Set for the treatment of fungus on nails Bayer "Mikospor" - reviews

pharmachologic effect

The main component Bifonazole, being an imidazole, has pronounced antimycotic activity . The fungicidal (destructive) effect manifests itself against dermatophytes . With prolonged exposure (more than 6 hours) to high concentrations (5 μg/ml), a complete fungicidal effect .

Fungistatic activity is recorded against fungi (molds, yeasts). Resistant strains are extremely rare. In primary resistant strains, secondary resistance practically does not occur. The mechanism of action of Bifonazole is based on the suppression of the biological synthesis of ergosterol at two levels at once, which significantly distinguishes it from other antifungal agents. With the double action of the component, the cytoplasmic fungal membrane is damaged not only at the structural level, but also at the functional level.

Urea has a keratoplastic effect, enhances the penetration of bifonazole and softens the keratin membrane of the infected nail plate.

Urea potentiates the action of bifonazole, enhancing the antimycotic effect.



Cream for external use 1%100 g
active substance:
bifonazole micronized1 g
excipients (in 1 g of cream): benzyl alcohol - 2 g; cetostearyl alcohol (cetyl alcohol - 60%, stearyl alcohol - 40%) - 10 g; cetyl palmitate - 3 g; octyldodecanol - 13.5 g; polysorbate 60 - 1.50 g; sorbitan stearate – 2 g; purified water - up to 100 g
Solution for external use100 ml
active substance:
bifonazole1 g
excipients: ethyl alcohol 96% - 30 g; isopropyl myristate - 52.60 g

Mycospor® Set

Ointment for external use100 g
active substances:
bifonazole1 g
urea40 g
excipients: white beeswax - 5 g; white petroleum jelly - 34 g; lanolin - 20 g

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Mycospor nail kit is used only topically. The ointment is applied to the entire surface of the infected nail in a thin layer once a day, sealed with a special plaster from the kit. It is recommended to apply a bandage for 1 day. After 24 hours, remove the patch and immerse the nail in warm water. After 10 minutes, begin to remove the softened layer of the nail infected with a fungal infection using the scraper from the kit. After this, the nail is dried, treated with ointment again and sealed with a band-aid. It is not recommended to treat the skin adjacent to the nail. If redness or irritation appears on the skin near the nail plate, it is recommended to pre-treat the adjacent tissues with zinc ointment.

An important point is the daily and timely change of dressings. Treatment is carried out until the nail bed becomes smooth and the infected nail plate is completely removed from the keratinized tissue using a scraper. On average, antifungal therapy lasts 1-2 weeks and depends on the thickness of the nail and the severity of the fungal disease. The medication does not affect healthy tissue.

After complete removal of the nail, the attending doctor evaluates the degree of onycholysis and the effectiveness of the therapy. If there is no expected effect, treatment continues with Mycospor cream for 4 weeks.

Set for the treatment of fungus on nails Bayer "Mikospor" - reviews



  • treats


  • there are no cons. It works just as it says in the instructions.

About 10 years ago I had fungus on several nails on both feet. No matter what treatment I tried, it didn’t help; the fungus persisted deep in the nail. I struggled for about 5 years until I found out that mycosporus completely removes the entire nail. I conducted the course strictly according to the instructions (or almost strictly). And for 10 years there was no fungus. But now, during antibiotic treatment for a cold with Augmentin, probably because I took antifungal drugs rather sluggishly, candidiasis has returned to me, and not only of the nails. Well, not only did I treat my nails with clotrimazole and tablets, but I will treat my nails again with mycospor.

Sarah Bernhardt

My son is a serious swimmer and visits the pool five times a week. Naturally, it is impossible to trace whether he observes precautions. it is quite likely that he walks barefoot because it is more convenient, but this is not even necessary, since descent into the water in pools is carried out along steps, which can become a source of infection. The sick man stepped forward, then the healthy one. So the infection began to spread among the swimmers. I suggested that he take mycospray with him as a preventive measure, but he flatly refused, saying that the children would laugh. As a result, we encountered foot fungus (thankfully, not nails). The skin began to peel off greatly, then some bubbles became noticeable. We went to the doctor and heard the diagnosis, which was not at all a surprise. They treated me only with mycospor, without tablets. Every evening I rubbed it on his sore spots before bed. Additionally, they only made baths with oak bark. In three weeks the fungus was cured! And this was very pleasing, because I didn’t want to take a long break from training. Now we decided to still treat our feet with mycospray during evening classes at home and also bought tar soap for prevention. Whatever one may say, it is easier to prevent a problem than to deal with it later.


  • when used correctly, 100% removes fungus
  • effective


My mother has had nail fungus for a very long time. They treated me with all sorts of means. It is not possible to treat with tablets. Mom says they made my liver hurt. The pills were immediately stopped. Loceryl also doesn’t help much, a relative came from Moscow and told me about mycosporus. That he helped her friend get rid of this misfortune. She bought it herself, smeared it, wrapped it up and went back to Moscow. A day later, my mother took off the patch, began to peel off the softened nail, and half of her nail fell off. She must have pressed really hard.

In general, we are slowly removing sore nails. They come off easily and without pain. There's still a little bit left. The product is used very economically. Even though the tube is small, it will last a long time.

Let's hope that we will completely remove the diseased nail and a healthy one will begin to grow.

I wish everyone great health, getting rid of the fungus, and not catching it in the future.


  • when used correctly, 100% removes fungus
  • removes the nail plate carefully


When my daughter picked up a fungus somewhere, we went to a pediatric dermatologist. We started treatment by purchasing a prescription kit “Mikospor” and a cream with the same name. The doctor recommended this particular remedy, because the ointment not only kills the fungus and its spores, but also contains urea, which softens the nail and the product penetrates deeper into the nail.

The instructions for the drug were clear, everything was done as needed. The procedure is simple: rinse and dry your feet well. Then apply the ointment and cover with a band-aid for 24 hours. Then rinse thoroughly and dry again. I was afraid that the ointment would also corrode the tissues near the nail, because it spreads even like under a plaster. But everything worked out, although the manufacturer warned that there may be irritation of nearby tissues. We couldn't scrape off the nails. I cut my nails as short as possible and filed them with a nail file. There was only a piece of healthy nail left next to the cuticle.

After 10 days, they continued to only apply cream to what was left of the nails. They did this for three weeks. The fungus disappeared and there was no relapse. Overall satisfied!


The kit was recommended by a dermatologist for the treatment of fungus on two nails. The visible effect came within a few days. After a course of therapy, relapses no longer occurred, unlike most similar antifungal drugs.



  • Gives the expected result


  • Price

When I developed a fungus on some of my toes, I first tried all the advertised remedies. None of them gave me positive emotions. All of them are not cheap, so when the pharmacy offered me expensive Mikospor, I was not even surprised at its price. When I opened the box, I realized that you were paying half the price for nothing, since the ointment came with a bunch of unnecessary accessories, except for the patch. Still, I had to buy a file separately to file off the extra layers of the nail. As for the ointment itself, it is really good. After 3 weeks, my nails were almost perfect, but it took 2.5 months to achieve complete beauty.

Release form

Cream for external use 1%. 15 g each in an aluminum tube with a screw-on plastic cap. 1 tube is placed in a cardboard box.

Solution for external use 1%. 15 ml in a dark glass bottle, equipped with a plastic dropper, with a screw-on plastic cap. 1 bottle is placed in a cardboard box.

Ointment for external use. 10 g of ointment in an aluminum tube with a screw-on plastic cap. 1 tube is placed in an individual cardboard box; a pack of ointment together with a package of waterproof plaster, a scraper, and a dispenser are placed in a common cardboard box.


If the smooth skin of the hands, feet, or large folds is affected by mushrooms, the ointment is applied in a thin layer once a day in the evening before bedtime, followed by rubbing into the lesions. The duration of treatment with the drug depends on the pathogen, size and location of the lesion.

The solution is applied once a day in the evening, before bedtime, in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the skin and rubbed in. For an area the size of a palm, a strip of cream 1 or 0.5 cm long or a few drops of solution (about 3 drops) is usually sufficient. The duration of treatment for mycoses of the feet and interdigital spaces of the foot is 3 weeks; mycoses of the body, hands and skin folds - 2-3 weeks; versicolor versicolor, erythrasma - 2 weeks; superficial skin candidiasis - 2-4 weeks. The solution is convenient for the treatment of mycoses of the scalp and is applied to a previously shaved lesion. The course of treatment with the drug is 4 weeks.

After applying the bifonazole solution and the inflammatory phenomena have subsided, treatment with the cream is continued, then the powder is applied.

The course of treatment depends on the nature of the disease and is 2-5 weeks; for foot hyperhidrosis, powder is used - 2-3 weeks. After the elimination of clinical manifestations of mycosis, treatment is continued for 10-15 days, using a cream, solution or powder once a day to prevent relapse.

An ointment or cream is used to remove nails for onychomycosis with a simultaneous antifungal effect. An amount of the drug that covers the entire affected nail is applied in a thin layer once a day from a dosing device. After applying ointment or cream, the nails of the fingers or toes should be covered with a plaster and bandage for 24 hours. The bandage must be changed every day; in this case, after removing the bandage, the finger or toe should be immersed in warm water for 10 minutes. After this, the softened, infected nail tissue is removed using a scraper. The treated nail is then dried, the cream is applied again and covered with a ready-to-use patch. Treatment is continued until the nail bed becomes smooth and all of its softened part is removed (approximately 7-14 days, depending on the size of the affected area and the thickness of the nail). The ointment or cream of the drug has an effect only on the diseased part of the nail. If irritation occurs, the skin around the nail should be lubricated with zinc paste. To treat small nails with Mycospor, the patch should be cut in half. After the nail is removed, paste therapy should be carried out. Although clinically inflammatory phenomena resolve quickly during treatment (itching of the skin in the affected areas disappears by the 5th day, inflammatory phenomena by the 12-13th day, peeling by the 13-14th day of treatment), it is necessary to continue treatment for at least 3-4 weeks in order to guarantee the sanitation of foci of infection.

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