Limenda (Metronidazole/Miconazole) vaginal suppositories. No. 7 - Instructions

Characteristics of Limenda vagina suppositories. No. 7 (7 pieces)

  • Active ingredient: combination of Metronidazole 750 mg and Miconazole 200 mg
  • Release form: vaginal suppositories

Vaginal candidiasis or thrush is considered a widespread disease in women.

It often occurs in a hidden form.

The disease is diagnosed without much difficulty after bacteriological studies.

To treat thrush, topical preparations are most often used - vaginal suppositories, which contain the antifungal agents Metronidazole and Miconazole nitrate.

This combination has an antifungal, antimicrobial and antitrichomoniacal effect and is presented in the drug Limenda suppositories.

Application and dosage.

Limenda is used topically, administered intravaginally using disposable finger tips, 1 suppository per night for a week.

It is important to know.

In some cases, local treatment is combined with oral analogues.

This therapy is the most effective.

It must be remembered that there is no guarantee that the disease will recur, especially with self-medication.

It is better to coordinate the treatment regimen with your doctor.

Modern pharmacology offers many medications for candidiasis.

In particular, buying Limenda is not a problem.

Side effects

The incidence of systemic adverse reactions is negligible due to the very low plasma levels of metronidazole with vaginal administration of the drug (2–12% compared with oral administration). miconazole nitrate can cause vaginal irritation (burning, itching), like all other antifungals containing imidazole derivatives used intravaginally (2–6%). these complaints quickly disappear with continued treatment. If severe irritation occurs, treatment should be discontinued.

Adverse reactions reported with systemic use of the active substances of the drug are listed below.

From the blood and lymphatic system: frequency unknown - leukopenia.

From the blood and immune system: frequency unknown - hypersensitivity reactions.

Mental disorders: infrequently - depression; rarely - mental disorders.

From the nervous system: rarely - ataxia, convulsions, dizziness, headache; frequency unknown - increased fatigue or weakness, peripheral neuropathy due to active and/or long-term therapy with metronidazole.

From the digestive tract: frequency unknown - changes in taste, metallic taste, nausea, vomiting, constipation, dry mouth, diarrhea, lack of appetite, abdominal pain or cramps.

Violation of the general condition and condition at the injection site: very often - vaginal discharge; often - vaginitis, vulvovaginal irritation, discomfort of the pelvic organs; infrequently - a feeling of thirst; rarely - a feeling of heat in the vagina, itching, irritation, rash; frequency unknown - local irritation and hypersensitivity, contact dermatitis.

Side effects such as inflammation of the oral mucosa, stomatitis, glossitis, pancreatitis, hot flashes are also possible; rash, which may be accompanied by fever; urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, pustular rash; encephalopathy (for example, confusion) and subacute cerebellar syndrome (for example, ataxia, dysarthria, gait disturbance, nystagmus, tremor), which may resolve after discontinuation of the drug, aseptic meningitis, psychotic disorders, confusion, hallucinations, diplopia, myopia, decreased visual acuity, changes in color perception, optic neuropathy/neuritis; agranulocytosis, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia, increased activity of liver enzymes (AST, ALT, ALP), cholestatic or mixed hepatitis and hepatocellular liver damage, sometimes with jaundice; Cases of liver failure requiring liver transplantation have been reported in patients treated with metronidazole and other antibiotics; increase in body temperature.

These side effects are rare because the concentration of metronidazole in the blood is significantly lower when administered intravaginally.

Doctor's review

Alexander Pichugin Doctor of the highest category,

“Limenda is suitable for seasonal and regular use; its effect is manifested not only in eliminating allergic symptoms, but also in eliminating the causes. The first cases of using the drug can eliminate tearfulness, swelling, runny nose, relieve nasal congestion, itching on the skin and rashes, attacks of asthmatic cough and shortness of breath. To protect yourself from allergic manifestations during the allergy season, you need to use this drug as a course. In addition, from the use of the product you can expect the restoration of metabolic reactions, cleansing the body of poisons and toxins, increasing immune resistance, improving well-being, and increasing performance. This drug has participated in clinical-level studies and received the necessary certificates.”

special instructions

The patient should be warned not to drink alcohol during therapy and for 2 days after completion of treatment due to the possibility of reactions from the central nervous system that are similar to the effects of disulfiram.

High doses of the drug and long-term use can cause peripheral neuropathy and seizures.

The suppository base may interact undesirably with the rubber or latex from which contraceptive diaphragms and condoms are made, so their simultaneous use with suppositories is not recommended.

Sexual partners of patients with trichomonas vaginitis should also undergo treatment.

In case of renal failure, the dose of metronidazole should be reduced.

In severe liver failure, the clearance of metronidazole may be altered. Metronidazole may increase symptoms of encephalopathy due to its elevated plasma levels. Therefore, metronidazole should be used with caution in patients with hepatic encephalopathy. The daily dose for such patients should be reduced to 1/3.

For elderly people (over 65 years): the same recommendations as for other patients.

The drug is not recommended for use by virgins.

Do not swallow suppositories or use the drug by any route other than vaginally.

Use during pregnancy and lactation. Use in the first trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated. After the first trimester of pregnancy, Limenda can be used after weighing the risk/benefit ratio, as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision.

While using the drug, you should stop breastfeeding, since metronidazole passes into breast milk. Breastfeeding can be resumed 1–2 days after the end of treatment.

Children. The drug is not recommended for use in children.

The ability to influence reaction speed when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms. Compared with systemic use, absorption of metronidazole by vaginal administration is significantly lower. Dizziness, ataxia, and psychoemotional disorders may occur. If you have such symptoms, it is not recommended to drive vehicles or operate other machinery.


Due to the absorption of metronidazole, drug interaction reactions are possible when used simultaneously with certain substances and medications:

Alcohol: The interaction of metronidazole with alcohol may cause a reaction similar to the interaction with disulfiram.

Oral anticoagulants: the anticoagulant effect may be enhanced.

Phenytoin: The concentration of phenytoin in the blood may increase, the concentration of metronidazole in the blood may decrease.

Phenobarbital: decreased concentration of metronidazole in the blood.

Disulfiram: possible CNS effects (psychotic reactions).

Cimetidine: Blood concentrations of metronidazole may increase and the risk of neurotic symptoms may increase.

Lithium: Possible increased toxicity from lithium.

Astemizole and terfenadine: Metronidazole and miconazole slow down the metabolism of these drugs and increase their plasma concentrations.

An effect on the blood concentrations of liver enzymes, glucose (hexokinase method), theophylline and procainamide was also observed.

Acenocoumarol, anisindione, dicumarol, phenindione, phenprocoumon, warfarin: increase the risk of bleeding.

Amiodarone: increased risk of cardiotoxicity (QT prolongation, torsade de pointes, cardiac arrest).

Fluorouracil: increased levels of fluorouracil in the blood and increased toxicity.

Carbamazepine: increased concentration of carbamazepine in the blood.

Cyclosporine: increased toxicity of cyclosporine.

Metronidazole may increase plasma levels of busulfan, which may result in significant busulfan toxicity. It is necessary to monitor the level of prothrombin and international normalized ratio more often while using oral anticoagulants. It is recommended to adjust the dose of the oral anticoagulant when using metronidazole and for 8 days after its discontinuation.

Due to the absorption of miconazole nitrate, drug interaction reactions may occur when used simultaneously with certain substances and medications.

Acenocoumarol, anisindione, dicumarol, phenindione, phenprocoumon, warfarin: increased risk of bleeding.

Astemizole, cisapride and terfenadine: Miconazole slows the metabolism of these drugs and increases their plasma concentrations.

Cyclosporine: increased risk of cyclosporine toxicity (renal dysfunction, cholestasis, paresthesia).

Fentanyl: enhances or prolongs the effects of opioids (CNS depression, respiratory depression).

Phenytoin and fosphenytoin: increased risk of phenytoin toxicity (ataxia, hyperreflexia, nystagmus, tremor).

Carbamazepine: decreased metabolism of carbamazepine.

Glimepiride: enhanced hypoglycemic effect.

Oxybutynin: increasing the concentration of oxybutynin in the blood plasma and increasing its effect (dry mouth, constipation, headache).

Oxycodone: increased plasma concentrations of oxycodone and decreased clearance.

Pimozide: increased risk of cardiotoxicity (QT prolongation, torsade de pointes, cardiac arrest).

Tolterodine: increasing the bioavailability of tolterodine in individuals with deficiency of cytochrome P450 2D6 activity.

Trimetrexate: increased toxicity of trimetrexate (bone marrow depression, kidney and liver dysfunction, gastrointestinal ulcers).


Description of the drug Limenda supp. vagina. No. 7 on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.


There is no data on overdose of metronidazole when administered intravaginally in humans. When administered into the vagina, metronidazole may be absorbed in sufficient quantities to cause systemic effects.

If a large amount of the drug accidentally enters the digestive system, an appropriate method of gastric lavage should be used, if necessary. Treatment is required in cases where 12 g of metronidazole has entered the digestive system. There is no specific antidote; symptomatic treatment is recommended. In case of an overdose of metronidazole, the following symptoms are observed: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, itching, metallic taste in the mouth, ataxia, vertigo, paresthesia, convulsions, leukopenia, darkening of urine.

In case of an overdose of miconazole nitrate, the following symptoms are observed: nausea, vomiting, inflammation of the throat and mouth, anorexia, headache, diarrhea.

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