Flucostat: how it works and when it is prescribed

Composition of Flucostat

Composition of 1 ml solution for parenteral administration:

  • fluconazole – 2 mg;
  • sodium chloride;
  • water for injections.

capsule has the following components:

  • fluconazole – 50 mg (or 150 mg);
  • colloidal silicon dioxide (aerosil);
  • corn starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • lactose.

capsule shell contains:

  • gelatin;
  • red dye iron oxide (E 172);
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • titanium dioxide (E 171);
  • acetic acid.

Release form

  • Film-coated capsules are light pink or pink-brown in color, opaque. Inside there is a white or close to white powder. Packaged in 7 pieces in contour cell blisters. Cardboard packaging holds 1 plate.
  • Tablets of 50 or 150 mg are white, oval in shape, secured in a contour-cell blister of 1 or 2. A cardboard pack contains only 1 plate with the drug.
  • Solution for intravenous administration in the form of a clear, colorless liquid in 50 ml bottles. One bottle of medicine is placed in a cardboard package.
  • White oval-shaped vaginal suppositories

pharmachologic effect

Flucostat is a strong antifungal pharmaceutical drug that, according to its chemical structure, belongs to the class of triazole compounds. Active against the following families of microorganisms:

  • Candida spp;
  • Cryptococcus neoformans;
  • Microsporum spp;
  • Trichphuton spp;
  • Blastomyces dermatidis;
  • Coccidioides immits;
  • Histoplasma capsulatum.

The mechanism of the therapeutic action of the drug lies in the ability of the biologically active component to selectively inhibit the synthesis of sterols in the cells of sensitive fungi, due to which the cell wall of harmful or opportunistic microorganisms becomes untenable , since sterol is one of its main components.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

After oral administration of tablets or capsules, the active ingredients are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After 0.5-1.5 hours on an empty stomach, the maximum plasma concentration is achieved. The constituent elements of the drug penetrate well into all biological fluids of the body . There are certain properties for cumulation - six months after completion of conservative therapy, Fluconazole can be detected in the nails. About 80% of pharmaceutical drug metabolites are eliminated by the kidneys.

With intravenous administration of a parenteral solution of Flucostat, the active components are evenly distributed throughout biological fluids (the concentration in pulmonary sputum and saliva in the oral cavity corresponds to the amount of Fluconazole in the blood plasma). After several injections of 1 dose per day, the level of equilibrium concentration is reached by 4-5 days of conservative treatment, and with the initial use of a double amount of the drug - by 2 days.

In the bloodstream, about 11-12% of the total amount of Fluconazole binds to plasma proteins, which is why the half-life corresponds to 30 hours. The vast majority (about 80%) of the pharmaceutical drug is excreted in the urine. The clearance of the active component is directly proportional to the clearance of Creatinine.

How it works

Flucostat affects many microorganisms:

  • candida;
  • cryptococks;
  • microspores;
  • trichophytons;
  • blastomycetes;
  • coccidioides immitis;
  • histoplasma.

The drug is well absorbed by the intestines. Half an hour after administration, the maximum concentration is already reached. The substance penetrates into all systems and organs. Excreted in urine.

Indications for use

  • cryptococcosis (including cryptococcal meningitis);
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • generalized or disseminated candidiasis, mainly affecting the skin and mucous membranes (for example, the oral cavity and esophagus);
  • deep endemic mycoses (sporotrichosis, histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis);
  • urogenital candidiasis in men (candidal balanitis) and women (vaginal candidiasis or thrush);
  • prevention of fungal infections in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome;
  • mycoses of various etiologies;
  • damage by pathogenic fungi during cytostatic, chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • onychomycosis.

When is it prescribed?

The drug is prescribed in the following conditions:

  • mycosis;
  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • cryptococcosis;
  • onychomycosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • prevention of fungal diseases;
  • thrush;
  • fungal infections after chemotherapy.

The drug is also prescribed as a prophylaxis during treatment with antibiotics.


Strict contraindications include the following conditions:

  • increased individual sensitivity to the active ingredient or excipients;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • lactose intolerance (including lactase deficiency);
  • hereditary or acquired intolerance to the components of a pharmaceutical drug;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • galactosemia;
  • combined use of Flucostat with drugs that prolong the QT interval on the electrocardiogram (in particular astemizole or terfenadine ).

You should also outline a list of non-absolute contraindications when the medicine must be used with caution (conservative therapy under the supervision of qualified medical personnel is recommended):

  • renal or liver failure;
  • alcoholism;
  • treatment with potentially dangerous pharmaceuticals with a high percentage of hepatotoxicity ;
  • proarrhythmogenic conditions (especially if the patient has multiple risk factors for arrhythmia).

Who should not take it

The drug is contraindicated:

  • children under three years old;
  • with galactosemia;
  • with increased sensitivity;
  • with lactose intolerance;
  • with renal failure;
  • with liver failure;
  • with alcohol addiction;
  • during treatment with hepatoxic drugs;
  • with extensive arrhythmia.

Sometimes unpleasant actions occur during treatment.

Side effects

When using capsules or tablets orally:

  • From the digestive system: nausea, diarrhea, bloating and flatulence .
  • Nervous system: headache and dizziness .
  • From the hematopoietic system: thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis .
  • Allergic manifestations: anaphylactic reactions, skin rash .

Intravenous use of a pharmaceutical drug may cause the following side effects:

  • From the gastrointestinal tract: nausea followed by vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain, functional liver failure (increased levels of alkaline phosphatase, serum aminotransferases or bilirubin).
  • Nervous system: headache, seizures .
  • From the cardiovascular system: increased duration of the QT interval , ventricular fibrillation or even flutter .
  • Allergic reactions: skin rash, Stevens-Jonas syndrome , toxic epidermal necrosis or Lyell's syndrome (an extreme manifestation of toxicoderma ), anaphylactic reactions.
  • Metabolic processes: hypercholesterolemia, hypokalemia, hypertriglyceridemia.
  • From other systems: alopecia, renal failure .

Side effects

Side effects appear as:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • allergies;
  • reduction of leukocytes.

When administered intravenously, side effects occur:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • migraine;
  • convulsions;
  • abdominal pain;
  • liver failure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • decreased potassium levels in the blood;
  • increased triglycerides;
  • hair loss;
  • kidney dysfunction.

If such phenomena occur, stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Flucostat, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Flucostat tablets, instructions for use

Film-coated capsules and tablets are used enterally , that is, orally. They should be swallowed whole without breaking the integrity, this may affect the therapeutic effectiveness of the treatment. How to take it - before or after a meal - does not matter, since the absorption of the active components of Flucostat does not depend on filling the lumen of the digestive tube. The duration of treatment is selected individually; as a rule, conservative therapy is carried out until the results of microbiological studies of the pathological focus are completely negative.

The dosage of the pharmaceutical drug and the treatment regimen depend on the clinical diagnosis:

  • atrophic oral candidiasis and similar infections of the mucous membranes – 50-100 mg/day for 14-30 days;
  • cryptococcal infections , disseminated candidiasis and fungi entering the blood - 1st day 400 mg, and then 200-400 mg once a day for a long period;
  • vaginal candidiasis and balanitis - 150 mg once, and then to prevent relapse 150 mg once a month for 4-12 months;
  • skin mycoses - 150 mg once a week or 50 mg once a day for 2-6 weeks, depending on the sensitivity of the pathogen to therapy;
  • pityriasis versicolor – 50 mg once a day for 2-4 weeks;
  • deep endemic mycoses - 200-400 mg per day (duration depends on the pathogenic fungus that caused the disease);
  • onychomycosis - 150 mg once a week until the unaffected nail plate is completely restored (nails on the hands grow in 3-6 months, and on the feet in 6-12 months).

antibiotics are often added to the treatment regimen . Solutab , a beta-lactam penicillin , which is used to prevent the development of generalized infectious diseases with local or general decrease in immunity due to toxins of pathogenic fungal colonies, has received especially widespread use in this vein You should find out from your doctor how to take antibiotics, because their incorrect use can lead to such adverse consequences as dysbacteriosis or the development of microflora resistance to the penicillin group of drugs.

Antifungal medicine for children

The tablet form of Flucostat can also be used in pediatric practice, since fungal infections in children develop and occur even more often than in adults. The dosage is selected individually for each child, based on his anthropometric indicators (in particular weight) and clinical diagnosis, which should be confirmed by microscopic examination. treatment regimens for pediatricians exist

  • candidiasis of the mucous membranes - 6 mg per 1 kg of patient weight on day 1, and then 3 mg per kg until the results of microbiological studies are negative;
  • cryptococcosis and systemic candidiasis – 6-12 mg/kg, depending on the severity of the disease;
  • for preventive purposes against the background of reduced immune abilities of the body - 3-12 mg per 1 kg of weight per day (the exact amount of the pharmaceutical drug should be calculated based on the level of leukopenia in a blood test).

How to take medicine for thrush

How to take Flucostat for thrush , each patient can decide independently or find out in consultation with a qualified specialist, since there are different treatment regimens for fungal infections of the urogenital area in women. The quantity and frequency of application depends on the manifestations of the pathological process, the form of the disease and associated complications:

  • An uncomplicated form of candidiasis that occurs for the first time with mild or moderate symptoms - 1 capsule (150 mg of Flucostat) once.
  • Complicated form of thrush with severe symptoms or against the background of concomitant chronic diseases - 150 mg of the drug on days 1 and 4 of conservative therapy.
  • A recurrent form of candidiasis in women, which manifests itself at least 4 times during the year - 150 mg in three doses, on the 1st, 4th and 7th day of sanitation. It is also necessary to treat the sexual partner - 150 mg once. This form of fungal pathology requires maintenance therapy to prevent repeated episodes of the disease. For this purpose, 150 mg tablets are used once a week for 6 months.

How long does it take for a pharmaceutical drug to help?

Whether the medicine for thrush helps and how long to wait for the therapeutic effect can be found out after two weeks in case of a severe form of the disease or in a week if the nosological unit manifests itself with mild symptoms without adverse consequences, because this is how long the course of conservative treatment usually lasts, after which the following symptoms disappear without a trace:

  • annoying itching and burning in the external genitalia and vagina;
  • copious curdled discharge ;
  • pain during intercourse or urination.

Flucostat suppositories

It should be noted that the instructions for using Flucostat for thrush may also include suppositories as a local means of combating harmful fungi, which from the point of view of the medical community is much more favorable for a number of reasons:

  • the use of vaginal suppositories is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations or inconvenience;
  • a course of conservative therapy can be started immediately from the moment the characteristic symptoms of a given nosological unit are detected, without even waiting for the end of the menstrual cycle;
  • side effects from pharmaceutical treatment are less ;
  • the therapeutic effectiveness of suppositories does not depend on food intake, time of day and in no way affects the usual routine of things.

To make sure how to take Flucostat for thrush in the form of suppositories, the exact dosages of this pharmaceutical form of the drug, the duration of the course of therapy, you should contact the antenatal clinic or the gynecological department, however, as a rule, the treatment regimen does not differ from that when using the enteral form of the antifungal drug facilities.

Instructions for Flucostat for men

Thrush is a disease that affects predominantly the female half of the population, but the widespread belief is that genital candidiasis is their exclusive lot. is erroneous. Of course, yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida do not take root well in the urethra of most of our planet, since they are regularly washed out with urine , but with a local weakening of immune mechanisms, favorable conditions are created for the development of urogenital candidiasis , and therefore the question is increasingly being asked whether men can take Flucostat to eliminate thrush.

antifungal pharmaceutical drug is absorbed into the main bloodstream and is evenly distributed in the biological fluids and environments of the male body in the same way as in women. But biologically active components have no effect on hormonal levels and are not capable of changing it in any way, so can men Flucostat to get rid of an unpleasant pathology - of course, yes. Such therapeutic measures will be regarded as etiological therapy aimed at eradicating the causative agent of thrush.


FLUKOSTAT® is a systemic antifungal drug for the treatment of thrush.

Advantages of the brand

  • long history of use, supported by positive experience of use and the trust of millions of women in Russia
  • proven and confirmed equivalence to the original Western drug1
  • production in a plant standardized according to European quality standards EU GMP2
  • affordable price for a wide range of consumers3

Advantages of the molecule

  • wide spectrum of antifungal activity
  • the ability to inhibit the growth and reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida, especially Candia albicans - the main causative agents of genital candidiasis (“thrush”)
  • favorable pharmacokinetic characteristics:
  • bioavailability when taken orally is comparable to intravenous administration;
  • high degree of distribution in tissues and environments of the body (including the ability to create and maintain high therapeutic concentrations in vaginal tissues and vaginal secretions)4;
  • prolonged therapeutic effect and long-term protective effect.
  • presence in the standards of treatment of candidiasis and other fungal infections of various localizations, including in international and domestic recommendations for the treatment of women with vulvovaginal candidiasis (“thrush”)
  • the only systemic antimycotic for the treatment of urogenital candidiasis (“thrush”), recommended by WHO (World Health Organization)5 and CDC (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, USA)6
  • characteristics:
    • achieving maximum concentrations in the vaginal mucosa and vaginal secretions within 2 hours after administration7*
    • onset of reduction in clinical symptoms on average within 24 hours after taking one capsule at a dosage of 150 mg8
    • the average time for symptom regression is 2 days8
    • just one capsule at a dosage of 150 mg is sufficient to eliminate the symptoms of “thrush” in most women with an uncomplicated form of acute vulvovaginal candidiasis
    • a single oral dose of a 150 mg capsule is comparable to a weekly course of therapy with some intravaginal anti-thrush agents9**

    Advantages of the release form (capsules for oral administration)

    Systemic distribution into most tissues, organs and biological fluids of the body creates high concentrations in them, which contributes to:

    • elimination of fungal cells not only from the surface of the vaginal mucosa, including microfolds, but also throughout its entire thickness7
    • eliminating the pathogens of “thrush” not only in the genital tract, but also in other possible places of their habitat - the oral mucosa and intestines, thereby minimizing the risk of re-exacerbation of the disease after treatment8

    convenience and comfort during the treatment process:

    • possibility of starting treatment on any day of the menstrual cycle, including menstruation
    • the ability to take the capsule at any time of the day - day or night
    • the possibility of taking the drug regardless of the diet - on an empty stomach, during or after meals (simultaneous food intake and increased acidity do not have a significant effect on the absorption and therapeutic effect of the drug)
    • the possibility of taking the drug regardless of the method of contraception used - fluconazole does not violate the integrity of latex contraceptives when it comes to using a condom or diaphragm, and also does not reduce the level of estradiol, which is the main component of oral contraceptives
    • simplicity and ease of the process of taking the drug - all that is required is to take the capsule out of the blister and swallow it with the required amount of water
    • in most cases, it is enough to take just 1 capsule of the drug per course

    Indications for use

    • treatment of acute vaginal candidiasis, when local therapy is not applicable.


    • Hypersensitivity to fluconazole and other components of the drug
    • Children under 18 years old
    • Lactation period (see the instructions section “Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding”

    For more details, see the instructions for medical use of the drug.


    Symptoms that are observed with a drug overdose:

    • hallucinations;
    • maximum manifestation of side effects (see list above);
    • paranoid behavior.

    There is no specific pharmaceutical antidote for reversing an overdose of Flucostat. Gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment of individual manifestations should be performed. Forced diuresis is also indicated , since the main route of excretion of metabolites of the active ingredient is in the urine. Hemodialysis works well, since within three hours of manipulation the plasma concentration of Fluconazole is reduced by half.

    special instructions

    Flucostat has the property of somewhat lowering local immunity , acting in a specific way on the microflora of the urogenital area. As a result of this side effect, additional gates are opened for the invasion of infectious pathogens of a non-fungal nature, and accordingly, conditions are created for the development of unpleasant diseases of the genitourinary system. In order to eliminate possible adverse effects of conservative therapy, antibiotics .

    Qualified specialists agree that no ordinary pharmaceutical drug should be used, so as not to develop resistance to the main chemical components of drugs that affect harmful microflora. In this vein, Solutab 30 , a reserve antibiotic, is often used, which reduces the risk of the above-mentioned complications of treating fungal pathology.

    Flucostat's analogs

    Level 4 ATC code matches:



















    Contraindications to the use of Flucostat are common metabolic disorders, therefore there is a whole group of foreign pharmaceuticals that, under certain conditions, can be used as an analogue of Flucostat for thrush or other nosological units of fungal origin. Mikosist, Mikomax, Microflucan have received wide recognition among patients, but Diflucan as a high-quality substitute for an antifungal drug.

    Diflucan and Flucostat: the difference between antifungal agents

    • Diflucan is an imported drug that is produced in such advanced countries as the United States of America and France, in contrast to the domestic Flucostat;
    • Flucostat is an original drug that appeared on the pharmaceutical market at the end of the last century;
    • Flucostat contains some chemical components that are not found in Diflucan.

    Based on the differences between these pharmaceuticals, it is difficult to definitively answer which is better—Flucostat or Diflucan. Of course, the credibility of an imported drug is greater, especially since production in such large countries allows you to be confident in the high quality of medicinal products. On the other hand, the price of Flucostat is 10, and sometimes more, times less than the cost of Diflucan, which in our mentality is also valued very highly, so the choice: what to use - Flucostat or Diflucan - should be made independently.

    Domestic analogues

    Since the price of analogues produced abroad is significantly higher than the cost of domestic drugs, patients try to avoid purchasing them and are increasingly seeking to find cheap Russian analogues of Flucostat. But this group of pharmaceuticals is presented extremely poorly on pharmacy shelves; moreover, we can say that there is only one analogue of Flucostat that is not inferior in therapeutic effectiveness, but cheaper - Fluconazole, the capsules of which use an identical active substance in the same dosages (50 and 150 mg), as in Flucostat, but the price of cardboard packages is sometimes 10 times lower, which, undoubtedly, makes the choice to the domestic analogue.


    There are drugs with similar effects:

    • medoflucon;
    • Vfend;
    • itracon;
    • mycosist;
    • mycomax;
    • irunin;
    • orungal;
    • mycoflucan;
    • fluconazole.

    All of these medications have antifungal effects. The only difference is the price, auxiliary components, and country of production. Among domestic drugs – Fluconazole. It is cheaper than Flucostat, but the effect is similar.

    Flucostat and alcohol

    Exposure to any pharmaceutical drug while drinking alcohol leads, as a rule, to the development of adverse consequences of conservative therapy. Flucostat, in turn, is not just an ordinary drug, but its active components have antibiotic properties, therefore combining alcohol with a course of conservative sanitation with an antifungal drug is strictly prohibited in order to avoid the development of the following pathological conditions:

    • toxic and necrotic liver damage;
    • inadequate functioning of the central nervous system with the development of increased sensitivity of various structures to afferent and efferent impulses;
    • increased load on the heart muscle;
    • high risk of developing arterial hypertension , up to rapid hypertensive crisis;
    • a significant decrease in the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug.


    During treatment with flucostat, you should not drink alcohol. Violation of this condition can lead to serious consequences, including death. You should not take flucostat simultaneously with drugs that are hard on the liver. This can cause serious poisoning and liver dysfunction.

    Do not take the drug simultaneously with blood thinning medications. Oral contraceptives reduce the effect of flucostat.

    During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. Because the drug affects the liver and is absorbed into the blood, penetrating the placenta. A similar effect is observed in nursing mothers. The substance passes easily into breast milk. Therefore, it is not recommended to take the drug during breastfeeding.

    Flucostat during pregnancy (and lactation)

    During the use of the drug, the active ingredients are absorbed into the main bloodstream and distributed throughout the woman’s body, evenly deposited in biological fluids. That is why the use of the antifungal drug Flucostat during pregnancy is allowed only for health reasons (for example, in the case of severe, generalized infections that threaten the life of the expectant mother and fetus).

    If there is a need to undergo a course of conservative therapy during breastfeeding, then the child should be weaned from the breast and mother’s milk, because even in such a specific secretion traces of biologically active substances that are part of the enteral and parneteral forms of Flucostat are found.

    Reviews of Flucostat

    Reviews about Flucostat on the Internet are full of positive emotions and grateful words, because the drug in a short time allows you to eliminate very unpleasant pathological conditions associated not only with adverse consequences in the physical sense, but also with special psycho-emotional factors. Reviews from women vying with each other insist that diseases of the urogenital area, as a rule, are associated with stress, and this entails a deterioration in the functioning of all organs and systems in the body. Flucostat, in turn, not only eliminates the main cause of the unpleasant disease, but also allows you to “take a deep breath” when starting a new day.

    Therefore, reviews of Flucostat for thrush recommend the use of the pharmaceutical drug everywhere, even only if a nosological entity caused by fungal invasion in the genitourinary system is suspected. Patients who have undergone a course of conservative therapy note that the drug allows for effective eradication of the pathogen even in the complicated form of thrush and with a recurrent course, which is not feasible for every antifungal drug.

    Flucostat for men is no less useful a drug than for women, since, contrary to popular belief, the causative agent of thrush, the yeast-like fungus Candida albicans, can also infect the genitourinary system of the stronger sex. In this case, the therapeutic effect of the pharmaceutical drug makes it possible to eliminate unpleasant manifestations within a short period of sanitation. Also, film-coated capsules or a solution for parenteral administration of Flucostat are used to prevent asymptomatic carriage of fungi in men, because during sexual intercourse women are infected, in whose vagina the optimal environment for the development of a pathological focus is constantly maintained.

    How to use

    Capsules are swallowed with water, regardless of meals. For fungal infections of the oral mucosa, take fifty to one hundred milligrams once a day for two weeks. The capsule is not opened so as not to disrupt the dosage.

    For vaginal thrush, take 150 milligrams once. For the prevention of intestinal and vaginal candidiasis during antibiotic treatment, the drug is prescribed on the seventh, fourteenth day.

    For cryptococcal diseases, take 400 milligrams one day, then exactly half the dose for two weeks every day. For pityriasis versicolor, drink fifty milligrams once a month.

    For onychomycosis, take 150 milligrams once a week.

    Sometimes antibacterial drugs are added to increase the effectiveness of therapy.

    For candidiasis in children, the dose is calculated to be 6 milligrams per kilogram of weight. This dose is taken one day, then half until the symptoms disappear.

    For prevention, a dose is prescribed at the rate of 3 milligrams per kilogram of the child’s weight once.

    • When treating thrush in women, the sexual partner is also treated. He is given 150 milligrams of the drug once.
    • For vaginal candidiasis, suppositories are used along with capsules. They eliminate such unpleasant phenomena as: pain when urinating, itching of the genitals, discomfort during sexual intercourse.

    Suppositories are placed in the vagina and can be used during menstruation. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. Side effects when using suppositories are observed much less frequently.

    During an overdose caused by a violation of proper use, there are paranoid manifestations and hallucinations. In such cases, the stomach is washed and hemodialysis is prescribed.

    Flucostat price, where to buy

    The price of Flucostat largely depends on the form of release of the pharmaceutical drug and the country where you want to buy the antifungal agent. For example, Ukraine offers the most optimal price for pharmaceutical products, Kharkov is especially pleasing, because in the first capital the price of Flucostat tablets is 27 hryvnia, and the price of candles is less - 10-15 hryvnia.

    In Russia, how much Flucostat costs in the pharmacy located closest to you must be found out taking into account the prescribed dosage of the drug, since the price of Flucostat 150 mg is 350 rubles, and capsules containing 50 mg of antifungal powder can be purchased for 270 rubles.

    The price of Flucostat for thrush in other nearby countries can be calculated at the local exchange rate, because competition for the import of pharmaceutical products extends far beyond the borders of the CIS countries. For example, in Belarus, 150 mg tablets can be bought for between 10-40 thousand rubles, which reflects the exact cost of the drug in Kharkov, and the price of ointment in Kazakhstan is equivalent to its cost in Omsk.

    • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


    • Flucostat capsules 150 mg 1 pc. Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC
      141 rub. order
    • Flucostat capsules 50 mg 7 pcs. Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC

      RUB 352 order

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