What is better to take “Mastopol” or “Mastodinon”: comparison and differences

Updated: 04/23/2021 15:13:42

Expert: Abramova Tsilya

Mastopol and Mastodinon are homeopathic remedies for the treatment of female diseases. Natural-based drugs are safer than strong hormonal drugs. But to achieve the effect, you need to take everything strictly according to indications. We looked at the advantages and disadvantages of these two tools to find out which is better.

A drug Advantages Flaws
Mastopol + High concentration of active ingredients

+ No serious adverse reactions

+ The course of treatment is shorter – 2 months

+ Low cost

+ Can be used by pregnant women with a doctor’s permission

— Accepted only after 18 years of age

- May cause allergies

— Counterfeits of the drug are common

Mastodinon + Applicable from 14 years of age

+ Effectively relieves PMS symptoms, including breast tenderness

+ Good tolerability

— May cause adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract

— Long course of admission – 6 months

- Not allowed during pregnancy

Description of the product Mastopol

The multicomponent product Mastopol is available in tablets. This is a homeopathic medicine that contains thuja occidentalis, goldenseal, hemlock, and calcium fluoride. Mastopol is produced by Alcoy in Russia.

The interaction of substances in the composition provides the combined effect of the drug. Hemlock prevents the spread of tumor and precancerous cells. Goldenseal has an immunostimulating effect. It acts as an antioxidant and removes toxins.

Thuja occidentalis has an antitumor effect, due to which it is possible to stop tumor growth. Calcium fluoride helps restore hormonal levels, has a positive effect on blood vessels, and makes soft tissues elastic.


Mastopol should not be used for the following disorders and conditions:

  1. individual intolerance to the composition;
  2. type 1 diabetes;
  3. severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  4. severe hypertension;
  5. lactose malabsorption;
  6. childhood.

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Mastopol is not recommended due to the lack of data on safety and effectiveness in this group of patients.

Side effects

If the dosage regimen is followed, the drug is well tolerated. Possible side effects may include dyspepsia, increased blood pressure, and rash.


Tablets are taken an hour before or after meals. Food reduces bioavailability and absorption. The tablets are placed under the tongue until dissolved. Take 3 pieces per day.

The course lasts about 2 months. Further treatment may be prescribed by your doctor.

The drug is not used for malignant tumors.

There were no cases of overdose. Presumably, when using a large dose of the drug, an increase in side symptoms may occur.

Who is it suitable for?

Mastopol is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for mastodynia and fibrous type mastopathy. Can be used to prevent tumors.

Characteristics of the drug "Mastopol"

It is a homeopathic medicine used to treat various benign mammary gland pathologies at the initial stage. It not only eliminates unpleasant symptoms, but also acts on the causes that caused the development of pathology. Gained wide popularity among mammologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, and oncologists. Thanks to the natural composition, it was possible to reduce the number of medical contraindications several times, which gives permission for use to patients over 18 years of age.

The main indications for the use of this medicine are fibrocystic disease and mastalgia. In addition, it can be taken for preventive purposes.

Mastopathy is a common pathology of the mammary glands, which develops as a result of hormonal imbalance. For this disease, Mastopol is prescribed as a complex therapeutic treatment.

It is not advisable to use it as an independent remedy. It is also used for prophylactic purposes to avoid the occurrence of malignant breast tumors. Since all substances have several therapeutic properties at once, the use of Mastopol has a positive effect on the condition of the body as a whole.

The main indications for its use are:

  • Acute painful sensations on palpation.
  • The presence of lumps in the mammary glands.
  • Nipple discharge.
  • The occurrence of edema, causing asymmetry.

Its composition contains four plant and mineral substances with increased effectiveness:

  1. Hemlock speckled - has an effect that prevents the proliferation of tumor and pre-tumor cells.
  2. Thuja occidentalis has a pronounced antitumor effect on the body, with the help of which it is possible to stop the growth of formations.
  3. Canadian goldenseal - provides an immunostimulating effect, strengthening the general condition of the body. It rids tissues of harmful substances and protects against antioxidants.
  4. Calcium fluoride - restores the natural hormonal levels in the female body. Increases vascular permeability and elasticity of soft tissues.

Contraindications for use:

  • Patients under 18 years of age.
  • Fructose intolerance.
  • Impaired carbohydrate absorption.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Individual intolerance to the included components.

Pregnant and lactating women should only use it after consulting a doctor if the prognosis of the disease exceeds the danger to the child.

Description of Mastodinon

Mastodinon is a homeopathic remedy in the form of tablets and drops. The composition contains common twig, alpine violet, bittersweet, tiger lily, cohosh, and colorful iris. Manufacturer: Bionorica in Germany.


Mastodinon is not prescribed if intolerance to homeopathic remedies has previously been noticed. It is not used in the treatment of children, pregnant women, or lactating women. Tablets are contraindicated for diabetes and galactose intolerance.

During the treatment period, it is recommended to give up alcohol and smoking, because the substances included in their composition reduce the effectiveness of the product.

Side effects

Taking Mastodinon may be accompanied by the development of an allergic reaction. There is also a risk of abdominal pain, nausea, and dizziness.

The drops contain alcohol, and the tablets contain lactose, which must be taken into account if you are intolerant.


The product is taken 1 tablet or 30 drops 2 times a day. The course of admission is 3-6 months.

You cannot take breaks during treatment. This will have a negative impact on the quality of therapy and will not make it possible to achieve the desired effect. Improvements will be observed no earlier than after 6 weeks. If complaints remain after the course, treatment may continue for some time at the doctor’s discretion.

The drug can be combined with other drugs. In therapeutic doses it does not affect reactions or attention, so it is acceptable to take when driving and operating machinery.

Who is it suitable for?

Indications for taking Mastodinon:

  1. fibrocystic mastopathy;
  2. PMS;
  3. disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  4. infertility associated with insufficiency of the corpus luteum.

The product helps cope with the symptoms that often accompany PMS. These are headaches, irritability, breast tenderness, swelling, nervousness, constipation.

Characteristics of the drug "Mastodinon"

It is a homeopathic medicine based on natural ingredients . Used for the treatment of menstruation disorders, PMS, mastopathy.

Has the following indications:

  • Premenstrual syndrome with accompanying weakness, increased fatigue, excessive nervousness, insomnia, migraine:
  • Insufficiency of the endocrine gland.
  • Deterioration of the cycle, lack of release of the egg from the ovary.

It also eliminates breast pain that appears during premenstrual syndrome. After its use, irritability and tearfulness are eliminated, and pain in the lower abdomen is reduced. Not approved for use by adolescents under 14 years of age, with intolerance to the components included in the composition, pregnancy and lactation.

Contains the following components:

  1. Vitex vulgaris - reduces pain in the abdomen, reduces irritability, headaches, and anxiety.
  2. Cohosh blue - eliminates delays, normalizes the cycle.
  3. European cyclamen - eliminates chest pain, resolves small cysts.
  4. Alpine violet - stabilizes the menstrual cycle.
  5. Iris variegated - regulates the production of female hormones.
  6. Lily lanceolate - has an analgesic effect.

Also includes additional substances - magnesium, lactose, starch. Adverse reactions occur extremely rarely, including urticaria, itching, rash, stomach pain, nausea, migraine.

Research and effectiveness

Mastopol and Mastodinon are homeopathic remedies. Some studies show their effectiveness and safety, but homeopathy is not officially recognized. The low content of the active substance in the composition of such drugs does not make it possible to evaluate pharmacodynamics.

Serious research is being conducted that suggests that homeopathic remedies are ineffective. But each needs to be considered separately. Some remedies that are classified as homeopathic are formally included in this list due to the low concentration of the herbal component in the composition, while having proven effectiveness.

Hormonal remedies for the treatment of mastopathy have many contraindications, and therefore the option of including homeopathic remedies in therapy is being considered.

When observing women who take Mastopol, a positive effect of the drug on the menstrual cycle is noted. After a course of treatment, for most, the cycle returns to normal.

Mastopol and its analogues, due to their high safety and positive effect on the condition of women, can be recommended in the treatment of benign diseases of the mammary glands and for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome.

Source: Experience with the use of Mastopol in the treatment of mastopathy and premenstrual syndrome. Solopova A.G. Obstetrics, gynecology and reproduction. 2014.

Choice of patients and doctors

What is better - Mastopol or Mastodinon, according to women? Reviews show that they found many advantages in both drugs, and the most important plus is that they do not contain hormones! Many were quite satisfied with their effect. This is how women describe the results of using Mastodinon: “I took it for 3 months, small lumps in the chest dissolved, severe pain went away, my mood improved.” And here’s what they write about Mastopol: “I’ve been drinking it for the second month now, it has become much easier, I can even sleep on my stomach, before this was prevented by pain in the mammary glands.” But there is no clear winner in this debate. Some have noticed that the effect of taking these drugs for PMS ends as soon as you stop drinking them.

But not everyone is so positive about the possibilities of homeopathy. For many, therapy with both one and the second drug turned out to be ineffective. Women describe the result as follows: “This homeopathy is of no use! I threw away 4 thousand rubles. I’ve been taking Mastodinon for more than 3 months, and the ultrasound shows everything the same.” His “rival” earned no less complaints: “I took two courses of Mastopol, but it didn’t help at all.”

What do oncologists prefer - Mastopol or Mastodinon? Reviews show that they trust the “original” with an exclusive composition more, since Bionorica has been specializing in the production of herbal medicines for many years. Mastodinon helps in several directions at once: smoothly restores hormonal balance, alleviates painful sensations, and prevents the development of pathologies in the mammary glands. In addition, Russian doctors have already accumulated a wealth of experience in its use. Mastopol still remains a dark horse for many, but some believe that it is not inferior to its famous counterpart.

Which drug is better

Mastopol and Mastodinon are interchangeable analogues. But there are still some differences. Mastopol contains a larger number of active ingredients. It is not prescribed until the age of 18, but Mastodinon can be taken from the age of 14.

Mastopol is produced in Russia, Mastodinon - in Germany. The foreign drug must be taken over a longer course - six months, domestic - 2 months. Mastopol is much cheaper, but the difference is insignificant and should not affect the choice of product. In addition, the domestic drug has fewer side effects.

The downside of Mastopol is that it is effective, but often susceptible to counterfeiting, for which it does not receive the best reviews. For this reason, a specialist can recommend a foreign analogue. The drugs can be taken alternately to increase the chance of recovery.

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