Instructions for use of Formalin, methods of application and analogues

A formaldehyde aqueous solution stabilized with methyl alcohol through partial oxidation is Formalin. Previously, the substance was used only to disinfect premises and various objects. After it was found that the product had a compacting effect on protein compounds, it began to be used as a tissue preservative. For histology, a neutral buffered solution is required. In addition, formalin is a good remedy for sweating of the armpits and legs and is used in veterinary medicine.


The product is used for medical purposes and as a disinfectant liquid for the following pathologies and situations:

  • For obvious sweating
  • For unpleasant foot odor
  • For douching
  • When disinfecting hands
  • For the purpose of disinfection of medical devices, equipment, tools
  • For the treatment of animals with carbamide poisoning
  • When infected with non-spore-forming parasites in veterinary medicine
  • For disinfection of livestock buildings
  • When preserving biological pieces of material, serums, vaccines
  • For embalming fabrics.

Poisoning prevention measures

However, it is always better to prevent harm than to eliminate it later. Therefore, to reduce the toxic effects of formaldehyde, it is enough to follow a number of simple rules:

  • sealing premises for the production of materials and furniture containing formaldehyde;
  • use of personal protective equipment and hygiene measures during work;
  • when purchasing, you must carefully study the composition of the product and avoid products containing formaldehyde, which may include shampoos, washing gels, nail polishes, canned food and smoked meats;
  • regular ventilation and avoidance of smoking in residential areas;
  • mandatory washing of purchased items made from finished fabrics;
  • forced ventilation of rooms with new flooring or carpeting, chipboard furniture;
  • breeding plants that absorb formaldehyde from the air: dracaena, chlorophytum, ivy, fern, ficus Benjamin, bamboo palm, bush chrysanthemum.

Among the technical means, air purification systems with a special set of adsorbents have become widespread, guaranteeing the removal of formaldehyde, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Very often, the symptoms of intoxication are similar to signs of other diseases, for example, asthmatic bronchitis in children or gastrointestinal disorders in adults. Therefore, to protect health, it is necessary to put as many barriers as possible to the possible penetration of excess formaldehyde into the environment and eliminate all risk factors for poisoning.

Medicinal properties

Formalin solution is made on the basis of formaldehyde stabilized with methyl alcohol. It has an antiseptic, deodorizing, cauterizing effect. Thanks to its ability to screw in protein compounds, it fixes tissues and reduces the secretory functions of epithelial glands.

In aqueous solutions, formaldehyde is in liquid form, which makes it easy to react even with weak reagents belonging to the group of aliphatic aldehydes.

Denaturing properties in relation to protein elements make it possible to create anatomical preparations and participate in the conservation of biological materials. Formalin 10% (neutral) solution is stored for a long time and is used in histology as the most common fixative. In aqueous solutions, formaldehyde decomposes over time into formic acid, acetone and methyl alcohol, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of fixation and precipitation. To restore the properties of the substance, it is necessary to heat it to 800C.

Formalin acts as an antiparasitic and anthelmintic agent. Application in veterinary medicine is to treat animals with urea poisoning.

Quickly eliminates spore subgroup strains, viruses and protozoa. Anthrax cells are destroyed during treatment and die within 2-4 hours. Gets rid of ticks, destroys eggs and larvae of parasites.

A 1% alcohol-based solution is prescribed for severe sweating and unpleasant foot odor.

A 0.5% composition is used to disinfect medical equipment.

Emission classes for chipboard production

The main source of formaldehyde in residential and office premises is furniture and building materials, so it has become important to study its release (emission) from them. During the first year and a half from the moment the sofa or laminate is manufactured, the most intense emission occurs, leading to an increase in the formaldehyde content in the air of the apartment. Then it decreases, but in damp and poorly ventilated areas, the process of releasing toxins will continue for many years.

In accordance with international requirements, chipboard manufacturers assign emission classes to their products, indicating the level of free formaldehyde content in 100 g of absolutely dry matter. Class markings and their characteristics are as follows:

  • E-0 completely eliminates the content of formaldehyde, indicating the environmental friendliness of the product. MDF and laminate are safe even with a significant increase in temperature and humidity in the room.
  • E-0.5 indicates that the formaldehyde content in dry material is up to 5 mg per 100 g of weight. This quality meets the requirements for export products and foreign orders (for example, the Swedish concern IKEA) placed in Russian factories.
  • E-1 states that the formaldehyde content ranges from 5 to 10 mg inclusive for every 100 g of weight. Such boards can be used to make children's furniture.
  • E-2 indicates a content of 10 to 30 mg of substance per 100 g of material. The production of boards with large amounts of formaldehyde is prohibited.

Read also Nerve agents

Methods of application

Depending on the purpose, different concentrations of Formalin are used:

From sweating

To clean and rinse the skin for mycoses and unpleasant odor of the feet and armpits, a 0.5-3% composition is prescribed. Apply a thin layer for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with water. To prevent irritation, it is recommended to treat your feet no more than 1-2 times a week. Baths with the drug help a lot. It is necessary to start with low concentrations and gradually increase the dosage. The treatment period is about 2-3 months.

To sanitize shoes, the product is diluted with 30% acetic acid in equal proportions. For preventive purposes, cotton pads are moistened with a 25% solution and placed on insoles for a day. This helps eliminate sweaty feet and has a deodorizing effect.


For infectious vaginitis, vaginal catarrh, endometritis, 0.05% (20 g) of the substance is prescribed per 1 liter of water. Treatment is carried out once every 7 days for 2 months.


A 1% solution is intended for disinfection of equipment, equipment and objects. Medical threads and dressings are immersed in a 4% composition for 24 and 72 hours, respectively. A 0.5% product is used to treat fingers.

To disinfect premises, Formalin is sprayed using a spray bottle at the rate of 20 ml per 1 m3 of space with a duration of action of 5-7 hours. After which the room is ventilated, excess odor is removed with a liquid based on ammonia.


Making preparations involves fixing the material, creating sections, and staining the tissue. The essence of the process is protection from rotting and fermentation. An alcohol-based solution of Formalin is diluted with water in a concentration of 10 to 90 parts. Within 72 hours, the fabrics are impregnated and fixed with high quality. In stronger dosages, the pieces become denser and become covered with a crust, which prevents deep self-destruction. To avoid the release of formic acid, the product is neutralized with chalk. For accelerated research, the liquid is heated to 800C.

Chemical composition of formalin

How is formaldehyde obtained? The formula of this substance is CH2O. Formaldehyde (formic acid aldehyde), which is a colorless gas with a suffocating odor, turns into a clear liquid when cooled to -21 ° C. Its melting point is -92° C. Upon oxidation, it turns into formic acid. Formaldehyde is produced by exposing methyl alcohol to methyl alcohol in the form of vapor in the presence of catalysts. Of these, silver has proven to be particularly productive, although the industry uses copper, which is more readily available. The resulting distillation accumulates water, resulting in formaldehyde. It may contain impurities of acetone, acetic or formic acid. When formaldehyde is evaporated, the residue is a dense mass of polymers that are insoluble in cold water.


In case of severe poisoning, lesions are observed due to the penetration of toxic vapors and elements into the blood. As a result of the cauterizing properties, tissue death develops.

In severe cases, severe intoxication with impaired renal and liver function was observed.

Exceeding the concentration when disinfecting premises or treating feet is accompanied by lacrimation, spasms of the respiratory organs, and burns of the integument. When ingested, drugs based on urea and ammonia act as an antidote. You cannot induce vomiting. Cleaning the digestive organs is carried out only with the help of a special probe.

In case of vapor poisoning, inhalation with ammonia is prescribed.

Treatment of acute intoxication

Poisoning with formic aldehyde, which is equivalent in toxicity to hydrocyanic acid or arsenic, occurs through the skin or by inhalation. The first pronounced symptoms appear within 12 hours, always have a specific course (the eyes, mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system are affected) and require emergency care. Treatment consists of the following set of measures:

  • using a probe, gastric lavage with a 3% solution of ammonium carbonate;
  • activated carbon, saline laxative, cleansing enemas;
  • abundant alkaline drinks in the form of milk, mucous decoctions and raw eggs;
  • washing the affected skin, nose and mouth with soapy water, eyes with water; cold lotions;
  • oxygen inhalation, ventilation or tracheotomy;
  • compensation for cardiovascular, renal and liver failure;
  • symptomatic and antishock therapy.

The main condition for the entire duration of treatment is to neutralize the victim’s contact with formaldehyde. As a result of intoxication, sensitivity to it increases and persists for a long time.

Storage and disposal rules

The product must be kept in a closed place, the bottles must be carefully sealed. Shelf life - no more than two years at temperatures up to 90 C.

The drug must not be poured into the sewer. In medical institutions there are special containers for biological waste. At home, it is recommended to first neutralize the solution using hydrogen peroxide, ammonia or copper hydroxide. After this, disposal can be carried out in carefully packed containers.

Precautions when working with formaldehyde

When purchasing this substance, do not forget how dangerous formaldehyde can be. What are these precautions? The guaranteed shelf life of this substance from the date of manufacture is 90 days. Formalin is sold in bottles, canisters, and barrels. The formaldehyde solution should be kept as far as possible from children. When formalin is taken orally, a burning sensation and pain appear in the esophagus and stomach. After this, vomiting of blood appears. Also, formaldehyde poisoning causes coughing, sneezing, hyperthermia of the eye mucosa, and shortness of breath. A person may experience convulsions, dizziness, and panic attacks. In some cases, formalin poisoning ends in death, which occurs due to respiratory paralysis and asphyxia. Lethal dose – 10-15 ml of 35% solution. The smell of formaldehyde in high concentrations can also cause an allergic reaction.


Various preparations with antiseptic, antimycotic and disinfecting properties are prepared on the basis of Formalin:


Medical Lysoform, Ukraine

Cost: Spray 250 ml – 180-200 rubles. Size 1000 ml – 500-550 rub.

Lysoform is presented in the form of an antiseptic, which is used to treat the skin of the feet in case of infectious diseases, eliminates excessive sweating, and deodorizes. Used for disinfection of instruments and equipment. Consists of 40% formalin, 40% potassium soap solution, 20% alcohol.

Using the medication, douching is done and the burn areas are lubricated. The medicine disinfects lesions of the epidermis with exudate from furunculosis, eczema, and helps eliminate mycoses. For use only in diluted form.

The solution is yellowish, transparent. Bottled in plastic bottles with a sprayer of 250 ml. The second form of release is 1000 ml propylene cylinders, the kit includes a spray bottle. Each bottle has a label with instructions. The smell is pungent and specific.


  • Doesn't dry out the skin and is gentle.
  • Convenient to use bottle.


  • Not prescribed for pregnant women and children.
  • Cannot be applied to the face.


JSC YaFF, Russia

Cost: Solution 50 ml – 20-25 rubles. 100 ml – 30-35 rub.

The drug has an antiprotozoal and deodorizing effect, which determines its use for sweating. Thanks to the formaldehyde contained in the composition, it eliminates unpleasant foot odor and destroys mycotic spore cells. Used to disinfect shoes for preventive purposes. Contains the active ingredient, ethanol, water and fragrance.

To treat with the product, moisten a swab and treat the affected areas twice a day until the symptoms disappear. If irritation, rash, peeling, itching on the epidermis is observed, use should be stopped immediately.

Available in dark brown bottles of 50 and 100 ml. The liquid is clear, with a characteristic strong odor. The bottles are placed in cardboard boxes along with instructions. Each container is tightly closed with a polyethylene stopper and lid.


  • Quickly eliminates unpleasant odor from feet and shoes
  • Affordable price.


  • May dry out skin
  • Sometimes it causes a burning sensation when processed.
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