Lamisil Cream for the treatment of foot fungus, cream 1% 30g

Lamisil is a modern, expensive drug for skin and nail fungus. Available in tablets, gel, solution, spray and cream. The course of treatment with medications is long - on average it takes 6-9 months until the nail grows back or at least 2-4 weeks until the skin condition improves.

Before choosing a Lamisil substitute due to lack of finances, unavailability in pharmacies, ineffectiveness or contraindications, you must familiarize yourself with the instructions for use, features and pricing policy of analogues.

Indications for use of Lamisil

Lamisil is an antifungal drug (not hormonal). Available in several forms, differing in application features:

  • Lamisil Uno solution is applied once, it creates a film on the surface and destroys fungi, it is effective after visiting a sauna, bathhouse, public places, trying on shoes in a store;
  • Lamisil cream and gel;
  • Lamisil spray;
  • tablets for oral administration.

Lamisil varnish is not registered in Russia.

The medication is used for mycosis of the feet, accompanied by itching, flaking of the skin, cracks, keratinization, pityriasis versicolor and skin lesions due to yeast infection. For a better result, before using Lamisil, it is advisable to undergo tests and scrapings to accurately determine the pathogen and test for sensitivity to the antifungal agent.

Lamisil tablets are an original product with positive reviews based on terbinafine. Not used for tinea versicolor. It is prescribed for fungal infections of the nails and skin, in particular when the area of ​​infection is large, for example, more than half of the nail.

Spray analogues

Lamisil spray is for external use only. This is a convenient dosage form that allows you to control the consumption of the substance. Recommended for antifungal prophylaxis of feet. The cost of a 15 ml bottle in pharmacies is from 600 to 700 rubles.

Analogues of Lamisil, which are more affordable, will help replace the product. Among the drugs in the form of a spray, the following are highly effective:

  • Thermikon. Made from terbinafine. Its cost in 30 ml bottles is 320-500 rubles;
  • Fungoterbin is an exact analogue of Lamisil, the price for a 30 ml bottle is from 300 to 400 rubles;
  • For Terbinafine in the form of an aerosol, the cost of a bottle (20 ml) is 180-250 rubles.

Analogues of Lamisil spray are also Clotrimazole (price of a 15 ml bottle is 100 rubles) and Mycostop (price of 150 ml is 200-300 rubles). Both medications are effective for pathologies of the feet and nails.

For the prevention of fungal skin diseases, products in the form of a spray are more convenient than a solution or cream: they are evenly distributed on the affected surface, do not clog pores, and do not leave stains on clothes. They spray shoes to prevent re-infection with foot fungus.

Lamisil - instructions for use

The method of using Lamisil depends on the chosen product. The fastest way to get rid of foot fungus is Lamisil ointment or cream, or spray. They are applied to clean and dry skin of the feet in the morning and evening for 1-2 weeks. In some cases the course may be extended.

If a large area is affected by the fungus, half or more of the fingernails or toenails are infected, Lamisil tablets can be prescribed in combination. They are sold from pharmacies with a doctor's prescription. Use once a day for 2-4 weeks; if nails are affected, the course can be extended to 6-12 weeks. As a result, the symptoms of fungal infection fade, the condition of the skin improves, and a healthy nail grows. Additionally, itching, peeling, and keratinization of the foot are eliminated.

Lamisil solution is intended for single use for the prevention and treatment of the disease. Relevant when visiting public places, saunas, swimming pools, baths.

Attention! It is recommended to use Lamisil tablets only as prescribed by a doctor. With long-term use, they negatively affect the liver and liver test parameters.

How to replace Lamisil in ointment form

The high effectiveness of Lamisil has been proven in the treatment of fungal diseases of various etiologies. However, it is contraindicated:

  • for chronic liver diseases, renal failure;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • children under 12 years old.

The disadvantages of the product include its high price: 15 g cream in the pharmacy chain costs 500-650 rubles, 30 g - from 800 to 1000 rubles. Therefore, Russian and foreign pharmaceutical companies produce cheaper generics and analogues of the drug.

Generic Lamisil cream contains terbinafine as an active substance. Among the relatively cheap drugs produced in the Russian Federation, the following have the maximum therapeutic effectiveness:

  • Thermikon is a fungicidal agent for the treatment and prevention of foot fungus, smooth skin, and candidiasis. This analogue is used twice a day for 1-2 weeks. The cost of a 15 g tube is 200-300 rubles.
  • Terbinafine is an inexpensive Russian analogue of Lamisil for foot and body fungus, diaper rash, and pityriasis versicolor. Apply 1-2 times a day, duration of treatment is 7-15 days. A 15 g tube costs 70-150 rubles.
  • Fungoterbin is a 1% broad-spectrum ointment based on terbinafine and urea. Prescribed for fungal infections, candidiasis, lichen versicolor. The price of a 15-gram tube is from 250 to 350 rubles.
  • Exiter cream 1% is used for fungus of the skin, nails, candidiasis, and lichen. When used twice a day, the course of treatment is 1-2 weeks. Price 15 g in pharmacies 300-400 rubles.

Inexpensive foreign generics of Lamisil are no less effective:

  • Atifin cream 1% is produced in Slovenia. Prescribed for the treatment of pityriasis rosea, mycosis of the feet, skin fungus, diaper rash once or twice a day for 1-2 weeks. The cost of the analogue (15 g tube) is 170-250 rubles.
  • Binafin is an Indian broad-spectrum antifungal drug. The course of treatment does not exceed 2 weeks. Available in tubes of 10 g. The price of this analogue in pharmacies in terms of 15 g is 200-400 rubles.
  • Terbizil is an effective antimicrobial cream, an inexpensive Hungarian analogue of Lamisil, costing from 250 to 350 rubles. per tube 15 g.
  • Exifin ointment 1% is produced in India. Effective against candidiasis, foot fungus, lichen. Apply to the affected areas 1 or 2 times a day for 1-2 weeks. Exifin is cheaper than the original drug: the cost of 15 g is 250-400 rubles.

Generic Lamisil has the same contraindications as the original cream.
To treat nail fungus, analogues are prescribed in combination with a tablet product. The list of analogues of Lamisil 1% ointment, which can be purchased in Russian pharmacies, is small. They contain other active substances that also have fungicidal properties:

  • Batrafen is produced in France. Includes ciclopiroxolamine, which has antifungal and antimicrobial effects. With 1-2 times of use, the disease is cured in 2 weeks. The cost of 20 g of analogue cream in a tube is 450-500 rubles.
  • Mikoseptin (Czech Republic). The active ingredient undecylenic acid is highly effective against fungi. The ointment is prescribed even to children from 2 years of age. The duration of treatment for skin infections is at least 1 month. Price for 30 g – from 450 to 500 rubles.
  • Exoderil. The active substance of this analogue is naftifine, which has not only antimycotic but also anti-inflammatory effects. The duration of treatment depends on the stage of mycosis and can last up to 3 months. A 15 g tube costs 400-600 rubles.

Analogues of Lamisil cream are not much inferior to it in price, so when choosing a product, depending on the symptoms and duration of the disease, you need to listen to the recommendations of a dermatologist.

Lamisil's analogs

The choice of a Lamisil substitute is recommended in the following cases:

  • low efficiency;
  • the high cost of a package of Lamisil or a course of treatment for long-term use on large areas of skin;
  • allergy to the active substance and auxiliary components;
  • the presence of restrictions, the occurrence of undesirable reactions;
  • lack of availability in city pharmacies.

If you are satisfied with the active substance, an analysis has been carried out to determine the sensitivity of the fungus to the product, and you can select generic Lamisil. These are drugs that have the same composition, differing in release form, pricing policy, country of origin, and the availability of clinical trials.

AnalogueRelease formPrice, in rublesManufacturer country
Lamisiltablets No. 142000-2450Switzerland
cream 15.0500-700
cream 30.0800-1100
Orungalcapsules No. 142700-3200Italy or Belgium
oral solution3800-4500
Exoderilcream 15.0400-650Austria
cream 30.0700-950
solution 10.0500-700
solution 20.0950-1300
Mikoderilcream 15.0300-450Russia
cream 30.0500-650
solution 10.0350-500
solution 20.0650-850
Terbinafineointment60-100Russia, Israel or India, Belarus
ointment30-150India, Russia, Belarus
Tridermointment, cream650-850Belgium


An analogue of Lamisil for skin fungus is the imported drug Orungal. Produced in capsules and solution for internal use, it contains the antifungal component itraconazole. Used 1-2 times a day, 1-2 capsules, the course depends on the disease, severity, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Identical in composition to Orungal and cheap drugs:

  • Irunin;
  • Itraconazole;
  • Itrazole;
  • Rumicosis;
  • Orungamin.

When choosing between Orungal or Lamisil, you should keep in mind that both drugs are prescription drugs and are used strictly on the recommendation and prescription of a doctor. Lamisil tablets are suitable for people who have difficulty swallowing capsules.


Nizoral cream contains Ketoconazole and is used exclusively for candidiasis and mycosis (fungal infection) of the feet and hands. Dispensed freely, without a doctor's prescription. Apply once a day to a clean, dried area. The course of treatment is individual, on average 2-4 weeks.

Inexpensive analogues of Nizoral in composition:

  • Dermazol (India);
  • Mycozoral (Russia);
  • Mikoket (RF);
  • Perhotal (India);
  • Sebozol (Russia).


An analogue of Lamisil based on naftifine is Mikoderil. Available in the form of a cream for the treatment of fungus of the skin and periungual space, and a solution for nail infections. It is used twice a day from 2 weeks to 6 months, depending on the disease and severity.

Mikoderil has the same composition as Exoderil. The difference is that the price is lower; the analogue solution does not have a special nozzle for easy application and spraying; it is produced in Russia.

Which is better - Lamisil or Mikoderil, depends on the diagnosis, the degree of damage, and the sensitivity of the fungi to the agents. The drugs differ in composition and release form. Mikoderil contains naftifine, Lamisil contains terbinafine. Both medications are applied up to 2 times a day, the course of treatment is approximately the same. The differences are the cost (Mikoderil is cheaper), indications for use.

Important! Lamisil is not used topically for nail fungus. In this case, you should choose analogues in other forms, in particular, Mikoderil solution.


An imported analogue of Lamisil is Triderm, which has three medicinal properties:

  • contains clotrimazole, which has an antifungal effect;
  • antibiotic gentamicin to eliminate bacterial infection;
  • glucocorticoid betamethasone to reduce inflammation, itching, peeling.

The drug is prescribed for fungal skin infections and associated symptoms - keratinization, itching, peeling. Apply twice a day - morning and evening, the duration is individual.


An analogue of Lamisil tablets for nail fungus is Termicon based on terbinafine. Available in other forms - spray and tablets.

It’s hard to say which is better – Lamisil or Thermikon. The drugs are identical: the same composition, similar indications, release form, restrictions. They differ in the frequency of side effects and pricing policies. Lamisil is an imported drug, and its analogue, Termicon, is produced in Russia.

Release forms of Lamisil

Lamisil is an antifungal agent, the active substance of which (terbinafine) destroys pathogens of infectious skin lesions (mycoses, candidiasis, lichen).

Lamisil is produced by NOVARTIS (Switzerland) in several dosage forms:

  • tablets (250 mg) destroy fungal cells in the skin, nails, and hair;
  • lotion (Lamisil UNO) and spray are intended for application to the skin;
  • ointment (cream) gel 1% and is prescribed for fungal infections of the skin.

Externally applied forms of Lamisil cure the disease in 1-2 weeks, and tablets, depending on the causative agent of the infection, should be taken from 2 weeks to 3 months.

Lamisil or Exoderil - which is better for nails

Exoderil is an Austrian cheap analogue of Lamisil for skin and nails, available in solution and cream. The liquid form is equipped with a special dispenser that simplifies the application of the drug to damaged nails. The analogue contains the component naftifine, which has an antifungal effect. Exoderil cream in a package like Lamisil is 15-20% cheaper.

If the skin is infected, the Exoderil analogue is applied to a clean, dried area once a day, preferably at night. Course of treatment: 2-4 weeks. If nails are affected, the drug is instilled in the morning and evening on a previously filed area; application under the cut of the nail is also recommended. The therapy is long-term – up to 6-9 months, until the new nail grows completely.

Important! If the fungus affects half a nail, one whole nail, or the infection has spread to two or more fingers, you need to visit a specialist to prescribe tablets or capsules with an antifungal effect.

The medication Lamisil in the form of a cream, gel or spray is intended exclusively for the treatment of fungal skin infections.

When choosing between Lamisil or Exoderil, you should be guided by indications for use, pricing policy, and priority manufacturer.

Is there a replacement for Lamisil UNO?

Lamisil UNO is the official name of a 1% solution (lotion). It is used to lubricate both feet once, even if signs of fungus are visible only on one. The drug is contraindicated for pathologies of the liver and kidneys, oncology, metabolic disorders, and for children under 15 years of age.

The drug is produced in Switzerland in 4 ml tubes, price is 1 piece. in Russian pharmacies from 700 to 1000 rubles.

The lotion is convenient to use on the nails and between the toes, as it is quickly absorbed by the stratum corneum of the skin and is used once. After application, it forms a thin invisible film that protects against re-infection and at the same time treats existing fungus.

There are no complete analogues of Lamisil UNO. Available antifungal solutions differ from it in composition and indications. Among these remedies, the most effective are:

  • Mycospor, the active ingredient of which is bifonazole. The drug is intended for the treatment of fungal diseases of the nails and feet, skin of the hands, and pityriasis versicolor. Active against some microorganisms. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. An analogue is available in 15 ml bottles with a dropper. Contraindicated for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women. In pharmacies, a bottle of Mycospor costs 450-700 rubles.
  • Nitrofungin, manufactured in Israel on the basis of chloronitrophenol, is prescribed for most skin fungal diseases. Use with caution during pregnancy; breastfeeding is avoided during lactation. Available in 25 ml bottles. The analogue is much cheaper than Lamisil UNO: the price of 1 bottle is 250-400 rubles.
  • Exoderil is a solution with the active substance naftifine. It is an effective antifungal and antimicrobial agent. Prescribed for infectious skin lesions, pityriasis versicolor. The analogue is used once a day, treatment lasts up to 1-2 months. Children, pregnant and lactating women are prescribed with caution. Produced in Austria in 10 and 20 ml bottles with a dropper. The price of a 20 ml bottle is from 850 to 1200 rubles.

Although these drugs can successfully replace the original, you should not treat yourself with them without first consulting a doctor. Only a dermatologist can determine which of the active substances - analogues - will be effective for a given pathology. Each medicine has its own contraindications and side effects, so self-medication can lead to negative consequences.

Lamisil or Terbinafine

Terbinafine is a Russian analogue of Lamisil. Produced by several pharmaceutical companies in the form of cream, ointment, spray, tablets. The ointment must be rubbed in; after application it leaves marks. The cream is more convenient and effective, absorbs faster. Tablets are used for advanced forms of skin and nail fungus.

Terbinafine is an inexpensive Russian analogue for foot fungus. It has the same composition as Lamisil. It differs in price, country of manufacture and supplier of raw materials, degree of purification, manufacturing methods, frequency of adverse reactions and other factors.

If it is impossible to purchase the expensive, imported drug Lamisil, you can replace it with Terbinafine.

Loceryl or Lamisil – which is better?

Loceryl is a varnish based on the antifungal component amorolfine, which treats nail fungus. Produced in France, widely distributed in pharmacies.

2 advantages:

  1. Duration: Loceryl is a cheap analogue of Lamisil Uno, lasts for a week, applied once every 7 days;
  2. can be applied under colored or transparent cosmetic varnish, because if the fungus is located on the fingernail or toenail, you want to disguise the defect.

Loceril and Lamisil are antifungal drugs. They differ in pricing policy, indications for use, and frequency. The analogue of Loceryl is used for onychomycosis, or nail fungus. Lamisil is a drug for the treatment of skin fungus.

Lamisil or Clotrimazole

A cheap analogue of Lamisil ointment is the drug Clotrimazole. Produced by Russian and foreign pharmaceutical factories in the form of ointment, cream and spray. Clotrimazole is intended for the treatment of fungal infections of the skin and skin folds.

The domestic analogue Clotrimazole is applied in the morning and evening to areas of the skin that have been pre-treated with soap and dried. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

What is the difference between Clotrimazole or Lamisil:

  • manufacturer (Clotrimazole is more often found in Russia, Lamisil is imported);
  • active ingredient (in the first case, clotrimazole, in the second - terbinafine);
  • pricing policy (analogue Clotrimazole is up to 10 times cheaper);
  • effectiveness (the Lamisil component has a wider antifungal spectrum of action than Clotrimazole).

An analogue of the Lamisil spray, Clotrimazole, is convenient to use for interdigital fungal infections.

When choosing analogues, it is necessary to take tests for the sensitivity of the fungus to medications and determine the causative agent. Which is more effective - Exoderil or Lamisil, Mycoderil or Lotseril, Clotrimazole or Terbinafine depends on the severity of the lesion, location (nails or skin), and type of fungus. If the condition is advanced, it is necessary to consult with your doctor to select substitutes for Lamisil in tablets.

Tablet drugs

Lamisil tablets are intended for oral administration. Terbinafine, the active substance, dissolves in the gastrointestinal tract, is absorbed into the blood, and then accumulates in the upper (horny) layer of the epidermis. Therefore, the medicine is effective for the treatment of fungus of smooth skin, scalp, nails, and is prescribed for large affected areas. The duration of therapy is from 2 weeks to 3 months. For toenail fungus, the therapeutic course may increase.

Tablets can be taken by children from 2 years of age; adults take 1 tablet per day. Contraindications are chronic pathologies of the kidneys and liver. Use the drug with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

The dose of the active substance in a Lamisil tablet is 250 mg, the blister contains 7 or 14 tablets. The cost of a blister of 14 tablets. in Russia it is 2000-2700 rubles.

Pharmacies have a large selection of analogs (generics) of Lamisil in tablets that have no less antifungal activity, but are more affordable:

  • Binafin is a complete analogue of Lamisil tablets; it is used once a day. Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age; elderly people are prescribed in the absence of chronic diseases. The price of 14 tablets ranges from 200 to 400 rubles.
  • Terbinafine has the same contraindications as the original drug. Russian-made tablets (14 pcs.) cost 200-300 rubles, the price of 28 tablets of Terbinafine-Teva (Israel) is 550-600 rubles.
  • Thermikon is prescribed with caution for cancer, liver and kidney failure, children under 3 years of age, as well as pregnant and lactating women. The price of an analogue of 14 tablets in pharmacies is 450-600 rubles.
  • Atifin (Slovenia) is taken after meals once a day; when the drug is prescribed, breastfeeding is stopped. The cost of 14 tablets is 600-700 rubles.
  • Exifin is an Indian substitute for Lamisil. Contraindications are pregnancy, breastfeeding, age under 2 years. Tablets (16 pcs.) cost 650-1000 rubles.

The tablet form of antifungal drugs - analogues of Lamisil - is most effective as part of complex therapy. For example, for diseases of the hairy areas and nail plates, tablets are prescribed together with a terbinafine-based lotion.

Answers to frequently asked questions

  1. Lamisil cream or gel – which is better?

    Lamisil gel is absorbed faster and penetrates the skin better. In composition, effectiveness, and method of application, both forms are identical. The price is no different.

  2. Lamisil cream or spray – which is better?

    Lamisil cream is best used on small areas affected by fungus. The spray is suitable for large areas of infection. Its advantage is that when applied there is no contact between the skin of the palms and the fungus-infected skin. The price of Lamisil in a spray is more expensive; one package may not be enough for a course.

  3. What is more effective - Lamisil spray or ointment?

    The drug does not exist in the form of an ointment; it is mistakenly meant as Lamisil gel or cream. Both forms are effective for skin lesions and are applied with clean fingers or a swab. The spray is convenient for large areas of fungal infection; there is no need for additional contact with the pathogen.

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