Neurodermatitis - symptoms and treatment of neurodermatitis in St. Petersburg


: Grachev Ilya Illarionovich
: Efremov Mikhail Mikhailovich

Date of publication: 05.13.2014 Date of update: 12.11.2020

  • Stages of neurodermatitis
  • Why is neurodermatitis dangerous?
  • Prevention of neurodermatitis
  • Diet for neurodermatitis
  • Atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis) is a disease that causes skin lesions, itching and burning. Those affected may include both adults and children. It occurs most easily in childhood. The danger in this case is not the skin disease itself, but concomitant infections.

    In most cases, the disease develops before the age of 12 years. 60% of cases are children under 1 year of age. Only 10% of those diagnosed with the disease are adults and adolescents over 12 years of age. Timely treatment helps to get rid of the disease without consequences for health.

    Causes of neurodermatitis

    Atopic dermatitis is one of the most common diseases, especially affecting children. According to current theories, neurodermatitis occurs for the following reasons:

    • Impaired functionality of the nervous system - this is evidenced by the symmetrical localization of lesions.
    • Intoxication of the body - as evidenced by the presence of various disorders in carbohydrate and nitrogen metabolism, and in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Hereditary predisposition - which is confirmed by the similarity of the amino acid composition in patients with their relatives.
    • The presence of allergic diseases of a different etiology.

    Neurodermatitis of any localization can spread throughout the body, so do not delay treatment.
    See how easily the disease can be cured in 10-12 sessions.


    Diagnosing neurodermatitis with a dermatologist is not difficult. This is due to the clear clinical picture. Initially, anamnesis is collected. During a conversation with a patient, the doctor is primarily interested in the presence of atopic diseases in relatives. He will also be interested in other questions in particular:

    • Seasonality of exacerbations of pathology.
    • Negative reactions to vaccination.
    • Presence of allergic reactions.

    A general blood test is important for making a diagnosis. First of all, the level of eosinophils and leukocytes, as well as ESR indicators, are assessed. Additionally, skin tests and cultures are performed. An immunogram is also performed, which allows you to evaluate the main indicators of the immune system. During diagnosis, other studies may be prescribed to rule out scabies, psoriasis, eczema and other diseases with similar symptoms.

    To diagnose the presence of concomitant chronic diseases, consultations with highly specialized specialists are required. Based on their recommendations, the required laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out. Patients must undergo a psychological examination. This allows you to confirm or exclude the presence of malfunctions in the autonomic nervous system.

    Types of atopic dermatitis

    • Limited. Localized atopic dermatitis is characterized by rashes in the form of plaques, which consist of nodular formations. Localization of rashes is the back and sides of the neck, elbow and popliteal folds, genitals and perineum. The lesions have clearly defined boundaries, the plaques themselves are oval in shape and located symmetrically in relation to each other. The skin in the affected area is dry, closer to the center there are papular elements. The surface of the lesions is usually covered with grayish-white scales, which peel off from time to time. The rash is always accompanied by severe itching, which gets even worse at night.
    • Diffuse. considered to be the most severe form of the disease. It is characterized by manifestations of multiple lesions, which are located both on the torso and on the limbs, and can involve the skin of the neck, face, and genital area. Quite often, in advanced forms, neurodermatitis takes on the character of erythroderma and can be combined with allergic diseases such as bronchial asthma, urticaria, and in rare cases with cataracts.
    • Disseminated. This type of atopic dermatitis is characterized by nodular rashes that can occur on a variety of areas of the skin.

    Red spots on the skin after stress

    Diagnosis of skin diseases

    Diathesis and its causes

    Atopic dermatitis (diathesis) is the most common allergic skin disease in children and adults, which is characterized by inflammation, itching, and a chronic relapsing course. Atopic dermatitis typically has different skin manifestations depending on the person's age. Let's look at it in more detail below.

    Atopic dermatitis (diathesis) is the most common allergic skin disease.

    Causes of diathesis

    A special role in the development of the disease is played by the hereditary ability to develop allergic diseases.

    The disease is also based on other causes, which can be divided into internal and external. Internal characteristics include the characteristics of the organism itself. External causes include those with which a person comes into contact from the outside.

    Internal reasons

    • Hereditary – determined ability of the body to increase the production of IgE (immunoglobulin, responsible in most cases for allergies).
    • Increased, excessive reaction of the skin to irritants (allergens).
    • Increased skin dryness.
    • Violation of the epidermal barrier.

    External reasons

    • In children of the first years of life - food allergies, as well as intestinal dysbiosis, vaccination (DPT). It is important to emphasize that vaccination will not lead to the development of atopic dermatitis in every child. There is only a higher likelihood of developing this disease in children with a history of allergies.
    • Preschool children have household and fungal allergens. Often the cause can be helminthiasis.
    • In adolescence – stress, emotional experiences.
    • The causes of diathesis in adults are a combination of the factors described above. This could be a food allergy, an allergy to flowering plants, a contact allergy (when allergens come into contact with the skin), stress, or emotional distress.

    Treatment methods for neurodermatitis

    At the initial appointment, during diagnosis, the doctor uses pulse and meridian diagnostic techniques, which make it possible to determine not only already existing disorders in the body, due to which skin lesions of this nature appear, but also to identify these disorders at a stage when they have not clearly begun manifest. After making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a course of complex therapy consisting of several sessions. Among them:

    • Acupuncture - the thinnest needles are inserted into certain acupuncture points to relieve itching and inflammation, thanks to them you can also stop the appearance of new formations.
    • Moxotherapy - heating with charcoal or wormwood cigars is aimed at improving blood circulation, eliminating inflammation, normalizing metabolic processes and the balance of the nervous system.
    • Pharmacopuncture is based on the use of microdoses of homeopathic medicines at special acupuncture points that will quickly relieve pain and swelling.
    • Vacuum therapy - stimulation of blood circulation using special jars for vacuum massage. Helps stimulate healing processes, remove toxins from the body and quickly cleanse the skin.
    • Herbal medicine is aimed at normalizing the state of the nervous system, cleansing the body and has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.
    • Plasma therapy - platelet-rich plasma is injected into problem areas. Once in the tissue, it releases growth factors that affect cells and trigger regenerative processes. The result is a complete recovery of the skin.

    To avoid relapses, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease.
    Read more about our unique method of treating neurodermatitis

    Treatment of atopic dermatitis at the Paramita clinic

    Using oriental therapy methods is an effective way to treat neurodermatitis without consequences. The effectiveness of these techniques has been confirmed over a long period of time.

    At the first meeting with the doctor, along with the course of treatment, the patient is prescribed a personalized therapeutic diet to speed up healing.

    Sign up for a free initial appointment

    Clinical researches

    The conducted clinical study proves the high efficiency, safety and tolerability of the product for daily skin care with mild and moderate forms of atopic dermatitis and during remission, accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life of patients. As a result of therapy, a decrease in the activity of the inflammatory process, a decrease in dryness, itching and flaking was noted.

    The following have been clinically proven:

    • Emulsion "La-Cri" moisturizes and nourishes the skin, relieves itching and irritation, soothes and restores the skin.
    • Cream "La-Cri" for dry skin eliminates dryness and flaking, retains the skin's own moisture, protects the skin from wind and cold
    • La-Cri cream for sensitive skin reduces itching and irritation, relieves skin redness, moisturizes and gently cares for the skin.

    The properties of the products are confirmed by a clinical study conducted jointly with the St. Petersburg Union of Pediatricians of Russia.


    1. V.V. Chebotarev, N.V. Chebotareva, M.S. Askhakov, E.V. Bronnikova, Sensitive skin: causes, methods of therapy, journal Medical Bulletin of the North Caucasus, 2015
    2. E.G. Sanakaeva, S.A. Masyukova, I.V. Ilyina, E.V. Vvedenskaya and others, Modern therapy of acne and acneiform dermatoses, Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases, 2013
    3. N.D. Odinaeva, G.V. Yatsyk, I.A. Belyaeva Correction of dry skin in newborns, Pediatrics journal, 2011
    4. T.A. Bokova, Diaper dermatitis in a newborn, Medical Council journal, 2018

    Stages of neurodermatitis

    According to the degree of development of the disease, several stages are distinguished:

    • initial;
    • the stage of pronounced changes, occurring in both acute and chronic forms;
    • remission, which can be complete or partial, including without the use of special treatment;
    • clinical recovery of the patient.

    There is a division into three groups according to the severity of cutaneous neurodermatitis: mild, moderate and severe. In children, a mild form is more common. With it, redness is noticeable in a small area, but there is no severe itching.

    Manifestations of the disease at various stages.

    Usually the very first manifestations of neurodermatitis are noticeable in the first months of life. They appear in the form of flaky redness of the skin on the face (around the eyes, behind the ears, in the eyebrow area, on the cheeks). As the child grows up, the location of the redness may change (mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, genitals. Exacerbations most often occur in the autumn-winter period, and in the summer the condition improves. The most noticeable symptom is severe itching! It is pathological in nature. When scratching, micro- wounds through which infection can get in. That is why the symptoms of neurodermatitis should be dealt with.

    Sometimes (during remission) symptoms improve or disappear completely. This period can last from several weeks to several years. If the symptoms of neurodermatitis have not bothered you for more than 7 years, then we can talk about your recovery. However, since the disease has not been fully studied, there is no clear understanding of whether the disease is gone forever. There is a possibility of her return.

    Why is neurodermatitis dangerous?

    The skin disease itself does not cause harm to health, but it causes the development of other diseases. The consequences of neurodermatitis include:

    1. the addition of secondary infections in areas of skin lesions
    2. spread of lesions to new areas of skin
    3. development of allergic reactions
    4. persistent nervous system disorders

    The appearance of spots on the skin, not hidden under clothing, also causes inconvenience.


    In general, neurodermatitis is not cause for concern and is not associated with serious health problems, but in the acute phase it can significantly affect the quality of life. Excessive dry skin, rashes, sores and sores increase the risk of bacterial and fungal skin infections. It is not always possible to notice them in time, for example, if foci of dermatitis involve the scalp. In this case, it may be difficult to properly care for irritated skin, which also contributes to the development of inflammation.

    The second common complication of neurodermatitis is the formation of scars at the site of the rash. The main reason for their appearance is uncontrolled scratching of inflammation.

    Prevention of neurodermatitis

    Preventive measures reduce the risk of developing the disease and help with treatment. The basic rules that must be followed include:

    • Balanced diet and vitamin intake;
    • Treatment of diseases of the digestive and endocrine system;
    • Timely fight against infectious diseases;
    • Compliance with personal hygiene rules;
    • Regular wet cleaning of the room where the patient is located;
    • A daily routine that involves rest from physical and mental stress;
    • Choosing clothing that does not interfere with blood circulation and does not chafe the skin;
    • Avoid contact with allergens;
    • Strengthening the immune system (sports, walks in the fresh air);

    Neurodermatitis can appear at any age, contact us at the first sign!

    When to see a doctor

    Neurodermatitis in children is a chronic disease characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission. In most cases, it is impossible to recover from it completely, especially on your own. You can only achieve long-term remission, but for this the child must always be observed by a doctor and receive appropriate treatment.

    Symptoms and treatment of neurodermatitis in children are the responsibility of a pediatric dermatologist and allergist. You can make an appointment with any of the specialists with us, at JSC “Medicine” (clinic of Academician Roitberg), located in the center of Moscow. The clinic employs experienced specialists and has all the necessary equipment for correct diagnosis.

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