Vitagerpavac is an inactivated specific vaccine against herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2 as a means of immunoprophylaxis for chronic herpes infection

Vaccine "Vitagerpavak": goodbye herpes!

Today, more than 90% of the inhabitants of our planet are susceptible to herpes virus infections every year. In addition, 20% of those infected subsequently experience severe illness, leading to serious illness.

Only once having penetrated the human body, the herpes virus becomes its permanent resident. Over time, this infection, if left untreated, progresses and can lead to disability or death.

Currently, the field of study and direct treatment of herpes diseases is developing significantly. About a year and a half ago in our country, medical scientists developed and introduced a new effective vaccine aimed at combating infections caused by viruses of the Herpesviridae family.

One of the popular viruses, type I virus affects the area of ​​the lips, nose, certain areas of the skin on the face, oral mucosa, conjunctiva of the eyes, and also, in extreme cases, causes inflammation of the brain and its membranes. Type II virus manifests itself in the human genital area, causes intrauterine infection and acquires threatening disseminated forms.

This vaccine, the name of which sounds like “Vitagerpavac,” was studied in the deepest sense for 5 years, and as a result of many studies conducted, it was found to be reliable and highly effective (63% of subjects after the procedure were completely free from infection, 27% symptoms appeared much less frequently, and only 8% of patients, the frequency of disease manifestations remained the same).

No side effects have been identified when using the Vitagerpavac vaccine. Toxic reactions and other adverse effects on the human body are not observed.

Today, in the network of our multidisciplinary clinics “” you can take a course of vaccination against herpes virus infection.

The course of this treatment involves administering 5 injections to the patient. Injection therapy is carried out at intervals of a week (or 10 days, in the case of complicated herpes infection). A repeat course of 5 injections is indicated after 6 months. This drug involves intradermal administration.

Who is recommended for Vitagerpavak vaccination:

• patients who have exacerbations of chronic infections caused by Herpesviridae viruses three or more times over the course of one year

• elderly people

• HIV-infected patients (stages I and II)

Prevention and treatment of herpes virus infection with the help of the Vitagerpavak vaccination is your unique opportunity to forget about such an unpleasant disease as herpes once and for all. Our experienced specialists conduct a detailed examination of each patient with complaints of herpes virus infection and prescribe an individual course of comprehensive treatment. Features of a person’s immune status, his indications or contraindications for the vaccination procedure - these and a number of other reasons are important components in the plan and outcome of treatment of infections caused by viruses of the Herpesviridae family.

That is why our doctors treat each of their patients with care and attention, use an individual approach in their practice that takes into account all the characteristics of their body, accurately diagnose and draw up an adequate treatment plan. In addition to the vaccination procedure itself, you will receive a professional consultation with a doctor who will give some simple tips on maintaining the overall favorable state of your health and ways to effectively combat herpesvirus infections.

Additional prevention of herpes viral diseases includes the following:

• Therapeutic hardening of the body. We are talking about carrying out procedures aimed at increasing the body’s resistance to the effects of low and high temperatures. You can use cold water dousing.

• Use of vitamin C and other multivitamin preparations (especially during the period of rising viral incidence, ARVI)

• Attentive and careful attitude towards your body. Try to avoid hypothermia, stress, and overwork

Today there is a fairly large number of various drugs, creams, ointments aimed at treating infections caused by Herpesviridae viruses. However, many treatments are not always effective, and the virus often returns again.

An excellent way to effectively combat herpes is the Vitagerpavac vaccination procedure in the medical network.

Attention! There are contraindications. Before vaccination, consult a specialist.

Adverse reactions of Zostavax and Shingrix vaccines

The most common side effects of the drugs (which can affect more than 2 in 10 people) are reactions at the injection site, such as pain, redness and swelling.
In rare cases, other manifestations of a general reaction may be observed.

These are chills, fever, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, digestive system upset (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain).

Most of these effects last 2 to 3 days, and usually do not require special treatment.

Contraindications and reactions to vaccination

Vaccination against herpes is contraindicated if the child has:

  • herpesvirus infection in the active phase;
  • inflammatory or infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • allergy or hypersensitivity to any components of the vaccine;
  • malignant diseases.

The vaccination can be done no earlier than 10 days after the symptoms of herpes have completely disappeared, in the stage of stable remission.

Side effects after immunization are extremely rare. In some cases, local reactions develop - redness of the skin or a slight burning sensation in the injection area. General reactions can manifest themselves in the form of an increase in temperature to 37.5 degrees or weakness and are a variant of the norm.

Immunization with the Vitagerpavac vaccine

At SM-Clinic, children are vaccinated against herpes using the Votaherpavac vaccine. The Russian-made drug has no analogues, is approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and has been used in the country for more than 15 years.

The vaccine has proven clinical efficacy through years of research and testing. "Vitagerpavak" is effective in the prevention of herpes simplex types 1 and 2. After the first course, the drug reduces the body’s susceptibility to the virus from grade 3 to grade 1, and after complete completion of the vaccination regimen, it allows the development of stable immune protection against infection. Even if a vaccinated child subsequently comes into contact with the virus, his body will quickly cope with the pathology.

Compared to other herpes vaccines, Vitagerpavac has the following advantages:

  • prevents primary infection;
  • allows the body to develop longer and more stable immunity to the virus;
  • significantly reduces the active phase of the disease in case of infection;
  • reduces the risk of re-infection and complications;
  • protects against relapses.

How is vaccination carried out?

does not set age restrictions on the use of the drug: vaccination against herpes can be given to children and adults. The issue of vaccination is decided individually.

It is necessary to carry out proper preparation in advance. It is extremely important to treat herpesvirus infection in advance with appropriate medications.

Vaccination involves taking two courses. During the first course, five injections are administered with breaks of seven days between each injection. The repeated course is similar and is prescribed after 6 months. In severe forms of infection, you need to take four courses with an interval of 3 months.

Without undergoing a second course of vaccination against herpes, the required level of immunity in the body will not be formed, and the drug will not achieve maximum effectiveness.

The doctor prepares a solution for subcutaneous administration and injects it from the inside of the forearm. The drug is compatible with other drugs.

Contraindications to the use of herpes vaccines

Like any medications, vaccines have their own indications for use and contraindications.

Zostavax and Shingrix are not prescribed to patients with the following conditions:

  • ARI/ARVI (respiratory diseases)

Any respiratory disease (including open tuberculosis) or other active infections that are accompanied by fever are a contraindication for vaccination.

The vaccine can be administered to patients with an extremely mild course of acute respiratory infections/ARVI, which are not accompanied by severe symptoms.

The decision to delay vaccination depends on the severity of symptoms and the etiology of the disease.

  • Immunodeficiency

Vaccination is not carried out for patients with severe forms of immunodeficiency:

  • acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
  • Bruton's disease (agammaglobulinemia)
  • human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
  • hypogammaglobulinemia
  • IgA deficiency
  • severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)
  • neoplastic processes

In addition, vaccination is not prescribed to patients undergoing chemotherapy and treatment with corticosteroid drugs.

  • Pregnancy

Vaccination with Zostavax and Shingrix is ​​contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

The main reason is the lack of adequate studies that could show the effect of drugs on the fetus and the ongoing pregnancy.

  • Breastfeeding (lactation)

The manufacturer recommends that vaccination be prescribed to patients during lactation with extreme caution.

Many experts recommend avoiding vaccinations during breastfeeding or temporarily stopping breastfeeding.

Nothing is known about the possibility of the active ingredients passing into breast milk.

  • Hypersensitivity to gelatin and neomycin

The vaccines do not contain preservatives, but do contain residual amounts of neomycin.

Therefore, these drugs are not recommended for use in patients with hypersensitivity to neomycin.

Also not recommended for patients allergic to gelatin.

Intramuscular or intravenous administration of smallpox vaccine is not recommended.

The vaccine is intended for subcutaneous administration only, preferably in the shoulder area.

Prevention of Varicella Zoster in children

The American vaccines described above are generally used to vaccinate patients over 50 years of age.

Young people, as well as children, are offered the drug Varivax as an alternative as a method of preventing Human herpesvirus 3.

Varivax is a vaccine intended for active immunization of children 12 months and older.

Directions for use: Varivax is administered in the form of 0.5 ml by subcutaneous injection into the outer shoulder or thigh area.

These are the most optimal areas for administering such drugs.

Intramuscular or intravenous administration of the vaccine is not recommended.

The vaccine is intended for subcutaneous administration only.

Evidence suggests that inadvertent intramuscular administration of Varivax, while not increasing side effects, does produce a short-term immune response.

Viravax is not recommended for use in patients who are hypersensitive to gelatin or neomycin.

The vaccine is also contraindicated in cases of active febrile infection, tuberculosis, immunodeficiency, and leukemia.

Immunosuppressive therapy and pregnancy are also contraindications to the administration of the drug.

Like other known vaccines, Virovax cannot provide 100% protection for all patients against naturally acquired Human herpesvirus 3.

But, nevertheless, it showed impressive results in research.

Clinical trials assessed efficacy 6 weeks after a single dose in individuals under 12 years of age and 6 weeks after a second dose in older patients.

In the first case, the effectiveness of the vaccine was 86%, in the second - 98%.

Vaccination may be considered as a preventive method for patients with immunodeficiencies.

When the benefits outweigh the risks (eg, asymptomatic HIV, IgG deficiency, congenital neutropenia, chronic granulomatous disease).

If it is impossible to vaccinate with Virovax, in Russian pharmacies it is possible to purchase an analogue of the drug Varilrix.

The composition of the vaccine is absolutely identical; the medicine is produced in the UK.

British vaccines are distinguished by their effectiveness and reduced risk of side effects.

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