Balanitis and balanoposthitis in children: symptoms and treatment.

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Balanitis is a fairly common disease that manifests itself as inflammation of the glans penis. There is also another disease - posthitis, which is detected when the foreskin covering the head becomes inflamed. The accumulation of secretions under the foreskin causes balanitis. These diseases almost always accompany each other, so they are called by the common word balanoposthitis. The disease balanoposthitis occurs when both parts of the penis (the glans penis and the flesh) are inflamed. In both cases, the disease is mainly associated with a narrowing of the foreskin, which prevents complete cleaning of the urethra, and contributes to the appearance of a local infection. Perhaps this is why almost everywhere balanoposthitis and balanitis are used as synonyms, naming the same disease associated with the appearance of an unpleasant disease in men, accompanied by purulent discharge. This ailment affects approximately 11% of men who visit a urologist. Balanoposthitis also occurs in women, although much less frequently. It affects the upper part of the clitoris and the inside of the vagina.

Among people at risk of getting this disease, doctors identify patients with diabetes mellitus and people with phimosis. In the first case, the disease is provoked by a high concentration of sugar in the urine. Remaining on the head after urination, it promotes the rapid development of microorganisms and bacteria. With phimosis, it is impossible to fully open the head for hygiene procedures, which also contributes to the development of the disease. Another large group at risk of developing phimosis or balanoposthitis are patients with sexually transmitted diseases.

Causes of balanitis

There are three groups of factors that provoke the development of penile balanitis.

  1. Infectious lesions (circinar balanitis) are caused by viruses (including papillomavirus), bacteria (chlamydia), fungi (yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida), in addition, pathological microflora (streptococci, treponema, gonococci);
  2. Allergic reactions to aggressive detergents, latex condoms, lubricant components, synthetic fabric of underwear.
  3. Systemic diseases of the body - diabetes mellitus, lichen sclerosus - can cause erosive, fungal and other types of balanitis. Sometimes balanitis on the penis appears after surgical interventions on the male genitals.

Balanitis in children in most cases is a consequence of poor hygiene of the external genitalia or phimosis - narrowing of the foreskin and, accordingly, incomplete opening of the glans penis. Allergic and contact dermatitis as a reaction to detergents and synthetic clothing also contribute to the development of the disease. The frequency of relapses may correlate with the incidence of other infectious diseases. If a child over eight years old has inflammation of the foreskin too often, it is advisable to examine him for the presence of diabetes.

Balanoposthitis in a child

Balanoposthitis in children is one of the most important problems in pediatrics, pediatric surgery and pediatric urology, since the reproductive and sexual health of men in the future depends on competent prevention, timely and high-quality treatment of this disease. According to statistics, this pathology is diagnosed in approximately 6% of boys who have not undergone circumcision of the foreskin. It is also noted that children under 5 years of age are most susceptible to the disease.

The main reasons for the development of balanoposthitis in children are:

  • lack of proper hygienic care of the genitals;
  • physiological phimosis;
  • synechiae of the foreskin;
  • injury to the foreskin.

In some cases, the development of balanoposthitis can be triggered by the use of irritating cosmetic and hygiene products, incorrectly selected baby creams, diapers and household chemicals.

Symptoms of balanitis (balanoposthitis)

Symptoms of balanitis can be grouped into three groups.

  1. Discomfort in the area of ​​the head of the penis: burning, itching, pain, pain. Due to the increased sensitivity of the organ, the duration of sexual intercourse may decrease.
  2. The appearance of red spots or redness of the entire glans and foreskin, the skin becomes thinner (looks like parchment), the mucous membrane dries out, cracks and ulcers may form.
  3. Intense discharge, the volume of which significantly exceeds the normal amount of smegma (the secretion of the sebaceous glands of the mucous membrane of the head of the penis), up to soaking through the underwear.

The appearance of symptoms of even one group confirms the presence of balanitis.

Balanoposthitis in women

Balanoposthitis is a purely male disease. Meanwhile, sometimes this term is used to refer to vulvovaginitis - an inflammatory lesion of the vulva and vaginal mucosa. The disease is predominantly infectious in nature, and its causative agents are the same harmful microorganisms that provoke the development of balanoposthitis in men.

Signs of balanoposthitis in women are:

  • discomfort, burning, pain and itching in the genital area, increasing during urination and when walking;
  • slight mucopurulent vaginal discharge.

If left untreated, vulvovaginitis can lead to the formation of adhesions (synechias) of the labia minora and the development of kraurosis of the vulva.

Risk factors

The risk of developing balanitis continues throughout a man's life. At the same time, both non-compliance with the principles of personal hygiene and excessive care of the penis can cause a lack or excess of smegma. Urogenital pathologies (injuries, frenulum), weakened immunity (chemotherapy, taking hormones) can contribute to the development of the disease. The negative effects of chlorinated tap water, local contraceptives, and synthetic underwear should not be discounted.

Balanoposthitis in men

Balanoposthitis in men requires immediate and competent treatment. In the absence of adequate and effective therapy, inflammation spreads to the urethra, contributing to the occurrence of urethritis. In addition, there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the penis, which negatively affects potency. If the first signs of balanoposthitis occur, be sure to contact an experienced urologist. At the Vasha Clinic medical center today you can get a 10% discount on the treatment of this disease - you just need to fill out the form on the website.

Diagnosis of balanoposthitis in men is made by a urologist. To confirm the diagnosis, the following tests and medical procedures may be required:

  • initial examination;
  • general urinalysis;
  • biochemical and general blood tests;
  • bacteriological analysis of urethral discharge;
  • STD testing.

In some cases, the diagnostic process may require tests such as ultrasound of the urinary tract or urethroscopy.

Preparations for topical use

  • Antibacterial agents: chloramphenicol (Syntomycin); sulfonamide (Streptocide ointment), tetracycline (Tetracycline ointment), metronidazole (Rozamet)
  • Antiseptics: miramistin, chlorhexidine.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs with antipruritic effect: triamcinolone (Fluorocort)
  • Agents for tissue regeneration and wound healing: chloramphenicol (Levomekol), dexpanthenol (Bepanten, Pantestin).
  • Antimicrobial and antifungal: fluconazole (Flucorem); clotrimazole (Clotrimazole), omoconazole nitrate (Mycogal).

What types of balanoposthitis are there?

The severity of the disease depends on its stage. There are only three forms of the disease:

  1. Erosive - foci of reddish erosion and severe swelling appear. The man suffers from a constant burning sensation, possibly itching. Possible increase in temperature.
  2. Catarrhal - swelling, burning sensation, discomfort, formation of pus.
  3. Gangrenous is the most dangerous. Tissue necrosis is observed in the affected areas, and bleeding may begin. The genitals are reddish, the patient has a high fever.

There are several infectious varieties. Anaerobic balanoposthitis is caused by gram-negative bacteria. These include the causative agent of gonorrhea - gonococcus. Circinar balanoposthitis is easy to identify by spots with clearly defined boundaries; it is caused by chlamydia. When exposed to fungi of the genus Candida, the candidiasis type is isolated. In rare cases, there is an allergic reaction that can develop due to allergens.


Before treating inflammation of the glans in men, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis. To carry out effective treatment, it is important to establish the cause of the disease. To relieve inflammation of the head of the penis, it is necessary to conduct a series of studies. In order to determine the susceptibility of pathogenic flora to the planned treatment of inflammation of the head, biomaterials are collected. A blood test is performed for the presence of infections (hepatitis, HIV, syphilis), a general blood test, a general urinalysis and a biopsy of the affected areas.


According to the course, acute and chronic balanoposthitis are distinguished. Acute, in turn, is divided into: catarrhal, erosive and gangrenous balanoposthitis.

According to the etiological agent, infectious and non-infectious balanoposthitis are distinguished. Among the group of infectious balanoposthitis, there are bacterial (aerobic/anaerobic), candidal, mycobacterial, treponemal, protozoal, chlamydial and viral balanoposthitis.

Among the group of non-infectious balanoposthitis , xerotic , Zun plasma cell balanitis Bowen's disease , Queyr's erythroplasia , as well as balanoposthitis developing against the background of various systemic skin dermatoses : psoriasis , lichen sclerosus , eczema of various etiologies, atrophic / lichen planus , Reiter's disease , allergic reactions .

Treatment of balanoposthitis in Volgograd


What is balanitis? What is postit?

Balanoposthitis is an inflammation of the glans penis (balanitis) and the inner layer of the foreskin (posthitis). For a number of reasons, balanoposthitis is one of the most common inflammatory diseases in men. The skin of the glans penis and foreskin is subject to various adverse effects of a mechanical, chemical nature, as well as the influence of a number of infectious agents. The structural features of the genital area, namely the unusually developed network of blood and lymphatic vessels, contribute to the development of a pronounced exudative reaction during inflammation of the glans and skin of the penis and are one of the reasons for the frequent occurrence of complications of balanoposthitis in the form of phimosis and paraphimosis. Due to the high temperature and humidity, the alkaline pH value caused by the excretion of skin glands and decomposing smegma, favorable conditions are created for the proliferation of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms and viruses. The disease is often characterized by a chronic course and resistance to treatment. And this is most often due to the lack of treatment in the sexual partner. The most common symptoms of balanopastitis are redness, maceration, plaque on the mucous membranes of the penis, itching or burning. The patient may feel pain or slight itching when urinating.

What complications can balanoposthitis cause?

A long-term inflammatory process on the glans penis can lead to atrophy of the receptor apparatus and decreased sensitivity of the glans penis. This causes inconvenience during sexual activity, reduces the pleasant sensations during sexual intercourse, reduces the feeling of orgasm, and ultimately can negatively affect potency and the quality of sexual life. In addition, the inflammatory process from the head of the penis can move to the urethra, that is, lead to the development of urethritis. The main sign of this is the appearance of unpleasant sensations when urinating. Some types of balanoposthitis lead to scarring of the genital organs, which can cause serious problems. Men in particular may develop a narrowing of the foreskin and difficulty opening the glans penis. In more severe cases, a narrowing of the external opening of the urethra and the scaphoid fossa may form, which leads to urination disorders and impaired urine outflow.

What are the causes of balanoposthitis?

For the development of balanoposthitis, a combination of two reasons is usually necessary - an infectious agent and the conditions for its development.

  • Balanoposthitis is an infectious disease. Infectious agents include various bacteria, fungi and viruses. In the first place among pathogens are anaerobic bacteria, followed by candida, and there are: staphylococci, streptococci, mycoplasmas, HPV and others. Balanitis can appear as complications of sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia.
  • Inflammation of the glans penis occurs most often with discharge from the urethra due to urethritis and sexually transmitted infections;
  • Skin abrasions, chronic skin irritation from urine in patients with diabetes mellitus. Metabolic disorders that occur with this disease create conditions for the development of infection on the glans penis. Diabetes mellitus predisposes to balanitis and it is usually candidal;
  • Narrowness of the foreskin, with phimosis, when the head of the penis either opens with difficulty or does not open at all. This complicates hygiene measures and can cause balanoposthitis;
  • Poor hygiene care. If genital hygiene is not observed, smegma accumulates under the foreskin, on which any infection grows well. This is what causes inflammation.
  • Balanoposthitis appears in patients with increased skin sensitivity to various irritations. For example, frequent hygienic treatment of this area using antiseptic agents can contribute to the implementation of the pathogenic properties of opportunistic microflora and/or its change to pathogenic microflora and the development of the inflammatory process;
  • Traumatic balanoposthitis is associated with coital or any other trauma, vaginal dryness of the partner, and excessive masturbation.

What is the treatment for balanoposthitis and balanitis?

At present, the issues of rational balanitis and balanoposthitis have not been fully developed. In this regard, it is relevant to search for new methods of therapy based on the use of effective drugs and auxiliary non-drug agents aimed at stimulating factors of specific and nonspecific defense of the body. Treatment of balanoposthitis depends on the results of the examination, which reveals the stage of the disease and the causes that caused it, and should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Therapy for balanitis with an established infectious factor does not cause difficulties and boils down to treating the underlying disease. At the same time, one should not forget about treating the sexual partner.

  • An antibacterial or antifungal course is usually prescribed for 7 to 14 days. Self-selection of medications can cause complications. Antibacterial treatment is carried out based on the identified infectious agent and the sensitivity of the isolated microorganisms to antibiotics. Anaerobic balanitis responds well to treatment with drugs: SECNIDOK, DAZOLIK, MAKMIROR.
  • Modern treatment methods involve the use of not only systemic drugs, but also local treatment. The following are prescribed for the mucous membranes of the genital organs: LOMEXIN, MAKMIROR COMPLEX.
  • At all stages of the disease, it is recommended to pay more attention to the toilet of the external genitalia. It is necessary to wash the head of the penis more often, sometimes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and also furacillin.
  • If balanoposthitis is complicated by phimosis or has a recurrent nature, surgical treatment is performed - circumcision.

What methods of physiotherapy are used in the treatment of balanitis, balanoposthitis?

The goal of physiotherapy for balanitis is to: provide an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, eliminate the source of inflammation, increase the overall reactivity of the body, increase outflow and activate reparative reactions in the site of inflammation.

Bactericidal methods: endourethral SMT electrophoresis with antibiotics, thermotherapy, laser therapy, ozone therapy.

Anti-inflammatory methods: UHF therapy, infrared laser therapy, magnetic therapy, darsonvalization.

What can be the prevention of genital balanoposthitis?

Unfortunately, there are no effective preventive measures that could prevent the disease from balanoposthitis. However, if you notice the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a urologist. After all, as mentioned above, if you are not treated in a timely manner, quite serious consequences can occur. To prevent balanoposthitis, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of penile hygiene and promptly consult a doctor if diseases occur that lead to the development of balanoposthitis. The use of prophylactic cream before sexual intercourse for the purpose of lubrication and reduction of irritation, sexual rest at the first symptoms of inflammation and during treatment. In addition, preventive measures include protected sex, treatment of diabetes, and judicious use of antibiotics and hormonal drugs. Every man, regardless of age, needs to undergo a preventive examination by a urologist 1-2 times a year. Let us remind you of the simple rules of penile hygiene: you should wash it at least once a day, you should wash it before and after sexual intercourse.

List of sources

  • Byalik L.R., Novikova L.A. Modern approaches to rational external therapy of candidal balanitis, balanoposthitis and the anogenital area. Problems of medical mycology.2014;16(2):50.
  • Denisova V.M. Epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of patients with erosive-ulcerative balanoposthitis associated with bacterial infection. Author's abstract. diss. for the Candidate of Science degree. honey. Sci. M., 2011. 21 p.
  • Vershinin A.E., Shmeleva E.A. Microbiocenosis in erosive balanoposthitis. Materials of the V Annual All-Russian Congress on Infectious Diseases. M., 2013. 88 p.
  • Ryumin D.V. Features of topical therapy for balanoposthitis. Vestn. postgraduate honey. education. 2005; 2:39–45.
  • Sadchikov S.S. Diagnosis and differentiated treatment tactics for diseases of the foreskin in children. Author's abstract. diss. for the Candidate of Science degree. honey. Sci. M., 2004. 27 p.


Prevention of balanoposthitis comes down to eliminating all factors contributing to the development of the disease: observing the rules of intimate hygiene, avoiding wearing tight underwear, frequent changes of partners, and promiscuity. Regular medical examinations and monitoring of cleanliness of linen are required. Prevention in children involves teaching the child proper hygiene skills of the genital organ (develop the habit of moving the foreskin during water procedures and thoroughly washing the head).

Recommendations and contraindications for balanoposthitis

The patient must maintain hygiene daily. It is important to treat the head of the penis with antiseptics, for example, Chlorhexidine. First of all, inflammatory processes are caused by infections in the partner. It is important that the woman goes to the gynecologist and gets cured. During the treatment period, you should not have unprotected contacts. It is recommended to give up bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. Urologists do not recommend wearing tight underwear for men.

If a man has balanoposthitis, the reasons may be different. The disease can be chronic for a long time. In an advanced stage, it leads to consequences including tissue death. The disease is treatable, but it is better to prevent its development. It is enough to follow the rules of hygiene and undergo regular preventive examinations.

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