10 interesting facts about the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids (hemorrhoidal disease)

is the collective name for pathologies of the rectum, in which the internal and external hemorrhoidal plexuses located in the anal canal increase in size.
If the outflow of blood is disrupted, internal nodes can fall out and bleed, and sometimes complications arise, for example, thrombosis, which is accompanied by severe pain. Most often, this disease is caused by a genetic predisposition, but the “trigger mechanism” for the development of hemorrhoids most often becomes everyday habits, lifestyle and natural physiological processes (hemorrhoids during pregnancy, in patients over 50 years old)

We have collected several important facts about the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids in one article to refute misconceptions and recall the main points that will help you avoid becoming a victim of this “popular” disease.

If you have the following symptoms of hemorrhoids:

  • pain when defecating, sitting and walking,
  • bloody stool
  • prolapse of hemorrhoids,
  • itching in the anus

consultation with a proctologist is required

! A doctor of this specialization will help solve your problem carefully and effectively by prescribing competent therapy.

Our clinic is hosted by a leading proctologist, author of scientific works, and a surgeon with more than 40 years of experience
Sergey Dmitrievich Trukhmanov .
You can make an appointment with the doctor in person or take
an online consultation with a proctologist .

Online consultation with proctologist S.D. Trukhmanov
will be useful if:
1) you do not have the opportunity to come to the Pirogov clinic;

2) you would like to receive expert advice from a doctor and adjust conservative treatment;

3) surgery for hemorrhoids was indicated for you.

To prevent hemorrhoids, it is important to maintain a drinking regime.

Glass of water

on an empty stomach or
a cup of coffee
daily before the morning toilet improves intestinal motility.

For constipation, it is useful to drink water containing magnesium ions or sulfate

. Drink a glass of mineralized water at room temperature 3 times a day.

Special herbal infusions for the intestines and even ordinary green tea are useful. The latter contains flavonoids - natural antioxidants and tannins, which increase vascular tone and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process in the tissues of the anus. It is important that green tea is of high quality and properly brewed. For gastritis and stomach ulcers, green tea may be contraindicated.

at least 2 liters of liquid per day


cognac is extremely harmful to the intestines.

- it has a toxic toxic effect on the cavernous tissue of hemorrhoids and “corrodes” it.

Is treating hemorrhoids after childbirth effective at home?

Unfortunately, women suffer from hemorrhoids. They are treated periodically using venotonics, various suppositories and ointments, and sometimes laxatives are added. And when conservative treatment completely stops helping, exacerbations become too strong and frequent, they come to the appointment and ask for a miracle to be performed.

A miracle means complete relief from hemorrhoidal problems. It is desirable, as an additional bonus, to receive an aesthetically attractive anus; and so that later you don’t have to use medications, at least periodically.

My dears, miracles in treatment happen only in the initial stages of the development of any disease, before changes have yet occurred in the organ itself and surrounding tissues. In relation to the anus - as long as the disease has not changed or significantly changed the anatomical structure of the anus.

What foods are good for preventing intestinal diseases?

In order not to risk your health and not be a victim of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to include more vegetables, fruits and fiber in your daily diet.

For the prevention of hemorrhoids it is useful:

  1. Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables (apples, avocado, pumpkin, broccoli)
  2. Beetroot and beet salad
  3. Freshly squeezed juice, especially pumpkin juice
  4. Prunes
  5. Chew food thoroughly


  1. Hot, spicy, fried, smoked
  2. Marinades
  3. Eat dry
  4. Soda
  5. Whole milk
  6. Baking and flour
  7. Lots of sweets
  8. Pasta, white rice and bread
  9. Canned food

If microflora disorders are detected, it is better to cure them. Sometimes it is necessary to prescribe probiotics that restore the intestinal microbiome, and enzymes that help digest food.

*For patients with diagnosed intestinal disease, the diet is individually prescribed by a doctor.

A case from the practice of a proctologist

Now let's consider this situation. I wrote about her in my telegram channel “Doctor-heals”.

During the first pregnancy and after childbirth there were thromboses of nodes, veins, and blood. Well, everything is as it should be during an exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease. Then everything went away. There are small folds left near the anus, which do not hurt, but only spoil the beauty. I’ll tell you a secret - THIS IS HEMORRHOIDS!, my dears.

And now you are planning your second pregnancy. Here we have the development of two very common options for further events:

  1. The first option is not at all smart: I closed my eyes and “drove through the intersection for luck, according to the principle “maybe I’ll get through”... This doesn’t happen often. The logic of the reasoning is simple: “Since hemorrhoids don’t bother you now, they won’t bother you during your SECOND pregnancy either.” Yeah! Blessed are the ignorant... Why, if hemorrhoids were inflamed during the FIRST pregnancy, then during the SECOND pregnancy they will not become inflamed. Maybe 1-2 out of 100 won’t, but that’s with my mother’s prayers... For the rest, it will be whatever it is. Don't say you didn't know. We didn’t think so – yes, I believe it. Now you know, I thought for you and told you.
  2. The second option is smarter, but the life principle: “trust, but verify” has not been canceled. As a conscientious patient, I went to the proctologist, and he said that there is no need to do anything now, anyway, after childbirth it will be larger, then we will operate. Re-read the first version of the story, well, you will get pregnant and what will happen next. Have you reread it? Now you know. In general, with this topic, “as for childbirth... it’s not necessary, anyway...” Dear, my dear readers, think about this phrase! She is very ambiguous! Let's look at similar situations. There is no need to treat your teeth either; they will fall out on their own (or they will pull them out if they hurt too much). There is no need to remove a polyp or mole either; when there is cancer, then we will operate. There is also no need to operate on appendicitis, but if there is already peritonitis... There is no need to undergo treatment in general either, everyone dies in the end anyway.

Of course, if we consider the issue of hemorrhoids in a woman who wants to get pregnant from the perspective of a proctologist 20-30 years ago, then yes, one operation is better than two. “And when there are larger hemorrhoids, we will cut them off, sew everything up, and if you don’t get pregnant, there is a high chance that you will no longer have hemorrhoids.”

But times are changing!

Now a proctologist can use a laser to remove 1-2 veins the size of a buckwheat grain, if necessary, not to mention the internal nodes, and live in peace. Have children, raise them to your joy.

You treat your teeth before pregnancy, knowing that during pregnancy they are more destroyed. Otherwise you will be left with stumps in your mouth. And after childbirth, they have to be treated repeatedly throughout their lives. And teeth are basically a bone structure, it is more stable than veins - soft tissue.

Is it true that anal sex leads to hemorrhoids?

There is no data that would reliably confirm the correlation between anal sex and, for example, hemorrhoids. The main danger of anal sex is, of course, the transmission of infections, for example, the human papillomavirus, which causes cancer. human papillomas. Even Koch bacilli - the culprit of tuberculosis - in 5% of cases live in the rectum, and not just in the lungs.

“Non-standard” sex can lead to anal fissures, damage to the mucous membrane, and bleeding. Insufficiency of the anal sphincter also develops, which can lead to fecal incontinence. And weakening of the ligaments leads to prolapse of hemorrhoids.

Evidence-based medicine does not answer this question, but it’s better to be careful.

Causes and symptoms

So, we agreed: hemorrhoids appear during pregnancy. Alas, it remains with you in later life if it is not removed.

Why is that? External hemorrhoids behave like varicose veins in the legs. Very often these diseases occur together during pregnancy. Or progress if they were there before. Therefore, just as varicose veins will not go away after childbirth, so hemorrhoids will also remain with you. And just as varicose veins will progress and cause problems, so hemorrhoids will increase and bother you.

Have you noticed an extra fold in your anus after giving birth? This is an external hemorrhoid with a 90% probability.

Is the fold gradually enlarging or new ones appearing? These hemorrhoids are growing.

The fold hasn't changed yet? This does not mean that hemorrhoids have disappeared or are not progressing: while the nodes are not large, their bulk is located deeper, in the anal canal. Can you check for hemorrhoids yourself? Yes, immediately after defecation, preferably without getting up from the toilet, wash your butt and touch it with your fingers. You can strain quite a bit. Soft tissue is identified under the fingers, and when you press on it, it decreases. This is the external hemorrhoid.

In such a situation, there is nothing I can do to please you. Go to a proctologist. The smaller the node, the easier it is to remove it with a laser.

Is it possible to cure hemorrhoids using traditional methods?

Herbal baths, decoctions and compresses are appropriate only as part of combined conservative therapy for uncomplicated hemorrhoids. We are not aware of cases in which these isolated measures would be truly effective. Traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids should be treated especially carefully and from a critical point of view. Still, we are talking about a serious pathology of the rectum, often with cracks, prolapse of nodes and even thrombosis. Self-medication can be dangerous.

A separate group of proctologist patients are those whom doctors treat for complications after treatment with traditional methods.

They will definitely not help with hemorrhoids:

  • ice candles
  • fresh potato paste
  • aloe leaf
  • cucumbers from the garden
  • steam baths
  • leeches

Hemorrhoid treatment products Nizhpharm Natalsid - reviews


I got cracks from constipation. The pain was terrible, I couldn’t go to the toilet normally. I had to go to the doctor, who, after examining me, advised me to put on Natalsid suppositories. I put it on 2 times a day for two weeks. The drug helped, it healed quickly, and now everything is fine. The drug helps.



In the last stages of pregnancy, such a nuisance as hemorrhoids appeared. It hurt terribly, it was not comfortable to sit, itching, swelling. The gynecologist prescribed these suppositories. The most important thing is that they are allowed during pregnancy and do not harm the baby in any way. The suppositories removed the swelling and pain in one day, and after a couple of days almost everything went away. I recommend! Moreover, they are made from natural ingredients (algae).

Lyudmilka N.


As I wrote earlier, my husband has been struggling with hemorrhoids for several years now. Anyone who suffers from this disease knows how unpleasant it is and how to take care. My husband wasn't allowed to lift heavy things, but when we moved, he couldn't stand by while his friends carried furniture. Naturally, he wanted to be useful and also take part in this matter. There is only one answer to all my arguments - I must.

It is because of his obstinacy that he suffers. After carrying heavy loads, his hemorrhoids worsened, and although not severe, he began to bleed. Lately we've been buying relief candles, but the pharmacy didn't have them and they offered me Natalsid candles. Although the price seemed high to me - 120 hryvnia for 10 candles - I bought them nonetheless.

Natalsid has a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for rectal fissures and chronic bleeding hemorrhoids.

For the first three days, my husband lit one candle twice a day. This was enough for him to reduce the pain and stop the bleeding. Then I put one a day, only at night, for another four days. So he used the entire package and successfully treated hemorrhoids.



My husband has been suffering from hemorrhoids for many years and it has become so bad that he cannot bear it. When we went to the clinic with him, the doctor was horrified and began to scold him for how he allowed this to happen. He told us to urgently buy us Natalsid and definitely start using it. And he told us to carefully read the instructions for use. My husband had to use it twice a day, but after about 9-10 days he said that he felt much better and Natalsid was helping him. It’s good that our pharmacy has it in stock and the price is quite suitable for us.

Nadezhda Vladimirova


Many mothers after childbirth are faced with such a scourge as hemorrhoids. It causes quite a lot of problems. Of course, it is better to contact a specialist immediately, but you still need to alleviate the condition. And I was not spared this problem. It started during pregnancy. I bought Natalsid suppositories on the advice of my gynecologist. I really liked the result. The pain went away almost immediately, and after a week of use the condition improved significantly. But I can notice that two years ago these candles were different. Then they disappeared somewhere for a while, and then reappeared in a new package. And I want to say that before that they were much better than now. Although now they are very helpful.




Effective, safe


For children, the candles are too large, you have to divide them

When my 5-year-old daughter developed blood in her stool after taking an antibiotic, I immediately ran to the doctor, she prescribed these suppositories, after a few uses the result appeared, and after a 10-day course everything went away!







Helped from the first use, very pleased with the result. The problem began during pregnancy; you don’t often see medications approved during pregnancy. I recommend.

Angelica Keiner


Hello all readers!

We continue to discuss sensitive and problematic topics, and today the hero of the review will be hemorrhoids - an unspoken problem for many.


Hemorrhoids are pathological venous changes in the rectum, a kind of varicose veins,

which causes a lot of inconvenience from pain during bowel movements and sitting to bleeding.

Hemorrhoids can be either inside the rectum or outside, in the form of prolapsed hemorrhoids of various sizes, which people often “reduce” inside themselves.

Hemorrhoids have several stages, from the very beginning of the manifestation of the disease, when no one notices any special external changes (well, it’s not often that a normal person examines his butt in the mirror for hemorrhoids, would you agree?) to the last advanced stage - large external nodes, when no folk ointments, baths and suppositories will no longer help - only surgical removal.

This problem occurs in the majority of the population due to an unhealthy lifestyle - long working hours in a chair, lifting heavy objects, etc.

The problem is serious and potentially dangerous - from large blood losses to purulent inflammation of the intestines, and sometimes death.


This problem affected me after

childbirth (which is not surprising at all), when I began to notice blood on toilet paper during periodic constipation and stabbing pain after using the toilet.

I must say that I am a supporter of getting rid of the problem immediately and using radical methods, once and for all. However, after reading about how the process of removing hemorrhoids goes, I got a little scared and still decided to wait, especially since the problem is still barely noticeable.

As long as hemorrhoids are a problem for life (if they are not removed), then you will always have to buy suppositories periodically. Sea buckthorn candles used to be such candles for me , but their main disadvantage, like many other candles, is why I don’t like this dosage form - this is the immediate urge to go to the toilet , which makes it impossible to concentrate on surrounding matters and somehow then hold the candle until it melts in the intestines.

"Natalsid", to my great joy, does not have such an effect. The suppository is administered suspiciously without any reaction to it from the intestines.

The candles are based on brown algae (sodium alginate), and the color speaks for itself. There are 10 candles in the package, which I only had difficulty opening with my hands a couple of times - it’s hard to print.

Properties of these candles:

Wound healing effect:

Increases the rate of reproduction of normal cells of the anal sphincter, the walls of hemorrhoidal veins and the mucous membrane of the colon.

Envelops the walls of the intestines and hemorrhoidal veins, providing a pronounced analgesic effect .

The hemostatic effect is realized due to the presence of carboxyl groups in the sodium alginate polymer and causes a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Typically, the inflammatory process is significantly reduced after just a week of regular use of Natalsid, and after 14 days it completely stops.

In addition, sodium alginate is able to stimulate the production of type A immunoglobulins, which are the most important part of the local immunity of the mucous membranes. Due to the appearance of immunoglobulin A, the mucous membrane of the anal sphincter and colon becomes resistant to the effects of various pathogenic microbes.

As you can see, the effect of candles is complex and comprehensive.


Although the course is individual, for some, 10 days of use will be enough, but in my case, I noticed that the blood disappeared only on the 6th day of treatment, and at least another week was needed for the final result.

Candles need to be placed 2 times a day after visiting the toilet, although the second time I placed them without this condition (well, I don’t go to the toilet twice a day).

Feelings from the very first suppository (acute stage of hemorrhoids): after its administration, after a couple of minutes, a slight itching was felt, which, however, quickly passed. The rest of the candles passed without any sensations.

By the end of the 14th day, hemorrhoids stopped bothering me, there was no blood or pain when going to the toilet.

However, all this calm continues exactly until the first constipation, so there is no point in treating hemorrhoids in the presence of constipation - they need to be eliminated TOGETHER, otherwise all suppositories will be useless . And yes, suppositories DO NOT REMOVE hemorrhoids, they only remove SYMPTOMS, such as pain or blood. The knots, alas, will remain so; they can only be removed promptly.

A small drawback of the candles is that the course requires not one or even two packages, but three, which costs more than a thousand rubles (one package of 10 candles costs about 370 rubles).

The second drawback is that candles sometimes leak, leaving greasy stains on the laundry.

A definite plus - it can be used during pregnancy.

To avoid exacerbation of hemorrhoids, you need, first of all, to adjust your diet so as not to provoke constipation and not cause cracks in the anus, move more and sit less, do not lift weights in the gym to prevent the nodes from falling out. And in general, a healthy lifestyle allows you to protect yourself from many problems.

Is it true that pregnancy can cause hemorrhoids?

Unfortunately, hemorrhoids during pregnancy are a really common problem. The fact is that in pregnant women, the growing uterus puts pressure on the lower abdomen. It is the compression of the veins, combined with low physical activity, that leads to the development of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Very often, the disease makes itself felt in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, but in the presence of a hereditary predisposition, it manifests itself earlier - already from 10-15 weeks.

If you have problems with the intestines, we recommend treating them in advance, at the stage of
pregnancy planning .
You should not worry about hemorrhoids during pregnancy - they can be treated conservatively (without surgery). We recommend that you consult an experienced doctor: he will give recommendations on adjusting your diet, exercise, and prescribe safe medications.

Candles "Natalsid": description

"Natalsid" is a drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Available in the form of suppositories. In both cases, the active ingredient is organic sodium alginate (alginate) salt - 250 mg in each suppository. The rest of the suppository is represented by solid fat (2.25 g each). Each candle is packed in an individual cell, a total of 10 candles per package.

The active substance is a natural polysaccharide (complex carbohydrate) obtained from brown seaweed. Thanks to its 100% natural composition, the product is highly effective and has virtually no side effects.

The medicine has anti-inflammatory, reparative and hemostatic effects. Systematic use leads to a reduction in bleeding and also promotes accelerated recovery of damaged tissues.

The product is stored under normal room conditions - temperature up to 25 degrees and moderate humidity. The general shelf life is 3 years from the date of production. Suppositories can be purchased freely at any pharmacy, since a prescription is not required. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor first. This is especially important if hemorrhoids have become chronic.

Treatment of hemorrhoids without surgery: what therapy does the doctor prescribe?

Hemorrhoids are a collective name for diseases of the rectum with a corresponding set of symptoms. The classification of hemorrhoids is extensive, so adequate treatment is prescribed after examination, and recommendations for a treatment regimen are strictly individual.

Generally speaking, treatment for hemorrhoids without surgery includes:

  • Correction of diet and diet to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Herbal medicines;
  • Drug therapy;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Minimally invasive non-surgical treatment methods: sclerotherapy, coagulation or ligation of hemorrhoids.

Treatment of postpartum hemorrhoids

Laser coagulation of hemorrhoids is well tolerated, is performed on an outpatient basis and does not require giving up breastfeeding .

Let's look at a few more situations that are very common after childbirth.

During childbirth, hemorrhoids became inflamed, and then the inflammation went away and nothing bothers me. There was only a small fold of skin left in the butt. A common situation. There are hemorrhoids, but they are small and there are no clinical manifestations of the disease now.

There are two options for the development of the situation that most often occur.

  1. As the child grows up, the load increases and the hemorrhoids begin to become inflamed or bleed. If there is dense feces, a tendency to constipation, then problems appear earlier and bother you more often. Medicines don't help much. This option occurs in about a third of patients. They are contacted earlier, most often before a year and a half from childbirth, hemorrhoids are usually small or medium-sized, and respond well to treatment. Treatment results are most often good or excellent.
  2. There are external hemorrhoids, they progress slowly, gradually, and do not bother me much. Medicines initially relieve exacerbations well. But gradually exacerbations occur more often, more severely, medications stop helping, and the situation forces you to see a doctor.

In both situations, the later you contact a proctologist, the more difficult it is to improve the health of your butt. This is understandable: the larger the hemorrhoids, the more problems, the larger the operation needed to correct the problem. And the more extensive the operation, the more traumatic it is and the less likely it is that the butt will fully recover to its pre-illness state.

What you won’t see in the prime! Years, 3-5-10 years of meaningless treatment often lead to monstrous hemorrhoids. Sometimes inpatient surgery does not help to cope with such hemorrhoids.

Does it happen that after childbirth there are no hemorrhoids? It happens, of course. I am currently treating a young mother who gave birth 4 months ago. She doesn't have hemorrhoids. I also saw one patient after three births without hemorrhoids. And about 15 - 20 patients after two births without hemorrhoids. But this comes from many years of practice. Of course, with healthy veins after the first birth, not everyone has hemorrhoids, but more than half definitely have it.

Is it true that hemorrhoid surgery is painful?

Any surgical intervention is associated with some discomfort during the rehabilitation period. However, our clinic performs minimally traumatic operations using a laser or ultrasonic scalpel, as well as using the improved technique of Milligan-Morgan, Longo, etc. Thanks to modern technology and the experience of our surgeons, patients recover after surgery without prolonged bed rest.

Read more about the treatment of hemorrhoids at the Pirogov Clinic (St. Petersburg)

9. What methods of intestinal examination exist?

This or an X-ray examination - irrigoscopy

passage of barium through the intestines;
or endoscopic: sigmoidoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy. Capsule endoscopy also allows complete visualization of the small intestinal cavity.

For other methods there are separate, strictly limited indications.

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