What is the difference between Qi-Klim Alanine and Qi-Klim

At a certain age, women begin the process of gradual decline in the reproductive capacity of the body. It is called menopause and is accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms that are the result of insufficient production of female hormones.

Within the Qi-Klim line, various drugs are produced that help improve the condition during menopause. They differ in shape and components included in the composition. In addition to Qi-Klim, which is sold in the form of tablets and liquid, Qi-Klim Alanine is produced. What is the difference between them?


The basis of the Qi-Klim composition is an extract from cohosh (black cohosh) - a tablet of this extract contains 0.02 g, and 100 g of liquid product contains 12 g. The remaining components are auxiliary.

The plant raw materials used to obtain the drug are an analogue of female hormones and, having an estrogen-like effect, relieve the intensity of menopause symptoms, thereby improving well-being. A course of taking a non-hormonal drug is indicated to eliminate disturbances of a vegetative-vascular and psycho-emotional nature, the manifestations of which include:

  • excessive sweating;
  • tides;
  • sleep problems;
  • constant irritability, mood swings;
  • depressed state, depression.

Reference! Such an unpleasant symptom as hot flashes was first described in the 18th century by French doctors. It was called "bouffes de chaleur" and literally meant "bursts of heat." Such manifestations are caused by estrogen deficiency.

Improvement occurs gradually as the substance accumulates in the body. A noticeable effect can be observed 2-4 weeks after the start of the course.

Interpretation of results

Reference values ​​are determined according to the age and gender of the patient. Normal values ​​may be higher in men than in women. As a rule, the test results are ready the next day after blood donation. To interpret them, you must consult a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable, as it can cause irreparable harm to health.

Reasons for increased ALT:

  • mononucleosis;
  • alcoholism;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • malignant neoplasm;
  • hepatitis;
  • heart failure;
  • muscle injury;
  • kidney damage;
  • sunstroke.

Taking certain medications (if the drugs are taken for a long time) can also lead to increased levels. This test, as a rule, is not prescribed independently, but in combination with other studies. This makes it possible to obtain the most complete picture of the patient’s health status, make an accurate diagnosis and select the most effective treatment regimen. Sometimes, in the presence of diseases, laboratory parameters of the liver remain within normal limits. In such cases, additional examination is required.

Qi-Klim Alanin

The main substance responsible for the positive effect of Qi-Klim Alanine is beta-alanine. This vitamin-like compound is formed naturally in the body, but with age its synthesis decreases, so it must be supplied from the outside.

The drug, satisfying the daily need for this amino acid, reduces the intensity and frequency of hot flashes. Sold in tablet form.

Qi-Klim Alanine tablets No. 40

Product description

Qi-Klim Alanine is a non-hormonal remedy for combating hot flashes Qi-Klim Alanine: forget about painful hot flashes! For many women, the most unpleasant manifestation of menopause is painful hot flashes. They come suddenly and always at such an inopportune time. And it’s completely unbearable when this happens at a time when it’s very important to be self-confident. How can you survive an attack of sudden fever, when your face suddenly turns red and your whole body is drenched in sweat? To help women cope with hot flashes, Qi-Clim Alanine, a non-hormonal drug, was released. It contains 100%1 amino acid beta-alanine. Attention! The labeling of medicines has been changed. Beta-alanine is a vitamin-like substance (amino acid) that is formed in the human body. But with the onset of menopause in women, its production decreases significantly. Therefore, to maintain normal skin temperature, it is important to obtain it from the outside. Beta-alanine is able to prevent the development of hot flashes, and with long-term use it reduces their frequency and intensity. Beta-alanine is well tolerated and does not lead to weight gain. Take Qi-Klim Alanine as a separate medicine to combat hot flashes, or in combination with Qi-Klim tablets or drops that contain black cohosh phytoestrogens. Feel that even in this difficult period you can live a full life: energetically, enjoying every day without hot flashes! Feel confident again! During menopause, most women experience corresponding body reactions, which are accompanied by fever, sudden redness of the face and can appear suddenly, causing a lot of trouble. Dietary supplements for hot flashes, sold by us, will help alleviate a woman’s condition. "Qi-Clim Alanine" helps reduce the number and severity of hot flashes. Non-hormonal tablets for hot flashes and their properties Qi-Klim Alanine contains beta-alanine (100% amino acid), which regulates body surface temperature and thus blocks hot flashes. It is worth noting: if you use Qi-Clim Alanine for a long time, the frequency of hot flashes and their intensity will significantly decrease. The tolerability of this drug is quite good, even long-term use does not lead to weight gain. For many women, pills for hot flashes have become a real salvation during this difficult period, giving them the opportunity to live fully and enjoy life.

Recommendations for use

The drug is taken orally. 1-2 tablets daily. The dose can be increased to 3 tablets per day. The duration of treatment is from 5-10 days until the “hot flashes” disappear. If symptoms return, a second course of treatment should be administered. Due to the fact that addiction to the drug does not occur, treatment can be extended for the entire period of vasomotor clinical disorders without limiting its duration.


Before starting to take the drug, it is recommended to consult your doctor.


Hypersensitivity to beta-alanine or any of the excipients of the drug.

Buy Qi-Klim Alanine, tablet. 0.55g each No. 40 in the pharmacy

Price for Qi-Klim Alanine, table. 0.55g each No. 40

Instructions for use for Qi-Klim Alanine, table. 0.55g each No. 40

What do drugs have in common?

Both drugs are indicated for use during menopause to eliminate the intensity of unpleasant manifestations characteristic of this period. They belong to the category of non-hormonal. They have no structural analogues.

As a rule, they are well tolerated; only in rare cases may signs of allergies, pain in the gastrointestinal tract, and tension in the mammary glands appear. At a young age, the course may cause vaginal bleeding.

It is not recommended for use in case of individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, during pregnancy and lactation, in the presence of alcohol dependence and estrogen-dependent neoplasms.

Without a specialist's prescription, the product should not be taken for more than 3 months. According to the manufacturer, the drugs are not addictive.

Reference! The line contains Vitamins 45+, the use of which eliminates irritability, hypo- and avitaminosis, normalizes sleep and increases resistance to stress.

General information

Normally, only a small amount of the enzyme may be present in the bloodstream. The release of large amounts of ALT occurs with large-scale cell damage. This organ is located in the abdominal cavity (top right) and takes part in many vital processes. The liver is involved in the processing of nutrients, the synthesis of many proteins, the production of bile, and breaks down toxic substances that are potentially dangerous to the body.

A blood test for ALT is necessary to check the condition of the liver in patients who are taking medications that are potentially dangerous to this organ and in patients with hepatitis. It must be taken into account that an increase in the level of this enzyme is not always associated with liver pathologies. It is also found in other organs, so an increase in levels may indicate their pathology.

ALT and AST are the most important indicators of liver health

. In many cases, tests for the amount of these enzymes are performed simultaneously. Both indicators and their ratio are used in diagnosis (this can be used to determine the cause of liver damage). During treatment, tests are performed several times at certain intervals to monitor the dynamics of the patient's condition.

What is the difference between Qi-Klim Alanine and Qi-Klim

The main criterion that determines the difference between Qi-Klim and a product whose name contains the word “Alanine” is the different active ingredients. The raw material for the first product is an extract from black cohosh, and for the second - the natural amino acid β-alanine.

The manufacturer positions the latter remedy as intended primarily to combat hot flashes and maintain normal temperature. The effect after Qi-Clim Alanine occurs faster - after 5 days, hot flashes lose their intensity and frequency. Many experts recommend a joint course of treatment for a quick and noticeable effect.

Purpose and contraindications

The dietary supplement cyclim alanine, the instructions for use indicate this, is indicated for women for use during menopause to reduce hot flashes. These symptoms are characterized by a sudden increase in heart rate, increased sweating, and a feeling of internal heat. Against this background, there is a significant deterioration in the condition.

The cause of hot flashes is hormonal changes in the female body due to the aging process. The symptoms themselves do not pose a health threat. But at the same time they can cause various nervous disorders. In particular, hot flashes at night provoke insomnia, which interferes with proper rest. As a result, against the background of a general deterioration in well-being, insomnia and nervousness develop.

The drug cyclim alonine, the instructions for use emphasize this, is capable of normalizing thermoregulation processes in the female body during menopause. This allows you to reduce the number of hot flashes, and sometimes completely eliminate such symptoms of menopause.

The product is a non-hormonal drug. It is well tolerated by the body and does not lead to weight gain. The dietary supplement cyclim alonine has a natural composition. An absolute contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the dietary supplement.

Reviews about the application

Reviews about the use of the dietary supplement cyclim alonine to eliminate hot flashes during menopause are varied. Most of them note the high effectiveness and safety of a non-hormonal drug, which can be purchased at an affordable price.

Very often, gynecologists prescribe the drug to women during menopause who complain of uncomfortable symptoms and emotional instability. But many reviews from doctors also contain recommendations that in severe cases, preference should be given to more potent drugs.

Women who use a dietary supplement during menopause note not only the fact that hot flashes are eliminated, but also a general improvement in their well-being. The amino acid beta alanine helps strengthen the immune system, which allows you to maintain the body's defense reactions at the proper level and resist infections.

The drug cyclim alonine has been in demand for many years. You can buy the dietary supplement without a prescription in pharmacies or specialized companies. The shelf life of the product is 3 years. After its completion, the drug cannot be used. The temperature regime for storing the dietary supplement is up to 25°C. It is important to exclude children from accessing the storage area.

Application and adverse reactions

The drug cyclim alonine, containing beta alanine, is intended for oral administration. Recommended dosage is up to 2 tablets per day at a time. On the recommendation of the doctor, it is allowed to increase the amount of the product by 1 tablet. The dietary supplement should be taken before meals.

In severe cases, it is allowed to first take the maximum dose, and after the first positive results appear, reduce it. The drug should be discontinued after the hot flashes disappear or their number decreases. Cyclim alonine, reviews indicate this, allows you to stabilize the condition within 5-10 days.

You are allowed to take the supplement continuously for a month. But since addiction to the active component does not occur, if necessary, taking the drug can be repeated after a week's break.

Negative reactions of the body occur due to individual intolerance to the active substance. In rare cases, while taking the drug, transient paresthesia of the lower and upper extremities was noted. It manifested itself as a feeling of numbness and pain, which disappeared in a short time. Such a short-term symptom does not require stopping the drug. In addition, the product can provoke allergic skin reactions: redness, peeling, itching. If negative side reactions occur persistently in the body, the use of the dietary supplement cyclim alonine should be abandoned and replaced with an analogue.

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