Novinet, 21 pcs., 20 mcg+150 mcg, film-coated tablets


Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Novinet® is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Use for liver dysfunction

Contraindicated in severe liver diseases, cholestatic jaundice (including during pregnancy), hepatitis, incl. history (before normalization of functional and laboratory parameters and within 3 months after their normalization). The drug should be prescribed with caution for acute and chronic liver diseases.

Use for renal impairment

With caution and only after a thorough assessment of the benefits and risks of use, the drug should be prescribed for renal failure (including a history),

special instructions

Before starting to use the drug, it is necessary to conduct a general medical examination (detailed family and personal history, blood pressure measurement, laboratory tests) and gynecological examination (including examination of the mammary glands, pelvic organs, cytological analysis of a cervical smear). Such examinations during the period of taking the drug are carried out regularly, every 6 months.

The drug is a reliable contraceptive: the Pearl index (an indicator of the number of pregnancies occurring during the use of a contraceptive method in 100 women over 1 year) when used correctly is about 0.05.

In each case, before prescribing hormonal contraceptives, the benefits or possible negative effects of their use are individually assessed. This issue must be discussed with the patient, who, after receiving the necessary information, will make the final decision on the preference for hormonal or any other method of contraception.

The woman's health condition must be carefully monitored. If any of the following conditions/diseases appear or worsen while taking the drug, you must stop taking the drug and switch to another, non-hormonal method of contraception:

  • diseases of the hemostatic system;
  • conditions/diseases predisposing to the development of cardiovascular and renal failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • migraine;
  • the risk of developing an estrogen-dependent tumor or estrogen-dependent gynecological diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus not complicated by vascular disorders;
  • severe depression (if depression is associated with impaired tryptophan metabolism, then vitamin B6 can be used for correction);
  • sickle cell anemia, because in some cases (for example, infections, hypoxia), estrogen-containing drugs for this pathology can provoke thromboembolism;
  • the appearance of abnormalities in laboratory tests assessing liver function.

Thromboembolic diseases

Epidemiological studies have shown that there is a connection between taking oral hormonal contraceptives and an increased risk of developing arterial and venous thromboembolic diseases (including myocardial infarction, stroke, deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, pulmonary embolism). An increased risk of venous thromboembolic diseases has been proven, but it is significantly less than during pregnancy (60 cases per 100 thousand pregnancies). When using oral contraceptives, arterial or venous thromboembolism of the hepatic, mesenteric, renal or retinal vessels is very rarely observed.

The risk of arterial or venous thromboembolic disease increases:

  • with age;
  • when smoking (heavy smoking and age over 35 years are risk factors);
  • if there is a family history of thromboembolic diseases (for example, parents, brother or sister). If a genetic predisposition is suspected, it is necessary to consult a specialist before using the drug;
  • for obesity (body mass index more than 30 kg/m2);
  • with dislipoproteinemia;
  • with arterial hypertension;
  • for diseases of the heart valves complicated by hemodynamic disorders;
  • with atrial fibrillation;
  • with diabetes mellitus complicated by vascular lesions;
  • with prolonged immobilization, after major surgery, after surgery on the lower extremities, after severe trauma.

In these cases, it is assumed that the use of the drug should be temporarily discontinued (no later than 4 weeks before surgery, and resumed no earlier than 2 weeks after remobilization).

Women after childbirth have an increased risk of venous thromboembolic disease.

It should be taken into account that diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, hemolytic-uremic syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and sickle cell anemia increase the risk of developing venous thromboembolic diseases.

It should be taken into account that resistance to activated protein C, hyperhomocysteinemia, protein C and S deficiency, antithrombin III deficiency, and the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies increase the risk of developing arterial or venous thromboembolic diseases.

When assessing the benefit/risk ratio of taking the drug, it should be taken into account that targeted treatment of this condition reduces the risk of thromboembolism. Symptoms of thromboembolism are:

  • sudden chest pain that radiates to the left arm;
  • sudden shortness of breath;
  • any unusually severe headache that continues for a long time or appears for the first time, especially when combined with sudden complete or partial loss of vision or diplopia, aphasia, dizziness, collapse, focal epilepsy, weakness or severe numbness of half the body, movement disorders, severe unilateral pain in the calf muscle, acute abdomen.

Tumor diseases

Some studies have reported an increased incidence of cervical cancer in women who took hormonal contraceptives for a long time, but the results of the studies are inconsistent. Sexual behavior, infection with the human papillomavirus and other factors play a significant role in the development of cervical cancer.

A meta-analysis of 54 epidemiological studies found that there is a relative increase in the risk of breast cancer among women taking oral hormonal contraceptives, but the higher detection rate of breast cancer may have been associated with more regular medical screening. Breast cancer is rare among women under 40, whether they take hormonal birth control or not, and increases with age. Taking pills can be considered one of many risk factors. However, the woman should be made aware of the possible risk of developing breast cancer based on an assessment of the benefit-risk ratio (protection against ovarian and endometrial cancer).

There are few reports of the development of benign or malignant liver tumors in women taking hormonal contraceptives for a long time. This should be kept in mind when differentially assessing abdominal pain, which may be associated with an increase in liver size or intraperitoneal bleeding.


Chloasma can develop in women with a history of this disease during pregnancy. Those women who are at risk of developing chloasma should avoid contact with sunlight or ultraviolet radiation while taking Novinet.


The effectiveness of the drug may be reduced in the following cases: missed pills, vomiting and diarrhea, simultaneous use of other drugs that reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills.

If the patient is concomitantly taking another drug that may reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills, additional methods of contraception should be used.

The effectiveness of the drug may decrease if, after several months of their use, irregular, spotting or breakthrough bleeding appears, in such cases it is advisable to continue taking the tablets until they run out in the next package. If at the end of the second cycle menstrual-like bleeding does not begin or acyclic bleeding does not stop, stop taking the pills and resume it only after pregnancy has been ruled out.

Changes in laboratory parameters

Under the influence of oral contraceptive pills, due to the estrogen component, the level of some laboratory parameters (functional indicators of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, hemostasis indicators, levels of lipoproteins and transport proteins) may change.

Additional Information

After acute viral hepatitis, the drug should be taken after normalization of liver function (no earlier than 6 months).

With diarrhea or intestinal disorders, vomiting, the contraceptive effect may be reduced. While continuing to take the drug, it is necessary to use additional non-hormonal methods of contraception.

Women who smoke have an increased risk of developing vascular diseases with serious consequences (myocardial infarction, stroke). The risk depends on age (especially in women over 35 years of age) and on the number of cigarettes smoked.

The woman should be warned that the drug does not protect against HIV infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

No studies have been conducted to study the effect of Novineta on the abilities necessary to drive a car and operate machinery.

Contraceptives Gedeon Richter Novinet - reviews


I have been taking Novinet for quite some time. It’s been 5 years now, there was a break for a year. In the beginning there were no problems. There were minor decreases in libido and that’s all. No problem. They protect well. Menstruation is just a miracle. There were no complaints.

But this last year has turned into horror. Severe decrease in libido. Simply terrible. I don’t want sex at all... And for my husband this is a huge problem. Health problems began. First, a cyst formed in the ovary. Then in the mammary gland. Inflammation is constant in the uterus. The doctor said that this was all caused by birth control pills!!!

OK, of course it’s convenient.. You drink and don’t bother.. But the consequences are not worth it.


Protects against unwanted pregnancies, began to lose weight from them, enlarges breasts

Hellish headaches, depression, terrible side effects, bleeding, maybe nausea, not for everyone

Hello, dear girls. I am 18 years old. So I decided to use OK. But time doesn’t allow me to go to the hospital, so I decided to take them at random and I was very wrong about it.

Let me start with the fact that on the first day of using them I felt nauseated and dizzy. Then it subsided over time, but then HELL began! I had bleeding, and my taste in food worsened. For example, I saw food, took a bite and immediately felt sick from the sight of this food, so I had to constantly look for something new, and from this I began to lose weight, because constant nausea appeared. When there were only 3-4 tablets left (this was before the New Year and after), I began to have wild side effects, I vomited from any food, from any smell, pancreatitis worsened, venous networks appeared everywhere, my stomach, head, heart ached wildly, but I took the pills I finished my drink, but when I took the last one they called an ambulance, they had such a bad effect on me. The only positive thing I can say is that my breasts have grown, not by much, but they have grown, and these pills really protect against unwanted pregnancy.

I can only add that these pills are terrible, I will never go back to them.


Novinet was prescribed to me by a gynecologist after a miscarriage. This COC is quite affordable, I bought it for 560₽, BUT after the second tablet, the ENTIRE intimate area was covered with such plaques with pustules after 12 hours. All this was accompanied by wild pain and itching... The sensation was such that I did not sleep at night from pain and discomfort, in the morning I immediately went to the dermatologist, she confirmed the connection between Novinet and the rashes and said that I was not the first, these are common cases after COCs. I haven’t taken the drug for two days now, and the rashes are very difficult to treat. I process, disinfect, bandage... now I can’t shave until I recover... in general, I’m unlikely to decide to take pills in the near future...

Lesya D

Problems after drug withdrawal

I will not burden you with photographs or instructions for this drug. There are many of them on the Internet. I'll just tell my story.

I have always had irregular periods. And as a student, I went to the doctor with a request to solve my problem. That’s when I was prescribed Novinet without testing for hormones. With the explanation that it contains such a small amount of hormones that it will not harm me. I believed it. I drank it for 4 years and was happy: the cycle was regular and predictable for up to an hour.

But these years flew by and I thought that it was time for me to solve my problem and start planning for children. One day I just stopped taking the pills. And she began to wait. Nothing... One month delay. I went to the doctor, they sent me for an ultrasound, then to donate blood for hormones... Where it turned out that my body now does not cycle at all without pills!!! Diagnosis: PCOS and highly elevated levels of male hormones (in other words, hyperandrogenism).

I have been treated for a whole year. So far to no avail. As it turned out, Novinet was initially contraindicated for me, since it does not have an antiandrogenic effect. Having an elevated level of male hormones, I only worsened my problem. If before the body functioned at least somehow, now it does not do this on its own. But I do not lose hope for recovery...

I don’t want to say: discontinue Novinet or don’t buy it in pharmacies, no!

I'm just warning you about the possible consequences, don't repeat my mistakes!!! Before prescribing OK, insist on a detailed analysis of hormones!!!

And be happy.

If the review turns out to be useful to anyone, then I didn’t write it in vain.



There is not a single plus


Terrible consequences that are difficult to correct!


Good day to all! I want to share with you my impressions after using the drug Novinet. Everyone knows the fact that after forty years a woman enters the period of menopause, that is, the so-called menopause. Changes occur in a woman's hormonal system. Each woman experiences this differently. Therefore, many gynecologists try to mitigate or eliminate unwanted symptoms by using hormonal drugs, one of which is Novinet. The gynecologist prescribed them for the purpose of normalizing the menstrual cycle, since menstruation was either very heavy for 5-6 days, or absent for several months. And so the drug was prescribed and the intake started, everything would be fine, but then after three weeks all the most interesting things begin - gradually changing mood develops into persistent depression, a decrease appears, and then a complete lack of appetite, weakness, drowsiness, tremors in the limbs, decreased libido , up to a complete lack of interest in your partner, in principle, a lack of interest in everything around you. Man is like a vegetable! Weight loss was 15 kilograms in a month!!! Another sleep disorder is insomnia. Imagine! We began to look for the reason; there were some problems in the family, but not ones that could affect so deeply! We read the entire Internet and found information that this drug can lead to such consequences, and in this kilometer-long instructions for the drug we later also found a phrase that there could be a depressive state. And that it should absolutely not be taken by people with arterial hypertension and varicose veins, as in our case! They immediately stopped taking the drug and began long-term treatment in the neurological department, which continues to this day with a gynecologist-endocrinologist. This is the experience of using this drug, so think about it before you start taking it!





It does not suit me


Probably each of us, sooner or later, wonders whether we should try birth control pills...

As a woman who has given birth, I haven’t been to a gynecologist for a long time, and I made up my mind. By the way, I decided after reading reviews on this site and passing some online tests on the Internet. That is, at random. Without doing any tests or going through specialists. I swore that if something happened, I would only blame myself. Yes, everything turned out to be not so scary. True, I took exactly one blister of them, and decided not to take any further risks and not torment myself. Well, my hair didn’t fall out, as I read in many reviews. I didn’t get fat, but on the contrary (without eating after 6), I lost 4 kg. There was no cosmetic effect (but this was not expected in these tablets). But I had cystitis (on the 3rd day this happiness began) I smeared for 15 days, this is certainly not pleasant. Menstruation began immediately after taking the last pill. In general, on weekends, my husband and I sometimes go to visit, or people visit us. And of course, when we meet, we drink. I’ll be honest, I drink more than one glass of wine. But the instructions for the pills say that in such cases you shouldn’t rely only on the drug, well, why?... And with pills, for the same cystitis, contraceptives are useless. It's probably just not my thing. Why play with hormones and not always be sure of the result? In general, I thought about something and decided to go to the doctor. I'll probably try the spiral. But that is another story.



not detected;


I didn’t have it;

I started taking Novinet because they found a cyst (this is my second cyst, I’m 23 years old). After 2 days of taking it, I began to experience severe inflammation on my face, although I had suffered from acne before, now it’s just terrible! my whole face hurts! Terrible mood!! And I’m generally silent about sexual desire!! After giving birth I don’t want to have sex at all!!

Ekaterina Fedorovna

The doctor prescribed Novinet for treatment when I was 17 years old, because... During the next examination, a cyst was discovered in the ovary.

I drank them as expected, in total I drank 4 records.

Weight: I won’t say that I woke up with a wild glutton, but the weight began to gradually creep up.

Skin: After the course of treatment, I began to have skin problems that still do not go away, and 4 years have passed.

Headaches: I’ve been tormented by them since the 3rd grade, so I can’t talk sensibly about the side effects of the drug.

Critical days: they passed regularly, the pain was still TERRIBLE.

Protection from unwanted pregnancy: I can’t answer this question either, because... At the time of taking the drug, I had only one goal - to cure ovarian cystosis.


— the cyst has disappeared (this is the most important thing!), everything is fine for 4 years after treatment;

— the weight still cannot return to its previous level (before treatment, the weight came off quickly and without problems, but from the beginning of treatment it is extremely difficult to lose weight, and it is also difficult to keep the weight in place);

— skin problems have been driving me to exhaustion for the past 4 years.


Saw Novinet throughout the year. Everything was fine, satisfied, no side effects. Then it started.. on the last pills I had a spot.. They stopped it.. I decided not to drink anything, as a result my periods didn’t come for 2 months.. Now I’m on treatment again... but with different drugs, because they say Novinet is already weak for me


Novinet the first time I take it, it smears a lot, diarrhea from the second day of taking the pill and for a week now, I’m losing weight before my eyes, pain in the side on the face. It affects everyone differently (I regretted that I started drinking at all. They prescribed it against inflammation in primates.


I drank Novinet after giving birth, it seemed to be normal.... I put in an IUD with it, everything hurt after 2 years, I took it off, started drinking Novinet again after 5-6 hours, vomiting appeared, cold sweat, all over the head, horror in general...


Good day!

This is the first time I’m writing a review on the site, but only because I started taking hormonal contraceptives for the first time.

I am 23 years old. The reason why I turned to a gynecologist and wanted to take this kind of pill is simple: for the last 5 years I have had very painful periods. On the first day of menstruation, nausea, diarrhea, and dizziness began. I couldn’t take painkillers; I repeat, I felt sick. I'm tired of putting up with this. I work, in fact, like everyone else) And when this kind of fun begins on the first day of menstruation - to say that it prevents you from saying anything. Nausea and dizziness happened in the subway, at work, and on the street. I went to the gynecologist.

The gynecologist sent me to take a bunch of tests: bilirubin, ALT, AST, glucose, urea, creatinine, coagulogram, general blood test, urine test, TSH, ATTPO, as well as ultrasound of the mammary and thyroid glands. I heroically passed all this before the New Year. The gynecologist assured me that the pain from hormonal pills would go away. Ultrasound of the appendages is normal. The tests were normal and the doctor prescribed Novinet.

I started drinking on the 2nd day of my period (January 2021). Among the side effects, I can name the following (UNDER THE PROVISION THAT I DRINKED ONE PACK OF PILLS AND TODAY I STARTED DRINKING THE SECOND):

1. Periodic HEADACHES. Moreover, they appear just as abruptly and disappear so abruptly. During the 21 days when I took the pills, my head hurt 5 times. When I took a break, my head hurt 4 days in a row. My temples hurt terribly.

2. Acne. On the 2-3rd day of taking it, acne began to appear on the BODY. About 3 on the face. Large, subcutaneous.

3. Decreased libido and “lethargy” or drowsiness are present, but insignificant. The first two points are much more worrying.

There was no nausea.

I take my pills at 21.00. For the first time after taking the pill, I didn’t eat anything at night, I was afraid that I would start to feel sick))

WEIGHT. I’m thin, I don’t weigh much, BUT I started not eating, but eating. I'm constantly hungry! This has never happened before. I gained 2 kg, but then lost it. My breasts got bigger.

Today I started taking the second pack of tablets. During my period, my stomach hurt, so far I can’t say anything definite about the pain.

The gynecologist said that once every six months it is necessary to take tests: biochemistry (bilirubin, ALT, AST, glucose, urea, creatine and definitely fibrogen). I will repeat every 6 months. For now I continue to take pills. But if, after taking the above tests, the results are bad, I will definitely stop taking these pills.

Blue Jeans

I took the OK data for 2 months, everything was according to the instructions... Side effects appeared almost immediately... after taking the next pill, terrible nausea appeared... constant drowsiness... I was terribly covered in pimples, which in the end were very difficult to remove... my face, chest and back were covered in small pimples ...So I suffered with these OCs, in the end I stopped taking them...Nausea and drowsiness immediately disappeared, but I had to fight with acne...This is such a negative experience of using Gedeon Richter contraceptives....Perhaps they were not suitable only for me..But, In any case, I will not recommend them.

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