Nucleo CMF forte lyophilisate for injection solution 61 mg with solvent 2 ml No. 3

The article was published on p. 10-11 (World)

Pathology of the peripheral nervous system is one of the most common in neurological practice. It accounts for almost half of neurological morbidity [1, 2]. At the same time, the duration of the recovery period is largely determined by the adequacy of the ongoing treatment and rehabilitation measures. In this regard, expanding the arsenal of pharmacological agents used in the treatment of this pathology is of practical interest to neurologists [3].

Experimental studies have demonstrated a clear increase in the need for pyrimidine nucleotides in cases of peripheral nerve damage [4, 5], and also that the use of uridine triphosphate and cytidine monophosphate nucleotides significantly accelerates the regeneration of nerve pathways after traumatic tissue destruction [6]. The use of pyrimidine nucleotides has been shown to affect the synthesis of nucleic acid and myelin sheaths, as well as metabolic pathways that produce energy [7]. Nerve cells are not able to synthesize these nucleotides because they lack the appropriate reserves of enzymes [8]. Therefore, especially during periods of increased demand, cells depend on exogenous supplies of pyrimidine nucleotides.

The drug containing the active components uridine triphosphate and cytidine monophosphate (Nucleo C.M.F. forte) is currently the only drug on the market containing physiological pyrimidine nucleotides indicated for the treatment of lesions of the peripheral nervous system.

The purpose of the work was to assess the effectiveness and safety of the drug Nucleo C.M.F. forte in patients with manifestations of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine.

Use of the drug Nucleo cmf forte

Nucleo CMF Forte capsules are taken orally. Adults are prescribed 1–2 capsules 2 times a day; children over 5 years old - 1 capsule 2 times a day. Nucleo CMF Forte capsules can be taken before or after meals. The recommended duration of treatment is at least 10 days. If necessary, taking capsules can be extended for 20 days. Nucleo CMF Forte injection for intramuscular administration. Before administration, the solvent must be added to the ampoule with lyophilized powder. For adults, including elderly patients, and adolescents over the age of 14 years, 1 injection of the drug Nucleo CMF Forte is administered once a day. Children aged 2–14 years are recommended to administer 1 injection of Nucleo CMF Forte every 2 days. Recommended course of treatment: 1 injection per day for 3 or 6 days, then continue treatment using the drug in oral form - 1-2 capsules 2 times a day for 10 days. If there are medical indications, the drug may be extended for 20 days.

Pharmacological action of Nucleo c.m.f. forte contains pyrimidine nucleotides - cytidine-5-monophosphate (CMP) and uridine-5-triphosphate (UTP), which are necessary components in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. Phosphate groups are necessary in the body for the reaction of monosaccharides with ceramides, which results in the formation of cerebrosides and phosphatidic acids, which mainly make up sphingomyelin, the main component of the myelin sheath of nerve cells, as well as for the formation of glycerophospholipids. Sphingolipid and glycerophospholipids provide demyelination of nerve fibers, regeneration of axons and myelin sheath in case of damage to the peripheral nervous system and help restore the correct conduction of nerve impulses, and also restore trophism of muscle tissue. As a result, mobility and sensitivity improve, inflammation, pain and numbness decrease. Also, cytidine 5-monophosphate and uridine 5-triphosphate are precursors of DNA and RNA - nucleic acids necessary for the processes of cellular metabolism and protein synthesis. UTP is also an energy source during muscle fiber contraction

Indications for use

Neuralgia, neuritis nervus trigeminus (nervus facialis), plexitis, osteoarticular neuralgia (lumbago, lumbodynia, lumboischialgia, radiculopathy), intercostal neuralgia and herpes zoster, metabolic neuralgia (consequences of alcohol addiction, complications of diabetes (polyneuropathy)), ganglionitis, verte fermentative pain syndrome, Bell's palsy, myopathy, carpal tunnel syndrome.

Mode of application

Nucleo c.m.f. forte capsules The drug can be used by adults and children. Adults: 1 to 2 capsules twice daily; Children are prescribed 1 capsule twice a day from the age of 5, can be taken before or after meals. The course of treatment is at least 10 days. If indicated, the drug can be extended up to 20 days. Nucleo c.m.f. forte ampoules for intramuscular administration Before administration, it is necessary to dissolve the powder with the supplied solvent. Adults, as well as elderly people and children under 14 years of age are prescribed 1 injection once every 24 hours. Children from 2 to 14 years old are prescribed 1 injection every 48 hours. The course of treatment lasts from three to six days, then continue oral administration of the drug from 1 to 2 capsules twice a day for 10 days. If indicated, the drug can be extended up to 20 days.

Side effects

Not described.


An allergic reaction to the components of the drug may occur. Age under two years is a contraindication to the use of Nucleo c.m.f. forte.


Taking the drug is not contraindicated, but it is necessary to evaluate the ratio of the real benefits of taking the drug and the potential risk to the intrauterine fetus, since there is no information regarding the safety of use during pregnancy.


The drug is low-toxic, the likelihood of overdose is very low even if the therapeutic dose is exceeded.

Release form

Capsules, blister 30 pcs. To prepare a solution for injection - lyophilized powder (61 mg of active substance) in 2 ml ampoules; No. 3 per pack.

Storage conditions

Store at room temperature (no more than 30 degrees Celsius).


1 capsule contains cytidine-5-monophosphate disodium 5 mg, uridine-5-trisodium phosphate, uridine-5-diphosphate disodium, uridine-5-monophosphate disodium only 63 mg (corresponding to 1.33 0 mg of pure uridine). Excipients: citric acid, Na citrate dihydrate, Mg stearate, Aerosil 200, mannitol. 1 ampoule with lyophilized powder contains cytidine-5-monophosphate disodium 10 mg, uridine-5-trisodium phosphate, uridine-5-diphosphate disodium, uridine-5-monophosphate disodium only 6 mg (corresponding to 2.660 mg of pure uridine). Excipients: mannitol; solvent: water, Na chloride. Attention! The description of the drug on this page is simplified. Before purchasing and using the drug, consult your doctor or pharmacist, and also read the instructions approved by the manufacturer. Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. ATTENTION! This section is provided for informational purposes only and is not a catalog or price list of our company. To obtain information about the availability of drugs, call + 99871 202 0999 Pharmacy Network Helpline 999.


The use of a new drug based on pyrimidine nucleotides has brought traditional therapy for PNS pathologies to a qualitatively new level. Nucleo CMF Forte is an effective remedy for the following diseases of the PNS:

  • Neuropathies of various etiologies - disorders of the functioning of the nervous system of the osteoarticular, metabolic (including alcoholic, diabetic polyneuropathies), infectious nature;
  • Neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis;
  • Vertebrogenic pain syndrome;
  • Shingles (Herpes Zoster);
  • Myopathies;
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • Bell's palsy.

The drug Nucleo CMF Forte, the instructions of which provide for its use only as prescribed by the attending physician, is available in two forms: capsules and ampoules. The drug is indicated for both children and adults. When using Nucleo CMF Forte, the instructions do not indicate contraindications, side effects or interaction reactions with other drugs. Nucleo CMF Forte is approved for pregnant and breastfeeding patients. However, in such a situation, the drug should be used only in consultation with a doctor.

The drug does not in any way affect a person’s ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms requiring increased attention. When treating with the new generation drug Nucleo CMF Forte, the instructions regulate the dosage and duration of taking the drug.


Most experts speak well of Nucleo CMF. The drug has a unique effectiveness in restoring the functioning of the peripheral nervous system. It is well tolerated by patients and has no side effects or contraindications. The medicine has a therapeutic effect when used in combination with other drugs.

The medicine has undergone many studies. Thanks to this, it was possible to find out that the medicine is absolutely harmless. Most patients were able to restore their working capacity in a short time and noted positive dynamics in treatment. However, before starting therapy, you must read the instructions for the Nucleo CMF product. The price is the only disadvantage of the drug that patients note. For one package you will have to pay about 900 rubles.

How can I replace Nucleo CMF?

The instructions indicate that the drug can be part of complex therapy. But what if there is no Nucleo CMF in the pharmacy? A specialist will select a high-quality substitute. The product “Neoton” is popular. The medicine is used to treat the peripheral nervous system and myocardial infarction. The drug increases the outflow of excess fluid from the tissue and normalizes blood circulation in ischemic areas. The product provides protection to tissues and neurons, helps eliminate pathological processes in membranes and myelon membranes.

The dosage depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as on the severity of the disease. The course lasts from 3 to 5 days. The drug is often used to improve the physical performance of professional athletes.

The medicine has no contraindications or side effects. The same can be said about the Nucleo CMF product. Instructions, price of the medication, dosage regimen - all this information must be studied before starting treatment.

Other analogues include “Armadin” and “Glitsed”.


There are two types of pyrimidine nucleotides in the drug. The active ingredient is cytidine monophosphate. It is involved in the synthesis of lipid metabolisms that form the neuronal membrane. This nucleotide is considered the main component of the myelin sheath.

Another component in the drug is uridine triphosphate. It is involved in the synthesis of glycolipids in the myelin sheath.

Reviews and recommendations from doctors

The drug Nucleo CMF Forte, reviews of which position it as an effective remedy in the treatment of PNS pathologies, is a unique drug that has no contraindications, side effects and does not interact with other drugs used in complex therapy.

Nucleo CMF Forte capsules, reviews of which can be found in various sources, have the following effects:

  • Active regeneration of nerve fiber sheaths;
  • Restoring the conductivity of nerve fibers, normalizing the correct conduction of impulses;
  • Restoration of muscle trophism (cell nutrition processes that contribute to the preservation of the structure and function of organs and tissues);
  • Improving mobility and sensitivity of the damaged area;
  • Reducing pain, symptoms of inflammatory processes in affected tissues, and numbness.

The effectiveness of the drug has been proven by practical observations and retrospective studies. The majority of patients receiving Nucleo CMF Forte therapy noted an improvement in the dynamics of recovery, a rapid return to a normal lifestyle, and a significant improvement in the quality of life.


1. Drug Nucleo C.M.F. forte is indicated for the treatment of patients with degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine.

2. A statistically significant positive effect of the drug Nucleo C.M.F was revealed. forte on the manifestation of disease symptoms in patients with degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine.

3. Drug Nucleo C.M.F. forte has a pronounced analgesic effect, helping to reduce pain in patients with degenerative changes in the spine.

4. Use of the drug Nucleo C.M.F. forte in patients with degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine is effective and safe, regardless of the proposed therapeutic regimens.

Pharmacodynamics of the drug

Pathology of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) is one of the most common reasons for visiting a neurologist. PNS dysfunctions occupy a leading place among the causes of long-term disability in patients.

The peripheral nervous system is an internal mechanism of the body that connects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) with other organs. The PNS has not received natural powerful defense mechanisms, unlike the central nervous system, which is protected by the bone skeleton and the blood-brain barrier, which makes the PNS very vulnerable to external mechanical damage, as well as to the effects of negative factors.

There are two types of neurons involved in the peripheral nervous system:

  • Sensitive sensory neurons that transmit impulses to the central nervous system;
  • Sensitive motor neurons that transmit impulses from the central nervous system.

To date, more than 100 factors have been identified that have a negative impact on neurons and contribute to disruption of their function (impulse conduction), among which are:

  • Toxins;
  • Diseases of various nature;
  • Viral and bacterial infections of the body;
  • Medications;
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • Mechanical injuries.

There are four types of reactions of nerve fibers to damaging factors, most of which Nucleo CMF Forte is able to stop, restoring the sensitivity of the nerve process:

  • Reaction of Wallerian degeneration (to the intersection of the nerve process);
  • Axonopathy, consisting of degeneration or atrophy of the nerve fiber (the least studied pathology of the PNS);
  • Partial demyelination (segmental myelinopathy - damage to the myelin sheaths with preservation of the nerve itself);
  • Neuronopathy is a primary disorder of the neuron body.

In modern medical practice, treatment of PNS pathologies mainly comes down to relieving the symptomatic complex without eliminating the causes, which makes treatment ineffective and lengthy.

Nucleo CMF Forte is a unique drug due to its composition. Pyrimidine nucleotides, used as the basis for the innovative pyrimidine complex, play a leading role in the restoration of many morphological structures (elements) of the peripheral nervous system and normalize the transmission of impulses to and from the central nervous system.

Pyrimidine nucleotides in the innovative drug:

  • Cytidine 5-monophosphate (CMP) is a nucleotide involved in the synthesis of complex lipid complexes that form the neuronal membrane. This nucleotide is the main structural component of the myelin sheath (the electrically insulating sheath that covers axons). Damage to the myelin sheath in some diseases leads to impaired coordination and balance. CMP is the precursor of the basic nucleic acids RNA and DNA, which play a major role in cellular metabolism;
  • Uridine-5-triphosphate (UTP), a nucleotide in the composition of the drug, complements the action of CMP, and also, acting as a coenzyme, stimulates the synthesis of glycolipids of myelin sheaths.

Thus, the drug Nucleo CMF Forte promotes the rapid regeneration of nerve fibers and their myelin sheaths after damage to the PNS nerves.

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