to first familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications, and also consult with a specialist about taking it.


  1. Dipyridamole . This is one of the cheapest substitutes, which is available in tablet form. It is often prescribed to prevent blood clots after leg surgery. On average it costs from 220 rubles.
  2. Aksparin . It is also an anthrombic agent produced in Ukraine. It is in the form of a solution intended for injections. You can buy it for 200 rubles.
  3. Aklotin . This is a fairly close substitute for Xarelto, which is used for preparing injections. You can buy it for about 320 rubles.
  4. Ticlopidine is considered an inexpensive analogue and is produced in tablet form. It is also suitable for the prevention of thrombosis of various origins. You can buy it for an average of 150 rubles.

Of course, you should not purchase too cheap products, because they may not be effective enough. It is better to give preference to drugs in the middle price range. They will help much better in the treatment and prevention of venous pathologies.

Belarusian analogues of Xarelto

Quite a few analogues of Xarelto are produced in Belarus, but options still exist.

You can pay attention to them if the above methods are not suitable for some reason. We can recommend Aspicard, the price of which reaches 400 rubles.

It has a positive effect on the circulatory system and is particularly suitable for the prevention of thrombosis. However, it should not be taken during pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as for peptic ulcers and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Heparin is a cheap substitute for the German drug. It is available in capsules and is quite helpful in treating diseases associated with the formation of blood clots. The price starts on average from 100 rubles. It should also not be used during pregnancy, lactation, or for stomach ulcers.

Venorelax is one of the cheapest products, the price of which averages from 50 to 80 rubles.

It is made from natural ingredients and is available as a tincture.

It can be used during the period of thrombosis prevention, but should not be used when carrying a baby, or under the age of 18 years.

People prone to allergic reactions should take it with caution, as it can provoke them.

Xarelto: analogues and cheaper ones replaced drugs

Home page » Medicines » What cheaper analogues of the drug Xarelto are there?


  • 1 Composition and pharmacological action
  • 2 Analogues and prices

Xarelto is a product of the German company Bayer Pharma AG and belongs to a group of drugs called “direct anticoagulants.” This group of medications is necessary to prevent the formation of blood clots.

Blood clots can cause a large number of disorders in the body - from high blood pressure to micro-strokes or even major strokes. Therefore, drugs that fight blood clots are a vital necessity for patients with increased thrombus formation.

Composition and pharmacological action

Xarelto is an innovative drug, that is, its composition is unique:

  • the main substance is rivaroxaban;
  • excipients tablets: lactose monohydrate, hypromellose, etc.;
  • excipients for the shell: hypromellose, macrogol, titanium dioxide.

The main active ingredient in the drug works to reduce the intensity of the coagulation cascade. It acts on factor Xa, inhibiting it and thus affecting a major part of the coagulation process.


One of the main factors behind the effectiveness of Xarelto is its incredibly high bioavailability. This is a value that measures the amount of a substance absorbed into the blood and having an effect. For Xarelto, this is 80-100% - this is one of the highest bioavailability values ​​among drugs in this group.

The bioavailability of the substance depends greatly on the injection site. Administration of the drug distally to the stomach sharply reduces its bioavailability and may negatively affect the treatment process.


Xarelto contains a new substance that was developed and launched on the market recently, and therefore patients will not be able to find exact and inexpensive analogues with the same composition on sale.

Xarelto is not cheap, like all other drugs from the anticoagulant group. The original medicine cannot be reproduced for quite a long time, so the only way out for people will be to look for cheaper analogues.

Anticoagulants play a very significant role in the treatment process, and therefore the Xarelto substitute should be selected taking into account the full picture of the disease, concomitant diseases and successful tolerability by the patient. That is why, before taking a medicine, you need to make sure that it really suits the patient.

The list of indications for Xarelto is, in general, short but comprehensive: prevention of thromboemolias, in particular of the lower extremities, during surgical interventions or prevention of diseases caused by increased formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

While the list of contraindications for use is more impressive:

  • Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug, allergic reactions and any similar problems during therapy. If it occurs, you should immediately stop taking it and consult a doctor.
  • Contraindications are severe and active bleeding in the body.
  • In addition to existing bleeding, conditions in which the risk of bleeding is increased are also a contraindication for taking Xarelto.
  • If the patient, in addition to Xarelto, undergoes additional therapy with anticoagulants included in the regimen, then this drug should be discontinued. Exceptions: if the patient switches to Xarelto from other anticoagulant drugs or if these drugs are prescribed in low doses.
  • Severe liver problems that can lead to liver bleeding.
  • Severe kidney problems, failure. There are no data from clinical studies that would support the use of Xarelto.
  • For the same reason, pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood or adolescence are contraindications.

There is also a requirement for careful prescribing of medication in some special cases:

  • Any increased risk of bleeding (this also includes congenital bleeding problems, peptic ulcers or vascular pathology).
  • Moderate degree of renal failure or therapy that helps increase the concentration of the drug in the blood.
  • It is also strongly undesirable to use Xarelto in patients who are simultaneously undergoing antifungal or antiretroviral therapy. In the first case, with azole drugs (ketoconazole), and in the second, with HIV protease inhibitors. Rivaroxaban is undesirable because this drug can sharply increase its concentration in the blood, including to a clinically significant level. In these cases, the patient may develop bleeding. The exception to this point is fluconazole, which does not affect the concentration of rivaroxaban as significantly as other drugs from the group of synthetic azoles. It can be used in combination with Xarelto.
  • For patients who are at risk of exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, it is highly undesirable to use the medicine due to the danger of increasing or starting bleeding.

Analogues and prices

Due to the fact that a complete analogue of Xarelto is not yet on the market, patients are offered a choice of drugs that are similar in action. These are anticoagulants of both direct and indirect action.

Name Photo Price Description


320-380 rublesUkrainian analogue, good as a substitute for Xarelto. It is produced in the form of ampoules with a substance for preparing injections.
Aksparin200-250 rublesAlso a medicine against blood clots from Ukrainian production. Like the previous product, it is released in the form of ampoules for preparing a solution for injections.

300-400 rublesThis product from a Belarusian manufacturer is not an anti-anticoagulant, but an antiplatelet agent (that is, it prevents the aggregation of platelets into a blood clot). It has the same contraindications as Xarelto, but requires special attention to the patient’s gastric ulcer.
Vasotic400-450 rublesThis is a more or less inexpensive analogue of Xarelto tablets; it itself is also available in the form of coated tablets. Purpose: for strokes. Used in the treatment of problems with blood circulation in the brain. Excluded during pregnancy and stomach ulcers.
Wessel Due F

2300 rublesThese are Italian-made capsules, dosage 50 units. per capsule. One of the few natural drugs against increased blood clot formation, it helps everyone who has any problems with a predisposition to thrombosis. In addition to capsules, it is also available in a solution for injections.
Warfarex5 mg - 200 rubles, 3 mg - 150 rublesLatvian drug from the company Grindex. It is also an anticoagulant, like Xarelto, however, unlike it, it is of indirect action. Therefore, it is suitable for course use and has a long-lasting effect. Prescribed for therapy after strokes and heart surgery. It is considered the highest quality version of Warfarin, known to many.
WarfarinOn average 200 rublesOne of the cheapest analogues of Xarelto available on the market. Produced by a large number of enterprises, both in Russia and Belarus, Denmark, Latvia. The price directly depends on the manufacturer. It is also an indirect anticoagulant and can be prescribed for long courses. Popular with many patients due to the price-quality ratio.

2000 rublesOne of the best remedies for treating diseases accompanied by blood clots. This drug is produced in the form of an injection solution, which is in a lyophilized ampoule. Gemaza is also contraindicated during pregnancy and the risk of bleeding.
Dipyridamole350-450 rublesIts effectiveness is determined by the fact that when used it reduces the synthesis of thromboxane, which directly affects the formation of blood clots. Thus, it contributes to the recovery of patients who have suffered an ischemic stroke or suffer from atherosclerosis or venous thrombosis.
Eliquis2550 rublesA drug that is as close as possible to Xarelto both in action and in indications and contraindications. That is why it is quite expensive, but still cheaper than the original Xarelto. The dose of this drug should always be prescribed by a doctor, since it should be adjusted not only depending on the patient’s weight, but also age and even gender.

101 rubleCardiomagnyl, like Aspicard, is an antiplatelet drug. Unlike Aspicard, it is a protected antiplatelet agent that does not affect the gastrointestinal mucosa and thus does not provoke the development of ulcers and bleeding. However, it is still highly undesirable for people who already have ulcerative lesions to take it. There is an additive in the form of magnesium, which helps improve the patient’s cardiac activity.
Clexane265 rublesIt is a natural preparation created from pig intestines. It contains heparin, which, like Xarelto, is a direct-acting anticoagulant and directly affects the coagulation process, eliminating blood clots, and therefore diseases associated with them. Its disadvantage is that it is only available in the form of an injection solution.
Chime500 rublesIt is an antiplatelet agent and contains the same active ingredient as the drug Dipyridamole. Produced by a manufacturer from Germany. May contain different dosages of the drug and be prescribed in different treatment regimens. Bleeding is rare for Curantil, but it can affect blood pressure.
Pradaxa675 rublesIt is considered one of the best Xarelto substitutes sold at the lowest price in the market. A direct anticoagulant, it inhibits thrombin well and quickly prevents both thrombosis and possible consequences from them, since in addition to inhibiting thrombus formation it also stimulates microcirculation in the body.
Rivaroxaban1500 rubles for 28 tabletsAn original drug that is produced in Germany and has a fairly significant price in comparison with analogues. However, it is worth noting that in some cases it helps the best; there is no savings in replacing one drug with another. Currently one of the best anticoagulants available on the market.
Ticlopidine2000 rublesQuite an expensive antiplatelet agent, but the quality matches the price. It has a minimum of side effects, mainly affecting the gastrointestinal tract, for example, nausea or flatulence. In comparison with analogues, the product is quite well tolerated. Prescribed for atherosclerosis or stroke. Helps restore brain nutrition by improving blood circulation.
Fenilin175 rubles 200 per pack of 200 tabletsSuppresses prothrombin, being an anticoagulant. It has maximum effect after 8 hours, but its undeniable advantage is that after taking it, patients experience almost no bleeding. But this remedy must be prescribed strictly by a specialist, who will select the required dose.
Fibrinolysin600-700 rublesAnti-thrombosis agent. Almost instantly dissolves any blood clots, therefore it is used in such complex cases as, for example, arterial thrombosis or ophthalmic hemorrhages. But there are also disadvantages of use: it cannot be prescribed as a course and has a very high percentage of allergic reactions during use.
Fragmin2400 rublesQuite an expensive drug produced in the USA. Typically used in surgery and has excellent anticoagulant effects. It is used in the treatment of severe forms of thrombosis, for example, thrombosis of the central artery or deep veins. Acute forms of thrombosis are also indications for using Fragmin. It is also one of the few drugs that not only can, but also should be used by patients with chronic renal failure.

Which is better, Pradaxa or Xarelto?

It is often difficult to choose an analogue, especially if there are many options.

Therefore, the question arises, which is better, Paradaxa or Xarelto.

To make it clearer, it is worth considering in what ways these funds are similar and in what ways they are different.

Note that Paradaxa is a fairly common anticoagulant, the active component of which is etexilate.

It affects thrombin because it is a direct inhibitor. Note that Xarelto contains rivaroxaban, which affects coagulation factor Xa.

Paradaxa is used to prevent venous problems that may occur after orthopedic surgical interventions. It is also used for strokes and systemic embolisms.

The analogue can be used up to two times a day, but Xarelto can be taken only once a day.

The dosage in both cases is prescribed by the doctor. The side effects of the compared drugs are quite similar.

Actually, the contraindications are also the same, that is, this drug should not be taken during pregnancy, lactation, as well as for renal and hepatic abnormalities.

Both medications are effective and there are almost no differences between them, so the patient can choose either of them.

Xarelto or Eliquis: which is better?

The choice of a substitute should be taken responsibly, because the effectiveness of treatment depends on it.

Therefore, let’s figure out which is better, Xarelto or Eliquis.

Both drugs are considered direct anticoagulants. They affect the coagulation factor CA.

However, Xarelto contains rivaroxaban, and the active component of Eliquis is apixaban. These products are in the form of tablets; they do not differ in indications.

Note that Eliquis is used twice a day, and the specific dosage is determined by the doctor. Actually, the frequency of reception is the main difference. Therefore, when choosing a product, it is worth considering this point.

Because many patients find it more convenient to take the drug just once a day, and in such a situation they should prefer Xarelto.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: BAYER (Germany)
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: rivaroxaban

Analogs: Apixaban, Enoxaparin, Warfarin

Rivaroxaban is an anticoagulant of direct inhibitors of blood clotting factor Xa, that is, the mechanism of action of the drug is based on stopping the formation of blood clots. The medication contains micronized Rivaroxaban 15 mg, 20 mg and 10 mg. After ingestion, it is quickly and almost completely absorbed into the blood, reaching its highest concentration within 2–3 hours.

Warfarin or Xarelto, which is better?

The drug warfarin is produced in Russia.

It has the form of tablets and is prescribed for thrombosis of the venous system, for the prevention of this disease, for acute infarction of the heart muscle, and also during the period of valve replacement in the heart.

Often you have to decide which is better, warfarin or Xarelto. Note that the advantage of the Russian analogue is that it has a low price.

If the cost of a German product reaches 4,000 rubles, then a Russian substitute can be purchased for 200 rubles. As for quality, of course, Xarelto is much better.

However, not all people have the means to pay several thousand for a German drug. Therefore, if you want to find a cheaper product, you can choose a Russian substitute.

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