Drug-induced rhinitis: how to overcome addiction to nasal drops

Many people have been using cold sprays for years to solve a simple problem, unaware of the serious consequences. Otorhinolaryngologist Oleg Abramov talks about treatment options.

Chronic nasal congestion is a common problem that, if not treated promptly, can lead to serious consequences. According to major studies, 1/3 of the world's population experiences difficulty breathing through the nose. However, many people neglect visiting a doctor and adapt over time. The situation is worse with self-medication, when a person begins to use over-the-counter drugs, namely vasoconstrictor sprays, which can be addictive.

Oleg Abramov, head of the department of operative otorhinolaryngology at GMS Hospital, author of the blog @ent_expert.

Development of nasal congestion

The nasal cavity is an area that is actively supplied with blood due to a large number of venous vascular sacs in the thickness of the mucous membrane. They are necessary to perform important functions - warming and humidifying the inhaled air. Due to some reasons (colds, allergies), swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, which leads to difficulty in nasal breathing and nasal congestion. In most cases, it is temporary and goes away with the use of local remedies, such as vasoconstrictor drops and sprays.

How to properly fix the edges of a wound?

Special adhesive-based healing dressings are used to fix the edges of wounds that are small and deep cuts. The purpose of the product is to prevent sloppy edges and the subsequent formation of an unsightly scar.

The most common area of ​​application is plastic surgery, where it is necessary to tighten the wounds of damaged areas on the face. It is here that the facial muscles cause special mobility of the skin. If you do not fix the edges of the wound, scars will remain. Specialized products are more functional than regular dressings. Strip strips will ensure the formation of an even scar, which will subsequently resolve without leaving marks. At home, such strips are used for minor cuts. If the wound is deep, you should contact a specialist who will carry out proper treatment and then fix the wound for speedy healing.

Drug treatment

Vasoconstrictors (decongestants) are drugs that have a local effect. When used, there is a quick and effective reduction in the swollen vascular networks of the nasal cavity and easier nasal breathing. These medications can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. There are many trade names, but there are only three active ingredients: oxymetazoline, xylometazoline, phenylephrine.

Development of addiction and dependence

Unfortunately, few people pay attention to the instructions and warnings that long-term use (more than 5-7 days) of these products can be addictive. Thus, after the end of the course of treatment, the congestion will return again, and in order to relieve it, you need to spray the product into the nose again. This effect in medicine is called “tachyphylaxis”, in other words, a boomerang effect, when, after the end of the action, recurrent nasal congestion occurs. As a result, the congestion does get relieved with the spray, but as soon as you stop using it, it comes back.

Expert advice on proper wound treatment

Even the best dressing materials will not give the expected effect if used incorrectly. It’s not difficult to remember the recommendations of experts. All that remains is to remember them at the right time and promptly replenish your home first aid kit with everything necessary for first aid.

Before bandaging and dressing the wound, the damaged area itself and the skin around it must be treated taking into account a number of rules. Particular care is taken when treating wounds after surgery. The rules for using adhesive bandages are as follows:

  • Before opening the package, wash your hands with soap, dry them with paper towels and treat them with an antiseptic;
  • the next step is to make sure that the expiration date indicated on the package has not yet expired;
  • When opening the packaging, you should avoid touching the product in those places that will come into contact with the wound;
  • Having taken the dressing product out of the packaging, you should hold it only by the outer side;
  • remove the polyethylene or paper strips covering the adhesive layer by holding the product by the free fragment;
  • a strip is applied to a dry and clean wound so that its central impregnated section covers the entire wound, and the glue is located outside the damaged skin;
  • unless otherwise provided, bandaging is done at least once a day. Exceptions are made for burns, when the bandage remains in place for a long time;
  • To make a dressing, you need to grab the edge and hold the skin nearby with your free hand. Considering that you will need 2 hands at once, it is advisable that the person who is injured does not do the dressing.
  • Among the useful tips given by experts, there is often a recommendation to shave the skin around the wound. This is necessary because hair can cause infection of the wound surface even under a bandage and after treatment. In addition, the presence of even vellus hair makes dressing painful.

    The recommendations listed in the article will help you pay due attention to the process of treating and dressing wounds. All that remains is to buy the necessary dressings, choosing medical products from trusted manufacturers. The range of products is quite wide, and prices vary depending on the brand and country of origin.

Denial of the problem

In ENT practice, drug-induced rhinitis is considered a common problem, which remains unobvious to the average person, a non-specialist. At the same time, the consequences of constant use of vasoconstrictors are quite serious. First of all, this is the suppression of the natural functions of the mucous membrane - moisturizing and warming the air, resulting in the formation of crusts and bruises. Patients report constant dryness in the nose. And due to a decrease in mucus production, there is a sore throat and hoarseness of the voice. Reduction of blood vessels in the thickness of the mucous membrane leads to atrophic changes and thickening of mucus-producing glands, which further increases nasal congestion. By constantly using these means, people, without knowing it, provoke irreversible changes in the nasal cavity.

What types of postoperative sterile patches are there?

Surgery requires the subsequent application of a sterile medical post-operative plaster. It can replace a sterile dressing, providing the same functions - protecting a fresh wound from infection and subsequent problems. If the incision is small, it is possible to fix the edges of the wound. Manufacturers offer products with different impregnations, the effect of which is selected taking into account the need.

  1. Antibacterial patch for wound healing with silver. Accelerates skin regeneration. The absorbent base allows for repeated dressings much less frequently. There are products for children and adults, standard and waterproof.
  2. A postoperative non-woven bandage is made of elastic materials and is designed specifically for moving areas of the body. The microporous surface provides air exchange, which eliminates irritation and diaper rash. During dressing, the adhesive composition is easily separated from the skin, and no traces remain.
  3. Product for resolving sutures after surgery. Indications for use: epithelization of wounds and protection against re-infection. The material absorbs wound secretions well and protects the surface from mechanical and other impacts. Due to the transparent base, you can observe the process without peeling off the film each time.

Methods for treating drop addiction

Despite the seriousness of the developing changes, the problem is quite easily solved. Both conservative and surgical treatment are possible - the optimal tactics are determined in consultation with a doctor, taking into account the patient’s priorities. According to research, courses of drugs with an anti-inflammatory effect (fluticasone, mometasone) effectively relieve inflammatory changes in the nasal mucosa and in approximately 80% of patients, dependence on drops disappears within a three-week course. If such tactics do not lead to positive dynamics, the possibility of surgical treatment should be considered. This is a short and quick procedure that is almost one hundred percent effective, so that the vast majority of patients no longer resort to the use of vasoconstrictors after surgery.

In my practice, I often encounter anxiety among patients before starting treatment. This is not surprising, I have met people who ran to the pharmacy in the middle of the night for sprays or abandoned the car in a traffic jam due to lack of spray; they simply did not go out into the street without the treasured bottle. Therefore, modern tactics involve not only drug therapy, but also a psychological explanation that the moment will soon come when you no longer want to take out the spray and splash it, because the nose can breathe freely. It is a great happiness when free breathing lasts longer than the effect of the sprays allows. I advise everyone not to delay treatment and effectively solve this simple but significant problem with the help of a doctor.

Breathe inhaler patch No. 5


Breathe inhaler patch.


The medical inhaler patch “Breathe” contains natural essential oils, which: • have antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and tonic effects, • are used for the prevention of colds and as a symptomatic remedy as part of the complex therapy of ARVI. After removing the protective coating, essential oils evaporate from the surface of the patch. Essential oils destroy pathological microorganisms in the air, thereby reducing the risk of them entering the body. The effect of the patch is due to the action of the essential oils included in its composition.

Main active ingredient


Release form



5 pieces.

Indications for use

The “Breathe” inhaler patch is intended for inhalation and is adhesive to clothing. Essential oils that evaporate during the application of the patch help: • prevent colds, relieve their symptoms, • normalize breathing during nasal congestion, make it easier to fall asleep.

Directions for use and doses

For external use only. Remove the patch from the package, remove the protective covering and stick the sticky side onto clothing in the area of ​​the upper chest. For preventive purposes, the Breathe patch can be used during periods of increased risk of colds. To prevent infection with ARVI and other colds, it is necessary to stick a patch on outer clothing while in public places or transport. You can also stick the medical inhaler patch “Breathe” on any dry surface that is near you or your child (a wall next to the bed, a table at your workplace, etc.). One patch is valid for up to 8 hours. The patch is intended for single use.

Precautionary measures

For external use only. Do not stick the patch on the skin. Avoid contact of the Breathe patch with the eyes, mucous membranes and damaged areas of the skin. If an allergic reaction occurs, you should immediately stop using the patch and consult your doctor. Before using the patch, children under 2 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult a doctor. Do not use by persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the patch. Do not use the patch if the integrity of the packaging is damaged.


• Individual intolerance to individual components. • Children under 2 years of age.


Mint oil without menthol (Oleum menthae), eucalyptus oil (Oleum Eucalipti), fir oil (Oleum Abiesis), levomenthol (Levomenthol), lavender oil (Oleum Lavandulae), turpentine oil (Oleum Terebinthinae).

Side effect

Do not use for people prone to allergic reactions.

Storage conditions

At a temperature not higher than 25°C and relative humidity 45-80%. Keep out of the reach of children.

Buy honey inhaler patch. “Breathe”, No. 5 in the pharmacy

Price for Honey inhaler patch. “Breathe”, No. 5

Instructions for use for honey inhaler patch. “Breathe”, No. 5

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