Hemorrhoids in women. Treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women


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Appointment with a surgeon, proctologist of the highest qualification category




Local diagnosis using probe and dyes


Collection of material from the rectum for biopsy and cytological studies


Treatment of chronic anal fissures without surgery (Recamier type)




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Hemorrhoids are a disease of modern civilization. Many methods are used to treat hemorrhoids, why does it occur? There are many reasons for the development of varicose veins of the rectum, in medical terminology, hemorrhoids. The risk of developing hemorrhoids in a particular person often depends on his professional activities and lifestyle. More often, people whose professional activities involve a sedentary lifestyle suffer from external and internal hemorrhoids. The risk group includes: drivers, accountants, IT specialists, lawyers and many others.

The nature of the diet also indirectly contributes to the development of hemorrhoids. A small amount of coarse fiber and insufficient fluid intake in the form of fruit and vegetable juices also contribute to the onset of hemorrhoids.

The physiological state of a woman during pregnancy contributes to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, increased blood supply to the veins of the rectum, and congestion in the parametrial tissue.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in the early stages

Initially, the disease is asymptomatic. Small nodes outside the anus are not visible; they are located inside the rectum. As the hemorrhoidal veins enlarge, a person begins to experience discomfort, a feeling of wetness and periodically minor itching in the anal area. The appearance of these complaints is directly related to the release of inflammatory fluid from the intestinal tract. This inflammatory exudate irritates the skin around the anus.

Another clinical situation with hemorrhoids may also occur. The patient complains of bloody discharge from the anus, usually associated with defecation. Bloody discharge from the anus is scanty and small. The patient often does not focus his attention on them. However, many already assume that these are symptoms of hemorrhoids and try to entrust their health to a competent specialist - a proctologist.


Most drug names contain a clue that allows average pharmacy visitors to decipher their therapeutic purpose. Proctosan is a prime example of this. This drug from the arsenal of a proctologist has an anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic, astringent and drying effect, i.e. precisely because it is especially valued in the treatment of such delicate diseases as hemorrhoids and similar anal fissures, inflammation of the anus and anal eczema.

Hemorrhoids are a long-standing problem of humanity, the prevalence of which is much wider than one might imagine. Thus, in people over 50 years of age, the incidence of hemorrhoids is 50%, which should be considered a fairly high figure. To treat hemorrhoids, surgical and medicinal methods can be used, which does not exclude their successful combination. Speaking about the pharmacotherapy of hemorrhoids, it is necessary to note several therapeutic goals that are primarily pursued by the proctologist: pain relief, elimination of thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins and, if necessary, bleeding, as well as relieving inflammation in the area of ​​hemorrhoids. It is obvious that from a clinical and also from a marketing point of view, an advantage in this case will be combined drugs, the components of which, solving their highly specialized tasks, affect different parts of the pathogenetic process. Proctosan from the German pharmaceutical company is just such a medicine. The “bouquet” of pharmacologically active substances contained in this drug allows it to be successfully used for both acute and chronic hemorrhoids. In the next part of the article, you will be able to get acquainted with each of its components separately.

Lidocaine is used as a local anesthetic in Proctosan, which quickly deprives hemorrhoids of such inherent characteristics as itching, burning and pain. The local non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug bufexamac helps to control inflammation within the bounds of decency.

Bismuth subgalate and titanium dioxide are responsible for the astringent and drying effect of proctosan. When the drug is applied to the affected area, a protective film is formed on it due to the surface deposition of proteins, as a result of which the wound dries out, which protects it from further injury and eliminates bleeding. This film is quite stable and is able to perform its protective function for a long time, thereby creating favorable conditions for wound regeneration.

The effectiveness and safety of proctosan was confirmed in clinical studies conducted in accordance with all the rules of evidence-based medicine. Statistical processing of research results showed that even with monotherapy with proctosan, about 85% of patients with acute hemorrhoids and 83% with chronic hemorrhoids felt significant relief, and after the first week of treatment. Burning and pain in the anal area were safely left alone by about 50% of patients, and anal itching disappeared in almost all members of the observed group. Clinically significant side effects occurred only in isolated cases. A thoughtful combination of the active ingredients of the drug made it possible to achieve a significant mitigation or complete elimination of the symptoms of the disease, and the pronounced analgesic effect reduced the need for analgesics.

Proctosan is available in two dosage forms: rectal suppositories and ointment for rectal and external use. When using the drug externally, the ointment should be applied to the affected area 2 times a day. Before doing this, you need to rinse the anus with warm water (without using soap) and wipe with a soft cloth. The rectal route of administration is suitable for both dosage forms. The ointment is introduced into the rectum using a special applicator, which is included in the package with the drug. The frequency of administration is 1-2 times a day, if possible, after defecation. Suppositories are administered at the same frequency. The duration of treatment is 8-10 days; the subsidence of acute manifestations of the disease can serve as an indicator of its completion.

Classification of hemorrhoids

Types of hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids - hemorrhoidal veins of a changed, often bluish color, are visible during a routine physical examination.

Internal hemorrhoids are characterized by inflammation and enlargement of the hemorrhoidal veins, which are located inside the anal canal.

Combined hemorrhoids – combines the presence of altered external and internal hemorrhoids.

Complicated hemorrhoids – hemorrhoids in combination with anal fissure or hemorrhoids with prolapse of nodes.

Also separately distinguished:

  • Hemorrhoids with thrombosis
  • Hemorrhoids during pregnancy
  • Hemorrhoids in children and adolescents.

Stages of hemorrhoids and its treatment

The choice of treatment method for hemorrhoids depends on the stage, duration of the disease, severity of pain, and the presence of concomitant pathology in the patient.

Stage 1 uncomplicated external hemorrhoids are usually treated conservatively. The patient is recommended to have a certain work regimen, a set of physical exercises, and a diet high in dietary fiber and fiber. For example, beets, prunes, carrots, flaxseed, olive oil, wheat bran and other foods. Emphasis is also placed on fluid intake, more than 1.5 liters per day, including vegetable and fruit juices: apple, carrot, beetroot, celery juice. At the conservative stage of hemorrhoid therapy, medications are also used that regulate the act of defecation by changing the consistency of stool. The recommended drugs are lactulose and duphalac. If conservative treatment for stage 1 hemorrhoids is insufficiently effective, it is recommended to use other methods of therapy. Sclerotherapy and photocoagulation have proven themselves well in the initial stages of hemorrhoid development. However, medicine does not stand still. Currently, more progressive methods of treating hemorrhoids of stages 1, 2, 3 have appeared. These methods include latex ligation of hemorrhoids.

Conservative techniques

Treatment for external hemorrhoids includes:

  1. Taking tablets to improve vascular tone and prevent the appearance of new nodes.
  2. A course of anti-inflammatory medications (to relieve or reduce pain, to relieve the inflammatory process).
  3. Local therapy (ointments, suppositories, gels - to soften and facilitate bowel movements, prevent injury to hemorrhoids, improve blood circulation and eliminate inflammation).

In combination with medications, on the advice of your doctor, you can use traditional methods. Herbal baths and microenemas will help alleviate the patient’s condition.

If the expected result from the treatment course is not achieved, then effective treatment of hemorrhoids will be obtained using innovative minimally invasive techniques.

How to stop hemorrhoids using latex ligation, laser vaporization, and desarterization will be discussed in more detail below.

Latex ligation of hemorrhoids

One of the most modern and effective methods of treating hemorrhoids is ligation with latex rings. This is a proven and practiced technique in developed countries of the world, based on the use of a vacuum ligator - special medical equipment. Medical equipment is used by the German concern “Storz”. The essence of this technique is as follows:

  • a special latex ring is placed on the hemorrhoid;
  • the ring compresses the pedicle of the hemorrhoid, which contains the vessel that feeds it;
  • without receiving power, the node is rejected on its own (usually this happens after a few days);
  • after the node is rejected, healthy connective tissue is formed in its place.

The duration of removal of one hemorrhoidal node is up to 10-15 minutes. Vacuum ligation does not require anesthesia and is a virtually painless procedure. If the threshold of pain sensitivity is increased, the medical proctologist can perform anesthesia individually for you, at the request of the patient.

Treatment of hemorrhoids of 1-2 degrees is carried out in an outpatient medical setting. Pre-appointment and minimal laboratory testing are required prior to your visit.

Other benefits of treating hemorrhoids with ligation:

  • high and scientifically proven effectiveness;
  • minimal intervention in the patient's body;
  • the ability to continue working during the entire course of treatment.

Contraindications to vacuum ligation:

anal canal fissures, acute proctitis, paraproctitis, and other inflammatory proctological diseases. Of course, the procedure is not performed if the patient has acute respiratory infections or a herpetic attack.

Preparation for ligation

Before visiting a proctologist directly for ligation, it is necessary to perform tests recommended by the doctor (complete blood count with platelet count, blood group and Rh factor, INR, APTT, fibrinogen). This must be done to avoid the development of complications.

It is not recommended to use drugs with blood thinning effects, such as aspirin. You must inform your doctor about all medications you take. Before the ligation procedure, it is necessary to prepare the intestine for examination, i.e. it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. The evening before your visit to the doctor, you should not have dinner; lunch should be no later than 14:00 if the visit is scheduled for the next morning. If a consultation with a proctologist is planned in the afternoon in Minsk, Borisov or Zhodino, then there will be a light dinner. The next day, before the evening reception (for example, 17-19 hours) at 16 hours it is recommended to have a small snack. It is necessary to keep in mind that a planned consultation with a proctologist can be carried out at any level of the patient’s preparedness, but the diagnostic value, quality and information content will not be high. For a quality consultation with a proctologist, we recommend performing a cleansing enema or bowel preparation with a laxative.

The cost of the latex ring ligation procedure includes:

  • examination by a proctologist;
  • anoscopy;
  • rectoscopy;
  • the cost of the rings themselves and disposable instruments;
  • work of a doctor and a nurse.

During observations and scientific studies, it was found that 93% of patients who underwent ligation with latex rings on time avoided surgery!

To consult a proctologist and perform ligation of hemorrhoids, you must make an initial appointment with a medical proctologist by calling our contact numbers or using the appointment form.

Laser vaporization

Effective treatment of hemorrhoids is impossible without the use of laser vaporization.

LHP technology (laser submucosal destruction) is possible thanks to the use of equipment from. Advantages of laser vaporization:

  • no injuries;
  • no postoperative stitches;
  • relief of inflammation during the recovery period;
  • minimal exposure time to hemorrhoidal formation;
  • short period of rehabilitation;
  • reduction of relapses.

The essence of the technique is to evaporate the hemorrhoidal node with a laser.

The patient does not feel pain during the procedure and recovers quickly. The use of special proctological underwear and local anesthetics are additional means to create patient comfort during laser vaporization. How to stop hemorrhoids without pain and surgery? There is only one answer - to use the latest technologies to combat the problem.

Your hemorrhoids will be cured:

Bondar Alexander Stepanovich Highest qualification category.

Specialty: Surgeon, proctologist, proctologist-surgeon, head of the proctology department of the Minsk Regional Clinical Hospital (MRCH).

Direction: Proctology

Work experience: More than 20 years.

What diseases does it treat: proctological diseases of any complexity. Individualized diagnosis and treatment of all nosological forms in an outpatient medical setting.

Rubtsov Vladimir Aleksandrovich Highest qualification category in the specialty of surgeon, first in healthcare organization.

Specialty: surgeon, proctologist surgeon, proctologist of the Department of Proctology of Purulent Surgery (HO No. 2)

Direction: proctology, surgery.

Work experience: more than 35 years.

What diseases does it treat: proctological diseases of any complexity. Individualized diagnosis and treatment of hemorrhoids in an outpatient medical setting.

Performing a cleansing enema before consulting a proctologist

Buy an Esmarch mug, perform one enema in the evening and one in the morning 4 hours before the visit, if the consultation with the proctologist is scheduled in the morning. If the consultation is scheduled in the afternoon (17-19 hours), perform an enema in the morning and another cleansing enema 3-4 hours before the examination. After performing the enema, at least 3 hours, and preferably 4 hours, should pass until the consultation with a proctologist in the cities of Minsk, Zhodino, Borisov.

Preparing for a visit to the proctologist using a laxative

Preparing for a consultation with a proctologist using a laxative is an alternative way to cleanse the intestines. Currently, one of the most popular and registered in the Republic of Belarus is the drug Fortrans. This method is used with caution by those patients who have a history of surgery on the abdominal organs and intestines.

What happens during a consultation with a proctologist?

General examination by a proctologist

The first stage of any proctological visit is a conversation, clarification of the patient’s complaints, their duration, clarification of allergy history, clarification of family cancer history. Next, an external examination of the anal area and intergluteal fold is performed. This examination allows you to detect diseases such as external hemorrhoids, anaderma, anal dermatitis, anal fissures, epithelial coccygeal ducts, often paraproctitis, viral and other skin diseases.

The next stage is a digital examination of the rectum. The doctor evaluates the presence and size of internal hemorrhoids, assesses the possibility of the presence or absence of tumors and rectal fissures. The preliminary results obtained are taken into account when performing anoscopy.


Next, an anoscope is inserted into the anus.

Anoscopy is a method of examining the rectum, which allows a proctologist to examine the condition of the mucous membrane at a distance of 10-12 cm from the anus. Anoscopy is normally painless. Anoscopy is performed for the differential diagnosis of diseases such as hemorrhoids, rectal polyps, to clarify the possible source of bleeding and foci of inflammation. If there is increased pain sensitivity and the patient desires, local anesthesia can be performed using an anesthetic ointment or spray.

An anoscopic examination evaluates the condition of the rectal mucosa, its color, its structure, the presence or absence of polyps, ulcerative defects, and internal hemorrhoids. During anoscopy, therapeutic procedures are performed or may be performed. Such as photocoagulation, administration of medicinal and sclerosing substances, ligation of internal hemorrhoids is strictly individual for each patient. Medical equipment and consumables from the German concern “Storz” are used.

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