Long-acting forms of testosterone in the treatment of hypogonadism

Sustanon or “ sust ” is a drug whose composition is represented by several forms of testosterone. Initially, Sustanon 250, which was first released by the American company Organon, was used exclusively for therapeutic purposes, prescribed to patients whose bodies did not produce the required amount of testosterone. Today this mix has gained wide popularity in sports pharmacology.

Sustanon 250[edit | edit code]

Yuzhakov Anton Testosterone description of the drug

Sustanon 250 from Organon Sustanon from Gerth Pharmaceuticals (volume 10ml, 250mg/ml)


(also known as
) is a mixture of various testosterone esters, first developed and released by Organon as a means of hormone replacement therapy for insufficient secretion of endogenous testosterone.
Currently, almost all mixtures of testosterone esters are equated to Sustanon, for example, the most popular analogue is Omnadren 250. A large number of drugs are manufactured clandestinely. Duration of action of various testosterone esters
Sustanon includes 4 forms of testosterone:

  • 30mg Testosterone propionate
  • 60mg Testosterone phenylpropionate
  • 60mg Testosterone Isocaproate
  • 100mg Testosterone Decanoate
  • Oil (usually peanut oil) as a solvent
  • Benzyl alcohol - as a preservative and antiseptic

Sustanon 250, produced in bottles, is 100% fake and has nothing in common with the original Sustanon 250 (according to storage conditions, testosterone can only be stored in glass containers, the use of rubber caps is strictly prohibited).

Each form of testosterone that is included in Sustanon has a different absorption rate, which allows you to maintain a constantly high level of anabolic hormones in the blood for a month. There is no need for frequent injections; Sustanon is given only once every three weeks (for medical purposes). Some people believe that Sustanon is a combination course in one bottle, but this is not entirely true, because each component of the drug is converted in the body only into testosterone.

The peak of Sustanon's popularity occurred in the 80s and 90s of the last century, at which time a large number of articles were written about the benefits of the drug. However, it should be remembered that Sustanon was not developed as a drug to increase muscle mass, and its main advantage is ease of use. Sustanon has a higher cost compared to individual testosterone esters (in equivalent quantities), while its anabolic properties do not differ from isolated forms of testosterone, which makes its use in bodybuilding not entirely justified.

Sustanon 250 is absolutely identical to the drug Omnadren 250 (manufactured under license by Jelfa SA - Poland).

Availability in the 90s[edit | edit code]

Material from the book

P. Grunding, M. Bachmann. "Anabolic steroids" 1994[1]

Sustanon is widely available on the black market and is easy to buy. Unfortunately, most of these drugs are more or less well-executed counterfeits. If you are offered ampoules without a paper label, but simply with a stamp, most often in red, these are definitely fakes. Most often, we are talking about Omnadren, where the corresponding inscription has been erased and replaced with the imprint “Sustanon”. Original Sustanon, which is almost exclusively produced, always has a paper label. The original “Susta” is now becoming increasingly difficult to find and is becoming increasingly rare. On the black market, only Portuguese Sustanon 250, Dutch Sustanon 250 and especially Russian, as well as Indian Sustanon 250 are most often found. All three drugs have a paper label on the ampoules.

Recently, on the black market you can increasingly find Russian Sustanon 250, which is produced in Calcutta (India) and is officially intended only for export to Russia. And yet, through Czechoslovakia, large quantities of this original drug Sustanon 250 are smuggled to Germany. It seems to be a high quality drug, because... Those who use it report positive results and good tolerability, so dishonesty in its production is excluded. Russian Sustanon 250 is sold in plastic packaging, on the back of which the name of the drug, the name of the manufacturer and the chemicals contained are written in blue font. The text is written either on silver foil or on white paper. 5 ampoules are arranged together in a row, and each ampoule is also separately packaged. The original Sustanon 250 costs on the black market, judging by experience, 12 - 18 DM per ampoule and it is worth it.

Availability in the 2010s[edit | edit code]

New brands are widely distributed (Sustamed from Balkan, Sust250 from Allchcemasia, Sustaged from Golden Dragon, SUSTANON from SP Laboratories, Sustaject from Neo Labs, Sustaver from Vermodje). Sustanon from Organon is also popular and is produced in branches of different countries: Egypt, Pakistan and Holland. Cost 250 - 370 rubles. for 1 ml. Vials have become a more popular dosage form, while Organon continues to be produced in ampoules.

Is testosterone safe? What to expect from taking testosterone?

Currently, men use testosterone pills, gel or injections to restore normal levels of the male hormone. The ongoing pharmaceutical marketing blitz promises that these "low testosterone" treatments will make men feel more alert, energetic, and sexy. However, side effects remain. For example, some older men taking testosterone may face increased heart risks.

Endocrinologist Associate Professor of Medicine Carl Palle of Harvard Medical School believes that "men should be more alert to possible long-term complications."

Signs of Low Testosterone

MIND • Depression • Decreased self-confidence • Difficulty concentrating • Sleep disturbance

Body Decreased muscle and bone mass • Increased body fat • Fatigue • Breast enlargement • Hot flashes

Sexual function Decreased sex drive • Decreased spontaneous erections • Difficulty maintaining an erection

How do men react to testosterone advertising?

Urologist Michael O'Leary believes that “direct-to-consumer marketing is very aggressive. Thousands of people who would never have asked me this before started doing so when they saw the ad: “Are you feeling tired?”

Fatigue alone is not enough to warrant a prescription for testosterone. "General fatigue and malaise are pretty low on my list," says O'Leary. “But if there are significant symptoms, a laboratory test will need to be taken. Most men have normal testosterone levels.”

If a man's testosterone is below the normal range, there is a good chance that the man may take hormone supplements indefinitely. “There is a slight lure of testosterone,” notes endocrinologist Palle. “Men start taking testosterone and they feel better, but then it’s hard to get rid of it. During treatment, the body stops producing testosterone on its own. Men can often feel a big difference when they stop therapy because their body's testosterone production has not yet been achieved."

This wouldn't matter much if we were confident that long-term hormone therapy was safe. But some experts worry that testosterone therapy exposes men to some risks that could be harmful over time.

What are the risks of testosterone therapy?

Relatively few men experience immediate side effects from taking testosterone, such as acne, trouble breathing during sleep, swollen or tender breasts, or swollen ankles. Doctors also watch for high red blood cell counts, which can increase the risk of clotting.

Men taking testosterone long-term appear to have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, such as heart attacks, strokes, and death from cardiovascular disease. For example, the Testosterone in Older Men study was stopped in 2010 when early results showed that men treated with hormonal drugs had significantly more heart problems. “In older men, the theoretical cardiac side effects become more immediate,” notes Palle.

Some doctors are also concerned that testosterone therapy may stimulate the growth of prostate cancer cells. As with the hypothetical heart risks, the evidence is mixed. But because prostate cancer is so common, doctors tend to be cautious about prescribing testosterone to men who may be at risk.

For men with low blood testosterone levels, the benefits of hormone replacement therapy usually outweigh the potential risks. However, for most other men, this is a shared decision with your doctor. Testosterone gives men the ability to feel better when they're feeling down. But this quick fix may distract attention from unknown long-term dangers. "I can't tell you for sure that it increases your personal risk of heart problems and prostate cancer, or that it doesn't," Palle concludes.

So, keep the risks in mind when considering testosterone therapy. “I often don’t approve of this, especially if the man has health problems.”

Rate your health

  • Have you considered other reasons why you may be experiencing fatigue, low sex drive, and other symptoms associated with low testosterone? For example, do you eat healthy? Do you exercise regularly? Are you sleeping well? Consider these factors before moving on to hormone therapy.
  • If your sex life isn't what it used to be, have you ruled out relationships or psychological issues that could be contributing to it?
  • If erectile dysfunction has you suspecting "low testosterone" as the culprit, consider that cardiovascular disease can also cause erectile dysfunction.

Get an accurate assessment of your health

  • Inaccurate or misinterpreted test results can either misdiagnose or miss a case of testosterone deficiency. Testosterone levels should be measured between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m., when they peak. Confirm low readings with a second test on a different day. Determining bioavailable testosterone, or the amount of hormone capable of affecting the body, may require multiple measurements and careful interpretation.
  • After starting therapy, check with your doctor periodically to check your testosterone and other laboratory tests to make sure the therapy is not causing problems with your prostate or blood chemistry.

Be aware of unknown risks

  • Approach testosterone therapy with caution if you are at high risk for prostate cancer; have severe urinary symptoms from an enlarged prostate; or you have been diagnosed with heart disease, a heart attack.
  • Ask your doctor to explain the different side effects for different testosterone formulations, such as gels, patches, and injections. Know what to look for if something goes wrong.

Realistic Expectations from Taking Testosterone

Testosterone therapy is not the fountain of youth. There is no evidence that it will restore you to the level of fitness or sexual function of your youth, prolong life, prevent heart disease or prostate cancer, improve memory or mental acuity.

If erectile function has been a problem, testosterone therapy may not fix it. In fact, it may increase your sex drive, but it won't allow you to act on it. You may also need medication or other therapy to get or maintain an erection.

How to improve your health without drugs?

Effects of Sustanon[edit | edit code]

Sustanon works just like any other form of testosterone. This means that the main effects of Sustanon are:

  • Increase in muscle mass (on average 6 kg per month)[2]
  • Anti-catabolic effect
  • Increased appetite
  • Increased hematopoiesis - an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood ensures better oxygen transport, thereby increasing endurance.[3]
  • Increased libido (while taking Sustanon)

The drug detection time is up to 3 months.

Sustanon - side effects[edit | edit code]

Like any other form of testosterone, Sustanon is converted into estrogens. For this reason, Sustanon causes side effects such as gynecomastia, edema, female-type fat deposition and inhibition of the production of testosterone. These side effects can be prevented by using antiestrogens, preferably aromatase inhibitors. Selective estrogen receptor modulators (tamoxifen, etc.) are used only during post-cycle therapy.

As a result of a decrease in the production of endogenous testosterone, it is possible to develop such a serious side effect of Sustanon as testicular atrophy. This side effect can be prevented if you do not take a Sustanon course longer than 8 weeks and take antiestrogens. Longer courses require the use of gonadotropin.

In the body, testosterone is converted into dihydrotestosterone, which causes the following side effects: prostate hypertrophy, baldness, acne and others. These are the so-called androgenic side effects of Sustanon.

Also, athletes often report an increase in temperature and a flu-like condition during the course of Sustanon. Like most steroids, Sustanon increases the level of bad cholesterol in the blood (prevented by taking Omega-3 throughout the course).

After injection, infiltrates sometimes form (lumps or “bumps” in the gluteal region or other injection site). As a rule, infiltrates resolve within 2-5 weeks.

Sustanon course[edit | edit code]

  • The Sustanon course is recommended only for men to gain muscle mass, without any contraindications to the use of anabolic steroids.
  • The Sustanon course lasts up to 10 weeks. For longer durations, administration of gonadotropin is required.
  • Injections of the drug are performed once a week at a dose of 250-500 mg intramuscularly (it is advisable to inject Sustanon into the gluteal muscles).
  • From the second week of the course, start taking aromatase inhibitors under the supervision of estrogen tests (usually using Anastrozole 0.5 mg every other day). Stop taking AIs 1 to 2 weeks after your last injection.
  • 3 weeks after the last injection, post-cycle therapy with tamoxifen begins, testosterone boosters are taken for 3-4 weeks to restore the production of your own testosterone.
  • For maximum effectiveness of the course, take a sports nutrition complex to gain muscle mass and follow a diet to gain muscle mass.
  • Be sure to consult with a specialist before starting to take Sustanon.

Combined courses

Sustanon can be combined with drugs such as:

Nandrolone - for gaining muscle mass. Winstrol - for drying and relief.

Combination allows you to reduce the frequency of side effects and improve the effectiveness of the course. Read more: Combined courses of steroids

Steroid profile

  • The anabolic and androgenic activity from taking the drug is 100% of testosterone.
  • There is marked suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.
  • The mixture has no effect on the liver.
  • Possible detection time in a doping control test is up to three months after the last dose.
  • The drug is available in the form of injections.

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