Woman's uterus: types, names, anatomy, structure, dimensions

Uterine pathology is a group of gynecological diseases, many of which reduce the patient’s quality of life, impair fertility, and provoke recurrent miscarriage.

Some diseases of the uterus can be congenital, others are acquired throughout life due to infections, dyshormonal disorders or other reasons.

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Bicornuate uterus

A bicornuate uterus is a developmental anomaly of the organ in which the uterine cavity is divided into two parts and takes the form of horns. The bicornuate uterus prevents many women from conceiving a child, and if pregnancy occurs, it is often not carried to term until delivery.

Reasons for the appearance of a bicornuate uterus

A bicornuate uterus is a congenital pathology of the uterus that develops as a result of a violation of intrauterine development. As a rule, this is caused by chemical compounds entering the mother’s body during pregnancy that have a teratogenic effect (intoxication with alcohol, nicotine, drugs, and certain medications).

Risk factors for the disease include frequent stress, endocrine pathology (thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus), and heart defects in a pregnant woman. The formation of a bicornuate uterus is possible due to exposure to rubella, influenza, and measles viruses.

Diagnosis of a bicornuate uterus

With this pathology of the woman’s uterus there are no specific symptoms. Sometimes it has no clinical manifestations at all. In other cases, dysmenorrhea and uterine bleeding are observed. Women often seek medical help due to infertility or recurrent miscarriage.

Diagnosis of a bicornuate uterus is not difficult. The diagnosis can be made using any instrumental research method that allows visualization of the uterine cavity: ultrasound, hysterosonography, hysterosalpingography, ultrasound hysterosalpingoscopy, hysteroscopy.

Treatment of bicornuate uterus

During pregnancy, this uterine pathology often causes miscarriage. Therefore, in order to improve the prognosis of bearing a child, you can undergo surgery aimed at correcting the organ. Different types of surgical interventions are performed, depending on the severity of disorders in the uterus. You can become pregnant 8-12 months after surgery.

If a woman does not plan to have children, and a bicornuate uterus was an accidental finding during examination, treatment is not carried out. Often this disease does not affect the quality of life in any way and does not pose any threat to the patient’s health.


Therapy is relevant only for those who are faced with the problem of infertility caused by this particular pathology. They are reconstructing the organ. This is a plastic surgery that is done through hysteroscopy. This means that there will be no long anesthesia, and there will also be no large incisions (which will avoid unsightly scars on the body). After a correctly performed operation, the chances of conceiving a child increase many times over.

During gestation, women with a saddle-shaped uterus may experience obstetric complications. Treatment is individual. A woman should observe bed rest, that is, lie down and not lead an active lifestyle. The doctor selects drugs for the patient from a number of tocolytics and antispasmodics. Hormonal therapy is relevant, the drugs of choice are utrozhestan and duphaston.

To ensure that blood circulates normally in the uterus and in the vessels connecting the organ to the placenta, special medications are used. They affect blood clotting and normalize metabolic processes. These are the following medications:

  • troxevasin
  • Essentiale Forte
  • chime
  • Actovegin, etc.

Remember that for girls and women of any age, regular examinations by a gynecologist and passing the tests prescribed by him are important. By neglecting your own health today, you can develop a problem such as infertility. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

baby uterus

“Children's uterus” is a pathology in which there is a decrease in the length of the uterine body to 30-70 mm. The small size of the organ often prevents such women from having children.

The prognosis depends on the length of the uterus. The worst prognosis is characterized by an embryonic (rudimentary) uterus, when the length of its body is less than 3 cm.

Reasons for the appearance of a “baby uterus”

A “baby uterus” can be congenital or acquired. The congenital form occurs due to a violation of embryogenesis. The exact reasons for this phenomenon cannot be established. These could be infections, toxins or other unfavorable factors affecting the mother’s body during pregnancy.

The acquired baby uterus is secondary, i.e. occurs against the background of other diseases in adolescence. These may be infections, dishormonal disorders, severe somatic diseases. As a result, the uterus does not fully develop.

Diagnosis of the “baby uterus”

The woman may not feel any symptoms. Sometimes patients complain of irregular cycles, too scanty or, conversely, too heavy menstrual bleeding, and decreased libido.

Upon examination, a woman may have a narrow pelvis and incompletely formed external genitalia.

Diagnosis is carried out using instrumental research methods.

Treatment of the “baby uterus”

Treatment of uterine pathology is aimed at eliminating the causes that caused its underdevelopment. Physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the pelvic organs are indicated. It is important to correct hormonal levels and provide the patient with adequate nutrition.

Sometimes infertility develops due to pathology of the uterus due to its small size, as well as concomitant dysfunction of the genital organs. Often pregnancy occurs, but recurrent miscarriage occurs.

If the length of the uterine body is reduced slightly, the pregnancy may end in childbirth. Such women need constant monitoring - they have an increased risk of premature birth.

Structure and structure

The uterus is located in the pelvis. The pear-shaped organ is located between the rectum and the bladder. It has three main parts:

  • The cervix, which is the narrowed part of the uterus that connects to the vagina.
  • Body with a cone-shaped cavity.
  • The fundus, which is the upper convex part of the uterus, in the area of ​​which the uterus communicates with the fallopian tubes.

The size of the uterus in women at different ages may differ. If necessary, standard indicators can be found on specialized medical websites.

  1. The walls of the uterus are three-layered. They consist of the following shells:
  • Endometrium. This is the mucous membrane that covers the internal cavity of the organ. Its peculiarity is a large number of blood vessels. Its surface layer undergoes monthly changes and is shed naturally during the menstrual cycle. In this case, the deeper layer plays an important role in the restoration of the mucous membrane after the rejection of the surface layer during menstruation.
  • Myometrium. This is a powerful muscle layer that provides good blood supply. Thanks to it, the necessary strong contraction of the uterus during childbirth is ensured. It is formed by a multilayer interweaving of bundles of smooth fibers in different directions. Between them there are layers of connective tissue and special elastic fibers.
  • Perimetry. This is the serous outer connective tissue membrane.

Septum in the uterus

A septum in the uterus is the most common deviation in the development of female genital organs. This condition is observed in approximately 2% of all women, and accounts for more than half of the cases of all congenital pathologies of the uterus. If there is a septum in the uterus, a woman’s fertility may be impaired - pregnancy does not occur at all, or is interrupted at different stages.

Causes of a septum in the uterus

The reason for the presence of a septum in the uterus is a violation of intrauterine development under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors or diseases of the mother during pregnancy. At 19-20 weeks, the fetus’s septum should collapse to form a single uterine cavity, but sometimes this does not happen due to disruptions in the process of embryogenesis.

Diagnosis of septum in the uterus

There are no specific symptoms. For this pathology of the uterine cavity, hysteroscopy is indicated. This will help confirm the diagnosis. A septum in the uterus can also be detected by ultrasound hysterosalpingoscopy or ultrasound examination.

Treatment of septum in the uterus

Before becoming pregnant with a pathology of the uterus, characterized by the appearance of a septum in it, a surgical operation should be performed to remove it.

Depending on the thickness, the septum is destroyed with endoscopic scissors or a hysteroresectoscope. After treatment, the prognosis for fertility is favorable.

At VitroClinic you can diagnose any type of pathology of the cervix and uterine body. We employ specialists with extensive professional experience and have all the necessary equipment.

Factors promoting tumor formation

According to research results, the key factor in the occurrence of fibroids is an increase in estrogen with progesterone deficiency, which is associated with ovarian dysfunction. Estrogen promotes the growth of certain muscle groups of the uterus. An increase in the production of female hormones is provoked not only by inflammatory and infectious diseases of the reproductive system, abortions, contraceptives, but also by poor nutrition. Thus, foods high in refined carbohydrates, saturated fatty acids and insufficient fiber when consumed regularly increase the risk of developing tumors.

Fibroids can also appear as a result of trauma to the uterus - trauma during childbirth, curettage, diagnostic hysteroscopy, insertion of an IUD (intrauterine device). Women who are overweight are susceptible to tumor processes - fatty tissue transforms androgens into estrogens. Therefore, this disease occurs 3 times more often in patients weighing more than 70 kg. The distribution of fat mass affects the production of estrogen, so women with deposits in the upper torso and waist (apple body type) are most susceptible to fibroids. Hormonal levels are affected by hypertension, psycho-emotional stress, a sedentary lifestyle, regional factors, and incompatibility with a sexual partner.

Pathology of the cervix

Female pathologies of the uterus can affect different parts of this organ. Cervical pathology is quite common. This is a group of diseases, many of which threaten not only fertility, but also the life of a woman. Among them:

  • pathology of the cervical epithelium (true erosion, pseudo-erosion, ectopia, ectropin, leukoplakia, erythroplakia);
  • inflammatory diseases (cervicitis, endocervicitis, ectocervicitis);
  • post-traumatic conditions (scars on the cervix, isthmic-cervical insufficiency)
  • oncological diseases and precancerous conditions (polyps, dysplasia, cancer).

Causes of cervical pathology

Congenital pathology of the cervix develops very rarely; much more often the disease affects a woman during her life. The causes are different for different diseases. These are mainly dishormonal disorders, infections, and lifestyle features.

Pathology may develop after operations, abortions, complicated childbirth, which can cause the formation of scars on the cervix. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency develops, which reduces the chances of bearing a child during pregnancy (the damaged cervix is ​​not able to withstand the pressure exerted by the fetus).

Diagnosis of various types of cervical pathology

Diagnosis of cervical pathology is carried out using colposcopy. The Schiller test (staining the cervix with Lugol's solution) and the acetate test (treating the cervix with 3% acetic acid) are used. If necessary, tissue is taken for biopsy.

Treatment of cervical pathology

Treatment for cervical pathology may vary depending on the type of disease. In some cases, conservative treatment is used (for example, for dishormonal diseases), in others - surgical treatment (isthmic-cervical insufficiency, benign or malignant tumors, precancerous conditions).

At VitroClinic you can diagnose any type of pathology of the cervix and uterine body. For this we have all the necessary equipment.

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