Magnesia for a hangover - a remedy that brings you back to life

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  • What is magnesia?
  • Methods of application
  • What is the effectiveness of the drug?
  • How to take the drug
  • Magnesia and alcohol
  • Conclusion

A hangover is payback for the fun you had the day before. Withdrawal syndrome occurs as a result of excessive accumulation of acetaldehyde, a toxic metabolite of ethanol, in the body, which is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms. Everyone gets rid of them differently, but in this article we will look at eliminating the negative effects of drinking alcohol using magnesium . It belongs to pharmaceutical ready-made preparations and can be used as a laxative. How does it help bring the body back to normal?

Magnesia for a hangover: what kind of drug is it and where is it used?

Magnesia is a medicine based on magnesium sulfate salts. The advantage of the drug is that it does not contain other active ingredients that further depress the hangover. Apart from salts, there are no additives, dyes or impurities in magnesia. In pharmacies it can be found under the names magnesium sulfate , Epsom salt, magnesium B6.

The drug has a fairly large list of effects on the human body. In this regard, it is used in various areas of medicine and allows:

  • eliminate pain;
  • get rid of spasms;
  • speed up the flow of bile;
  • restore normal heart rhythm;
  • dilate blood vessels for better blood flow;
  • get rid of constipation;
  • normalize mental state due to a sedative effect;
  • activate the outflow of urine;
  • relax the muscles of the uterus.

Considering these features, magnesia can be used for withdrawal symptoms in order to alleviate the condition and restore normal body function.

Magnesium in cosmetics: why and what for

Magnesium, as it turns out, is useful to consume not only with food or with vitamins, but also in the process of facial skin care. We tell you why magnesium is needed in cosmetics and what effect it has on facial skin.

What is this?

Magnesium is a macronutrient that is famous for its calming properties. It is actively used in the production of various products aimed at relaxation, relaxation of muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. It has approximately the same effect on our skin.

Why is magnesium in cosmetics?

The fact is that magnesium can manifest itself in completely different ways in cosmetic preparations. Its effect always depends on the form, or in other words, on the nature of the compound (silicates, salts, carbonates, oxides). Here are some of the main effects that magnesium has on the skin:

-Magnesium sulfate - effectively cleanses the skin, but does not irritate it

-Magnesium silicate is a binding ingredient that absorbs liquid well and provides silky skin.

-Magnesium salt of L-pyrrolidone carboxylic acid - has an anti-inflammatory effect, protects against rosacea. Also used as a rejuvenating component that relieves stress and helps improve the skin regeneration process

-Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate - rejuvenating and brightening properties

-Magnesium lactate acts as an antiseptic that protects against germs and bacteria. It softens the skin and provides an anti-inflammatory effect.

-Magnesium gluconate softens and rejuvenates the skin

Are there any contraindications to using cosmetics with magnesium?

Magnesium is a very friendly component. It is safe, tactless, non-comedogenic. Hypersensitivity to this ingredient is extremely rare in cosmetics.

Which Image Skincare skin care products should you look for magnesium in?

Nourishing serum with vitamins A, C, E VITAL C

The serum contains a powerful blend of plant-based antioxidants such as green tea, echinaceae and bearberry to help lighten pigmentation, add radiance to the skin and protect against oxidative stress. The product contains magnesium ascorbyl phosphate: a water-soluble, stable form of vitamin C; stimulates collagen synthesis, suppresses melanin formation.

Revitalizing night cream VITAL C

Ultra-moisturizing cream soothes skin and helps fight wrinkles. Essential vitamins A, C, E provide nutrition and save the skin from dullness and dryness. A mixture of hyaluronic acid and ceramides help retain moisture, restore and protect the skin from aging and stress.

Moisturizing eye gel VITAL C

Super moisturizing, anti-aging eye gel smoothes expression lines, prevents collagen destruction, reduces dark circles and bags under the eyes. The product contains a collagen restoration complex: Dipalmitoyl hydroxyproline (magnesium ascorbyl phosphate). Vitamin C - ingredients of plant origin, has a strengthening effect on the skin, prevents the formation of wrinkles, rejuvenates, strengthens and moisturizes the skin.

To test the effects of magnesium on yourself, you can come to one of Image Skincare’s partner salons and get a consultation with a qualified cosmetologist.

Do you already use products with magnesium?

Methods of using magnesia

Magnesia is sold in pharmacies in several forms:

  • in the form of a powder intended for the preparation of suspensions;
  • in the form of a solution in ampoules, used for injection intramuscularly or intravenously.

The effect of magnesium on a hangover manifests itself in different ways , depending on the chosen method of administration to the body. Let's describe each of them in more detail.

Magnesia for hangover: powder

From the moment of ingestion, a person begins to feel the effect of the drug after 30-60 minutes and for about 6 hours. First of all, we are talking about two effects:

  1. Laxative effect - stimulation of the intestinal tract occurs due to additional fluid intake and subsequent dilution of stool.
  2. The choleretic effect occurs as a result of irritation of the mucous membrane of the duodenum. In this case, spasms of the intestinal muscles are partially relieved.

Magnesia powder for hangovers is good because it helps fight intoxication. In medicine, it is used to reduce the dangerous effects of heavy metals (lead, mercury, arsenic) on the body. Magnesium B6 crystals combine with toxins and poisonous substances and are quickly eliminated by increasing the outflow of urine and bile.

Magnesia for hangover: subcutaneous administration

Injections of magnesium into a muscle or intravenously for a hangover allow you to get several effects :

  • soothing;
  • vasodilator;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • antiarrhythmic;
  • relaxing.

If the dose of magnesium sulfate at one time was too large when administered intravenously, the drug will act as a narcotic and hypnotic.

Magnesia for a hangover intramuscularly begins to work after 1-1.5 hours, the effect lasts for 4 hours. Intravenous administration allows you to get an immediate effect , but after 30 minutes the medication has a worse effect.

External use of magnesium B6

Magnesia can be used not only for preparing a suspension and administering a solution from ampoules, but also for treating the skin to disinfect open wounds and cuts. The product has also been used in electrophoresis procedures; it calms and promotes vasodilation . It is allowed to add Epsom salts to water for medicinal baths, when applying compresses and lotions, due to which it is possible to relieve inflammation and get rid of pain.


emah while carrying a child, but during both of my pregnancies I managed to avoid serious drug treatment, so I personally did not take magnesia or simply don’t remember)).
I discovered this drug for myself quite recently. Once again, while preparing a hair mask, I decided to take a look at what else I have in my medicine cabinet that is good for hair. And I found several ampoules of magnesium sulfate there. About a year ago, after injections, my husband was left with bruises and bumps at the injection site. I scoured the pages of forums and medical sites and found an effective remedy for which I needed to mix aspirin tablets and magnesium ampoules. I bought the necessary medications and started making compresses for my husband. The bumps quickly went away, but I still had the ampoules.

Of course, before adding the drug to the mask, I read whether this could be done and whether such a component would be beneficial to my hair. It turned out that this is an excellent addition to masks against hair loss, because magnesia itself is often used to combat hair loss and various masks are made on its basis, so I had no doubt about the usefulness of this drug for my poor hair. It’s a pity, I kept the ampoules without a box, so I can’t show you the instructions and packaging - I’m only presenting to you the ampoules in a small plastic container, containing five of them.

The ampoules themselves are quite large, 5 ml each. Made of thin glass. Each ampoule has a paper sticker with information. To read everything, you need to twist the ampoule a little in your hands. In the central part we see an inscription stating that the drug is administered intravenously or intramuscularly, just below is the production date and some other symbol unknown to me.

On the left side of the label we read about the amount of active substance in one milliliter of the drug - 250 mg. Below are again badges, apparently intended for pharmacists and medical staff.

Ampoules open easily and quickly thanks to the special shape of the ampoule and the insert at the break point, which serves as an opener. You just need to lightly press on the top of the ampoule and its upper part will immediately fall off without any fragments.

Next, I add the contents of the ampoule to the other components of the mask, but since it is a liquid, I measure its amount with a spoon so that later I can add less water so that the mask does not turn out to be too liquid. 5 ml of the drug in an ampoule is approximately a tablespoon. Magnesium sulfate looks like ordinary water - transparent, liquid, odorless. I didn’t dare try the taste, but it would probably be bitter, like most medicines.

Of course, it is difficult to judge the effectiveness of magnesium sulfate against hair loss as part of a mustard mask, because here it acts as an additional component. After two uses of this mask, my hair actually became a little stronger and the lump in the bathroom after washing my hair became less and less. But the same effect was observed when using just a mustard mask with burdock oil, although after just mustard the ends were always very dry and the hair became somewhat harsh after the procedure. After a mustard mask with magnesium, the hair looks not only strong, but also alive, so I believe that the drug really has the miraculous property of strengthening hair.

Now I decided to combine two ways to combat hair loss. I make a mask with mustard once a week, I want to try making a mask only from magnesia between the mustard ones. I really hope that the result will please me and that these two components will make my hair at least a little thicker and stronger. In general, magnesia is a very useful drug, although it is very inexpensive. So, if possible, read about it. Maybe you will find some benefit for yourself.

Magnesia for hangovers: why is it effective?

Magnesium sulfate is an effective remedy that has long been used by doctors to relieve patients from withdrawal symptoms. As a rule, it is advisable to use it after drinking too large doses of alcoholic beverages.

The main effect of the drug is to replenish magnesium deficiency , which occurs against the background of a hangover. Other related factors can also lead to a deficiency of this substance:

  • physical exercise;
  • frequent stress;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals, monotonous food;
  • taking medications for a long time.

Magnesia for a hangover: how to take the drug

Persons suffering from frequent hangovers with a pronounced reaction of the body to poisoning by alcohol breakdown products are recommended to use magnesium in powder form . Frequency of application – 2-3 times, keeping a break of 50-60 minutes. Within 30 minutes a person can feel an improvement, namely:

  • swelling will begin to disappear;
  • heart rate will be restored and blood pressure will normalize;
  • migraine will ease;
  • a sedative effect will be felt;
  • Symptoms of intoxication from alcohol metabolites will disappear.

If you decide to use magnesium for a hangover in ampoules or in another form on an ongoing basis, it is recommended that you first consult a doctor to avoid dangerous health consequences.

Features of the action

We need to start with the fact that ethyl alcohol has a detrimental effect on the liver; the enzymes it produces under the influence of alcohol turn into toxic compounds that poison the entire body. They disrupt the function of the entire body, which is why a person with a hangover feels very bad. Since magnesia has a diuretic and laxative effect, it allows you to speed up the process of evacuation of harmful toxins from the body, which leads to a significant and noticeable improvement in your condition.

In general, a person can feel lightness in the body due to the weakening of swelling, the subsidence of headaches, and the normalization of heart rate . Since magnesia also has a sedative effect, it helps eliminate the unpleasant psychological consequences of drinking alcohol:

  • depression;
  • shame and guilt;
  • sudden mood swings due to hormonal changes;
  • increased irritability;
  • excessive anxiety.

The use of the drug also helps protect the liver and gallbladder from the effects of toxins and breakdown products of alcohol-containing substances.

Magnesia for hangovers and simultaneous intake of alcohol

It is enough to study the instructions for the drug to understand that it is not compatible with alcohol. If you continue to abuse alcohol while using magnesia, then there will be no effect from the medication. If the patient is restrained and does not drink too much alcohol, then magnesium sulfate will not harm the body.

The main negative consequence when trying to combine the drug and alcohol is too much stress on the urinary system, since it is magnesium that activates it in the first place . The second point is the effect on the central nervous system. After entering the body, ethanol first stimulates it, but then a noticeable inhibition occurs. Magnesium sulfate also has a sedative effect, so excessive inhibition of the central nervous system may occur. For these two reasons alone, you should avoid taking large doses of alcohol at the same time and treating a hangover with magnesium. The only time when you can continue to drink alcohol while taking the described medication is to use it to treat damaged skin, apply compresses and lotions.

During therapy with magnesium and the simultaneous consumption of significant doses of alcohol, negative reactions may occur:

  • lack of effect from treatment with the drug;
  • the formation of urinary stones (large intake of ethanol provokes the precipitation of magnesium sulfate into powder);
  • depression and inhibition of the central nervous system, increased drowsiness, nausea, respiratory failure, and in difficult cases, coma.


An acetic with 20 grams of the substance costs from 20 to 100 rubles, it varies everywhere.
I bought my package for 66 rubles. Ordinary paper packaging, everything is modest, accessible, but this is not the most important thing, the main thing here is the effect.

Magnesia must be taken correctly, you can’t just throw in your 20 g (and sometimes 40, depending on what kind of body someone has, for some 15 g is enough, and for others two bags are needed, only experience will show, for some magnesia does not work at all , there are cases when you either took it incorrectly, or vomiting happened because of the drug) and wait for miracles.

It is important to drink the powder dissolved in water on an empty stomach, because if there is food in the stomach, the substance will enter the intestines in portions, not immediately, and then there will be no effect. In addition, it is not advisable to drink magnesium before bed - it’s easy to guess that you can’t expect any sleep, because the night will be spent running to the bathroom and back.

There are many indications for taking magnesium sulfate, but in the end they all boil down to one thing: cleaning from the inside. Of course, you should not overuse magnesium. There are people who try to lose weight on it, taking the drug for no reason, thereby causing dehydration, disruption of microflora, making the intestines lazy. I believe that magnesium can be taken once every two to three months maximum, and then only if there are good reasons.

Yes, magnesium can easily cope with constipation, but it will not eliminate the cause. There is an effect, and it is very fast. Now I’ll tell you how everything happens.

We dilute the powder, similar to sugar, in one hundred milliliters of water and drink it. Then every 20-30 minutes we drink a glass of water. After about an hour and a half, we run to the toilet, and after each visit we drink another 250 ml of water. This is done so that there is something to remove from the intestines what is in it. In 5-6 times all unnecessary reserves and deposits will be released. That is, you will have to drink a lot and visit the pensive room often.

In appearance, magnesium sulfate is very similar to sugar crystals, but the similarity is very deceptive in both action and taste.

It dissolves well in water, does not leave sediment, the result is simple water, only bitter, quinine. Brrr...

As a result, you can (and should) see clean water, which means that the intestines are as clean as magnesium can cleanse, and believe me, it can do a lot :)

In short, taking magnesium sulfate before work/date/travel/sleep is out of the question. Only at home and only with the right attitude. And then you can safely go hungry.

Magnesia is terribly bitter, simply unbearably bitter, it is not easy to drink, especially for the first time. It feels like you’re going to vomit or your taste buds are going to fail, but you’re allowed to snack on a slice of lemon while drinking or somehow brighten up the sensation with lemon juice. I've never done this, but I've read that many people do it.

The product is very effective. I used magnesium sulfate three times, and the same thing happened three times, without fail.

I can recommend this drug as very effective, but unsafe. You should remember about contraindications; nevertheless, such a shock agent cannot be used thoughtlessly, often or without a compelling reason. I give it four points. I’ll definitely write a review about my fasting later.

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