Prednisolone-Ferein solution for IV and IM administration 30 mg/ml in 1 ml ampoules No. 5x2


Composition of Prednisolone in ampoules: active substance at a concentration of 30 mg/ml, as well as sodium pyrosulfate (additive E223), disodium edetate, nicotinamide, sodium hydroxide, water for injection.
Composition of Prednisolone tablets: 1 or 5 mg of active substance, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, stearic acid, starch (potato and corn), talc, lactose monohydrate.

Prednisolone ointment contains 0.05 g of active substance, soft white paraffin, glycerin, stearic acid, methyl and propyl parahydroxybenzoate, Cremophor A25 and A6, purified water.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological group: Corticosteroids (drug group - I, this means that prednisolone is a weakly active GCS).

Prednisolone - hormonal or not?

Prednisolone is a hormonal drug for local and systemic use with an average duration of action.

It is a dehydrated analogue of the hormone hydrocortisone . Its activity is four times higher than the activity of hydrocortisone.

Prevents the development of an allergic reaction (if the reaction has already begun, it stops it), suppresses the activity of the immune system , relieves inflammation, increases the sensitivity of β2-adrenergic receptors to endogenous catecholamines, and has an anti-shock effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Pharmacodynamics. Prednisolone - what is it?

The mechanism of action of Prednisolone is associated with its ability to interact with certain intracellular (cytoplasmic) receptors. These receptors are found in all tissues of the body, but most of them are in the liver.

As a result of this interaction, complexes inducing the synthesis of proteins (including enzymes that regulate vital intracellular processes) are formed.

Acts at all stages of development of the inflammatory process: suppresses the synthesis of Pg at the level of arachidonic acid, and also prevents the formation of pro-inflammatory cytokines - IFN-β and IFN-γ, IL-1, TNF, neopterin; increases the resistance of plasma membranes to damaging factors.

It affects the metabolism of lipids and proteins, and also, to a slightly lesser extent, the exchange of water and electrolytes.

The immunosuppressive effect is realized due to the ability of the drug to cause involution of lymphoid tissue , inhibit the proliferation of lymphocytes , migration of B cells, and the interaction of B and T lymphocytes , inhibit the release of IFN-γ, IL-1 and IL-2 from macrophages and lymphocytes , reduce the formation antibodies .

Inhibition of the allergic reaction is carried out by reducing the secretion and synthesis of allergic , reducing the number of circulating basophilic leukocytes , suppressing the release of histamine from sensitized mast cells and basophilic leukocytes , suppressing the development of connective and lymphoid tissue , reducing the number of mast cells, B- and T-lymphocytes , reducing allergy mediators , suppression of antibody , changes in the immune response.

Inhibits the synthesis and secretion of corticotropin and, secondarily, endogenous corticosteroids.

When applied externally, it relieves inflammation, inhibits the development of an allergic reaction , relieves itching and inflammation, reduces exudation , and suppresses the activity of the immune system in relation to type III-IV hypersensitivity reactions.


After taking the tablet, it is quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. TSmax - from 60 to 90 minutes. Up to 90% of the administered dose of prednisolone is bound to plasma proteins.

The substance undergoes biotransformation in the liver. From 80 to 90% of metabolic products are excreted in urine and bile, about 20% of the dose is eliminated in its pure form. T1/2 - from 2 to 4 hours.

Pharmacological properties

has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, immunosuppressive, antishock and antitoxic effects. in relatively high doses suppresses the activity of fibroblasts, the synthesis of collagen, reticuloendothelium and connective tissue (inhibition of the proliferative phase of inflammation), delays synthesis and accelerates protein catabolism in muscle tissue, but increases its synthesis in the liver. The antiallergic and immunosuppressive properties of the drug are due to inhibition of the development of lymphoid tissue with its involution with long-term use, a decrease in the number of circulating T- and B-lymphocytes, inhibition of mast cell degranulation, and inhibition of antibody production. The antishock effect of the drug is due to an increase in the vascular response to endo- and exogenous vasoconstrictor substances, with restoration of the sensitivity of vascular receptors to catecholamines and an increase in their hypertensive effect, as well as a delay in the excretion of sodium and water from the body.

The antitoxic effect of the drug is associated with the stimulation of protein synthesis processes in the liver and the acceleration of inactivation of endogenous toxic metabolites and xenobiotics in it, as well as with an increase in the stability of cell membranes, including hepatocytes.

Enhances the deposition of glycogen in the liver and the synthesis of glucose from the products of protein metabolism. An increase in blood glucose levels activates the release of insulin. Suppresses the uptake of glucose by fat cells, which leads to activation of lipolysis. However, due to increased insulin secretion, lipogenesis is stimulated, which promotes fat accumulation. Reduces calcium absorption in the intestines, increases its leaching from bones and excretion by the kidneys. Suppresses the release of ACTH and β-lipotropin by the pituitary gland, and therefore, with long-term use, the drug can contribute to the development of functional insufficiency of the adrenal cortex.

The main factors limiting long-term prednisolone therapy are osteoporosis and Itsenko-Cushing syndrome. Prednisolone suppresses the secretion of thyroid-stimulating and follicle-stimulating hormones.

In high doses, it can increase the excitability of brain tissue and help lower the threshold for convulsive readiness.

Stimulates excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the stomach, and therefore can cause the development of peptic ulcers.

Pharmacokinetics. When administered, it is absorbed into the blood quickly, but compared to reaching the maximum level in the blood, the pharmacological effect of the drug is significantly delayed and develops within 2–8 hours. In the blood plasma, most of prednisolone binds to transcortin (cortisol-binding globulin), and when the process is saturated, to albumin. With a decrease in protein synthesis, a decrease in the binding capacity of albumin is observed, which can lead to an increase in the free fraction of prednisolone and, as a consequence, the manifestation of its toxic effect when using normal therapeutic doses. T½ in adults is 2–4 hours, in children it is shorter. Metabolized by oxidation mainly in the liver, as well as in the kidneys, small intestine, and bronchi. Oxidized forms are glucuronidated or sulfated and excreted by the kidneys in the form of conjugates.

About 20% of prednisolone is excreted from the body unchanged by the kidneys, a small part is excreted in the bile.

In liver diseases, the metabolism of prednisolone slows down and the degree of its binding to plasma proteins decreases, which leads to an increase in T½ of the drug.

Indications for use of Prednisolone

What are the tablets and injection solution for?

Systemic use is advisable for:

  • allergic diseases (including food or drug , toxicoderma , serum sickness , atopic/contact dermatitis , hay fever , allergic rhinitis , urticaria , Stevens-Johnson syndrome , Quincke's edema );
  • chorea minor , rheumatic fever , rheumatic carditis ;
  • acute and chronic diseases that are accompanied by inflammation in the joints and periarticular tissue ( synovitis , nonspecific tenosynovitis , seronegative spondyloarthritis , epicondylitis , osteoarthritis (including post-traumatic), etc.);
  • diffuse connective tissue diseases;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • status asthmaticus and asthma;
  • lung cancer (the drug is prescribed in combination with cytostatics);
  • interstitial diseases of the lung tissue ( fibrosis , acute alveolitis , sarcoidosis , etc.);
  • eosinophilic and aspiration pneumonia , tuberculous meningitis , pulmonary tuberculosis (as an addition to specific therapy);
  • primary and secondary hypocortisolism (including after adrenalectomy );
  • congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) or dysfunction of their cortex;
  • granulomatous thyroiditis;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypoglycemic conditions;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs and blood ( leukemia , anemia and diseases associated with damage to the hemostatic system );
  • cerebral edema (post-radiation, developing with a tumor, after surgery or trauma; the annotation and Vidal reference book indicate that for cerebral edema, treatment begins with parenteral forms of the drug);
  • autoimmune and other skin diseases (including Dühring's disease , psoriasis , eczema , pemphigus , Lyell's syndrome , exfoliative dermatitis );
  • eye diseases (including autoimmune and allergic; including uveitis , allergic ulcerative keratitis , allergic conjunctivitis , sympathetic ophthalmia , choroiditis , iridocyclitis , non-purulent keratitis , etc.);
  • hypercalcemia developing against the background of cancer .

Indications for the use of injections are emergency conditions, for example, an acute attack of food allergies or anaphylactic shock . After several days of parenteral use, the patient is usually transferred to the tablet form of Prednisolone.

Indications for the use of tablets are chronic and severe pathologies (for example, bronchial asthma ).

Prednisolone solution and tablets are also used to prevent transplant rejection and relieve nausea/vomiting in patients receiving cytostatics .

Prednisolone ointment: why and when is external use of the drug indicated?

As an external agent, prednisolone is used for allergies and for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases of non-microbial etiology. Indications for use of the ointment:

  • limited neurodermatitis;
  • dermatitis (contact, allergic and atopic);
  • discoid lupus erythematosus;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • erythroderma;
  • toxicoderma;
  • hives.

Prednisolone: ​​what are eye drops prescribed for?

Eye drops are prescribed to relieve inflammation of a non-infectious nature affecting the anterior segment of the eye, as well as inflammation that develops after an eye injury or ophthalmic surgery.

Local use of Prednisolone is justified for the following eye diseases:

  • iridocyclitis;
  • uveitis;
  • iritis;
  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis (in particular, discoid and parenchymal ; in cases where the epithelial tissue of the cornea is not damaged);
  • scleritis;
  • episcleritis;
  • blepharitis;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis;
  • sympathetic ophthalmia.


IM, IV administration:

  • systemic connective tissue diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, periarthritis nodosa, ankylosing spondylitis;
  • hematological diseases: acute hemolytic anemia, lymphogranulomatosis, granulocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura, agranulocytosis, various forms of leukemia;
  • skin diseases: common eczema, exudative erythema multiforme, pemphigus vulgaris, erythroderma, exfoliative dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, alopecia, adrenogenital syndrome;
  • replacement therapy: Addison's crisis;
  • emergency conditions: severe forms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, shock (burn, traumatic, surgical, anaphylactic, toxic, transfusion), status asthmaticus, acute adrenal insufficiency, hepatic coma, severe allergic and anaphylactic reactions, hypoglycemic conditions.

Intra-articular administration: chronic polyarthritis, osteoarthritis of large joints, rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic arthritis, arthrosis.


If systemic use of the drug is necessary for health reasons, the only contraindication may be intolerance to one or more of its constituent components.

Other contraindications to the use of solution and tablets are:

  • infectious and parasitic diseases caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses (including those recently transmitted by a person, including contact with a sick person). Such diseases include: herpes virus infection , measles , strongyloidiasis (or suspicion of it), amoebiasis , tuberculosis (active or latent), systemic mycosis .
  • Diseases of the digestive tract ( peptic ulcer of the duodenum/stomach , peptic ulcer , ulcerative colitis with threat of abscessation or perforation, recently performed anastomosis of the intestinal tube , diverticulitis ).
  • Cardiovascular pathologies , including recent myocardial infarction (in patients with acute/subacute myocardial infarction, the use of Prednisolone can provoke the spread of a necrotic lesion and slow down the formation of scar tissue, which in turn increases the risk of rupture of the heart muscle), decompensated CHF , arterial hypertension .
  • Hyperlipidemia.
  • Immunodeficiency conditions (including HIV infection , AIDS ).
  • Post-vaccination period (the drug is not prescribed during the period of 8 weeks before and 2 weeks after the vaccine).
  • Lymphadenitis developed after BCG vaccination .
  • Diseases of the endocrine system : Itsenko-Cushing's disease , hyper- or hypothyroidism , diabetes mellitus .
  • Severe degree of functional kidney/liver failure.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Hypoalbuminemia , as well as conditions predisposing to its development.
  • Systemic osteoporosis.
  • Acute psychosis.
  • Myasthenia gravis.
  • III-IV stages of obesity.
  • Closed and open angle glaucoma.
  • Poliomyelitis (with the exception of the form of bulbar encephalitis).
  • Lactation.
  • Pregnancy.

For patients with severe infectious diseases, Prednisolone tablets and injections are prescribed only against the background of specific therapy.

Contraindications to intra-articular administration of the drug are:

  • pathological bleeding (due to the use of anticoagulants or endogenous );
  • pyogenic arthritis and periarticular infections (including a history);
  • transarticular bone fracture;
  • systemic infections;
  • “dry” joint (no signs of inflammation in the joint: for example, with osteoarthritis without signs of inflammation of the synovial membrane );
  • severe joint deformity , bone destruction or periarticular osteoporosis ;
  • developed due to arthritis ;
  • aseptic necrosis of the epiphyses of the bones that form the joint;
  • pregnancy.

On the skin Prednisolone should not be used for:

  • mycoses, viral and bacterial skin lesions;
  • skin manifestations of syphilis ;
  • skin tumors;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acne (in particular, with rosacea and acne vulgaris);
  • pregnancy.

Eye drops are not prescribed to patients with fungal and viral eye infections , impaired integrity of the corneal epithelium, trachoma , acute purulent and viral conjunctivitis , purulent infection of the eyelids and mucous membrane , purulent corneal ulcer , eye tuberculosis , as well as for conditions that developed after removal of a foreign object from the cornea of ​​the eye.


In case of overdose, nausea, vomiting, bradycardia, arrhythmia, increased symptoms of heart failure, cardiac arrest, hypokalemia, increased blood pressure, convulsions, hyperglycemia, thromboembolism, acute psychosis, dizziness, headache are possible, symptoms of hypercorticism may develop: weight gain, edema development , hypertension, glucosuria, hypokalemia. in children with an overdose, suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, Cushing's syndrome, decreased excretion of growth hormone, and increased intracranial pressure is possible.

Treatment: discontinuation of the drug, symptomatic therapy, and, if necessary, correction of electrolyte balance. There is no specific antidote.

Side effects of Prednisolone

The incidence and severity of side effects of Prednisolone are influenced by the dose used, duration, method, as well as the ability to comply with the circadian rhythm of drug use.

Systemic use of the drug may cause:

  • fluid and Na+ retention in the body, development of nitrogen deficiency , hypokalemic alkalosis , hypokalemia , glucosuria , hyperglycemia , weight gain;
  • secondary hypocortisolism and hypopituitarism (especially if taking GCS coincides with periods of stress - injuries, surgeries, illnesses, etc.), growth suppression in children, Cushing's syndrome , menstrual irregularities, manifestations of LADA-diabetes mellitus , decreased tolerance to glucose, increased need for oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin in diabetics;
  • increased blood pressure, CHF (or increased severity), hypercoagulation , ECG changes characteristic of hypokalemia thrombosis , spread of necrotic lesions and slowed scar formation with possible rupture of the heart muscle in patients with acute/subacute MI, obliterating endarteritis ;
  • steroid myopathy , muscle weakness, avascular necrosis of the head of the humerus and femur, loss of muscle mass, compression fracture of the spine and pathological fractures of long bones, osteoporosis ;
  • ulcerative esophagitis , flatulence , digestive disorders, vomiting, nausea, increased appetite, development a steroid ulcer with possible complications in the form of its perforation and bleeding from the ulcer, pancreatitis ;
  • hypo- or hyperpigmentation of the skin, atrophy of the skin and/or subcutaneous tissue , the appearance of acne, atrophic stripes, abscesses , delayed wound healing, ecchymosis , petechiae , thinning of the skin, increased sweating, erythema ;
  • mental disorders (possible hallucinations, delirium , euphoria , depression ), pseudotumor cerebri syndrome (most often develops in children when the dose is reduced too quickly and manifests itself in the form of decreased visual acuity, headaches, diplopia), sleep disorders, vertigo , dizziness, headache , development of cataracts with localization of opacity in the back of the lens, ocular hypertension (there is a possibility of damage to the optic nerve ), steroid exophthalmos , glaucoma , sudden blindness (with the introduction of a d/i solution into the area of ​​the nasal sinuses, head and neck);
  • hypersensitivity reactions (both local and generalized);
  • general weakness;
  • fainting states.

Effects of application on the skin:

  • telangiectasia;
  • purpura;
  • steroid acne;
  • burning, irritation, dryness and itching of the skin.

When applied to large surfaces of the skin and/or with prolonged use of the ointment, systemic effects develop, hypertrichosis , atrophic changes and secondary infection of the skin .

Treatment with eye drops may be accompanied by ocular hypertension , damage to the optic nerve , impaired visual acuity/narrowing of the visual field, increased likelihood of perforation of the cornea , and the development of cataracts with clouding localized in the posterior part of the lens. In rare cases, or viral eye disease spread .

Signs of withdrawal syndrome

One of the consequences of using GCS may be “withdrawal syndrome” . Its severity depends on the functional state of the adrenal cortex . In mild cases, after stopping treatment with Prednisolone, malaise, weakness, fatigue, muscle pain, loss of appetite, hyperthermia, and exacerbation of the underlying disease are possible.

In severe cases, the patient may develop a hypoadrenal crisis , which is accompanied by vomiting, convulsions , and collapse . death from acute cardiovascular failure occurs in a short time .

Prednisolone-Ferein solution for IV and IM administration 30 mg/ml in 1 ml ampoules No. 5x2



Main active ingredient


Release form

solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1 ml of the drug in glass ampoules or glass ampoules with a break ring. 3, 5 or 10 ampoules of the drug, together with instructions for medical use and a ceramic cutting disc for opening the ampoules, are placed in a pack of cardboard boxes with partitions or a corrugated insert, or with a polymer insert made of polyvinyl chloride film for placing and fixing the ampoules. 1 ml of the drug in glass ampoules with a break ring of 1 ml. 5 ampoules of the drug are placed in a blister made of polyvinyl chloride film, which is covered with a pack of boxed cardboard (chrome-ersatz).


30 mg / 1 ml 1 ml


It has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, immunosuppressive, antishock and antitoxic effects. In relatively large doses, it inhibits the activity of fibroblasts, the synthesis of collagen, reticuloendothelium and connective tissue (inhibition of the proliferative phase of inflammation), delays synthesis and accelerates protein catabolism in muscle tissue, but increases its synthesis in the liver. The antiallergic and immunosuppressive properties of the drug are due to inhibition of the development of lymphoid tissue with its involution with long-term use, a decrease in the number of circulating T- and B-lymphocytes, inhibition of mast cell degranulation, and suppression of antibody production. The antishock effect of the drug is due to an increase in the vascular response to endo- and exogenous vasoconstrictor substances, with restoration of the sensitivity of vascular receptors to catecholamines and an increase in their hypertensive effect, as well as a delay in the excretion of sodium and water from the body. The antitoxic effect of the drug is associated with the stimulation of protein synthesis processes in the liver and the acceleration of inactivation of endogenous toxic metabolites and xenobiotics in it, as well as with an increase in the stability of cell membranes, incl. hepatocytes. Enhances the deposition of glycogen in the liver and the synthesis of glucose from the products of protein metabolism. An increase in blood glucose levels activates the release of insulin. Inhibits the uptake of glucose by fat cells, which leads to activation of lipolysis. However, due to increased insulin secretion, lipogenesis is stimulated, which promotes fat accumulation. Reduces calcium absorption in the intestine, increases its leaching from bones and excretion by the kidneys. Suppresses the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone and β-lipotropin by the pituitary gland, and therefore, with long-term use, the drug can contribute to the development of functional insufficiency of the adrenal cortex. The main factors limiting long-term prednisone therapy are osteoporosis and Cushing's syndrome. Prednisolone inhibits the secretion of thyroid-stimulating and follicle-stimulating hormones. In high doses, it can increase the excitability of brain tissue and help lower the threshold for convulsive readiness. Stimulates excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the stomach, and therefore may contribute to the development of peptic ulcers.


When administered intramuscularly, it is absorbed into the blood quickly, however, compared to reaching the maximum level in the blood, the pharmacological effect of the drug is significantly delayed and develops within 2-8 hours. In the blood plasma, most of prednisolone binds to transcortin (cortisol-binding globulin), and when the process is saturated, to albumin. With a decrease in protein synthesis, a decrease in the binding capacity of albumin is observed, which can cause an increase in the free fraction of prednisolone and, as a consequence, the manifestation of its toxic effect when using normal therapeutic doses. The half-life in adults is 2-4 hours, in children it is shorter. It is biotransformed by oxidation mainly in the liver, as well as in the kidneys, small intestine, and bronchi. Oxidized forms are glucuronidated or sulfated and excreted by the kidneys in the form of conjugates. About 20% of prednisolone is excreted from the body unchanged by the kidneys; a small part is excreted in bile. In liver diseases, the metabolism of prednisolone slows down and the degree of its binding to plasma proteins decreases, which leads to an increase in the half-life of the drug.

Indications for use

Intramuscular, intravenous administration: systemic connective tissue diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma, periarteritis nodosa, ankylosing spondylitis; hematological diseases: acute hemolytic anemia, lymphogranulomatosis, granulocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura, agranulocytosis, various forms of leukemia; skin diseases: eczema vulgaris, exudative erythema multiforme, pemphigus vulgaris, erythroderma, exfoliative dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, alopecia, adrenogenital syndrome; replacement therapy: Addison's crisis; emergency conditions: severe forms of nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, shock (burn, traumatic, surgical, anaphylactic, toxic, transfusion), status asthmaticus, acute adrenal insufficiency, hepatic coma, severe allergic and anaphylactic reactions, hypoglycemic reactions; Intra-articular administration: chronic polyarthritis, osteoarthritis of large joints, rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic arthritis, arthrosis; For infectious diseases and latent forms of tuberculosis, the drug should be prescribed only in combination with antibiotics and anti-tuberculosis drugs. If it is necessary to use prednisolone while taking oral hypoglycemic drugs or anticoagulants, it is necessary to adjust the dosage regimen of the latter. In patients with thrombocytopenic purpura, the drug should be used only intravenously. After cessation of treatment, withdrawal syndrome, adrenal insufficiency, and exacerbation of the disease for which prednisolone was prescribed may occur. If, after finishing treatment with prednisolone, functional adrenal insufficiency is observed, use of the drug should be resumed immediately, and the dose reduction should be carried out very slowly and with caution (for example, the daily dose should be reduced by 2-3 mg over 7-10 days). Because of the risk of developing hypercortisolism, a new course of treatment with cortisone, after a previous long-term treatment with prednisone over several months, should always be started with low initial doses (except in acute life-threatening conditions). Electrolyte balance should be especially carefully monitored when prednisolone is used in combination with diuretics. With long-term treatment with prednisolone to prevent hypokalemia, it is necessary to prescribe potassium supplements and an appropriate diet due to a possible increase in intraocular pressure and the risk of developing subcapsular cataracts. During treatment, especially long-term treatment, observation by an ophthalmologist is necessary. If there is a history of psoriasis, use prednisolone in high doses with extreme caution. If there is a history of psychosis or seizures, prednisolone should be used only in minimal effective doses. Particular caution should be taken when prescribing the drug for migraines or a history of certain parasitic diseases (especially amoebiasis). Prednisolone should be prescribed to children with special caution. Prescribe with particular caution in immunodeficiency states (including AIDS or HIV infection). Also prescribe with caution after a recent myocardial infarction (in patients with acute, subacute myocardial infarction, expansion of the focus of necrosis, slowdown in the formation of scar tissue, and rupture of the heart muscle are possible). It is prescribed with particular caution for liver failure, conditions that cause the occurrence of hypoalbuminemia, and obesity of III-IV degree. Women during menopause need to undergo research regarding the possible occurrence of osteoporosis. In case of liver use of glucocorticoids for a long time, it is recommended to regularly monitor blood pressure, determine the level of glucose in urine and blood, perform a fecal occult blood test, blood clotting tests, and x-ray monitoring of the spine. Before starting treatment with glucocorticoids, a thorough examination of the gastrointestinal tract should be performed to exclude gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Directions for use and doses

The dose of the drug and the duration of treatment are determined by the doctor individually depending on the indications and severity of the disease. Prednisolone is administered intravenously (drip or stream) or intramuscularly. Intravenously, the drug is usually administered first as a stream, then as a drip. In case of acute adrenal insufficiency, a single dose of the drug is 100-200 mg, a daily dose is 300-400 mg. For severe allergic reactions, Prednisolone is administered in a daily dose of 100-200 mg for 3-16 days. For bronchial asthma, the drug is administered depending on the severity of the disease and the effectiveness of complex treatment from 75 mg to 675 mg per course of treatment from 3 to 16 days; in severe cases, the dose can be increased to 1400 mg per course of treatment or more with a gradual dose reduction. For status asthmaticus, Prednisolone is administered at a dose of 500-1200 mg per day, followed by a reduction to 300 mg per day and switching to maintenance doses. In case of thyrotoxic crisis, 100 mg of the drug is administered in a daily dose of 200-300 mg; if necessary, the daily dose can be increased to 1000 mg. The duration of administration depends on the therapeutic effect, usually up to 6 days. In case of shock that is resistant to standard therapy, Prednisolone is usually administered as a bolus at the beginning of therapy, after which it is switched to drip administration. If blood pressure does not increase within 10-20 minutes, repeat the infusion of the drug. After recovery from the shock state, drip administration is continued until blood pressure stabilizes. A single dose is 50-150 mg (in severe cases - up to 400 mg). The drug is re-administered after 3-4 hours. The daily dose can be 300-1200 mg (with subsequent dose reduction). In case of acute hepatic-renal failure (in acute poisoning, in the postoperative and postpartum periods, etc.), Prednisolone is administered at 25-75 mg/day; if indicated, the daily dose can be increased to 300-1500 mg/day and higher. For rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus, Prednisolone is administered in addition to systemic drug intake at a dose of 75-125 mg per day for no more than 7-10 days. In acute hepatitis, Prednisolone is administered at a dose of 75-100 mg/day for 7-10 days. For poisoning with cauterizing liquids with burns of the digestive tract and upper respiratory tract, Prednisolone is prescribed at a dose of 75-400 mg/day for 3-18 days. If intravenous administration is not possible, Prednisolone is administered intramuscularly in the same doses. After relief of the acute condition, Prednisolone tablets are prescribed orally, followed by a gradual reduction in the dose. When taking the drug for a long time, the daily dose should be reduced gradually. Long-term therapy should not be stopped suddenly! Children: Use in children over 6 years of age only as directed and under the supervision of a physician. The doctor determines the dose and duration of therapy individually, depending on the age and severity of the disease. Long-term use in children may cause growth retardation, so it is necessary to limit the use of minimal doses for certain indications for the shortest possible time. The benefit of treatment must outweigh the possible risk of adverse reactions.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Do not use the drug during pregnancy. If it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding.

Precautionary measures

The ability to influence the speed of reaction when driving vehicles or other mechanisms. Patients treated with prednisone should refrain from potentially hazardous activities that require increased attention to the speed of mental and motor reactions. Special groups of patients Elderly During long-term therapy, muscle atrophy, muscle pain or weakness, delayed wound healing, atrophy of the protein matrix of the bone leading to osteoporosis, vertebral compression fractures, avascular necrosis of the femoral head or humeral head, and pathological fractures of long tubular bones may be observed. Particularly serious complications may occur in elderly and debilitated patients. Before initiating glucocorticoid therapy in postmenopausal women, it is necessary to take into account that such patients are especially prone to osteoporosis. Use with caution in patients with osteoporosis. Liver dysfunction In patients with cirrhosis, an increased effect of glucocorticoids is observed. Renal dysfunction. Use with caution.

Interaction with other drugs

Anticoagulants: when used simultaneously with glucocorticoids, the effect of anticoagulants may be increased or decreased. Parenteral administration of prednisolone causes the thrombolytic effect of vitamin K antagonists (fluindione, acenocoumarol). Salicylates and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Concomitant use of salicylates, indomethacin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may increase the likelihood of gastric ulceration. Prednisolone reduces the level of salicylates in the blood serum, increasing their renal clearance. Caution is necessary when reducing the dose of prednisolone during long-term concomitant use. Hypoglycemic drugs: Prednisolone partially inhibits the hypoglycemic effect of oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin. Hepatic enzyme inducers, for example, barbiturates, phenytoin, pyramidone, carbamazepine and rifampicin increase the systemic clearance of prednisolone, thereby reducing the effect of prednisolone by almost 2 times. CYP3A4 inhibitors, such as erythromycin, clarithromycin, ketoconazole, diltiazem, aprepitant, itraconazole and oleandomycin, increase the elimination and plasma levels of prednisolone, which increases the therapeutic and side effects of prednisolone. Estrogen may potentiate the effect of prednisolone by slowing its metabolism. It is not recommended to adjust the dose of prednisolone for women using oral contraceptives, which contribute not only to an increase in the half-life, but also to the development of the atypical immunosuppressive effect of prednisolone. Fluoroquinolones: Concomitant use may cause tendon damage. Amphotericin, diuretics and laxatives: Prednisolone may increase potassium excretion in patients receiving these drugs concomitantly. Immunosuppressants: Prednisolone has active immunosuppressive properties, which may cause an increase in therapeutic effects or the risk of developing various adverse reactions when used simultaneously with other immunosuppressants. Only some of them can be explained by pharmacokinetic interactions. Glucocorticoids increase the antiemetic effectiveness of antiemetic drugs that are used in parallel during therapy with anticancer drugs that cause vomiting. Corticosteroids can increase the concentration of tacrolimus in the blood plasma when used simultaneously; when they are withdrawn, the concentration of tacrolimus in the blood plasma decreases. Immunization: Glucocorticoids may reduce the effectiveness of immunization and increase the risk of neurological complications. The use of therapeutic (immunosuppressive) doses of glucocorticoids with live viral vaccines may increase the risk of developing viral diseases. Emergency vaccines may be used during drug therapy. Anticholinesterase agents: In patients with myasthenia gravis, the use of glucocorticoids and anticholinesterase agents may cause muscle weakness, especially in patients with myasthenia gravis. Cardiac glycosides: the risk of developing glycoside intoxication increases. Others: Two serious cases of acute myopathy have been reported in elderly patients who took doxocarium chloride and high-dose prednisolone. With long-term therapy, glucocorticoids may reduce the effect of somatotropin. Cases of acute myopathy have been described with the use of corticosteroids in patients who are simultaneously receiving treatment with neuromuscular transmission blockers (for example, pancuronium). Cases of seizures have been reported with the simultaneous use of prednisolone and cyclosporine. Because coadministration of these drugs causes mutual inhibition of metabolism, it is likely that seizures and other side effects associated with the use of each of these drugs as monotherapy may occur more frequently when administered concomitantly. Concomitant use may cause an increase in the concentration of other drugs in the blood plasma. Antihistamines reduce the effect of prednisolone. When prednisolone is used simultaneously with antihypertensive drugs, the effectiveness of the latter may be reduced. Prednisolone should not be mixed or used simultaneously with other drugs in the same infusion system or syringe. When mixing a solution of prednisolone with heparin, a precipitate forms. Incompatible with aerosols of sympathomimetic drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma in children (risk of respiratory paralysis).


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, osteoporosis, Itsenko-Cushing's disease, tendency to thromboembolism, renal failure, arterial hypertension, viral infections (including viral lesions of the eyes and skin), decompensated diabetes mellitus, vaccination period (at least 14 days before and after preventive immunization), lymphadenitis after BCG vaccination, active form of tuberculosis, glaucoma, cataracts, productive symptoms in mental illness, psychosis, depression; systemic mycosis, herpetic diseases, syphilis, severe myopathy (except for myasthenia gravis), poliomyelitis (except for the bulbar-encephalitic form), pregnancy and lactation. For intra-articular injections - infections at the injection site.


active ingredient: 1 ml of solution contains prednisotokg for prednisolone - 30 mg; excipients: sodium hydrogen phosphate anhydrous, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, propylene glycol, water for injection. Basic physical and chemical properties: transparent, colorless or almost colorless solution.


In case of overdose, nausea, vomiting, bradycardia, arrhythmia, increased symptoms of heart failure, cardiac arrest are possible; hypokalemia, increased blood pressure, muscle cramps, hyperglycemia, thromboembolism, acute psychosis, dizziness, headache, possible development of symptoms of hypercortisolism: weight gain, development of edema, arterial hypertension, glucosuria, hypokalemia. In children with an overdose, suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, decreased excretion of growth hormone, and increased intracranial pressure is possible. There is no specific antidote. Treatment: discontinuation of the drug, symptomatic therapy, and, if necessary, correction of electrolyte balance.

Side effect

The development of severe adverse reactions depends on the dose and duration of treatment. Adverse reactions usually develop with long-term treatment with the drug. Over a short period, the risk of their occurrence is unlikely. Infections and invasions: increased sensitivity to bacterial, viral, fungal infections, their severity with masking of symptoms, opportunistic infections. From the blood and lymphatic system: an increase in the total number of leukocytes with a decrease in the number of eosinophils, monocytes and lymphocytes. The mass of lymphoid tissue decreases. Blood clotting may increase, which leads to thrombosis and thromboembolism. From the endocrine system and metabolism: suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, growth retardation in children and adolescents, menstrual irregularities, impaired secretion of sex hormones (amenorrhea), postmenopausal bleeding, Cushingoid face, hirsutism, weight gain, decreased tolerance to carbohydrates , increased need for insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs, hyperlipidemia, negative balance of nitrogen and calcium, increased appetite, disturbance of mineral metabolism and electrolyte balance, hypokalemic alkalosis, hypokalemia, possible fluid and sodium retention in the body. Mental disorders: irritability, euphobia, depression, suicidal tendencies, insomnia, labile mood, increased concentration, psychological dependence, mania, hallucinations, exacerbation of schizophrenia, dementia, psychosis, anxiety, sleep disturbances, epileptic seizures, cognitive dysfunction (including amnesia and impaired consciousness), increased intracranial pressure, which is accompanied by nausea and swelling of the optic disc in children. From the nervous system: increased intracranial pressure, epileptic seizures, peripheral neuropathies, paresthesia, dizziness, headache, autonomic disorders. From the organs of vision: increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma, swelling of the optic nerve, cataracts, thinning of the cornea and sclera, exacerbation of ocular viral and fungal infections, exophthalmos. From the cardiovascular system: myocardial rupture due to myocardial infarction, arterial hypo- or hypertension, bradycardia, combined ventricular arrhythmia, asystole (due to rapid administration of the drug), atherosclerosis, thrombosis, vasculitis, heart failure, peripheral edema. In patients with acute myocardial infarction, the necrosis focus spreads, scar formation slows down. From the immune system: allergic reactions that cause anaphylactic shock with a fatal outcome, angioedema, allergic dermatitis, changes in the reaction to skin tests, relapse of tuberculosis, immunosuppression, hypersensitivity reactions, including rash, itching of the skin. From the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, bloating, unpleasant taste in the mouth, dyspepsia, peptic ulcers with perforation and bleeding, esophageal ulcer, esophageal candidiasis, pancreatitis, gallbladder perforation, gastric bleeding, local ileitis and ulcerative colitis. During the use of the drug, an increase in ALT, AST and alkaline phosphatase may be observed, which is usually not significant and is reversible after discontinuation of the drug. From the skin: slower regeneration, skin atrophy, formation of hematomas and atrophic stripes of the skin (striae), telangiectasia, acne, acne, hirsutism, microhemorrhages, ecchymosis, purpura, hypo- or hyperpigmentation, post-steroid panniculitis, which is characterized by the appearance of erythematosis, hot subcutaneous thickenings for 2 weeks after discontinuation of the drug, Kaposi's sarcoma. From the musculoskeletal system: proximal myopathy, osteoporosis, tendon rupture, muscle weakness, atrophy, myopathy, fractures of the spine and long bones, aseptic osteonecrosis. From the urinary system: increased risk of urolith formation and the content of leukocytes and red blood cells in the urine without obvious kidney damage. General: malaise, persistent hiccups when using the drug in high doses, adrenal insufficiency leading to hypotension, hypoglycemia and death in stressful situations such as surgery, trauma or infection if the dose of prednisolone is not increased. With abrupt withdrawal of the drug, withdrawal syndrome is possible, the severity of symptoms depends on the degree of adrenal atrophy, headache, nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness, anorexia, weakness, mood changes, lethargy, fever, myalgia, arthralgia, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, skin pain, weight loss. In more severe cases - severe mental disorders and increased intracranial pressure, steroid pseudorheumatism in patients with rheumatism, death. Reactions at the injection site: pain, burning, changes in pigmentation (depigmentation, leucoderma), skin atrophy, sterile abscesses, rarely - lipoatrophy.

Storage conditions

Store in original packaging to protect from light at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Buy Prednisolone-Ferein solution for IV and IM administration. 30 mg/ml in amp. 1 ml in pack No. 5x2 in the pharmacy

Price for Prednisolone-Ferein solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection. 30 mg/ml in amp. 1 ml in pack No. 5x2

Instructions for use for Prednisolone-Ferein solution for IV and IM administration. 30 mg/ml in amp. 1 ml in pack No. 5x2

Instructions for use of Prednisolone (Method and dosage)

Instructions for the use of Prednisolone in injections

The solution is administered intravenously, intramuscularly and intraarticularly.

The method of administration and dosage of Prednisolone ( Prednisolone Nycomed , Prednisolone hemisuccinate ) are selected individually by the attending physician, taking into account the type of pathology, the severity of the patient’s condition, and the location of the affected organ.

In severe and life-threatening conditions, the patient is prescribed pulse therapy using ultra-high doses for a short period of time. For 3-5 days, he is given 1-2 g of prednisolone daily by intravenous drip infusion. The duration of the procedure is from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

During treatment, the dosage is adjusted depending on the patient's response to therapy.

It is considered optimal to administer Prednisolone intravenously. For intra-articular administration, ampoules with Prednisolone are used only in cases where the tissue inside the joint is affected by the pathological process.

Positive dynamics are a reason to transfer the patient to tablets or suppositories with prednisolone. Treatment with tablets is continued until stable remission develops.

If it is not possible to administer Prednisolone intravenously, the medicine should be injected deep into the muscle. However, it should be borne in mind that with this method it is absorbed more slowly.

In the human body, the release of adrenal hormones into the bloodstream occurs between 6 and 8:00 am, so injections should also be given at this time. The entire daily dose is usually administered at once. If this is not possible, at least ⅔ of the prescribed dose is administered in the morning, the remaining third should be administered at lunchtime (at approximately 12:00).

Depending on the pathology, the dose can range from 30-1200 mg/day. (with its subsequent decrease).

Children aged from two months to 1 year are administered from 2 to 3 mg/kg. Dosage for children from one to 14 years of age is 1-2 mg/kg (as a slow, 3-minute intramuscular injection). If necessary, after 20-30 minutes the medicine is re-administered in the same dose.

If a large joint is affected, 25 to 50 mg of prednisolone is injected into it. From 10 to 25 mg is injected into medium-sized joints, and from 5 to 10 mg into small joints.

Prednisolone tablets: instructions for use

The patient is transferred to taking tablets, following the principle of gradual withdrawal of GCS.

If HRT is used, the patient is prescribed 20 to 30 mg of prednisolone per day. Maintenance dose - from 5 to 10 mg/day. For some pathologies - for example, with nephrotic
syndrome - it is advisable to prescribe higher doses.
For children, the starting dose is 1-2 mg/kg/day. (it should be divided into 4-6 doses), maintenance - from 0.3 to 0.6 mg/kg/day. When prescribing, take into account the daily secretory rhythm of endogenous steroid hormones .

Recommendations regarding the use of drugs from different manufacturers are the same. That is, the instructions for Nycomed tablets do not differ from the instructions for tablets produced by.

Prednisolone ointment: instructions for use

The ointment is a means of external therapy. It should be applied to the affected areas of the skin in a thin layer from 1 to 3 times a day. An occlusive dressing can be applied to limited pathological lesions to enhance the effect.

When used in children over one year of age, the drug should be used for the shortest possible course. You should also exclude measures that enhance the absorption and resorption of prednisolone (occlusive, fixing, warming dressings).

Eye drops: instructions for use

Instillations of the drug are carried out 3 times a day, instilling 1-2 drops of solution into the conjunctival cavity of the affected eye. In the acute phase of the disease, the instillation procedure can be repeated every 2-4 hours.

For patients who have undergone ophthalmic surgery, drops are prescribed 3-5 days after surgery.

How long can you take Prednisolone?

Glucocorticosteroid therapy is aimed at achieving maximum effect with the lowest possible doses.

The duration of treatment depends on the patient's diagnosis and individual response to treatment. In some cases, the course lasts up to 6 days; with HRT it lasts for months. The duration of external therapy using Prednisolone ointment is usually from 6 to 14 days.

Dosage for animals

The dosage for dogs and cats is selected individually depending on the indications.

So, for example, with infectious peritonitis, a cat should be given orally 1 r./day. 2-4 mg/kg of prednisolone, for chronic panleukopenia - 2 times/day. 2.5 mg each.

The standard dosage for a dog is 1 mg/kg 2 times a day. Treatment lasts 14 days. Upon completion of the course, you must take tests and be examined by a doctor. When discontinuing the drug, the dose for dogs should be reduced by 25% every 14 days.

Similar drugs:

  • Mometasone furoate Substance-powder
  • Betnovate Cream for external use
  • Medrol Oral tablets
  • Seretide Aerosol
  • Depo-Medrol Suspension for injection
  • Alvesko Aerosol for inhalation
  • Flixotide Aerosol for inhalation, dosed
  • Dexa-Gentamicin Eye ointment
  • Maxidex Eye ointment
  • Prednisol Solution for injection

** The Drug Directory is intended for informational purposes only. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; Before starting to use the drug Prednisolone Bufus, you should consult a doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the site does not replace medical advice and cannot serve as a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug.

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** Attention! The information presented in this medication guide is intended for medical professionals and should not be used as a basis for self-medication. The description of the drug Prednisolone Bufus is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended for prescribing treatment without the participation of a doctor. Patients need to consult a specialist!

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Interaction with other drugs is observed only with systemic use of Prednisolone.

Rifampicin , antiepileptic drugs , barbiturates accelerate the metabolism of prednisolone and weaken its effect. The effectiveness of the drug is also reduced in combination with antihistamines .

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, amphotericin B, thiazide diuretics increase the likelihood of developing severe hypokalemia , sodium-containing drugs increase blood pressure and edema.

In combination with Paracetamol , the risk of developing hepatotoxic effects increases; in combination with tricyclic antidepressants, mental disorders associated with taking prednisolone may increase (including the severity of depression ); in combination with immunosuppressants , there is an increased risk of developing infection and lymphoproliferative processes .

In combination with ASA, NSAIDs and alcohol, the likelihood of developing peptic ulcers and bleeding from ulcerative defects increases.

Oral contraceptives change the pharmacodynamic parameters of prednisolone, thereby enhancing its therapeutic and toxic effects.

Prednisolone weakens the anticoagulant effect of anticoagulants , as well as the effect of insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents .

The use of prednisolone in immunosuppressive doses in combination with live vaccines can provoke viral replication, decreased antibody production, and the development of viral diseases. When used with inactivated vaccines, the risk of decreased antibody production and neurological impairment increases.

With long-term use, it increases the content of folic acid ; in combination with diuretics , it can provoke disturbances in electrolyte metabolism.

special instructions

Treatment with Prednisolone should be stopped slowly, gradually reducing the dose.

For patients with a history of psychosis , high doses are allowed to be prescribed only under the strict supervision of a physician.

How to “get off” Prednisolone?

Treatment with Prednisolone should be discontinued gradually. Dose reduction is carried out by weekly reducing the dose used by ⅛ or taking the last dose every other day and reducing it by ⅕ (this method is faster).

With the fast method, on a day without Prednisolone, the patient is shown stimulation of the adrenal glands using UHF or DQV on their projection, taking ascorbic acid (500 mg/day), administering insulin in increasing doses (starting - 4 units, then for each dose it is increased by 2 units; highest dose - 16 units).

Insulin should be injected before breakfast, and the person should remain under observation for 6 hours after the injection.

If Prednisolone is prescribed for bronchial asthma , it is recommended to switch to inhaled steroids . If the indication for use is an autoimmune disease , use mild cytostatics .

Features of the diet when taking Prednisolone

When taking Prednisolone, it is recommended to exclude fried and spicy foods from the diet, as well as fruits and sour juices, which stimulate the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

In addition, it is necessary to limit the amount of high-calorie foods high in carbohydrates and fats (their consumption during GCS therapy increases blood glucose levels and rapid weight gain), table salt and liquid.

When preparing food, you need to use products that contain potassium salts, calcium and protein (dietary meats, dairy products, fruits, hard cheeses, baked potatoes, prunes, apricots, nuts, zucchini, etc.).

What can replace Prednisolone?

Analogues in composition for dosage forms for systemic use: Prednisolone Nycomed (in ampoules), Prednisolone Nycomed in tablets, Prednisolone Bufus (solution), Medopred (solution), Prednisol (solution).

Similar drugs with a similar mechanism of action: Betamethasone , Hydrocortisone , Dexazone , Dexamed , Dexamethasone , Kenalog , Lemod , Medrol , Deltasone , Metipred , Rektodelt , Triamcinolone , Flosterone .

Ointment analogues: Prednisolone-Ferein , Hydrocortisone .

Analogs of eye drops: Hydrocortisone , Dexamethasone , Dexapos , Maxidex , Oftan Dexamethasone , Dexoftan , Prenacid , Dexamethasonelong , Ozurdex .

Reviews of Prednisolone

Reviews of Prednisolone in tablets and injections are quite contradictory: on the one hand, the medicine is very effective, on the other, it has a wide range of side effects and, with long-term use, causes withdrawal syndrome . Also, some people using the drug note that the injection is painful.

However, it is injections for children and adults that often make it possible to very quickly stop the pathological process and even save lives.

To reduce the risk of side effects and their severity, if long-term use of Prednisolone is necessary, it is very important to follow the following rules:

  • the drug is prescribed in situations where the therapeutic effect is not achieved when using less active agents (with the exception of life-threatening pathologies of the patient, adrenogenital syndrome , hypocortisolism );
  • treatment begins with the minimum effective dose, which is increased if necessary until the desired result is obtained;
  • the dosage is selected individually depending more on the patient’s response to therapy and the characteristics of the disease than on body weight and age;
  • after obtaining the desired result, the dose is gradually reduced to the lowest at which the achieved effect is maintained;
  • The drug should be taken taking into account the circadian rhythm;
  • After the patient’s condition has stabilized, it is advisable to transfer him to alternative therapy.

As for dosage forms for topical use, they are mostly positive. At the same time, patients using eye drops and ointment report virtually no adverse reactions.


Description of the drug Prednisolone-Darnitsa solution d/in. 30mg/ml amp. 1ml No. 3 on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

Prednisolone price, where to buy

The price of Prednisolone in tablets 5 mg No. 100 in Russia is from 100 rubles, tablets 4 mg No. 30 in Ukraine can be bought for an average of 110 UAH.

The price of Prednisolone in ampoules of 30 mg No. 3 is from 28 UAH; in Russian pharmacies, injections (package No. 3) will cost an average of 60 rubles.

The price of Prednisolone ointment 0.5% 10 g is from 17 rubles and from 30 UAH, respectively.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

LuxPharma* special offer

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  • Prednisolone ointment 0.5% 15gSintez OJSC

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  • Prednisolone ointment for nar. approx. 0.5% tube 15gPAO Biosintez

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  • Prednisolone tab. 5mg No. 60Biosynthesis

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  • Prednisolone ointment for nar. approx. 5mg/g tube 10gAltaivitamins JSC

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Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Prednisolone bufus (amp. 30 mg/ml 1 ml No. 10)Update of PFC JSC

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  • Prednisolone ointment (tube 0.5% 15g) Biosynthesis OJSC

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  • Prednisolone ointment (tube 0.5% 15g) Biosynthesis OJSC

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  • Prednisolone (5 mg tablet No. 100) Gedeon-Richter

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  • Methylprednisolone-FS 4 mg No. 30 tablets Pharma Start TOV, Ukraine
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  • Prednisolone 0.5% 10 g ointment PAT"Khimpharmzavod"Chervona Zirka",Kharkiv, Ukraine

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  • Prednisolone-Darnitsa 30 mg/ml 1 ml No. 5 injection solution PrAT” Pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa”, Ukraine

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  • Prednisolone-Darnitsa 30 mg/ml 1 ml No. 3 injection solution PrAT” Pharmaceutical company “Darnitsa”, Ukraine

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  • Methylprednisolone-FS 8 mg No. 30 tablets Pharma Start TOV, Ukraine

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  • PREDNISOONE ointment Prednisolone ointment 0.5% 10g Ukraine, Krasnaya Zvezda OJSC

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  • PREDNISOONE ampoule Prednisolone solution for injection 30 mg/ml 1 ml ampoules No. 3 Ukraine, Darnitsa ChAO

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  • METHYLPREDNISOLONE tablets Methylprednisolone tablets 4 mg No. 30 Ukraine, Pharma Start LLC

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  • METHYLPREDNISOLONE tablets Methylprednisolone tablets 8 mg No. 30 Ukraine, Pharma Start LLC

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  • PREDNISOONE ampoule Prednisolone solution d/in. 30mg/ml 1ml amp. No.5 Ukraine, Biopharma CJSC

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Prednisolone prescription in Latin

Recipe for prednisolone in Latin in the form of 5 mg tablets - more details about the recipe for tablets in Latin:

Rp.: Prednisoloni 5 mg Dtd N 100 in tab. S. Orally, 1 tablet 2 times a day.

A prescription for prednisolone in Latin in the form of a solution in ampoules of 20 mg/ml for injection into joints, intradermally (into scars); intramuscularly and intravenously - more details about the recipe for the solution in Latin and the recipe for ampoules in Latin:

Rp.: Prednisoloni 20 mg – 1 ml Dtd N 6 in amp. S. Intramuscularly 2 times a day.

Prednisolone recipe in Latin in the form of syrup 15 mg/5 ml (Orapred, Pediapred) - more detailed syrup recipe in Latin:

Rp.: Sir. Prednisoloni 20 ml DS Orally, 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.

Prednisolone prescription in Latin in the form of eye drops 0.125%; 0.5%; 1% (AK-Pred; Inflamase) - more detailed recipe for drops in Latin:

Rp.: Sol. Prednisoloni 0.5% - 10 ml DS Orally, 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.

Prednisolone recipe in Latin in the form of a suspension in bottles of 25, 50 mg/ml for injection into joints and intramuscularly - more details about the suspension recipe in Latin and the recipe for bottles in Latin.

Rp.: Susp. Prednisoloni 1% - 5 ml Dtd N 1 S. Dilute with saline. solution, 1 drop in the eye 2 times a day.

You can read the general rules for issuing a prescription in Latin here.

Commercial names

A prescription for prednisolone in Latin can also be written using commercial names, here is a list of drugs that we were able to find:

Single drugs

  • Aprednislon (A)
  • Decortin H (D),
  • Dermosolon (D),
  • Dontisolon (D),
  • Hefasolon (D),
  • Hexacorton (CH),
  • Infectocortikrupp (D),
  • Inflanefran (D),
  • Klismacort (D),
  • Kuehlprednon (A),
  • Linola H (D),
  • Lygal Tinktur (D),
  • Prednisolone (D),
  • Prednisolut (D),
  • Premandol (CH),
  • Solu-Decortin H (D),
  • Solu-Dacortin (A),
  • Spiricort (CH),
  • Ultracortenol (D, A, CH),
  • Prednison 5 (CZ, SK).
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