Vitamins Unipharm Vitrum / Vitrum Energy - reviews

Pharmacological properties

The components included in Vitrum Vision help improve the functional state of the vision system: increase visual acuity, stimulate metabolic processes at the cellular level in the tissues of the eye, and improve twilight vision. Zeaxanthin and lutein, which are natural carotenoids, as well as the trace element zinc, are the strongest antioxidants; they protect the organ of vision from the negative effects of free radicals and ultraviolet radiation. Regular use of the drug reduces the risk of developing age-related pathological changes in the eye - cataracts (clouding of the lens), as well as age-related macular degeneration.


"Vitrum" cannot be used in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to one or more active ingredients;
  • pregnancy period;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • erythrocytosis;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • kidney failure;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • heart failure;
  • peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • metabolic disorders of individual microelements;
  • malabsorption of simple sugars;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • gout;
  • increased content of potassium, magnesium, calcium and other trace elements.

People suffering from thyroid disorders take vitamins with caution. In this case, a mandatory consultation with an endocrinologist is indicated.

Composition of the complex

I was interested to find out what exactly these vitamins contain. It is important for me that the complex justifies itself and contains all the necessary substances to improve the condition of the entire body. I’ll tell you right away that the list there is quite impressive and I think there is no point in listing all the components; you can look at the composition yourself on the Internet if you wish. I want to name only those main components that were important for me: vitamin A, E, D3, B vitamins, vitamin C. And also a number of vital microelements: folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, iodine.

The list can be continued for a very long time, but I have named only those main components, the presence of which is very important for me. Having familiarized myself with the composition, I understand that vitamins are popular for a reason; the complex is indeed very rich in its composition.

Each of the components performs its own function and, in general, has a beneficial effect on the entire body. And this is exactly what my husband and I need to replenish our strength after winter. In addition, reviews from doctors are in favor of Vitrum. Many doctors praise its effectiveness.

“Each type of activity takes a lot of strength and energy, be it mental or physical labor.
As a rule, in the spring there is a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and in order to help the body it is necessary to take vitamins. Of course, no one can cancel proper healthy nutrition, but it is not able to quickly cover the entire shortage of microelements. Vitrum is one of the best complexes, which contains both vitamins and minerals. All the patients to whom I prescribed these vitamins noticeably improved their condition” Oleg Vasilyevich, general practitioner, Murmansk.

Positive words from specialists are a huge plus. It was important for me to hear the opinions of doctors and their attitude towards Vitrum. Because I did not rule out the fact that the drug may be ineffective.

How and where did I buy Vitrum

I know that many people are now actively buying vitamins and various dietary supplements on the Internet, and I am no exception. But I decided not to take risks with the vitamins and buy them at a regular pharmacy (although now I think that I could save money by ordering on the official website). Fortunately, there are a lot of pharmacies now and you don’t have to go far; we have them at every step in our city. The price for Vitrum in the pharmacy is quite adequate, more expensive than domestic drugs, but not the most expensive of imported ones. The pharmacy had bottles of 30, 60, 100 and 130 tablets to choose from. I decided to take a bottle of 60 pieces so that my husband and I would have enough for a month. This amount won’t put a big dent in our pockets, and we’ll just check whether these vitamins are right for us or not. Having paid, I went home to quickly examine my purchase.

special instructions

Do not exceed the recommended dose. The drug should not be prescribed during treatment with other complexes containing the same components (vitamins, minerals, ginseng preparations).

It is not recommended to combine with drugs with a pronounced tonic effect.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug can be used in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, only as prescribed by a doctor, without exceeding the recommended dose (1 tablet per day).

Children. The drug is not used in children under 12 years of age.

Does not affect reaction speed when driving vehicles or operating other mechanisms.

Drug interactions

If Vitrum is used together with antibiotics of the tetracycline group, the latter will be absorbed worse and the therapeutic effect will decrease. It is also possible that side effects may increase when taking antimicrobial drugs related to sulfonamides.

When used together with antacids based on calcium, aluminum, and magnesium, iron absorption slows down, which can cause iron deficiency.

Simultaneous use of Vitrum with diuretic drugs (thiazides) may result in symptoms of hypercalcemia. You should also exclude parallel use with other vitamin complexes, otherwise an overdose, for example, of vitamin D or A, is possible.


Treatment of hypovitaminosis and mineral deficiency; treatment of asthenic conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome, with decreased mental and physical ability; correction of conditions associated with an increased need for vitamins (during prolonged mental and physical stress, during stressful conditions, alcohol abuse and smoking); correction of insufficient or unbalanced nutrition, digestive disorders and absorption of vitamins (anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, etc.); increasing overall resistance to infectious and colds; improvement of general condition in chronic diseases, in the postoperative period and convalescence period; correction of vitamin metabolism disorders due to intensive therapy with antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs; decreased potency due to neurasthenia.

Instructions for use and how the vitamins affected me

At home, I calmly began to examine the drug I had purchased. The packaging was bright with painted fruits, inside there was a plastic bottle and instructions. By the way, I’ll immediately focus on the instructions, which turned out to be extremely simple. You need to take one tablet once a day during your main meal or immediately after it. The course of treatment ranges from one to two months. Now more about my impressions. I took it as written in the instructions. I know that vitamins must be taken with meals for better absorption. In appearance, the dragees have an oblong shape, on one side the inscription of the drug is squeezed out, and on the second there is a measuring line so that, if necessary, they can be divided in half. The vitamins do not have any distinct taste, and the color is pale orange. A huge advantage is the bottle; it has a safe cap that children cannot open. This advantage is inherent only in high-quality branded drugs.

Having completed the entire course, I want to say that we were very pleased with the result. Well, firstly, I began to look better, my skin became fresh, and a natural blush appeared on my cheeks. Nails and hair have become stronger and stronger. And of course, I began to feel more cheerful, I stopped yawning all the time. My husband also noted the effect of Vitrum, his work is hard, but he stopped collapsing, he says that his strength and energy have increased. In addition, my husband had very severe dandruff, but that also disappeared after two weeks of taking it. I'm glad that we bought Vitrum and I think this is not the last time. Perhaps next year we will take a course from this company again, but having already tried other options.

Votes: 8 4 points


My body is designed in such a way that at the end of winter I have absolutely no strength left.
Moreover, this is reflected in the mood and appearance. Every year I try to solve this problem with the help of auxiliary means, this time Vitrum helped me a lot. Good day, my dears! My name is Anastasia, I am 35 years old. I'm married and we have two children. I work as a teacher at a linguistic center. I love my job and value my family. Unlike many of my friends, I’m great at combining work and family, and not depriving anyone of my attention. Due to our busy workdays, my husband and I are very exhausted, and besides, at the end of winter we always have zero energy. Even if you take me personally as an example, my hair falls out and splits, my nails peel, and my skin is pale. Yes, I agree, the picture that emerges is not particularly joyful, but still I am sure that this happens in every family in the spring.

That is why we try to take a course of vitamins every year at the end of winter. We always buy medications for children on the recommendation of a pediatrician, but we choose for ourselves. This time we decided to take a serious choice for ourselves, because the last time I was allergic to the vitamin complex, and we didn’t notice much benefit after taking it. A friend told me that she takes a very good complex, which contains not only vitamins, but also minerals. I called and checked the name, it was Vitrum. The name turned out to be very familiar to me, perhaps one of my friends took it. But before buying a new drug, I decided to find out more information about it and surf on special sites.

What I learned about Vitrum on the Internet

Honestly, I can’t even imagine how I would live without the Internet now. So good, I turned on the computer and found the answer to any question. This is what I did when searching for information about Vitrum. I easily found the official website and went to the page to familiarize myself with the drug. It turns out that this is an American complex that contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. The manufacturer is Unipharm, a fairly well-known company worthy of respect. Several types of these products were presented on the site.

It turns out that Vitrum has several types of drugs with specialized effects, for example for pregnant women, for children, for female representatives. The action of all complexes is aimed at neutralizing the deficiency of all necessary substances to strengthen the immune system. Vitamins are indicated for people with active mental stress and physical activity. Designed for adults as well as children. That is, for schoolchildren with the current workload, this will be most appropriate in the spring, when their strength is already running low. The course of treatment ranges from one to two months. Suitable for people recovering strength after illness. The drug has no adverse reactions, unless, of course, you are allergic to one of the components.


Description of the drug Vitrum Energy table. p/o No. 30 on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Types of Vitrum

I already told you that these vitamins have several types, but I was interested in learning more about what types there are and for whom they are intended. To decide what to choose.

  • Beauty – designed for women to improve the condition of their nails, hair and skin. Improves general condition and immunity;
  • Beauty Elite – intended for women over 30 years old. Rich in plant extracts that prevent early skin aging;
  • Vision - a complex aimed at protecting vision and preventing cataracts;
  • Baby - a specially balanced composition enriches the child’s body with everything necessary for the full growth and development of the child;
  • Vision Forte - vitamins that normalize the functioning of the visual organs, improving blood circulation and strengthening capillaries;
  • Vitrum is a complex of vitamins and minerals, which is adapted for the entire age category over 12 years. The action is aimed at improving the functioning of the whole organism;
  • Prenatal is a means to replenish vitamins and minerals for pregnant and lactating women.

So, as you can see, Vitrum has a huge list of varieties. Each complex contains vitamins and minerals, but their dosage varies depending on the purpose. For myself, I have identified the standard Vitrum and then I will try to find out more about this type of drug.

Side effects

In some cases, side effects may occur, for example:

  • constipation;
  • vomiting;
  • belching;
  • bronchospasm;
  • allergic reactions (including redness, swelling, itching;)
  • increased secretion of gastric juice, heartburn;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • sweating;
  • urine is bright yellow;
  • vision problems;
  • hair loss;
  • arrhythmia;
  • seborrhea;
  • kidney function disorders.

Reviews from the Internet about Vitrum

It seemed to me that I already knew enough about these vitamins, but still I decided to hear the opinions of people who drank Vitrum and would objectively talk about its action. There are many forums on the Internet dedicated to vitamins, which ones you should take and which ones you shouldn’t. Vitrum turned out to be the leader among all reviews. Women and men praised his action in their own way. The former admired the improvement in hair and nails, while the latter admired the boost of vigor and energy.

“ Cloudy winter weather, heavy work loads and a not particularly enriched diet in winter simply exhausted my body. Vitrum brought me back to normal. It’s a shame that I didn’t immediately buy it, but experimented with cheaper vitamins, which instead of giving me an effect, gave me an incomprehensible allergic rash. Vitrum satisfied all my requirements, firstly, I began to feel much better and more energetic, and secondly, the result was even visible externally. A very good complex that normalizes the functioning of the whole body”

So, now I knew for sure that I had to buy Vitrum and start using it as soon as possible and help my body. Vitamins with such a rich composition should definitely have a noticeable effect.

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