How to increase testosterone in a man naturally

When is the time to act

You can notice a hormone deficiency not only due to sexual health, but also due to other signs. The most common symptoms that appear are:

  • decrease in muscle mass and increase in fat:
  • mood instability, depressive attacks;
  • attention deficit;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • decreased erection frequency and quality;
  • decrease in sperm volume;
  • intense hair loss on the face, body and head;
  • deterioration in sports performance.

Low testosterone in men will be detected by tests. If the readings are below normal, you should consult a doctor. There are a number of natural methods that can help.

Testosterone treatment - what tests to do?

Patients receiving testosterone therapy are advised to have their hormone levels checked every 3-4 months during the first year of treatment. The first follow-up visit to the doctor is required in a month. The urologist will evaluate the effect of therapy and determine whether the dose of testosterone needs to be reduced or increased.

The optimal time of day to measure testosterone levels depends on the form of administration. The highest concentration of testosterone in the blood serum is observed approximately 4-8 hours after administration of the drug. When using the gel, testosterone levels are maintained at a relatively constant level, so testing time is not critical.

Men using testosterone therapy should perform the following tests (before and periodically during follow-up):

  • PSA analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the prostate gland;
  • Rectal examination of the prostate gland - to monitor the effect of therapy on the prostate gland;
  • Hematocrit and hemoglobin test - to measure the number of red blood cells.

Balanced diet

A sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as a diet rich in magnesium, zinc and vitamin D is another answer to the question of how to increase testosterone in men. If weight loss is not required, then calorie intake should correspond to their expenditure.

It is important to consume protein foods in sufficient quantities and eat fats. The hormone is synthesized from cholesterol, so if there is a deficiency of fat, the body does not receive enough raw materials to produce androgens. Both saturated fats from meat, dairy products, and vegetable fats are suitable. WHO recommendations: 10% of daily calories should be saturated fats, 30% unsaturated fats.

Microelements (magnesium, zinc) and vitamin D play an important role. They are contained in the following foods:

  • nuts (pistachios, almonds, cashews);
  • fatty fish;
  • legumes (beans, lentils);
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • dark chocolate;
  • leafy vegetables (spinach, chard, cabbage);
  • seafood (oysters);
  • avocado;
  • eggs;
  • flax and pumpkin seeds.

Quitting alcohol or minimizing its consumption is another way to correct low testosterone in men. Smoking and drug use negatively affect the functioning of the reproductive system.

Leaning on meat for the sake of success in bed is pointless: an endocrinologist dispelled myths about testosterone

What is spring associated with? Of course, with love. Your blood is boiling and you'll lose your head, despite the self-isolation. In poetic language (and that’s exactly what we want to say in the spring), the Faun is about to chase the nymph, and the yang will rush towards the yin. One of the main and guiding factors in all these love processes is, as rumor says, testosterone. It is called the main male hormone and is associated with sexual activity, bulky muscles and masculinity.

In fact, a whole bunch of misconceptions have formed around this hormone. Having carefully studied folk beliefs, we selected several of the most common myths associated with testosterone and asked an endocrinologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences, head of the department and director of the endocrinology clinic of the First Moscow State Medical University to comment on them. THEM. Sechenov, corresponding member of the RAS Valentin Viktorovich Fadeev .

1. In men, the more testosterone, the stronger the libido.

As a matter of fact: Testosterone is important for the formation of libido. A decrease in sexual desire is, indeed, one of the possible symptoms of its deficiency (I emphasize ONE OF THE POSSIBLE ones). But I’m not sure that testosterone level is correct to call the decisive factor determining libido. After all, sexual desire is a complex complex of social, individual and cultural attitudes of the individual. Testosterone is rather a hormone that is involved in the formation and maintenance of the physiological basis of sexual desire.

2. Testosterone is a sign of a man. Estrogen is a female hormone

Actually: No, of course not! Do not talk about a person and his physiology as a certain sum of individual parameters, the concentration of which we can determine in the blood. Moreover, it is correct to say not estrogen, but estrogens, the most important of which in humans is estradiol. Libido in women is largely determined by androgens (the general collective name for a group of steroid hormones that, in certain concentrations, have the ability to cause the development of male secondary sexual characteristics in both sexes - editor's note). But, to a greater extent, it is not testosterone, but androgens of adrenal origin .

With some endocrine diseases, women can actually develop an excess of androgens, not necessarily testosterone. At the same time, she does not look like a man, but she may develop disorders of the reproductive system. Diseases in men in which estrogens circulate in excess in the blood are incidentally rare; much more often, testosterone production may decrease for many reasons.

3. The more testosterone, the more aggressive a man is?

Actually: No, of course not! Let me cite a simple and well-known fact: testosterone does not have an effect on its own, but in the cells on which it acts, it is converted into dihydrotestosterone, which affects the genome of the cell. Thus, the effect of testosterone is mediated by the activity of a number of intracellular enzymes. Aggression is a behavioral trait that cannot be determined by any one biochemical parameter. It would be very simple to give testosterone to soldiers before battle so that they fight better... Even if you give me a monthly dose of testosterone at once, I will not go out into the street to destroy store windows.

4. There is no such thing as too much testosterone; the more, the better.

In fact: Testosterone is only one of thousands of hormones known today. There is no parameter in the body in relation to which one could say “the more, the better” or “the less, the better.” What does better mean? Better for what?

For normal sexual desire, men must indeed have normal levels of testosterone, and decreased libido is one of the symptoms of its deficiency. However, low sex drive is often not due to testosterone deficiency. The quality of erection, for example, does not directly depend on testosterone levels. Erectile dysfunction often develops not due to testosterone deficiency, but for other reasons.

5. A man is naturally more emotionally stable and reliable than a woman - he does not have a monthly cycle.

In fact: The female reproductive system functions cyclically, and this approximately monthly cyclicity is determined by the work of the hypothalamic-pituitary system of the brain. The male reproductive system operates in tonic mode, that is, practically at the same level, without such significant fluctuations. Some women, indeed, exhibit a natural dynamics of their emotional state throughout the monthly cycle, but not all. Physiologically speaking, men do not have critical days, and crises, which are indeed frequent, develop as a result of emotional factors, including problems of a sexual nature, which can, especially with a low level of intelligence, be realized through aggression.

6. Men are more successful than women because of testosterone. Testosterone is associated with assertiveness, determination, increased resistance to stress, and healthy ambition

In fact: Do not reduce sexual, emotional and any other differences in the body of a man and a woman to just one testosterone molecule. I don’t remember any women of genius whose talent developed as a result of excess testosterone. A man and a woman are genetically different, their endocrine and, accordingly, central nervous systems function differently, men and women have different biological functions, they suffer from different diseases and even live different life expectancies. The social functions of men and women in the vast majority of cultures over thousands of years have been different, and this in no way belittles women or exalts men. Therefore, it is completely pointless to compare and somehow contrast organisms that are completely different from a biological point of view!

7. Testosterone turns a man into a perpetual sex engine. The presence of the hormone in the body leads to the fact that a man is always ready for sex and dreams of getting someone into bed around the clock.

In fact: Biologically, male individuals, whose task is not to bear offspring, but to conceive them, have a completely different sexuality. Apart from human intelligence, this can easily be seen in animals, including primates. But what you called “a sex machine that constantly wants to copulate” cannot be reproduced with testosterone, even in very large doses. This kind of sexual preoccupation is more typical of the mentally retarded, who can masturbate for days, including in front of strangers. I repeat once again: male sexuality is a complex product of social, personal, physiological and cultural factors, and all this cannot be reduced to one steroid molecule.

8. Testosterone decreases with age.

In fact: Yes, this is completely natural! But the level of testosterone in the blood decreases, which we determine during a hormonal study. As I already said, this does not fully mean that the intracellular effects of this hormone are reduced. A decrease in testosterone levels occurs in conjunction with other genetically programmed changes that develop with age. Everything must correspond to each other clearly! Perhaps I will say a seditious thing: but age and aging are a biological norm, this is normal, while the social essence of a person also implies that at different ages people will have different social functions. If you try to artificially change the tincture and increase the level of one hormone in an elderly body to a level corresponding to a young one, this risks coming into conflict with all other parameters and the system will become unbalanced with very sad consequences, in the form of cardiovascular diseases, the development of tumors, etc. .

9. Baldness occurs due to excess testosterone.

In fact: This is a common misconception: if you are bald, it means you have more testosterone than someone with hair! No medical or scientific evidence has been found for this claim. Studies of several thousand men have shown that there is no connection between testosterone levels and the presence or absence of scalp hair. As for male baldness, there can be dozens of reasons: heredity, illness, the use of a number of medications, and so on.

10. Testosterone is a cure for many diseases.

Not really. Although in the USA, such treatment methods are very common in the so-called Anti-Aging system (literally: against aging). This system actively promotes patches and gels with testosterone all over the world, which help “fight” chronic fatigue, erectile dysfunction and even “grown belly” and diabetes. In this regard, there is a “big” game going on with laboratory references (“standards”) of testosterone: if they are slightly changed for one or another “highly scientific” reasons, the army of men with testosterone “deficiency” can grow many times over, which is very beneficial for the pharmaceutical business.

11. Testosterone makes us taller.

In fact: Absolutely not! Testosterone is involved in the processes of growth and skeletal formation, but its excess (or level inadequate for age) in the period before the onset of puberty, on the contrary, can lead to short stature.

12. Testosterone causes hoarseness and voice changes.

Fact: Under the influence of testosterone, the larynx develops in a male pattern, resulting in lower and often more hoarse sounds, but this is not a universal rule!

13. Testosterone Causes Prostate Cancer

In fact: If you already have prostate cancer, an increase in testosterone levels, in some cases, can contribute to its progression, but on the other hand, prostate cancer rarely develops in young men, whose testosterone levels are significantly higher than in older men. In other words, prostate cancer is a multifactorial process and testosterone levels are by no means a key component in this regard.

14. Testosterone is bad for the heart.

In fact: Cardiovascular diseases are indeed significantly more common in men compared to women. But, as I already said, the differences between the male and female bodies are by no means limited to testosterone levels alone. In this regard, there are many contradictory facts: long-term and severe testosterone deficiency is associated (that is, in some way connected, probably not directly) with the development of vascular atherosclerosis.

On the other hand, prescribing testosterone to older men with low levels and pre-existing heart disease leads to an increase in mortality against this background. Conclusion: testosterone itself and its deficiency in itself does not cause the development of cardiovascular diseases. The implementation of the action of any hormone occurs through the genetic apparatus of cells, which experiences the regulatory influence of numerous factors, including those unknown to us.

15. To increase testosterone levels and become a real macho, you need to load up on meat and sour cream.

This is pointless and unsafe! Believe me, both excess and deficiency of hormones in the body are not safe! This is just one factor, the most well-known to ordinary people, which is involved in the regulation of everything related to the functioning of the reproductive system, primarily in men. The reproductive system, its normal functioning, must fit harmoniously and correspond to the work of other organs: the heart, blood vessels, liver and everything else.

This is how testosterone synthesis is regulated. If you fill a factory with raw materials, it will not produce more goods than its capacity allows, and if it produces an excess, it will rot in the warehouse, since no one needs it. Do not perceive a living organism, a biological system, mechanistically, like a blender or a meat grinder, where as much meat as you put in, you will get as much minced meat. We are much more complex.

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Physical activity has a positive effect on male hormone levels. Maximum effect can be achieved by following the following recommendations:

  • choose multi-joint exercises;
  • gradually increase the volume of training;
  • use high-intensity interval training;
  • choose cyclic cardio exercises;
  • Do not train until your muscles fail.

To normalize testosterone levels in men, it is important not to overtrain. Physical exhaustion negatively affects the entire body as a whole. Fatigue and sleep problems will not improve the testosterone situation, so it is important to maintain a balance between stress and rest in training.

How is low testosterone diagnosed?

If the urologist suspects low testosterone based on symptoms and physical examination, he or she will refer the patient for a testosterone test. This is the only way to confirm the diagnosis.

Most testosterone is bound to sex hormone binding protein and albumin. In young men, unbound testosterone (called free testosterone) is only about 2%. Due to the fact that measuring free testosterone is not accurate, it is preferable to test total testosterone levels (bound and free).

Testosterone test

Testosterone levels are best measured in the morning because the hormone follows a daily rhythm and reaches its highest value around 8:00 am.

Tests are also performed for other testosterone-stimulating hormones - LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). With their help, you can determine the primary or secondary cause of low testosterone levels.


In addition to the protein shakes discussed in the second point as part of intermittent fasting, a man who is actively involved in sports will benefit from increasing the amount of BCAA amino acids he receives. These essential amino acids for humans can be found in regular foods (for example, there is a lot of leucine in cheese), as well as in special supplements.

Don't be negative about sports nutrition. In fact, high-quality supplements are an almost pure product, without impurities or any nasties.

When sufficiently supplied to the body, amino acids help create the right anabolic environment. This is exactly what we need.

Maintain your zinc intake

Compliance with zinc levels is important not only for increasing, but also for maintaining testosterone levels. Numerous studies show a significant increase in this hormone after just six weeks, provided that a person with initially low testosterone levels includes a sufficient amount of zinc in the diet.

The best way to meet your zinc requirement is to eat the right foods. Food rich in protein. Meat, fish, milk, cheese, legumes, natural yogurt, kefir.

When using multivitamins or other artificial supplements containing zinc, pay attention to the limits set by health authorities. In Europe, for adult men, this limit is 25 mg per day, and the recommended amount is 11 mg per day.

Progress of the study

The patient is recommended to come to the laboratory 30 minutes before blood sampling in order to adapt to external conditions and normalize breathing. In a laboratory setting, blood is taken from a patient’s vein.

A standard set of materials is used: a disposable syringe or a special system. As a rule, the patient does not experience discomfort because a small amount of blood is needed for diagnosis. After 1-2 days, the laboratory provides diagnostic results on a special form. The interpretation of the results of the analysis is carried out exclusively by a doctor who knows the characteristics of the patient’s body.

The level of the hormone can be influenced by many different factors, ranging from stressful situations and nervous tension, to a specific diet and the presence of bad habits. Chronic diseases, episodes of decreased immune defense, use of steroid substances - these conditions can cause changes in the amount of testosterone in the human body.

In addition, testosterone levels often depend on the time of year.

For example, in the fall there is an increase in the hormone in the human body. Therefore, independent interpretation of research results in most cases turns out to be incorrect. So, the analysis should only be deciphered by your attending physician.

Reasons for low testosterone in men

A decrease in the level of the hormone in the blood beyond 11 nmol/l is considered significant. This deviation is called hypogonadism. The primary form develops as a result of damage to the testicles, the secondary form - as a result of improper functioning of the nervous and endocrine (hypothalamic-pituitary) systems.

Provocateurs of a critical decrease in testosterone include:

  • Obesity.
  • Physical injuries to the genital organs.
  • Renal and adrenal insufficiency.
  • Chronic prostatitis.
  • Some medications. Glucocorticoids. Anabolics. Long-term use of drugs with magnesium sulfate, cytostatics, tetracycline, spironprolactone and other substances that reduce the synthesis of the steroid with tissues.
  • Poor quality food. Protein deficiency. Prolonged fasting. Excessive passion for coffee, salt, sugar, fats.
  • Bad habits. Long-term smoking. Alcoholism. Addiction.
  • Irregular sleep.
  • Decreased physical activity.
  • Constant stress.
  • Age over 35-40 years.

There is also evidence of some effect of bisphenol on testosterone reduction. The element is often found in low-quality household chemicals (soaps, deodorants, lotions, cleaning products) and plastic dishes.

Minimize stress

Under severe, prolonged stress, the body produces cortisol, which actually blocks the effect of testosterone. This is how our body works, and there is nothing you can do about it.

In the modern world of permanent depression and chronic stress (and, consequently, with constantly elevated cortisol), the effect of testosterone is blocked too often and a lot, which we absolutely do not want.

Photo Credit: US Army Korea (Historical Image Archive) via Compfight

On Lifehacker you will find many articles about effective methods for relieving stress and combating depression. Perhaps meditation or yoga will help you.


Testosterone is responsible for secondary sexual characteristics and affects sex life. It begins to be produced in small doses during fetal development. With the onset of adolescence, the level of the hormone increases sharply: the teenager’s voice breaks, hair appears on the body, and muscles and bones grow faster. In addition, stress resistance, endurance, aggression (as a method of self-defense), and muscle-to-fat ratio depend on testosterone.

Boys and men with normal testosterone levels are not prone to obesity. If nutritional correction and exercise do not help, you need to see an endocrinologist

On average, the body of an adult male produces about 7 milligrams of testosterone per day. After 30 years, its production gradually decreases. But sometimes low testosterone, like too high one, is dangerous. Another pathology is when the male hormone begins to replace female estrogens. Let's analyze each situation in detail.

Preparing for diagnosis. How is the analysis carried out?

At the first stage, the patient receives a referral for research. The document is issued to the person by a gynecologist, endocrinologist, andrologist, reproductologist ¾ doctor to whom the patient turned for advice. However, diagnosis requires careful preparation. This is necessary to increase the accuracy of the study.

For example, it is prohibited to donate blood for testosterone if during the day before the test you performed ultrasound diagnostics, fluorographic examination, or underwent physiotherapeutic procedures. Rectal examination during the day can also distort the results of a blood test.

The patient is obliged to warn the doctor about taking hormonal drugs (for example, if a woman takes combined oral contraceptives as a method of contraception), as well as gel-based substances and ointments. The doctor will decide on the need to temporarily stop taking medications if this does not threaten the patient’s condition. It is allowed to donate blood for testosterone 2 weeks after stopping taking hormonal medications.

24 hours before diagnosis, any physical activity or drinking alcohol is prohibited. In addition, you need to stop smoking and change your diet slightly: do not eat fatty or fried foods the day before the diagnosis. Blood sampling for testosterone levels is carried out in the morning (before 11 am) on an empty stomach. During this period, the amount of the hormone in the blood reaches its maximum value.

In addition, to avoid distortion of the results during the diagnosis (for example, increased testosterone or low testosterone when receiving diagnostic results), it is necessary to stop drinking coffee, stimulating drinks, and also avoid stress and nervous tension 1 hour before the procedure.

Attention! The patient should warn the doctor if his diet differs from the normal diet. For example, followers of vegetarianism or people who exclude certain foods from their diet need to tell their doctor about this in order to correctly interpret the diagnostic result.

Preparing for a blood test for testosterone in women has its own characteristics and depends on the menstrual cycle. It is believed that the collection of biological material should be carried out on days 6-7 of the menstrual cycle. The patient's blood serum is used as diagnostic material. The research method is called enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).


When men gain weight, fat is deposited in the neck, back, shoulders and upper abdomen. This is called male pattern obesity. Female pattern obesity is when the hips, stomach and breasts grow. In addition to poor nutrition, the cause may be an excess of female estrogens.

Estrogens in a man’s body are responsible for metabolism and strong bones, prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases and ensure proper muscle mass gain. They are distinguished from testosterone by one hydrogen atom and two energetic bonds. That's all. This means that if a hydrogen atom is attached to a male hormone molecule for some reason, it becomes female. If this happens too often, the man loses his secondary sexual characteristics.

Obesity is not only an aesthetic problem. It increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and impotence.

Increased estrogen production can be caused by tumors of the adrenal glands and testicles, genetic diseases, certain medications, and severe liver damage. Of course, only a doctor can prescribe treatment in such cases.

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