7 symptoms of progesterone deficiency in women and basic diagnostic methods

Progesterone is a female hormone that is responsible for fertilization and gestation. The balance of this substance is important throughout a woman’s life.

Numerous studies have proven the relationship between PMS, climate syndrome and the concentration of progesterone in the body. This hormone affects the menstrual cycle, it helps prepare the female body for pregnancy and bearing a child.

The level of the hormone progesterone is one of the main factors that influence reproductive function. This substance maintains optimal conditions for conception in the uterus and helps preserve the embryo throughout pregnancy.

If the body does not produce enough progesterone, the uterus does not increase in size, and the mammary glands do not prepare to produce milk.

This hormone affects the concentration of sugar in the blood, it promotes the conversion of adipose tissue into energy, and also blocks the formation of fibrous cysts.

Normal progesterone concentration

The level of the hormone progesterone changes depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle and trimester of pregnancy. During ovulation, its indicator increases 10 times, this makes it possible to accurately determine the most favorable days for conception.

The level of concentration is influenced by the patient’s age, her health, the use of contraceptives, pregnancy and environmental factors.

The level of the hormone progesterone depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle:

  1. 0.32-2.23 nmol/l during the follicular phase.
  2. 0.48-9.41 nmol/l during ovulation.
  3. 3.99-56.63 nmol/l is the normal concentration of progesterone in the luteal phase.
  4. During menopause, progesterone levels are below 0.64.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, the hormone level (normally) is 80.9-468.4 nmol/l, during the second trimester - 71.5-303.1 nmol/l, during the last three months the progesterone concentration should be 88, 7-771.5 nmol/l.

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman under the influence of progesterone

An increase in progesterone concentration begins in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Under the influence of the hormone, the body begins to prepare for pregnancy - the mucous layer of the uterus thickens (according to ultrasound - an increase in the thickness of the endometrium), the mucous membrane becomes loose, its energy reserve increases, and blood vessels grow intensively. Progesterone reduces the contractile function of the uterus. When pregnancy occurs, the embryo will not experience difficulty in implantation due to contractions of the uterus.

When pregnancy occurs, the corpus luteum blossoms (it increases in size, and the production of progesterone also increases). Under the influence of progesterone, the contractile function of the smooth muscles of the body decreases. The lumen of the arteries increases and pregnant women experience a physiological decrease in blood pressure. This may lead to drowsiness, a feeling of slight fatigue, and a desire to lie down.

Progesterone has an immunosuppressive effect on a woman’s body. For the expectant mother, the fetus is genetically half foreign. The immune system must recognize the foreign material and reject it. That is, lead to a miscarriage. But, progesterone (like a number of other biologically active substances) reduces the activity of the immune system, suppressing it, thereby prolonging pregnancy. The immune system does not seem to notice the foreign part of the fetus.

It is important!

Progesterone also affects the central nervous system, forming the “pregnancy dominant”.
The future baby comes first. All other issues become secondary and unimportant. During pregnancy, it is important to maintain pregnancy dominance. Try to protect the pregnant woman from negative emotions and experiences. The dominant of pregnancy plays a significant role in the physiological gestation of pregnancy. An increase in glandular tissue of the mammary gland is also associated with the influence of progesterone. Already in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman notices engorgement and enlargement of the mammary glands. It is important at this moment to pay attention to your underwear. It should not put pressure on the mammary gland, but at the same time have good support.

Excessive and insufficient production of progesterone

Too low progesterone concentration may indicate the following problems:

  • Failure of the menstrual cycle.
  • Chronic inflammation of the reproductive system.

In some cases, the reason for the decrease in progesterone is the use of certain drugs. Only a qualified doctor can balance the concentration of the hormone, who, depending on the individual needs of the body, will prescribe suitable treatment.

When the hormone progesterone decreases in a pregnant woman, we can talk about the following disorders:

  • Risk of miscarriage.
  • Violation of fetal development.
  • Malfunction of the placenta.

In most cases, excessive progesterone production is associated with pregnancy. If it is excluded, then a high concentration can signal cycle disruptions, adrenal dysfunction, a malignant tumor, etc.

In a pregnant woman, high levels of the hormone can signal disturbances in the formation and development of the placenta.

Progesterone deficiency. Risks.

Rules for posting Client data using online services

These rules contain the procedure for placing the Limited Liability Company CSM "Zdravitsa" (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) on the basis of an agreement for the provision of paid medical services with the Client, data from his electronic medical record: appointment history, research results and prescriptions, using online services , posted on the Internet and owned by the Limited Liability Company MC "Zdravitsa" (main state registration number in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities 1035403212734, legal address Derzhavina St., 28, hereinafter referred to as the Society, and access to such research results and appointments (hereinafter referred to as the rules).

1. Terms and definitions used in the text of these rules: Client - an individual who has full legal capacity in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, or the legal representative of a minor who has entered into an Agreement for the provision of paid medical services with the Contractor and has accepted these rules. User - an individual who has reached the age of 15, is a Client of the Contractor, has authentication data, and accesses online services using an Internet browser or mobile application in order to obtain information about the history of appointments, research results, and appointments. Online service - a service provided by the Company for the Client/User’s independent access to the history of appointments, research results, appointments located in the Contractor’s storage, accessed through the website www.zdravitsa.ru or the Company’s mobile application, including through the tools of the authentication service data. The Contractor is a legal entity (Limited Liability Company Family Medicine Centers “Zdravitsa”), which is a party to the Agreement on the provision of paid medical services with the Client, operating under the trademarks of the Limited Liability Company MC “Zdravitsa”. Society is a legal entity that has online services located on the Internet. Authentication data: Login - Client account identifier. A personal email address or mobile phone is used as a login. Password is a secret word or combination of characters generated and recorded by the Client using the service tools and intended to verify the Client’s identity and authority when accessing online services.

2. By accepting these rules, the Client: 2.1. Agrees with the placement by the Contractor of the Client’s data (including the Client’s data specified by him when concluding the Agreement for the provision of paid medical services, in online services owned by the Company, through the involvement of the Company for these purposes. 2.2. Confirms the knowledge of the concepts of personal data and medical confidentiality established by Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” and Federal Law dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Basics of Protecting Citizens in the Russian Federation”, respectively, as well as the rights belonging to the Client in accordance with these laws. 2.3. Taking into account provisions of clause 2 of these conditions, for the purposes provided for in clause 1 of these conditions, gives consent to the Contractor and the Company to process the Client’s data, defined as personal data and/or medical confidentiality: 2.3.1. Specified by the Client when concluding the Agreement for the provision of paid medical services with the Contractor; 2.3.2. Presented in the form of a history of appointments, research results and prescriptions carried out by the Contractor within the framework of the Agreement on the provision of paid medical services concluded with the Client. 2.4. I agree that posting research results in online services presupposes the Client’s access to the Client’s data using a service hosted on the Internet (that is, in an environment that does not exclude the occurrence of software failures and does not have absolute protection from unlawful actions of third parties). The Contractor/Company undertakes to constantly monitor the confidentiality of the data provided by the Client and process it in accordance with current legislation, but on the basis stated above excludes guarantees to the Client of absolute confidentiality, as well as the safety/immutability of the Client’s data posted using the service. By accepting these rules, the Client authorizes the placement of his data in the Personal Account under his personal responsibility, using a personal password. 2.5. By agreeing to the placement of data in online services, the Client undertakes to comply with the following procedure for accessing the service: 2.5.1. To be able to use the full range of service tools, the Client must register before using the service in accordance with the procedure provided for in clause 2.5.3. these terms and conditions. 2.5.2. Registration of the Client provides for the Client to receive access to the entirety of the service tools, without any restrictions. 2.5.3. Registration of the Client in the Personal Account is carried out in the following order: The Client must open the login form: - The Client must read these rules and express his consent to the placement by the Contractor of the Client’s data (including the Client’s data specified when concluding the Agreement for the provision of paid medical services) in the form of clicking the button “I have read the rules and agree to use online service; — in the “Login” section, enter your email or mobile phone specified in the Contractor’s electronic medical record during registration; — in the “Password” section, enter the password that was issued by the Contractor during registration; — press the “Login” button; — follow the link sent to the email address specified during registration or enter the password received via SMS; 2.5.4. After logging in, the Client/User must: - in the “Profile” section, check your personal data, if a discrepancy is detected, either send a message to make changes to your personal data, or inform the Contractor, by phone 362-02-00, about an error in uploading data; — change the password issued by the Contractor during registration in the “Change Password” item, enter the created password;

3. Final provisions, rights and obligations of the User: 3.1. The User undertakes to independently take all necessary measures to maintain confidentiality, prevent unauthorized use and protect his authentication data (Login, Password) from unauthorized access by third parties. The user undertakes not to disclose his authentication data to third parties. 3.2. The User understands and agrees that to collect information about the use of the Service, Yandex.Metrics and Google.Analytics counters (hereinafter referred to as counters) are used only for the purpose of collecting depersonalized (anonymous) (without reference to the Users’ personal data) data about the User’s use of the Service. 3.3. A user representing the interests of a minor has the opportunity to use the Service with all the functionality provided to a minor in his online service. 3.4. Upon reaching the age of 15, a minor is automatically excluded from the ability of the User representing his interests to use access to his online service. 3.5. For all User actions performed when using the online service, the time of their completion is set equal to Novosibirsk time.

4. Final provisions, rights and obligations of the Client: 4.1. The client is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided by him when using the service. 4.2. The Client undertakes to take all necessary measures to ensure the security and protection of information that becomes available to the User as a result of using the online service. 4.3. The Client has the right, in accordance with the procedure established by the informed consent provided to the Contractor/Society when concluding an Agreement for the provision of paid medical services, to withdraw such consent, including to the extent provided for by these rules. 4.4. The Client confirms that he understands these rules. 4.5. These rules can only be accepted by the Client in full, without reservations or any exceptions.

5. Final provisions, rights and obligations of the Contractor and the Company: 5.1. The processing of the Client’s data is carried out by the Contractor and the Company in accordance with current legislation and the Client’s consent, expressed in the Client’s acceptance of these conditions. 5.2. If the Contractor/Company suspects that third parties have unauthorized access to the online service using the Client/User’s authentication data, the Company has the right to block access to the Service until the Client/User changes their authentication data using the Service’s tools. 5.3. The Company has the right at any time, without additional notice to the Client/User, to change or supplement these rules, as well as to develop and implement additional measures to ensure the safety of using the Service. The Company places a notice on changes to these conditions and/or the introduction of named security measures on the service’s WEB site. 5.4. The Contractor/Society is not responsible for damage caused to the Client/User as a result of illegal actions of third parties, software failure, and/or as a result of the Client/User’s failure to comply with the requirements of these terms and conditions. 5.5. Changes made to these rules by the Company come into force from the moment the new version of the conditions is published, unless a different date for entry into force is additionally determined upon publication of the current text of these conditions.

Progesterone level test

With a regular cycle, the hormone level should be examined on day 22. If the menstrual cycle is not regular, the doctor prescribes repeated tests in order to more accurately assess the state of hormonal levels.

A test for progesterone levels should be carried out no less than 8 hours after eating. The best time to get tested is in the morning. The concentration of the hormone progesterone is affected by the day of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and the use of certain medications.

If there is excessive progesterone production or its concentration is too low, the first thing to do is consult a specialist. The doctor will select an individual course of treatment and help eliminate the problem.

Next: » Thyroid-stimulating hormone

Progesterone when planning pregnancy

Progesterone is important not only during pregnancy, but also at the planning stage. It must be in a woman’s body in a certain concentration in order to improve the quality of the fertilized egg and create conditions favorable for conception in the uterus. In addition, progesterone prevents the appearance of cystic and fibrous formations in the genitals, improves the nutrition of adipose tissue, optimizes the functioning of the coagulation system and ensures normal glucose levels. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, any girl should be tested for progesterone levels in the blood. If it is outside the normal range, then you need to try to normalize its level by taking progesterone drugs.

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