Thiogamma for the face, why the opinions of cosmetologists are divided and how a pharmaceutical product restores youth

Action of Thiogamma

Thiogamma is not originally intended for facial skin. This is a pharmaceutical solution for intravenous administration. How did he get into the beauty industry and arouse such increased interest among women? One of the famous beauty bloggers shared the recipe for a miracle anti-aging serum, which was made with Tiogamma. The blogger discovered this solution due to the content of such an active substance as alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). Users were hooked by the visible positive results using a product with a low price.

Now more and more girls prefer a budget alternative to expensive ALA products. Let's remember how this acid is for the face:

  • the protective function of the skin from UV rays is enhanced;
  • cell and tissue restoration processes are improved;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is regulated;
  • the skin is less exposed to pollution;
  • premature aging is prevented;
  • the skin becomes more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Lipoic acid is synthesized in our body independently, however, with age, its reserves are gradually depleted. Therefore, the substance is most often used as an anti-aging agent against wrinkles. In order to prolong youth and beauty, ALA is also consumed internally with the help of specially developed dietary supplements.

In cosmetology for the face, Thiogamma is taken with a concentration of 1.2%. This is a weak solution that is safe for the skin.

In recent years, the diagnosis and treatment of fatty liver disease not only remains relevant, but also becomes an important social problem. An unhealthy diet, addiction to fast food, hypercaloric foods, a sedentary lifestyle, as well as the habit of “eating” and chronic stress contribute to an increase in the incidence of metabolic syndrome (MS), which is based on insulin resistance (IR). In turn, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the hepatic component of MS and is diagnosed if fatty inclusions are detected in the liver tissue in the absence of a history of long-term alcohol consumption in toxic doses.

The prevalence of NAFLD in the general population has not been studied, but it has been found that the disease is most often diagnosed in middle and old age [1, 2]. Women aged 40 to 60 years with signs of MS are at maximum risk of developing NAFLD [3]. According to 2009 data, NAFLD in Russia was detected among 27% of 30 thousand outpatients examined, with 16.8% diagnosed with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and 2.9% with liver cirrhosis [4].

Risk factors for the development of NAFLD are obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, fasting, parenteral nutrition, the presence of ileocecal anastomosis, and bacterial overgrowth in the intestine, which, along with endotoxemia, plays an important role in the development of IR. The pathological reactions are based on the activation of Kupffer cells under the influence of a large number of bacterial antigens and toxins entering the liver with the blood flow through the portal vein. Activated cells synthesize pro-inflammatory cytokines, which in turn stimulate inflammation and collagen formation. In addition, pro-inflammatory cytokines (namely tumor necrosis factor α - TNF-α) activate phosphorylation of type 1 insulin receptors, which leads to a decrease in their sensitivity.

A change in the number and impaired sensitivity of insulin receptors lead to the development of a number of pathological systemic reactions. Thus, changes in the activity of enzymes of intracellular glucose metabolism (glycogen synthetase, pyruvate dehydrogenase) contribute to impaired carbohydrate metabolism in the form of changes in carbohydrate tolerance and/or the development of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Impaired lipid metabolism manifests itself in the activation of the synthesis of free fatty acids (FFA) and triglycerides (TG), increased synthesis of apo-B-lipoproteins, changes in the synthesis or secretion of very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), and a decrease in the rate of β-oxidation of FFAs [5].

An increase in the supply of FFAs to the liver due to their high content in food, release during lipolysis of adipose tissue, as well as the conversion of excess carbohydrates entering the liver into fatty acids is accompanied by the accumulation of fat in hepatocytes and stellate cells. Small droplets of fat in hepatocytes begin to be detected by light microscopy if its amount increases to 2–3%. This pathological condition is regarded as fatty infiltration (steatosis) of the liver. The main components of hepatocellular lipids are represented by TG, the substrates for the synthesis of which are fatty acids and glycerophosphate. The production of TG in the hepatocyte is directly dependent on the content of fatty acids, acetyl coenzyme A and glucose. Transport of TG from the cell occurs as part of VLDL. Conjugation of TG with apoproteins occurs on the surface membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum with the participation of a number of enzymes. As metabolic disorders progress, the synthesis and secretion of VLDL decreases, which leads to impaired TG excretion from liver cells. Fat vacuoles push back and compress the organelles of hepatocytes, which leads to damage, stretching and rupture of membranes. As fat accumulates, the liver cell becomes more vulnerable and sensitive to toxic influences [6–8].

The formation of the next stage of NAFLD – steatohepatitis – is characterized by inflammatory-necrotic changes in the liver. Most authors recognize the cause of inflammation as oxidative stress and increased lipid peroxidation (LPO) due to the induction of cytochrome P450 2E1. Reactive oxygen species in the form of free radicals lead to damage to hepatocytes: swelling of mitochondria and fragility of lysosomes, disruption of the integrity of cell membranes and the functioning of membrane-dependent transport systems of the hepatocyte. It is at this stage of disease development that hyperproduction of cytokines occurs, as well as secretion of hormone-like substances – adipokines – by adipocytes. The accumulation of toxic intermediate products against the background of severe hormonal disorders stimulates collagen formation and the development of fibrosis.

The clinical picture of NAFLD is poor and nonspecific. The disease can be asymptomatic for a long time and pathological signs from the liver are often discovered by chance - during examination for another pathology (diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, endocrine disorders). There may be no complaints from most patients. However, some patients experience manifestations of asthenic (increased fatigue, weakness) and dyspeptic (flatulence, nausea, stool disorders, heaviness in the right hypochondrium) syndromes. During physical examination, some patients have palpable enlarged liver to varying degrees. An echographic examination reveals fatty infiltration of the liver, the semiotics of which include a compact arrangement of echo signals, increased echogenicity of the liver tissue (“white liver”), depletion of the vascular pattern, and distal attenuation of the echo signal.

The biochemical picture of NAFLD is characterized by a moderately pronounced cytolytic syndrome - an increase in the activity of alanine and aspartic transaminases in a fairly wide range; in some patients there is an increase in the activity of markers of cholestasis - alkaline phosphatase and gammaglutamyl transpeptidase, usually not exceeding 2-3 norms. The level of bilirubin in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis is usually within normal limits, the protein-synthetic function of the liver is preserved, the level of albumin and prothrombin decreases only with the development of cirrhosis and liver failure.

A simple and reliable method for assessing the presence and severity of IR is to determine HOMA-IR (HOmeostasis Model Assessment) using the formula: HOMA-IR = I0 x G0/22.5, where I0 is the fasting insulin level (μIU/ml), G0 is the glucose level on an empty stomach, (mmol/l). The presence of IR is indicated by a HOMA-IR value ≥ 2.7.

Due to the non-specificity of the clinical and biochemical picture, the diagnosis of NAFLD should be verified by the data of a morphological study of hepatobiopsy.

The following abnormalities are detected in the liver tissue of patients:

• fatty liver of varying degrees of severity (large-droplet, small-droplet, mixed);

• inflammatory infiltration (centrilobular, less often portal and periportal) with neutrophils, lymphocytes, histiocytes;

• fibrosis of varying severity (perihepatocellular, perisinusoidal and perivenular).

NAFLD is benign, however, according to dynamic morphological studies of liver tissue, approximately half of the patients experience increased fibrosis over time. According to the literature, the formation of liver cirrhosis occurs in 7–16% of adult patients.

Treatment of patients with NAFLD that developed as part of MS begins with the correction of its main manifestations. The primary measures should be aimed at reducing body weight: changing lifestyle, reducing caloric intake, increasing physical activity. It is important to remember that too rapid loss of body weight naturally leads to an increase in inflammatory activity and the progression of fibrosis. At the same time, a decrease in body weight by 11–20 kg/year (7–10% of the initial weight) has a positive effect on the severity of steatosis, inflammation and the degree of liver fibrosis. A safe level of weight loss (500–1500 g per week) is achieved with a daily calorie intake of 25 kcal/kg and vigorous exercise and/or use of the intestinal lipase inhibitor orlistat. Against the background of weight loss and normalization of biochemical parameters, a significant decrease in steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis of the liver is observed.

Taking into account the dominant role of oxidative stress in the development and progression of NAFLD, the use of drugs with antioxidant activity is recommended to correct metabolic disorders. Thiogamma (Wörwag Pharma GmbH and Co. KG, Germany) is considered such a drug, the active ingredient of which is the meglumine salt of thioctic acid. In the body, thioctic (α-lipoic) acid is synthesized during the oxidative decarboxylation of α-keto acids and is an endogenous antioxidant. By the nature of its biochemical effect, thioctic acid is close to B vitamins, participates in the regulation of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and helps normalize cholesterol metabolism. By participating in the oxidation of fatty acids in mitochondria, thioctic acid reduces the content of substrates for TG synthesis and prevents the development of fatty liver [9–11].

The most widely known mechanism of action of thioctic acid is antioxidant activity, which consists in the deactivation of free radicals and normalization of the function of the glutathione system [12, 13].

The next important proven mechanism of action of thioctic acid is hypolipidemic, which consists in reducing cholesterol synthesis and releasing fatty acids from adipose tissue.

The hypoglycemic effect of thioctic acid consists of stimulating the activity of glucose transporters and the process of intracellular glucose transport itself, as well as inhibiting gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis. Thioctic acid regulates metabolism, reducing the concentration of glucose in the blood, thereby helping to overcome IR. This property of thioctic acid is difficult to overestimate for patients with MS, in the pathogenesis of which impaired glucose utilization plays an important role.

Studies have also shown the anti-inflammatory effect of thioctic acid, which manifests itself due to the suppression of the activity of inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-1, TNF-α), which play a major role in the development of IR and the progression of inflammatory changes in liver tissue. Recommendations for the use of thioctic acid are based on the results of numerous foreign studies (ALADIN, ORPIL, NATHAN, DECAN, SYDNEY) [10, 11]. A meta-analysis of the results of these studies, which included 1258 patients, showed that intravenous administration of thioctic acid at a dose of 600 mg for three weeks significantly reduced neurological symptoms [10, 14]. In these studies, a particularly significant effect was obtained when thioctic acid was used by patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus against the background of MS. This is the most important rationale for the use of Thiogamma in NAFLD, which develops as a result of disorders of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism in MS [15, 16].

Thus, based on the above-described properties of thioctic acid, it is obvious that the drug Thiogamma has the following pathogenetically substantiated actions that make it possible to correct the main metabolic disorders that develop in MS and NAFLD [9, 17]:

• insulin-like effect on transmembrane glucose transport [11], increases the rate of glucose transport into the cell, promoting the accumulation of glycogen in the cell;

• has a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism;

• has a beneficial effect on reparative processes (including in hepatocytes) and improves liver function [11];

• reduces inflammation, reducing the severity of lipid peroxidation, binding free radicals and free tissue iron;

• prevents the development of fatty liver infiltration;

• increases the energy supply of the cell and helps prevent the development of ketoacidosis;

• helps prevent and relieve rheological disorders and vascular disorders due to suppression of nitric oxide synthesis by hepatocytes.

The daily dose of the drug is 600 mg in one oral dose or in one infusion (slow administration of the drug at a rate of no more than 50 mg per minute). The decision on the duration of treatment is made by the attending physician, depending on the clinical and biochemical activity of the disease. However, taking into account the need to correct profound metabolic disorders, it is recommended that Thiogamma therapy be carried out for at least 2–4 months with possible repeated courses (as indicated). The drug has a good tolerability and safety profile; allergic reactions such as urticaria are rare. No teratogenic or carcinogenic effects of thioctic acid have been identified. A number of works by domestic and foreign authors indicate the effectiveness of Thiogamma in the complex treatment of NAFLD [12, 13].

Thus, the numerous systemic effects of thioctic acid on carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism make the use of Thiogamma pathogenetically justified for fatty liver disease associated with IR and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Application in cosmetology

It is recommended to think about purchasing Thiogamma for skin in the following cases:

  1. Unhealthy complexion.
  2. The presence of facial and pronounced wrinkles.
  3. Pimples, acne.
  4. Dermis with increased fat content or dryness.
  5. Redness and other damage.

The substance is sold in almost any pharmacy at an affordable price. It has three release forms:

  1. Tableted. This is a drug for oral administration. To use it in cosmetology, the tablets must first be crushed.
  2. In ampoules.
  3. Injection. Available in 50 ml bottles.

In cosmetology, it is advisable to use solutions with a concentration of 1.2%. They have simple instructions and a convenient release form.

The packaging with Thiogamma usually comes with specialized bags in which the bottles are stored after opening. One bottle is completely enough for the course, so the substance is often purchased individually. The duration of sessions is from 10 to 30 days. If necessary, the course is repeated one more time during the year.

Apply the solution as a toner using a cotton pad in the morning and evening. The face is wiped with massage movements. You can also pour the liquid into a spray bottle and apply it to the skin by spraying. The face is first cleaned. Tap water contains metals, and therefore destroys the properties of the active substance of the solution. To avoid this, wash your face with micellar or rose water before the procedure. Some time after the session, moisturize your skin with your usual cream.

Thiogamma is also used to care for eyelids. To do this, make lotions from cotton pads soaked in a solution. The compresses are kept for 5 minutes.

Important information! After the first session, the skin may turn red. A tingling sensation may also occur. This is a normal reaction. In subsequent times, the skin will tolerate the substance more calmly.

The most effective facelift procedures

There are many techniques used to perform a facelift:

  • Radiesse
  • RF needle lifting
  • Laser resurfacing
  • Thermolifting
  • Temporal thread lifting
  • Correction with liquid threads
  • Massage
  • SMAS lifting

The Idealist Clinic uses only proven technologies with proven effectiveness and safety. It is better to choose the method by which a non-surgical facelift will be performed with an experienced cosmetologist who will first assess the condition of your skin. Sign up for a consultation on anti-age therapy and aging prevention by calling the number, the consultation will be free for you.


Radiesse is a specific dermal filler that is used for non-surgical face lifting and provides long-term results. The drug replenishes lost volume on the face and stimulates the production of its own collagen. The procedure lasts from 30 to 60 minutes and does not cause discomfort to the client. A distinctive feature of this technique is that the drug does not cause swelling, since it does not contain hyaluronic acid.

Principles of the drug:

  • instant smoothing of wrinkles due to volume replenishment
  • stimulating the production of your own collagen, leaving the skin smooth
  • the formation of a new dermal matrix, which is supported by the drug, due to which the effect lasts for 1-2 years

The Idealista clinic will help determine whether this procedure is suitable for the client. Cosmetologists will select the optimal method only after carefully studying the structure of the skin.

RF needle lifting

Needle radiofrequency fractional lifting is a technique using radio frequencies that penetrate the skin and have a stimulating effect on collagen. By heating the deep layers of the skin, metabolism improves and fibroblasts are activated to produce collagen. The technique does not give an immediate visible effect, but helps to obtain a lasting result using the body’s own strength.

Positive changes:

  • improvement of skin tone
  • restoration of elasticity
  • smoothing skin texture
  • wrinkle smoothing

In Idealist cosmetology, the micro-needle RF lifting procedure is carried out using the Scarlet S device. This is one of the three top devices in the micro-needle RF lifting technique, which allows you to accurately predict the depth of penetration and achieve an ideal result.

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is a procedure using a fractional erbium laser that allows you to renew the upper layers of the skin and stimulate the production of your own collagen.

Effects of the technique:

  • facial contour restoration
  • improving skin elasticity and tone
  • wrinkle correction
  • elimination of sagging in the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids
  • restoration of skin relief
  • smoothness improvement

Thanks to the use of a premium Palomar erbium laser made in the USA and highly qualified cosmetologists, the procedure is painless and safe and does not have a long rehabilitation period.

Temporal thread lifting

A facelift with special threads is an effective procedure for improving facial contours. For this, safe, hypoallergenic materials are used, which not only support the facial frame, but also trigger the processes of producing your own collagen.

Only a doctor can determine the need for such a procedure. Therefore, sign up for a consultation at Idealista so that experienced cosmetologists can choose the optimal facelift method for you.

Infrared thermolifting

The essence of infrared thermolifting (IR lifting) is similar to radio frequency. The effect is achieved by heating the deep layers of the skin. Only for this purpose infrared rays are used. To avoid overheating of the skin, the cosmetologist uses a special cooling gel. The effect of thermolifting becomes noticeable gradually, since the processes of collagen and elastin production take time.

Face massage

Facial massage is an affordable method of rejuvenation that does not require large financial costs, and also has a general healing effect. A course of professional facial massage helps improve skin tone, reduce the severity of wrinkles and creases, and improve complexion.

There are several techniques for rejuvenating facial massage, which include:

  • modeling lymphatic drainage
  • deep plasticizing
  • modeling author's
  • classical
  • Chinese jar and others

Facial massage to tighten facial skin is carried out strictly along massage lines. To improve the effect, anti-aging oils or serums are applied to previously cleansed skin. The advantage of the procedure is painlessness, lack of trauma to the skin, versatility, and the ability to combine massage with other injection or hardware techniques. After the session, redness of the skin is noted, but after 30 minutes the shade returns to normal and you can return to everyday activities.

Liquid threads

Liquid face lift threads are a mixture of hyaluronic acid and zinc, which makes it more durable and dense. They are injected into the subcutaneous fat using thin needles at predetermined locations.

SMAS lifting

SMAS lifting is an ultrasound method aimed at tightening the superficial muscular aponeurotic system of the face (Superficial muscular aponeurotic system). The essence of the procedure is to warm up the connective tissue to 60-70 degrees, which, under the influence of heat, begins to produce its own collagen.

Reviews from experts

Reviews from cosmetologists about Tiogamma for the face are different. And yet, most specialists are inclined to abstain from the pharmaceutical drug. No, not because of harm. It's all about ineffectiveness. The most common opinion of cosmetologists is not to save money and purchase high-quality cosmetics containing ALA.

The fact is that you need to know how to properly use Thiogamma for the face, observing all the nuances of the capricious alpha-lipoic (thioctic) acid. Otherwise, the result will be zero. In professional products from the world of cosmetology, the acid is stabilized, so its properties are not destroyed during use.

Reviews from many cosmetologists are collected into a single opinion, which is expressed by Olga Fem in the following video:

Thiogamma for the Face - another Beauty Myth?

Storage of the solution

The substance is stored in the refrigerator. Once opened, the solution should not be used for longer than 30 days. According to the instructions, the product has a longer shelf life. However, for cosmetic purposes, it is not advisable to store Thiogamma for a long time, since its beneficial properties disappear over time.

Some people do not open the bottle completely, but make a kit using a syringe. Also, after opening, the bottles are packed into bags.

Interesting to know! Did the solution thicken during storage? Dilute with saline solution.

What harm can a pharmaceutical product cause?

The substance may cause harm in rare cases. It is enough not to resort to frequent use of the solution (2 times a day, 2 courses per year - maximum). It is also worth studying the contraindications:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • dehydration;
  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Before use, do an allergy test. Apply a little product to the inner elbow area. Observe your skin's reaction throughout the day.

Tiogamma solution for inf. 1.2% 50ml n10

from 1550 ₽

More details


The German drug thiogamma is a metabolic drug that controls the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates and is used in the treatment of diabetic and alcoholic polyneuropathy (multiple lesions of areas of the peripheral nervous system). The pharmacologically active substance of the drug is thioctic acid. Diabetic polyneuropathy (polyneuropathy) is a typical complication of diabetes mellitus. It begins to manifest itself with numbness, burning and pain in the limbs at rest. Over time, this whole complex of unpleasant sensations gains intensity and begins to overwhelm the patient constantly. Polyneuropathy is characterized by movement disorders and reflex disorders. The first to become involved in the pathological process are thin sensory nerve fibers, the defeat of which entails a decrease or complete loss of temperature and pain sensitivity. Then comes the turn of thick nerve fibers, the “switching off” of which leads to disruption of proprioceptive (sensing the position of body parts relative to each other) and vibration sensitivity, inhibition of the spread of excitation. The “attack” of the disease on the motor nerves leads to atrophic changes in the small muscles of the foot and interosseous muscles, impaired muscle tone of the flexors and extensors of the fingers. The reason for such serious consequences of diabetes is prolonged and uncontrolled hyperglycemia. To prevent these complications, it is necessary to constantly maintain blood glucose levels within normal limits. But in addition to the pathogenetic therapy of diabetes, one cannot do without a symptomatic component, namely, the effect on damaged nerve fibers. In the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy, the drug thiogamma based on thioctic acid, a coenzyme produced in the human body, has proven itself well. Thioctic acid provides transmembrane transport of glucose, participates in the process of formation of glucose from other compounds, thereby replenishing energy deficiency.

Regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids, stimulates cholesterol metabolism, improves liver function. It has a hepatoprotective effect and reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol. Improves nervous trophism. Reduces the level of free radicals (antioxidant properties). A number of studies have demonstrated the hypoglycemic properties of thioctic acid. In type 2 diabetes mellitus, the amount of thioctic acid synthesized in the human body is significantly reduced. Its lack negatively affects energy metabolism. In such situations, it is almost impossible to do without replenishing the deficiency of this substance from external sources, which is the drug thiogamma. The results of recent clinical trials of this drug indicate normalization of glutathione concentrations in peripheral nerves, which has a beneficial effect on their conductivity. In addition, while taking the drug, the signs of oxidative stress that develops under the influence of free radicals and developed endoneural hypoxia are leveled. Thioctic acid is able to dissolve in both water and lipids, which allows it to be active in aqueous and fatty environments and is rightfully considered one of the most powerful antioxidants. This compound accumulates in large quantities in peripheral nervous tissue, normalizing the blood supply to nerve fibers and increasing the speed of excitation. Thiogamma is a well-studied drug with a favorable safety profile. Its initial daily dose should be 600 mg. The treatment tactics are as follows: first, thiogamma is administered intravenously for 2-4 weeks, then they switch to using the drug in tablet form at a dose of 600 mg once a day. For preventive purposes, thiogamma is prescribed in tablet form to take 600 mg of the drug once a day for a long time.

Cosmetics or pharmaceutical product

Why do some people prefer to purchase products with thioctic acid, if they can buy the same substance much cheaper? The pharmaceutical product Tiogamma, which is taken for the face, has a price much lower than any cosmetic product.

Yes, the active ingredient is the same - ALA. However, how effective is it in the Thiogamma solution from the pharmacy? ALK is a very capricious molecule that is poorly adapted to many external factors:

  • metals (often found in tap water);
  • ambient temperature;
  • sugar;
  • light;
  • air.

It is enough to wash your face before applying Thiogamma for the skin or after - and there will be no effect. You are wasting the substance. The thing is that ALA in a pharmaceutical solution is not stabilized.

In cosmetics, the acid is hidden in liposomes (most often), so the capricious molecule is adapted and ready to enrich the dermis with all its beneficial properties. And this confirms that cosmetic preparations are more effective than drugs from the pharmacy.

Interesting to know! The maximum concentration of ALA in cosmetics is 1%.

If you know the rules for using Thiogamma for the face, follow all the conditions, taking into account the vagaries of the active substance, then the result is possible. Only a-lipoic acid behaves much better together with other components. Therefore, it is advisable to make facial masks using Tiogamma.

How to cleanse and tone the skin?

What do you need for daily facial skin care? Choose your products wisely and know the step-by-step care regimen!

Cleansing is a prerequisite for normal skin functioning. This is the main procedure before applying all nourishing creams. Scientists have proven that cleansed skin absorbs the nutritional components of cosmetics 30% better than contaminated skin.

Don't neglect cleansing in the morning. Even if the skin is visually clean, this does not mean that the skin is not contaminated. All night the cells worked actively, bringing toxins and sebum to the surface. You should get rid of them to awaken your skin.

The main rules for daily cleansing and toning:

  • Cleansing is carried out in the morning and evening. The main stage of intensive cleansing should be in the evening, when the skin accumulates impurities during the day.
  • To cleanse the skin, makeup is removed with special products - first from the eyes, then from the entire face. Decorative cosmetics are removed with makeup products - mousses, foams, gels. They are selected according to skin type. Mousses and foams are suitable for dry and normal skin, and gels for oily skin.
  • All cleansers, without exception, must be washed off with water. Even light milk should not be left on the skin. The components included in cleansers gradually destroy the lipid membrane of the skin, reducing its protective abilities.
  • After cleansing, the skin is toned with tonic, lotion or toner depending on the skin type. These products remove residual chlorinated water, soothe the skin, and stabilize the pH. Every day facial skin care should not include alcohol-based toners. They have an aggressive effect on the skin, and subsequently stimulate hypersecretion of the glands.

Anti-aging masks at home

Drugs with ALA are in particular demand among older women. However, it is permissible to use the product from an adult age for prevention purposes.

Check out super recipes for anti-aging masks at home. Prepare all the ingredients for future use; do not store leftovers.

With oils

This mask not only helps you rejuvenate, but also gets rid of acne and blackheads. Suitable for oily skin.


  • almond oil - 1.5 tsp;
  • avocado oil - 1.5 tsp;
  • tea tree oil - 1 ml;
  • Thiogamma - 1-2 ml;
  • cranberry juice - 3 ml;
  • silk protein - 2 ml.

The mixture of oils must be slightly heated by steam, then combined with the rest of the components. The mixture is kept for min. 15. Frequency - 2-3 times a week.

With cognac and caffeine

Thiogamma is great for wrinkles. And in combination with other components it can eliminate other shortcomings. This mask not only rejuvenates, but also tightens pores and improves skin color.


  • drug in tablets - 4-5 pcs.;
  • caffeine ampoule;
  • 15 ml of weight loss product from Grandma Agafya’s Recipes;
  • 20 ml cognac.

The tablets are crushed and combined with the other components. The mass is kept for up to 20 minutes.

With sea salt

An excellent remedy against facial wrinkles. Suitable for all derma types.


  • pair of tables aspirin;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • sea ​​salt + some water;
  • 2-3 ml of solution.

Salt is mixed with water until it becomes mushy. Then it is applied to the face for about 10 minutes. After that, it is washed off and a mass of crushed aspirin, oil and the drug is prepared. The mixture is kept for the same amount of time. Finally, the skin is wiped with chamomile infusion.

Why cleanse and tone your skin?

The main stages of skin care are cleansing and toning. They should be performed 2 times a day. Daily facial skin care at home depends on the condition of the skin.

Cleansing is an important stage of skincare procedures. Using makeup and cosmetics without first cleansing will be ineffective - the skin and pores are contaminated, which provokes the appearance of pimples and minor blemishes. Even if you don’t use decorative cosmetics, you still need to cleanse your skin.

Daily facial skin care at home cannot be complete without cleansing. During the night, the skin intensively produces sebum. Morning procedures will help remove excess sebum and prepare the skin for the use of day cream.

Proper daily facial skin care must include evening cleansing of dirt and makeup residues. After cleansing, the skin is able to absorb the nutrients contained in the creams. The main rule is to use special products to cleanse the thin skin around the eyes.

If everything is clear with cleansing, then why does the skin need toning? The normal pH of human skin is 3.5-5.5. The skin is covered by a lipid layer called the acid mantle. Washing disrupts the acidity of the skin, as products often contain alkalis. After some time, the skin itself is able to restore its pH, but a tonic will help speed up this process.

Facial skin care every day includes toning. Tonics perform several tasks:

  • help neutralize the effects of cleansers
  • stabilize skin pH after cleansing
  • prepare the skin for applying the cream
  • improve the penetration of nutrients into the deep layers of the dermis

Daily skin care for the face and neck means using toners in the morning and evening. The toner restores pH and eliminates the feeling of tightness. The toning effect will not be long in coming - the skin becomes moisturized and velvety, skin pores narrow, and inflammatory processes decrease.

Consumer Opinions

There are quite a lot of responses on review sites about using the substance on the face. There are more pros than cons. The skin is moisturized, smoothed and rejuvenated. Another significant advantage of the product is its cost.

Disadvantages include inconvenient use. Some write that they expected more, however, they are happy with this result.

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Thiogamma for face

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Tiagamma solution has analogues. Check out the TOP 3 drugs with identical active ingredients.


Octolipene conc.d/inf. 30mg/ml 10ml n10

from 385 ₽

More details

Smoothes out fine wrinkles, ideal at the initial stage of skin aging. Before use, the drug is diluted in other liquids. It is prohibited to use octopylene on the face in its pure form.

Berlition 300

Berlition 300 concentration d/inf. 25mg/ml 12ml n5

from 576 ₽

More details

A popular and effective anti-wrinkle product. It has a minimum of contraindications and side effects.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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