From Arbidol to Anaferon: 10 drugs that are pointless to spend money on, even if a doctor prescribed them to you

Arbidol is an effective medicine that copes with viral infections and stimulates the immune system. The antiviral effect is based on preventing the connection of the virus shell and cell membranes. Despite the effectiveness of this drug, there is often a need to find analogs that are cheaper than arbidol.

Thanks to taking the drug, it is possible to prevent the connection of the lipid membrane of viruses with cell membranes. The medicine is an interferon inducer and helps to activate immune responses, increasing resistance to viral infections. The use of the product helps reduce the incidence of complications that may follow a viral infection.

Indications for use of the product include the following:

  • prevention and treatment of influenza and viral infections;
  • complex treatment of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and herpes infection, which periodically worsens;
  • prevention of postoperative complications and restoration of immunity in children.

Arbidol can be used by adult patients and children over 2 years of age. The product can be used during pregnancy and lactation. To cope with the disease, you need to take the medicine half an hour before meals. The dosage depends on the age category:

  • at 2-6 years old, 50 mg of the drug is indicated;
  • children 6-12 years old can drink 100 mg of the substance;
  • For adult patients and children over 12 years of age, 200 mg is indicated.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: OTCPharm, Russia
Release form: film-coated tablets, capsules, powder for the preparation of suspension for oral administration.

Active ingredient: Umifenovir

Synonyms: Afludol, Arpeflu, Arbidol Maximum

The drug has antiviral activity due to the suppression of the process of fusion of the virus with the cells of the body. Arbidol is effective against influenza A and B viruses, adenoviruses, coronaviruses, rhinoviruses and others.

In addition, the medicine stimulates the formation of its own interferon in the body and other immunity factors.

Arbidol reduces the duration of the disease, alleviates symptoms, reduces the risk of complications after a viral infection and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Release forms, composition and properties of the drug

Arbidol is a drug that is available in the form of completely white gelatin capsules with a characteristic yellow cap. The medication simultaneously contains granules and a green-yellow powder. The manufacturer of this antiviral agent allows a slight change in the color of the internal contents of the capsules.

Arbidol is packaged in cell blisters made of polymer materials. Each cardboard pack of this drug is equipped with 1 to 4 cassettes, containing from 5 to 10 capsules.

All Arbidol packages contain detailed instructions for its practical use. Compared to imported analogues, this domestically produced antiviral agent is cheaper, but no less effective.

The main component of Arbidol capsules is a chemical substance of synthetic origin, umifenovir hydrochloride, which has the form of a monohydrate. The therapeutic dosage of this medication is 100 mg.

The auxiliary function is assigned to additional components in the form of:

  • potato starch, which undergoes industrial cleaning;
  • povidone brand K25;
  • edible gelatin;
  • calcium stearate;
  • silicon dioxide;
  • microcrystalline cellulose.

The upper cap of the capsule is painted bright yellow due to the presence of dye E110 (sunset). All chemicals that make up the drug Arbidol are completely safe and do not contain toxic compounds.

The following pharmacological properties of this drug with pronounced antiviral activity are distinguished:

  • suppresses cell division of influenza viruses belonging to strain A and B;
  • neutralizes the pathogenic activity of particularly pathogenic viral microorganisms of the H1N1 and H5N1 genotypes;
  • effective against most types of coronaviruses, including those types that are characterized by high mutagenic properties;
  • eliminates the signs of acute respiratory syndrome, which is accompanied by an incessant runny nose, sneezing, lacrimation, swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, and a feeling of itching in the nasal canals;
  • stimulates the protective function of local and general immunity, which allows you to more quickly suppress the pathogenic activity of viral microorganisms, as well as speed up the process of complete recovery;
  • relieves acute inflammation localized in the tissues of the throat, nasopharynx, and upper respiratory tract, which is caused by viruses;
  • acts as a prophylactic agent that prevents the development of severe complications caused by the influenza virus, coronavirus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, pneumovirus, parainfluenza;
  • saturates the body's cells with additional amounts of interferon, which is necessary for the successful treatment of viral diseases and increasing the resistance of the immune system.

The pharmacological properties of Arbidol are realized due to the fact that its main component interacts with the biologically active substance of viral microorganisms called hemagglutinin.
This leads to blocking the process of fusion of the cell membrane of the infectious agent with its lipid membrane. There is a violation of the cellular division of viruses, which ends with a weakening of their pathogenic activity and gradual death. This ensures the activation of immune system cells, which also destroy viral microorganisms.

The beginning of the maximum realization of the therapeutic properties of Arbidol is observed 16 hours after regular use of this drug.

Arbidol - instructions for use

The Arbidol dosage regimen depends on the type of disease, age and type of therapy.

Adults and children over 12 years of age most often take Arbidol 2 capsules of 100 mg 4 times a day.

Children from 6 to 12 years old are prescribed 50 mg tablets 2-4 times a day.

For children from 2 to 6 years old, a suspension is prepared, the dose of which is calculated based on body weight.

The Arbidol dosage regimen is described in detail in the instructions for use.

Taking Arbidol before or after meals depends on the presence of chronic stomach diseases. If there is no increased acidity or other problems, then it is better to take the medicine before meals.


An analogue of Arbidol (a cheap domestic drug has exactly the same medicinal properties) can be purchased in retail pharmacy chains without a special prescription from a doctor.

This antiviral agent is contraindicated for therapeutic use in the following circumstances:

  • state of pregnancy (the medication is not used only in the 1st trimester of intrauterine development of the fetus);
  • a tendency to exhibit various types of allergic reactions to Umifenovir of pronounced and moderate intensity (Arbidol is also contraindicated in case of intolerance to its auxiliary components);
  • age under 6 years.

The use of Arbidol in children under 6 years of age is contraindicated due to the fact that clinical studies of the drug in this area have not been conducted. This medication is approved for use in the treatment of women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, but only in extreme cases.

It is not recommended to carry out therapy with Arbidol during the lactation of a newborn baby with mother's milk. When starting treatment with this antiviral drug, breastfeeding should be temporarily stopped, as there is a risk of its active and auxiliary components entering the milk.

Arbidol's analogs

When solving the problem of what can replace Arbidol, you should consult a pharmacist or doctor.

Since the drug is used for colds, medications that relieve symptoms can also be considered analogues. These are antipyretic single drugs Ibuklin, Nurofen, Paracetamol, Panadol, Efferalgan, as well as complex drugs Rinza, Fervex, Theraflu.

In fact, real analogues of Arbidol are antiviral drugs with different mechanisms of action.

Among Arbidol's analogues, homeopathic remedies for the treatment of influenza and other viral respiratory infections, for example, Oscillococcinum, Anaferon, Aflubin, occupy not the least place.

A list of main analogues with different active ingredients and prices is presented in the table

A drugActive substanceAverage price of a package for a minimum course of treatment, rub.Country of origin
ErgoferonAntibodies to interferon and histamine350Russia
IngavirinPentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide500Russia
AnaferonAntibodies to interferon250Russia
CycloferonMeglumine acridone acetate200Russia
TsitovirAlpha glutamyl tryptophan + Ascorbic acid + Bendazole300Russia
TrekrezanHydroxyethylammonium methylphenoxyacetate300Russia
IsoprinosineInosine pranobex500Israel
ViferonInterferon alpha350Russia
PolyoxidoniumAzoximer bromide500Russia
Broncho-munalLysates of five bacteria400Slovenia


Manufacturer: Teva, Israel
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: Inosine pranobex

Synonyms: Groprinosin, Normomed

The analogue Isoprinosine is effective not only against the influenza virus. The drug is used to treat herpes, herpes zoster, chickenpox, measles and cytomegalovirus infection.


Manufacturer: Feron, Russia
Release form: ointment and gel, rectal suppositories

Active ingredient: Interferon alpha

Synonyms: Altevir, Genferon, Grippferon, Reaferon

The analogue of Viferon in the form of a gel and ointment is applied to the nasal mucosa; it can be taken either instead of Arbidol or in combination with it - in the form of complex therapy.

This analogue is approved during pregnancy and for small children from the age of six months.


Manufacturer: Petrovax, Russia
Release form: tablets, rectal and vaginal suppositories, lyophilisate for solution preparation

Active ingredient: Azoximer bromide

The Polyoxidonium analogue has a complex effect: in addition to immunomodulating, it is also anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and antioxidant.

Thanks to the complex action of the Polyoxidonium analogue, the range of its use is very wide - it is used not only for viral, but also bacterial and fungal infections, as well as for regeneration in various injuries, to relieve complications after radiation therapy for cancer patients.


Manufacturer: Sandos, Slovenia
Release form: capsules

Active ingredient: Lysates of 5 bacteria

Synonyms: Broncho-Vaxom

The Broncho-munal analogue consists of lysates of the five most common bacteria that cause infectious diseases of the respiratory system, acts like a vaccine - it enhances the body’s protective properties not only against viruses, but also against bacteria.


Manufacturer: Vertex, Ozone, Tatkhimfarmpreparaty, Russia
Release form: tablets, ointment, cream, lyophilisate for the preparation of infusion solution

Active ingredient: Acyclovir

Synonyms: Zovirax, Gerpevir, Virolex, Vivorax

The analog Acyclovir has an immunomodulatory effect and is also used for herpes infections, herpes zoster, and chickenpox. Applied topically and consumed in tablets.

Side effects and overdose

Arbidol is an antiviral drug that is in most cases well tolerated by patients of all age groups. Despite this, in medical practice the following cases of side effects of this medication are periodically encountered, which are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • hives;
  • itching of the skin;
  • swelling of epithelial tissues and mucous membranes;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • red or pink rash, which is localized on the surface of the abdomen, upper limbs, back, neck, cheeks;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • angioedema.

The appearance of side effects requires immediate cessation of further therapy with Arbidol. In case of progression of allergic reactions, antihistamines are indicated, which should be prescribed by the attending physician. An overdose of Arbidol has not been encountered in medical practice to date.

At the same time, a deliberate or unintentional violation of the dosage regimen with this medication can lead to the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • pain in the central part of the abdominal cavity;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, which indicates the creation of a negative load on the liver tissue;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • Strong headache;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • severe thirst and dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • various types of allergic reactions.

The intensity of the above symptoms is directly proportional to how much of the drug was taken in the shortest possible period of time.

Patients with signs of an overdose of Arbidol are given symptomatic therapy in the form of gastric and intestinal lavage, providing the body with plenty of fluids, glucose, water-salt solution and other nutrients.

Ergoferon or Arbidol which is better

Manufacturer: Materia Medica, Russia
Release form: lozenges

Active ingredient: antibodies to interferon, histamine and CD4 lymphocytes

The analog Ergoferon is more effective than Arbidol, because, thanks to its unique composition, it has both an immunostimulating and antihistamine effect, and also relieves inflammation. It has been successfully used to treat many acute respiratory viral infections for both adults and children, starting from the age of six months.

This analogue is cheaper than Arbidol; for adults and children, one package is enough for a minimum course of treatment.

Arbidol or Ingavirin - which is better and more effective?

Manufacturer: Valenta, Russia
Release form: capsules

Active ingredient: Pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide

The analogue Ingavirin 90 mg is used for adults from 17 years of age, and for adolescents from 13 to 17 years old Ingavirin 60 mg is used.

This is an immunomodulator that, in addition to antiviral, also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

According to reviews from doctors and patients, the effect of the drug is stronger in case of influenza if it is used on the first day of the disease.

Precautionary measures

To achieve a positive therapeutic effect, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the terms of treatment and the indicated dosages of this drug. Each capsule of Arbidol should be taken with a sufficient amount of water. The constituent substances of this medication do not have a neurotropic effect on the cerebral cortex.

In this regard, the antiviral drug Arbidol can be used for patients who drive vehicles, complex mechanisms, equipment, and installations that require increased attention and rapid psychomotor reactions.

If the next dosage of the drug is missed, its further use should be resumed as quickly as possible. It is not recommended to carry out early interruption of Arbidol therapy after improvement in general health, as a relapse of the current disease is possible.

This drug does not exhibit negative drug interactions with medications of other pharmacotherapeutic groups. If you experience the slightest signs of an allergic reaction, you must stop further taking Arbidol, and also seek additional advice from your doctor.

Arbidol or Cycloferon - which is better?

Manufacturer: POLYSAN, Russia
Release form: film-coated tablets

Active ingredient: Meglumina acridone acetate

Cycloferon is an analogue of Arbidol for adults and children over 4 years of age, used not only for the treatment of influenza and ARVI, but also infections caused by the herpes virus.

The mechanism of action is the induction of interferon. In addition, the analogue Cycloferon suppresses the reproduction of the virus in the early stages.

Arbidol or Tsitovir

Manufacturer: Cytomed, Russia
Release form: capsules, syrup for children, powder for the preparation of solution for oral administration

Active ingredient: Alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan + Ascorbic acid + Bendazole

The analogue Cytovir 3 is a complex drug consisting of two immunomodulators and the antioxidant ascorbic acid, which in combination enhance each other’s effect.

The drug is successfully used for the treatment and prevention of influenza, especially in pediatric practice.

Trekrezan or Arbidol - which is better?

Manufacturer: Usolye-Sibirsky Chemical Plant, Russia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: Hydroxyethylammonium methylphenoxyacetate

Synonyms: Trecresil, Trecrezolide

The Trekrezan analogue belongs to the group of general tonic adaptogens. Stimulates the production of interferons, strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to diseases, harmful environmental factors, and the effects of toxins, including alcohol.

This analogue is cheaper than Arbidol; for children over 12 years of age and adults, a package of 10 tablets is enough for a course of treatment.

Trecrezan is best used not as an analogue of Arbidol, but in combination - for the treatment of influenza and during the recovery period after recovery.

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