Ortofen ointment: properties, contraindications and analogues

Ortofen ointment is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system to reduce the severity of pain of various localizations and relieve inflammation. The active ingredient of the ointment - diclofenac - belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which often become the first choice drugs in the treatment of radiculitis, lumbago, osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia. The range of use of NSAIDs is not limited to destructive and degenerative changes in bone, joint and cartilage tissues. Ortofen ointment is included by doctors in patients’ therapeutic regimens to quickly eliminate the consequences of dislocations, sprains, and severe bruises. Despite the fact that a small amount of diclofenac penetrates into the systemic circulation, there is a possibility of systemic side effects. Before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor about the advisability and safety of using the ointment.

Mechanism of action of Ortofen

The drug Ortofen is a derivative of phenylacetic acid. Belongs to the group of drugs non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It has the following beneficial effects on the body:

  • lowers the temperature and quickly eliminates heat at the site of inflammation;
  • relieves the inflammatory process;
  • reduces swelling of soft tissues;
  • desensitizing (anti-allergic) effect;
  • inhibits the production of proteoglycan in cartilage;
  • eliminates painful sensations.

This is achieved by suppressing the activity of the synthesis of prostaglandins - enzyme substances that are directly involved in the formation and growth of the inflammatory process caused by infectious or microbial microflora. The ability to quickly eliminate pain at the site of inflammation occurs as a result of bilateral suppression of prostaglandin synthesis:

  • in the periphery;
  • in the central nervous system, by inhibiting the partial synthesis of arachidonic acid.

The simultaneous intake of food and tablets significantly slows down the rate of absorption, but this does not affect absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. The active components are almost completely bound to blood proteins, mostly albumin. The maximum concentration in blood plasma directly depends on the route of administration.

pharmachologic effect

The active ingredient of Ortofen ointment is diclofenac sodium , a derivative of phenylacetic acid. Its use in the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system allows for constant monitoring of various pathogenetic mechanisms. The combination of anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects determines the high therapeutic effectiveness of the external agent. The results of numerous experiments have revealed the undoubted superiority of diclofenac in relieving inflammation compared to Indomethacin, Naproxen, Phenylbutazone, due to its complex effect. During treatment, the synthesis of bioactive compounds decreases or completely stops. These include:

  • thromboxane A2;
  • leukotrienes;
  • prostaglandins PGE2, PGF2b;
  • prostacyclins.

The mechanism of action of NSAIDs is to suppress the activity of cyclooxygenase and reduce the production of prostaglandins, which mediate the development of inflammation.

Ortofen: indications for use

Diclofenac eliminates or significantly reduces the severity of symptoms of inflammation; reduces prostaglandin-induced increased sensitivity of nerve endings to biologically active substances that are formed at the site of inflammation; lowers body temperature (preventing the effect of prostaglandins on the hypothalamic link of thermoregulation); reduces the concentration of prostaglandins in menstrual blood and the intensity of pain during primary dysmenorrhea.

Main indications for use:

  • inflammatory and degenerative forms of rheumatic diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, spondyloarthritis), pain syndromes localized in the spine; non-articular rheumatism

  • acute attacks of gout
  • post-traumatic and postoperative pain syndromes accompanied by inflammation and swelling, for example after dental and orthopedic interventions
  • gynecological diseases accompanied by pain and inflammation, such as primary dysmenorrhea or adnexitis
  • in combination therapy of ENT organs for severe inflammatory diseases accompanied by pain (pharyngotonsillitis, otitis and others)

What are the tablets used for?

Indications for the use of injections and tablets include:

  • pain syndrome in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs;
  • pain in the spine;
  • arthralgia;
  • colic (bilious and renal);
  • myalgia;
  • pain syndrome with adnexitis, proctitis;
  • migraine;

  • degenerative and chronic inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, periarthropathy);
  • post-traumatic inflammation of soft tissues and the musculoskeletal system (sprains, bruises);
  • pain syndrome due to gout;
  • pain and inflammation after operations and injuries;
  • articular syndrome (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout);
  • neuralgia;
  • algodismenorrhea.

The medication is prescribed in the following dosages:

  • for the treatment of various acute inflammatory processes, Ortofen injections are used, which should be administered intramuscularly once a day for 3-5 days;
  • Maintenance therapy is carried out using tablets, which are used 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours.
  • The rapid absorption of tablets from the gastrointestinal tract allows the use of this drug for the treatment of acute conditions that require rapid action of the drug (within 30 minutes).

The drug is also indicated for post-traumatic pain, since diclofenac, which is part of it, quickly relieves pain during movement and sudden pain. Diclofenac also reduces swelling in the area of ​​injury or wound and reduces swelling during inflammation.

Application: instructions

Ortofen tablets are taken in one or several doses per day:

  • 1 tablet once and up to 3-4 times a day, after eating food or simultaneously with it, the maximum amount of the product is 150 mg;
  • in case of severe pain, from the second day of therapy it is recommended to reduce the number of tablets to 2-3 pieces in order to avoid undesirable consequences for the body;
  • It is not recommended to take tablets for more than 5 days in a row.

Ortofen injections are indicated intramuscularly. They are administered once, in a dose of no more than 75 mg. active substance. After a single injection, therapy should be continued by taking the drug in tablets.

Gel and ointment are used externally, treating the surface of the skin in the area of ​​damage or inflammation of the joint. The product in an amount of 2–3 g is applied to clean surfaces, rubbing until the medicine is completely absorbed. If necessary, wrap part of the body in warmth. It is recommended to use Ortofen ointment at night or at rest. It is allowed to use up to 8 g of a topical drug per day without health consequences.

Important: when using both systemic and external forms of the medication, you must take into account its total amount when discussing it with your doctor.

When using injections and tablets, you must avoid other NSAIDs and carefully check the dosage of anticoagulants and glucocorticoids, as they increase the toxicity of Ortofen.

What is Ortofen intended for?

Before starting treatment, consult your doctor! When using the drug, you must adhere to the doses recommended by your doctor. According to generally accepted approaches to the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases, it is also necessary to use etiotropic drugs. An isolated increase in body temperature is not an indication for the use of the drug. Short-term treatment (maximum 2 weeks) of the following acute conditions:

  • post-traumatic pain, inflammation and swelling, for example due to sprains;
  • post-operative pain, inflammation and swelling, for example after dental or orthopedic surgery;
  • pain and/or inflammation that accompany inflammatory gynecological diseases, for example, primary dysmenorrhea or adnexitis;
  • pain syndromes from the spine;
  • rheumatic diseases of extra-articular tissues;

  • as an adjuvant for infections of JlOP organs, for example, pharyngotonsillitis, otitis media, which are accompanied by severe pain and inflammation.
  • migraine attacks with or without warning signs

What does Ortofen ointment help with?

The active element of this ointment has powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory effectiveness. Capable of reducing temperatures. In diseases of the rheumatoid type, it quickly reduces pain in the joints that occurs both in a quiet position of the body and during movement. At the same time, morning stiffness and swelling in the joint tissues are reduced, and motor volume is naturally stimulated. The desensitizing effect is observed with long courses of ointment.

Another property of the ointment is that it is antipyretic, helping to reduce the temperature accompanying inflammation.

The drug is a pronounced anesthetic and relieves pain caused by compression of nerve endings during tissue inflammation. Penetrates the intra-articular fluid and normalizes its composition. This allows Ortofen to be used for rheumatic lesions.

The ointment is used for inflammatory processes of various localizations, degenerative conditions of the spine and joints, consequences of injuries and damage. What does using the drug help with:

  • diseases of the spine - osteochondrosis, radiculitis, sciatica, lumbago;
  • joint pathologies - gouty, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, spondyloarthritis;
  • injuries and inflammation of soft tissues and tendons;
  • postoperative pain;
  • muscle pain of a neuralgic nature;
  • relieving pain and swelling caused by excessive exercise.

Ortofen helps well with occupational diseases (in particular, with periatropathy of the shoulder joint or tennis elbow) and bone fatigue syndrome for people who often perform the same type of movements and overexert their muscles. These are musicians, athletes, industrial workers.

For what diseases is it taken?

Ortofen is used for symptomatic treatment in the presence of such conditions


  • inflammation and degenerative-dystrophic pathologies in joint tissue;
  • inflamed swelling of soft tissue;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • painful manifestations in the spinal column (ankylosing spondylitis, spondyloarthritis);
  • damage to fibers in ligamentous and muscle tissue, as well as tendons;
  • acute attacks of gout;

  • inflammatory gynecological diseases accompanied by painful manifestations (primary dysmenorrhea, adnexitis);
  • pain after injury and surgery, swelling and inflammation resulting from orthopedic or dental surgery;
  • infectious and inflammatory pathology of ENT organs;
  • muscle and joint pain caused by physical overload

Ortofen can be prescribed according to the instructions even in cases where the patient has suffered severe stress on the muscles.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

There are several types of contraindications for use, such contraindications are significant for any dosage form - solution, tablets, ointments, suppositories. Before starting a course of treatment, it is necessary to make sure that the patient does not have allergic reactions to the components of the drug, especially to diclofenac. It is prohibited to use it during exacerbations of gastrointestinal ulcers or blood diseases. It is not recommended for use in patients with liver and kidney diseases.

Do not use in the treatment of children under 6 years of age.

It is prescribed with extreme caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since there is a risk of the active substance entering the baby’s body, which can cause dangerous manifestations in the form of allergic reactions and disruption of the child’s vital functions. The elderly age of the patient is also a contraindication for use. In patients with heart failure, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are known to worsen the condition and increase the risk of death.

How does Ortofen work?

The mechanism of action of all forms of the drug is determined by the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory active component they contain. The injection solution and tablets have a systemic effect, relieve symptoms of fever and acute pain. Diclofenac indiscriminately inhibits the activity of pain and inflammatory prostaglandins, has an antiplatelet property - it increases blood flow. After administration intramuscularly or orally, the medicine is distributed in all fluids and tissues of the body. The liver and kidneys take part in the transformation and filtration of drug metabolites.

Topical preparations: Ortofen ointment and gel have moderate analgesic properties and are used to reduce pain in muscles and joints. Part of the drug is absorbed orally through the skin. With prolonged use, the active substance may accumulate in the blood and affect the tissues of internal organs.

Directions for use and dosage

The dose of the drug is selected individually, and in order to reduce the risk of side effects, it is recommended to use the minimum effective dose, if possible, with the shortest possible treatment period in accordance with the purpose of treatment and the patient’s condition. The tablets should be swallowed whole with liquid, preferably before meals. Do not split or chew the tablets. The recommended initial dose is 100-150 mg/day. In relatively mild cases of the disease, as well as for long-term therapy, 75-100 mg per day is sufficient.

The daily dose should be divided into several doses.

To relieve night pain or morning stiffness, in addition to taking the drug during the day, use diclofenac in the form of rectal suppositories before bedtime; in this case, the total daily dose should not exceed 150 mg. For primary dysmenorrhea, the daily dose is selected individually; usually it is 50-150 mg. The initial dose should be 50-100 mg; if necessary, over several menstrual cycles it can be increased to 150 mg/day. The drug should be started when the first symptoms appear. Depending on the dynamics of clinical symptoms, treatment can be continued for several days.



In medical practice, structural analogues of Ortofen ointment are used, that is, those that contain an identical active ingredient - the sodium salt of diclofenac. In the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, regular application of the following drugs to the area of ​​inflammation has proven successful:

  • Voltarena;
  • Dolobene;
  • Diklaka;
  • Diklovita;
  • Diclofenac in the form of a gel or ointment.

Structural analogues are characterized by the same indications and contraindications as Ortofen ointment. The doctor may prescribe external preparations that have a similar therapeutic effect, but contain another non-steroidal drug - Ketoprofen, Nimesulide, Piroxicam, Meloxicam, Ibuprofen.

It is strictly forbidden to independently replace Ortofen ointment without prior consultation with a neurologist or rheumatologist. Anesthetic ointments vary significantly in doses and duration of the therapeutic course.

How many days should I take Ortofen?

It is recommended to use the drug to reduce swelling and pain after dental procedures, in the post-traumatic period and after orthopedic surgery. In addition, Ortofena is excellent as an adjuvant in the treatment regimen for gynecological (adnexitis, algodismenorrhea, etc.) and otolaryngological (otitis media, tonsillopharyngitis) diseases.

According to the current instructions for use, the tablet form of Ortofen is prescribed to adults at the rate of 75-100 mg per day (3-4 tablets of 25 mg each). In the presence of severe pain, higher dosages can be used (up to 150 mg/day) - only for a short period - in general, the minimum dose that can provide the necessary therapeutic effect should be used.

The duration of the course of treatment with Ortofen is selected by the doctor depending on the nosology and severity of the current disease.

The selected daily dose should be divided into 2 or 3 doses; it is best to take these tablets after meals to minimize possible gastrointestinal side effects. If the drug is prescribed to children under 14 years of age, the dosage should be calculated based on the patient’s body weight - 1-2 mg/kg/day. However, again, in severe cases and according to the doctor’s decision, the amount of Ortofen taken can be increased to 3 mg/kg/day (for a short period).

Side effects of the drug

The following side effects include reactions that have been reported with short or long courses of Ortofen and/or other dosage forms of diclofenac:

  • from the blood and lymphatic system: very rarely - thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, anemia (including hemolytic and aplastic anemia), agranulocytosis;
  • from the immune system: rarely - hypersensitivity, anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions (in particular arterial hypotension and shock); very rarely - angioedema (in particular facial swelling);
  • mental disorders: very rarely - disorientation, depression, insomnia, nightmares, irritability, psychotic disorders;
  • from the central nervous system: often - headache, dizziness, anxiety, convulsions,
  • from the organs of vision: very rarely - visual impairment, blurred vision, diplopia; frequency unknown - optic neuritis;
  • on the part of the hearing and vestibular apparatus: often - vertigo; very rarely - ringing in the ears, hearing loss;

  • from the cardiovascular system: very rarely - palpitations, chest pain, heart failure, myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, arterial hypotension, vasculitis;
  • from the respiratory system, chest and mediastinal organs: rarely - asthma (including shortness of breath); very rarely - pneumonitis;
  • from the gastrointestinal tract: often - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dyspepsia

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is not applicable for cases of high sensitivity to salicylates, inflammatory and erosive lesions of the digestive tract mucosa, severe liver and urinary tract diseases. Contraindications also include:

  • tendency to internal bleeding, decreased blood clotting;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • pregnancy at all stages;
  • breastfeeding period.

Ortofen is also prohibited for the treatment of children under 6 years of age. An extensive list of contraindications is explained by high toxicity. Various undesirable reactions are possible against the background of its use:

  • loss of appetite, change in taste, pain in the epigastrium, abdominal cavity, exacerbation of gastritis and gastrointestinal pathologies, diarrhea;
  • kidney inflammation, impaired diuresis;
  • dizziness, asthenic syndrome, insomnia;
  • drug hepatosis.

Ortofen should be used with caution in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, bronchial asthma, and diabetes mellitus. Possible signs of a drug overdose: severe headache, vomiting, loss of coordination of movements, deterioration of hearing and vision.

Interaction with other drugs

If your doctor has prescribed Ortofen for you, be sure to inform him of what other substances you need to take during the course of treatment, so that the doctor can assess the possibility of drug compatibility and adjust the dosage or prescribe substitutes. When taking Ortofen and some drugs containing lithium together, an overdose of lithium in the blood plasma is possible, and the same problems can arise when Digoxin is prescribed. In this case, a specialist must constantly monitor the content of the substance in the blood by conducting tests.

Concomitant use with diuretics can lead to problems with blood pressure and cause impaired kidney function.

Warfarin may cause bleeding. Use together with morphine usually affects the concentration of the metabolite, and combined use with Pentazocine is also undesirable in order to avoid seizures.

Ceftriaxone combined with diclofenac can cause gallbladder disorders. The doctor will advise you on what to replace one of the necessary medications to eliminate harmful effects on the body. When considering compatibility with alcohol, it should be noted that interactions may negatively affect the stomach and intestines, so avoid drinking alcohol during treatment.


Local application ensures partial gradual absorption of the active substance, amounting to about 6%. The advantages of the drug include the creation of a higher concentration of diclofenac sodium in the synovial fluid than in the systemic circulation. 99% of the active ingredient binds to serum proteins albumin. The half-life is 3-6 hours . The maximum therapeutic concentration is detected in the inflammatory focus after approximately 2-3 hours.

Diclofenac is metabolized by hepatocytes by glucuronidation of unchanged molecules or by single or multiple hydroxylation and methoxylation. As a result of biochemical reactions, phenolic metabolites are formed, most of which are transformed into glucuronide conjugates. Two of them are characterized by biological activity similar to non-transformed diclofenac. Studies have revealed that active metabolites remain in the human body longer.

More than 60% of the active ingredient of Ortofen ointment is evacuated by the urinary system in the form of glucoronic conjugates of metabolites or unchanged NSAIDs. 40% of the active ingredient is excreted along with bile acids during bowel movements.

What helps better than Ortofen ointment

When it is planned to choose Ortofen as the main means of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, analogues should also be considered. Medicines in this group affect hard and soft tissues. However, Ortofen has a number of contraindications, which narrows its scope of application. For this reason, it is recommended to consider analogues - drugs that are similar in principle of action or composition. Some of them are offered at a high price, others are cheaper.

Naklofen SR

This drug is in tablet form. It can be purchased for an average of 90 rubles. For comparison, Ortofen is offered in the same form (in addition to gel, ointment, injection solution), but the price is 40 rubles. In both cases, the package contains 20 tablets. The main component of Naklofen SR is diclofenac. The tablet contains 100 mg of this compound.

Diclonate P

Release form: solution for intravenous or intramuscular administration. Cost - 100 rubles for 5 ampoules. The active substance in the drug Diclonate P is diclofenac. The ampoule contains 75 ml.

Diclofenac Retard-Akrikhin

Available in tablet form. If different analogues of Ortofen are being considered, you should pay attention to Diclofenac Retard-Akrikhin. Its cost is much lower than most existing products and averages 45 rubles per package. The main active ingredient is diclofenac sodium. 1 tablet contains 100 mg of this compound.

Diclovit product

Available in gel form. Intended for external use, acts locally. It has been confirmed that medications in the form of a cream or gel are safer than injections, tablets and even suppositories, since they do not penetrate the circulatory system.

Composition and dosage forms

Ortofen contains one active substance - diclofenac, which has a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory and moderate antipyretic effect. The drug has several forms of release for systemic and local use:

  • tablets: white, flat-cylindrical, with a dosage of 25 mg, auxiliary components: povidone, starch, magnesium stearate and others;
  • gel: a clear, slightly viscous liquid containing 5% diclofenac, packaged in 100 ml bottles, containing water, ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol and other binders;
  • Ortofen ointment: 20% preparation in the form of a homogeneous viscous mass, available in tubes of 30 and 50 ml;
  • water-based injection solution: liquid in 3 ml ampoules containing 25 mg. diclofenac in 1 ml.

Ortofen and Diclofenac: what is the difference?

For severe chronic pain, effective drugs are Ortofen or Diclofenac. Medicines have similar properties, so it is difficult to choose which drug is better. Medicines are presented in the form of tablets, ointments, gels, and solutions for intramuscular administration. Ortofen contains acids that not only eliminate inflammation, but also normalize body temperature during hyperthermia. Ortofen is approved for external use in children over 6 years of age. It can be prescribed during pregnancy, but in the 3rd trimester the use of the drug in any dosage form is contraindicated.

For severe chronic pain, effective drugs are Ortofen or Diclofenac.

Considering the risks for the expectant mother and the effect of the active substance on the development of the fetus, Diclofenac is prescribed with caution. Injections should not be done every day; it is better to carry out the procedure for no more than 2 days, and then use tablets, suppositories, gel or ointment. Injections negatively affect the production of bile and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The cost of Diclofenac in tablets is within 72 rubles, Ortofen in tablets can be purchased at a price of 50 rubles.

Medicines are sold without a prescription. But before you start taking the drug in tablets, you need to consult your doctor. Ointments and gels do not have a negative effect on the skin, so they can be used without a doctor’s prescription.

What is better Ortofen or Ibuprofen?

Ibuprofen is a drug from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The product is not addictive. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, relieves pain and lowers body temperature. The main active ingredient is ibuprofen. It inhibits cyclooxygenase in both isoforms (COX-1 and COX-2). The analgesic effect is due to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in the central and peripheral nervous system. Ibuprofen inhibits platelet aggregation.

The medication is available in several forms:

  • film-coated tablets;
  • gelatin capsules;
  • gel (50 mg of active ingredient per 1 g of drug);
  • ointment 5%;
  • suspension for children (20 mg of ibuprofen per 1 g of drug);
  • rectal suppositories.

Ibuprofen is prescribed for:

  • joint pain;
  • symptoms of a pinched nerve in the lower back;
  • fever against the background of the development of colds
  • menstrual pain;
  • toothache.

When using an ointment or gel, you need to rub the drug into the affected area of ​​the skin. This will increase the effectiveness of the product. The drug should not be taken internally if you have kidney or liver disease or a stomach ulcer. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is an indirect contraindication.


A derivative of phenylacetic acid is able to block inflammatory processes affecting the synovial membrane of joints and extra-articular synovial structures. Diclofenac sodium reduces the production of prostaglandins E2 by subacromial bursa cells in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome of the shoulder and other joints. After applying Ortofen ointment to the area of ​​pain, the migration of leukocytes to inflammatory foci is inhibited, since:

  • locomotor function is suppressed;
  • the expression of adhesion molecules decreases;
  • the production of chemokinins decreases.

The sodium salt of diclofenac is characterized by the prevention of tissue damage, the pathogenesis of which is based on the development of the inflammatory process. During the experiment, the tendon was damaged induced by the introduction of collagenase. After using NSAIDs, the accumulation of inflammatory cells in the peritendinous areas was significantly reduced.

The undoubted advantage of therapy with Ortofen ointment or gel is analgesic activity . The external remedy reduces the severity of pain not only as a result of suppressing inflammation. Its main ingredient has a complex effect on the mechanisms of pain perception by the central and peripheral nervous systems. During therapy with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, the concentration of tryptophan metabolites increases, which reduce the intensity of pain. The external agent affects innervation at the spinal and supraspinal levels.

Prescribing Ortofen ointment to patients diagnosed with chronic arthritis leads to a significant reduction in symptoms. The severity of arthralgia, morning stiffness and swelling of the joints, and limitation of movements are reduced. And in cases of damage to periarticular soft tissues (subacromial bursitis, rotator cuff tendinitis, epicondylitis of the shoulder and elbow joints), the active ingredient of the external remedy reduces the intensity of pain. As a result, only positive dynamics of functional status are observed.

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