Flucomp, powder for the preparation of solution for oral administration, 5 g, 10 pcs.


Flucomp is a combined three-component drug for the symptomatic (eliminating manifestations of the disease and not affecting its cause) treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza-like diseases. The therapeutic effect of the drug is a component of the pharmacological effects of its individual components. Paracetamol has analgesic, antipyretic and mild anti-inflammatory effects. The mechanism of action is due to the ability to suppress the formation of pain and inflammation mediators, prostaglandins, and the effect on the hypothalamic thermoregulatory center. Phenylephrine is an alpha-1 adrenergic stimulant that causes a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels, promotes the resorption of edema, and reduces blood supply to the inner lining of the nasal cavity. Pheniramine inactivates histamine H1 receptors, eliminates allergic manifestations, causes moderate sedation, and exhibits an anticholinergic effect. Paracetamol is absorbed quickly and practically without loss in the digestive tract. the maximum content in the blood is observed after 10-60 minutes. It undergoes metabolic transformations before entering the systemic bloodstream when passing through the intestinal wall and liver. Elimination from the body occurs primarily through urine. Phenylephrine is absorbed in the digestive tract. It undergoes metabolic transformations before entering the systemic circulation when passing through the intestinal wall and liver, which limits its bioavailability. the maximum content in the blood is observed after 45-120 minutes. The maximum concentration of pheniramine in the blood is achieved after 1-2.5 hours. Elimination from the body is carried out primarily by the kidneys. Flucomp eliminates the symptoms of influenza and acute respiratory infections: febrile and subfebrile temperature, painful sensation of cold, body aches, cephalgia, myalgia, excessive mucus from the nose, difficulty nasal breathing, sneezing. Frequency of administration – every 4-6 hours, maximum daily dose – 3 powders. Duration of use is up to five days.

Persons with liver disease (and, in particular, with idiopathic unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia) reduce the dose or increase the intervals between doses. Possible unwanted side effects associated with taking Flucomp: skin rashes, difficulty breathing, urticaria, Quincke's edema, desire to fall asleep at an inappropriate time, dizziness, cephalalgia, increased excitability, somnological disorders, pupil dilation, increased fluid pressure inside the eye, rapid heartbeat , high blood pressure, painful sensation in the epigastric region, chest, oral cavity and pharynx, preceding vomiting (in some cases - vomiting), constipation, hyposalivation, abdominal pain, frequent (more than 3 times a day) bowel movements with watery stools, painful sensation - tickling skin irritation, causing the need to scratch the irritated area, malaise. The drug is not used for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, increased thyroid function, angle-closure glaucoma, hormonally active tumor of chromaffin tissue, alcohol abuse, concomitant use of drugs that inhibit the enzyme monoamine oxidase, tricyclic antidepressants, beta-adrenergic blockers, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding , in case of individual intolerance to any active or auxiliary component. In pediatric practice, the drug is used in patients over 12 years of age due to insufficient clinical data on its effectiveness and safety in younger patients. If the manifestations of the disease do not go away after 5 days of pharmacotherapy, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and correct treatment. The drug is not compatible with alcohol, because contains paracetamol. Considering possible drowsiness, during the drug course it is recommended to refrain from interacting with potentially dangerous mechanisms, incl. driving a car.


Effect of paracetamol

Enhances the effects of MAO inhibitors, sedatives, ethanol.

The risk of hepatotoxic action of paracetamol increases with simultaneous use of barbiturates, phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, rifampicin, isoniazid, zidovudine and other inducers of microsomal liver enzymes.

The anticoagulant properties of warfarin and other coumarins may be enhanced by long-term regular use of paracetamol, increasing the risk of bleeding. A single dose of paracetamol does not have this effect.

Metoclopramide increases the rate of absorption of paracetamol, and increases the plasma concentration of paracetamol to its maximum.

Likewise, domperidone may increase the rate of absorption of paracetamol.

When chloramphenicol and paracetamol are used together, the half-life of chloramphenicol may increase.

Paracetamol may reduce the bioavailability of lamotrigine, with a possible decrease in its effect due to induction of its hepatic metabolism.

The absorption of paracetamol may be reduced when taken concomitantly with cholestyramine, but this can be avoided if cholestyramine is taken one hour after paracetamol.

Regular use of paracetamol concomitantly with zidovudine may cause neutropenia and increase the risk of liver damage.

Probenecid affects the metabolism of paracetamol. In patients taking probenecid concomitantly, the dose of paracetamol should be reduced.

The hepatotoxicity of paracetamol may be increased by chronic or excessive alcohol consumption.

Paracetamol may interfere with the results of the uric acid test using the phosphotungstate precipitating reagent.

Effect of pheniramine

The effect of other substances on the central nervous system may be enhanced (for example, MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, alcohol, antiparkinsonian drugs, barbiturates, tranquilizers and narcotic drugs). Pheniramine may inhibit the action of anticoagulants.

Effect of phenylephrine

The drug is contraindicated in patients who are taking or have taken MAO inhibitors within the last two weeks. Phenylephrine can enhance the effect of MAO inhibitors and cause a hypertensive crisis.

Concomitant use of phenylephrine with other sympathomimetic drugs or tricyclic antidepressants (eg, amitriptyline) may increase the risk of cardiovascular side effects.

Phenylephrine may reduce the effectiveness of beta-blockers and other antihypertensive drugs (eg, debrisoquine, guanethidine, reserpine, methyldopa). The risk of increased blood pressure and other cardiovascular side effects may be increased.

Concomitant use of phenylephrine with digoxin and other cardiac glycosides may increase the risk of arrhythmia or myocardial infarction.

Concomitant use of phenylephrine with ergot alkaloids (ergotamine and methysergide) may increase the risk of ergotism.

FLUKOMP (tablets)

The “Coldrex Maxgrip” and “AnviMax” who had revealed themselves were not at home.
There is only one way - to the pharmacy. Instead of AnviMax, the pharmacist offered me Flucomp, arguing that it was cheaper and had the same effect as the popular products.:) Indeed, if the cost of five sachets of “Codrex” or six sachets of “AnviMax” ranges between 160 and 200 rubles, then with “Flucomp” 10 sachets cost 169 rubles, that is, 1 sachet costs 17 rubles. It's very inexpensive. I was really surprised by the pharmacist’s desire to save me money. Behind this, of course, was the desire to sell the product, promote it to the masses, and “AnviMax” and others like it would be promoted by ubiquitous advertising. I dragged the box of “Flucomp” home to treat and be treated.

Here he is, “Flucomp”. The design is pleasant, harmonious, nothing superfluous, everything is clear and to the point.

The box containing five pairs of packets with “magic” powder is also extremely informative.

The composition is so different from the same “AnviMax”. No, well, paracetamol - our everything is in such drugs. But then... I wasn’t too lazy and went to the World Wide Web for the decryption. But…

... then, having studied the instructions in detail, I saw that I had done extra work, because everything was clearly deciphered in it. Praise to the manufacturer - it deciphers unknown, “terrible” words for the consumer! The consumer has the right to pour into himself.

In general, adding antiallergic and vasoconstrictor substances to such a remedy is quite advisable. The pediatrician recommends giving her a quarter of “Suprastin” every time her daughter has ARVI to relieve swelling of the respiratory tract. A therapist once recommended Ketotifen to me. Of course, antiallergic and vasoconstrictive components are not universal for everyone, because

The special instructions include the following.

Flucomp is one of the few drugs approved for children over 12 years of age. Usually the “go-ahead” for taking something like this is given from the age of 18, but here the age has been significantly reduced. We pay attention to the methods of application. That’s right, by the way, the creators wrote that it is most advisable to take Flucomp on the night when the body has a real, natural opportunity to restore its strength.

I can’t drink hot water, so I prefer to dilute it in warm water, or rather in water whose temperature is slightly higher than what is called “warm”. I don't think this is a gross violation of recommendations.

But they are impressive bags, with information on each one.

We take into account contraindications and the column “with caution”. This is actually very important. Pharmacy workers never ask about the history of all your illnesses (Oh my God! Doctors are not always interested in this, and pharmacists are not obliged to do so), so only the sick person bears responsibility for the condition of his body during treatment.

Please pay attention to special instructions.

And it is clear: not only Flucomp, but also any medicine for various purposes is prohibited from being used with alcohol. Alcohol is not only harmful in itself, during illness it drains the last of your strength (and don’t talk about “warming you from the inside”), but in tandem with the complex components of modern drugs it can cause a reaction and sad consequences.

The bag must be opened completely, no cutting of one corner - all the contents will not fall out well. Powder like powder: light yellow. Pour the contents of the sachet into a glass of warm water. Stir and drink quickly. Then it’s better to go to the sofa. The taste is sour, like lemon. Naturally, it doesn’t smell like lemon—it’s just an artificial “lemon” taste.” To soften the taste (if it’s really sour), you can add a spoonful of honey, as in that TeraFlu advertisement - the drink did not suffer from this, but only became tasty and healthy.

"Flucomp" justified the pharmacist's recommendations. Indeed, it became much easier for my husband. Well, of course: down with the characteristic headache, aching legs, a decrease in temperature, albeit slight, to normal. The nose also felt better in terms of breathing (this is the anti-allergic effect), although in parallel to this particular part of the body additional help was provided in the form of a nasal spray. It was the weekend, so I could calmly lie down and get treatment. Several packets of Flucompa powder perfectly eliminated the symptoms of a “cold,” and on Monday my dear life partner went out to “mammoth,” that is, to work.

The drug, like all its competing analogues, is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, but again I confess - I took a couple of sachets when I felt the threshold of an oncoming “cold”. Of two evils, I again decided to choose the lesser: it’s better that I “go through” this symptomatic treatment with this drug (the child will get only a small share with milk), rather than wallow with a fever, snot up to my knees and a “prickly” throat. A child needs a healthy, standing mother. And this was doubly required of me, since in a few days I had to send my eldest daughter to school, to first grade. what kind of snot is there..." "Flucomp"" and had a positive effect on me: nothing terrible happened, and I was relieved to feel the retreat of all the most disgusting symptoms. True, I had to treat the cough later.

The most surprising thing is that the non-antiviral “Flucomp” has an effect similar to “AnviMax” with its antiviral effect. Well, or whether we were sick this time without the virus - I don’t know :)

I recommend paying attention to this less common remedy. I don’t know if Flucompa sachets are sold in smaller quantities. On the one hand, it’s good that there are 10 of them in the box, but on the other hand, what if it doesn’t help, doesn’t fit (after all, we are all so different!), where should we put them? Give as a gift to family and friends :)

To my readers - healthy winter, healthy noses and lungs!:) The best thing, of course, is to strengthen your immune system.

PS For now I give the drug 4 stars, because I don’t know its power in the fight against a worse problem - the flu (pah-pah-pah, but still). I know from my own experience: almost all such remedies successfully relieve the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and “colds,” but none of them relieve the symptoms of influenza, which will be many times more severe.

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