Density of hydrogen peroxide. Methods of using hydrogen peroxide

In the article we will look at the density of hydrogen peroxide, as well as in what areas of life it is used.

Almost every home always has hydrogen peroxide. And if there is none, it can be purchased at absolutely any pharmacy. This is one of the most inexpensive, but at the same time useful means, which has a large number of advantages.

What is the density of hydrogen peroxide depending on the concentration? We'll talk about this below.

This product is a colorless liquid with powerful oxidizing properties, which allows it to act as a bleach. In addition, these same properties can react with bacteria, spores, viruses, and fungi, making it act as a good disinfectant. Interestingly, in high concentrations it can serve as a fuel in rocket science.

Density of hydrogen peroxide

Pure peroxide is a viscous, colorless liquid.

The density of hydrogen peroxide is 1440 kg/m. Moreover, its melting and boiling points are 0.45 and 151.3 degrees, respectively. Unlike water, such peroxide is an unstable compound. It can decompose even when exposed to room temperature and very easily when exposed to light or contact with certain catalysts. In a dilute aqueous solution, hydrogen peroxide is much more stable.

The hydrogen peroxide solution density table is presented below.

The slight stability of molecules of the formula H2O2 is due to the fragility of the bond. Peroxide can be mixed with water in absolutely any ratio. It is stored in dark glass containers.

Release form

Solution for local and external use 3%.

40, 100 ml in glass bottles or glass dropper bottles with a screw neck, sealed with PE stoppers and screw caps or caps with gaskets.

40, 100 ml in drug bottles made of high or low pressure PE, sealed with screw-on plastic caps with gaskets or with a special nozzle.

Each bottle and dropper bottle is placed in a cardboard pack.

Glass bottles of 40 and 100 ml are allowed to be packaged in cardboard boxes with partitions or grids made of corrugated cardboard.

It is allowed to pack PE bottles of 40 and 100 ml in PE shrink film or in cardboard boxes.

500, 1000 ml in bottles, sealed with screw-on plastic caps with gaskets (for hospital use).

12 fl. 500 ml, 8 fl. 1000 ml are packed in PE shrink film or in corrugated cardboard boxes (for hospitals).

Substance formula

The empirical formula for hydrogen peroxide is as follows: H2O2. The chemical composition of the drug is represented by hydrogen and oxygen, with each element having two atoms.

This unique liquid in the world is known primarily for its medicinal properties. Next, we will consider in detail the methods of using hydrogen peroxide.

For bad breath

If the unpleasant odor does not go away from the mouth even after a person brushes his teeth, then hydrogen peroxide can be used as a mouthwash. This procedure should continue for thirty seconds and the person will be surprised by the result. But, again, you cannot overdo it; you should use peroxide for these purposes only once a week, since the substance also kills beneficial bacteria in a person’s mouth.

For ear infection

Peroxide drops can be used to clear infections or clogged ears. However, it is worth remembering that a person will still have to see a doctor, since not all ear infections can be cured on their own, and they can lead to serious complications.

Hydrogen peroxide can also help with ear congestion.

Cold storage

Small concentrations of peroxide should be stored in dark places at a temperature of no more than 23 degrees. The most suitable place is the refrigerator. The shelf life of hydrogen peroxide after opening the bottle is 30 days.

It is strictly forbidden to contaminate the product by placing various objects into the container. Such contact will lead to decomposition and deterioration of the drug. High concentrations can be stored for up to 3 years.

Foot fungus

If a person suffers from itchy feet, hydrogen peroxide can be a very useful remedy due to its antifungal properties. Take equal parts of this product and water, and then spray it on your feet as a spray. Leave until dry, and then you can rinse your feet. This is a good preventive method against such a disease.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of this product is the interaction of human tissues with the release of molecular oxygen; the tissues contain the enzyme catalase, which breaks down the composition, and oxygen participates in the oxidation process, accompanying it with pronounced foaming. This foam mechanically cleans the damaged surface, removes pus, germs, dead cells, and stops bleeding.

It is important to respect the expiration date of hydrogen peroxide.

Lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide

If the roots of bleached hair begin to show, you should blot them with peroxide and leave for half an hour, and then rinse. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used to achieve gradual discoloration. Mix equal parts of the product and water, then add to the spray bottle. Then spray the solution onto the hair, distributing the product with a comb. Next, you need to wait until it is completely dry. It is worth considering that if you often resort to this method, bleached strands will appear on your hair.

Can hydrogen peroxide be used internally? What does it help with in this case?

Can the product be used if the period has expired?

The answer to this question is simple: you can use the drug, but it is not necessary, due to the fact that after the expiration date or storage conditions are violated, it loses all its medicinal properties.

Any medicines are primarily chemically synthesized compounds, often toxic. Read articles from our experts on how to store and what is the permissible shelf life of Phenazepam, Paracetamol, Otipax, Levomekol, Acyclovir, iodine, potassium permanganate, Linex, as well as what to do with expired medications in everyday life and how to dispose of expired medications.

Is it dangerous to use an expired drug?

The whole danger to a person when using an expired medication, which is discussed in the article, lies in the pointlessness of its use. In other words, there will be no harm, as well as benefit.

We talked about the cases in which medications can be used after the expiration date in this article.

What are the signs of a spoiled substance?

In order to check the suitability of this drug, you need to spray the solution on a cut of potato. If the solution fizzes, it means it can be used. If this does not happen, then the peroxide is spoiled and should not be used.

As for the disposal of a small amount of peroxide at home, after diluting it with water it will not cause any harm to the environment, although this contradicts the most strict interpretation of the rules for the disposal of hazardous waste.

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It is worth noting that this is a fairly strong antiseptic, which is used as a hemostatic agent. As a rule, it is used only externally. But is it permissible to drink hydrogen peroxide, and what should you do when it enters the body? If used correctly, this drug is completely safe, and it can even have a positive effect on the stomach, as it increases the amount of mucus that protects against the action of various acids.

But if you take hydrogen peroxide internally in its pure form, this can lead to internal bleeding, nausea, and, in addition, burns of the digestive system. Pain in the throat and stomach is possible. In addition, there is a risk of intoxication along with blockage of blood vessels in the kidneys and heart.

Taking peroxide orally according to Neumyvakin

Thanks to the work and experiments of the scientist Neumyvakin, oral hydrogen peroxide therapy has become understandable and accessible. A famous doctor, while researching hydroperite, conducted tests on himself and determined all the properties of this drug. The remedy in question, according to his statement, can fight cancer, it removes accumulated fats from the walls of blood vessels, and treats leukemia. You should use this drug every day, while the internal tissue will be saturated with oxygen. In addition, the drug is used in the following situations:

  • Against the background of joint diseases.
  • In order to prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
  • In case of psoriasis.
  • As part of the fight against fungal infections and viruses.
  • To improve the functioning of the immune system.
  • In case of hypertension.
  • To combat influenza and otolaryngological diseases.
  • Preventing tumor growth.
  • To cope with diseases of the throat, ears and nose. To do this, fifteen drops of peroxide must be instilled into the painful area.
  • Against the background of depression.
  • In order to alleviate gum disease (to do this, twenty drops of hydroperite must be mixed with half a spoon of soda and two drops of lemon juice, then mix everything and brush your teeth).
  • In case of presence of varicose veins.

According to the recommendations of the scientist Neumyvakin, peroxide should be taken orally three times, one drop of a three percent solution. The product must be dissolved in a quarter glass of water. Then you need to add a drop every day, bringing the single dosage to ten. Then they take a short break (three or four days); after resting, the solution with peroxide must again be taken ten drops throughout the week. Then a break is taken and everything is repeated again.

Additional uses

Hydrogen peroxide is used, among other things, as follows:

  • Like a deodorant. It can also be used as a deodorant, mixed in a ratio of one to two with dishwashing detergent. Apply this mixture for thirty minutes and wash off. This product can be used as a last resort if a person forgets to buy deodorant.
  • Like a detox bath. This procedure helps rid the body of toxins; it has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Fill the bathtub with warm or hot water, adding two cups of hydrogen peroxide. Take a bath for thirty minutes.
  • For cleaning contact lenses. This eye tool accumulates protein deposits. One option to get rid of them is hydrogen peroxide, which is an active ingredient in many cleansing preparations.
  • For disinfecting toothbrushes. You should apply a little hydrogen peroxide to your toothbrushes from time to time. This will help destroy bacteria and also reduce the likelihood of them entering the body.
  • Softening calluses. If calluses and corns appear on a person’s feet, a mixture of peroxide and water will help soften them.

Chemical features

Since both oxygen atoms are in the intermediate oxidation state -1, the antiseptic can exhibit both oxidizing and reducing properties. It participates in the oxidation of nitrites to nitrates and the release of iodines from metal iodides. The substance can also break down unsaturated compounds.

Peroxide has weak acidic properties, so it dissociates in two steps:

  • H2O2↔H++OOH−
  • OOH−↔H++O22−

The substance is slightly more acidic than H2O. Some metal peroxides can be considered as its salts. In an acidic environment, peroxide serves as an oxidizing agent, and in an alkaline environment, it serves as a reducing agent.

Reacting with stronger oxidizing agents, for example, with salts of silver and gold, hydrogen serves as a reducing agent and is oxidized to atomic oxygen. In the reaction with potassium nitrite, the substance acts as an oxidizing agent. If the molecule accepts an electron to the outer level, then the oxidation state of oxygen changes to -2; if she gives it away, then the compound becomes a reducing agent. Oxidation of organic substances with peroxide is usually carried out in acetic acid.

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