Atorvastatin-Teva tab 20mg N30 (Teva)


Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Atorvastatin is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).
It is not known whether atorvastatin is excreted in breast milk. Considering the possibility of adverse events in infants, if it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided.

Women of reproductive age should use adequate contraception during treatment. Atorvastatin should be prescribed to women of reproductive age only if the likelihood of pregnancy is very low and the patient is informed of the possible risk to the fetus during therapy.

Use for liver dysfunction

The drug should be prescribed with caution to patients with a history of liver disease.

The use of the drug is contraindicated in patients with active liver disease or increased activity of liver enzymes of unknown origin (more than 3 times compared to ULN) and with liver failure (severity according to the Child-Pugh classification A and B).

Use for renal impairment

The use of the drug in patients with renal failure and kidney disease does not affect the level of atorvastatin in the blood plasma or the degree of reduction in cholesterol/LDL during its use, so no change in the dose of the drug is required.

Use in children

The use of the drug in children and adolescents under 18 years of age is contraindicated (efficacy and safety have not been established).

special instructions

Before starting therapy with Atorvastatin, the patient must be prescribed a standard cholesterol-lowering diet, which he must follow during the entire treatment period. The use of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors to reduce the concentration of lipids in the blood can lead to changes in biochemical parameters reflecting liver function. Liver function should be monitored before starting therapy, 6 weeks, 12 weeks after starting Atorvastatin, and after each dose increase, and periodically, for example, every 6 months. An increase in the activity of liver enzymes in the blood serum may be observed during therapy with Atorvastatin. Patients who experience increased enzyme activity should be monitored until the values ​​return to normal values. If ALT or AST values ​​are more than 3 times higher than ULN, it is recommended to reduce the dose of Atorvastatin or discontinue treatment.

Atorvastatin should be used with caution in patients who abuse alcohol and/or have liver disease. Active liver disease or persistent increases in aminotransferase activity of unknown origin are contraindications to the use of Atorvastatin.

Treatment with Atorvastatin may cause myopathy. The diagnosis of myopathy (muscle pain and weakness in combination with an increase in CPK activity by more than 10 times compared with ULN) should be discussed in patients with widespread myalgias, muscle soreness or weakness and/or a marked increase in CPK activity. Patients should be warned to immediately report unexplained muscle pain or weakness if accompanied by malaise or fever. Therapy with Atorvastatin should be discontinued in the event of a marked increase in CPK activity or in the presence of confirmed or suspected myopathy. The risk of myopathy during treatment with other drugs of this class increased with simultaneous use of cyclosporine, fibrates, erythromycin, nicotinic acid or azole antifungals. Many of these drugs inhibit CYP3A4-mediated metabolism and/or drug transport. Atorvastatin is biotransformed by CYP3A4. When prescribing Atorvastatin in combination with fibrates, erythromycin, immunosuppressive agents, azole antifungals or nicotinic acid in lipid-lowering doses, the expected benefits and risks of treatment should be carefully weighed and patients should be regularly monitored to detect muscle pain or weakness, especially during the first months treatment and during periods of increasing the dose of any drug. In such situations, periodic determination of CPK activity can be recommended, although such monitoring does not prevent the development of severe myopathy.

When using the drug Atorvastatin, as well as other drugs of this class, cases of rhabdomyolysis with acute renal failure caused by myoglobinuria have been described. Therapy with Atorvastatin should be temporarily discontinued or completely discontinued if signs of possible myopathy occur or if there are risk factors for the development of renal failure due to rhabdomyolysis (for example, severe acute infection, hypotension, major surgery, trauma, severe metabolic, endocrine and electrolyte disturbances, and uncontrolled seizures). .

Before starting therapy with Atorvastatin, an attempt should be made to control hypercholesterolemia through adequate diet therapy, increased physical activity, weight loss in obese patients, and treatment of other conditions.

Patients should be warned to seek immediate medical attention if they experience unexplained muscle pain or weakness, especially if accompanied by malaise or fever.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

No adverse effects of the drug Atorvastatin on the ability to drive a car or use machinery have been reported.

Atorvastatin tablets - reviews


I read the reviews and I’m just confused, I felt some kind of shock. I’ve been taking this drug for 1.5 months and NO PROBLEMS WITH HEALTH HAPPENED. It’s true that there was low blood pressure and a rapid heartbeat. There is NO nausea, etc. as they write here. It’s true You need to take a blood test and find out cholistyrene, it was 6.2.. And so there are no health problems


Both drugs do an excellent job of lowering cholesterol. I myself took atorvastatin-sz, now I take rosuvastatin-sz. In general, I already have 10 years of experience taking statins; in 2009, I was diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia + complications due to diabetes. I took Atorvastatin-sz for 7 years, and did not observe any side effects from the second month of taking 5.8-6.2. Then, in 2021, I was recommended rosuvastatin-sz, a next-generation statin drug. I switched over and didn’t feel any subjective changes; my cholesterol remained normal. So I think it’s the taste and color... maybe it’s more modern, maybe some processes are not felt.


I highly recommend the drug. My father took it for 7 years and only remembered about cholesterol once every six months, when he did a lipid profile. Now he is taking rosuvastatin-sz, a type of newer drug, and so he is very pleased with this. Yes, it’s also very convenient to take because... 1 tablet per day


Good drug. I took it myself for a long time and it also suited my husband well. Cholesterol has been normal for many years, it’s just a pity that you need to take statins for the rest of your life. A month ago, the doctor suggested that my husband switch to rosuvastatin-sz, which is supposedly more modern. I switched and my cholesterol remained normal. Now I’m thinking, maybe I should change the drug or stay on atorvastatin?


Are 1st and 2nd generation statins still used? I only saw 3 generations of atorvastatin at the pharmacy - I took it once, it’s a good drug. I myself have been taking 4th generation rosuvastatin-sz quite successfully for a year now. Cholesterol 4.5, no side effects.


The drug is definitely good, I took it for 5 years. Cholesterol did not leave the normal range. 2 years ago they replaced it (all as prescribed by a doctor) with rosuvastatin-sz, supposedly newer, the result is the same - I didn’t notice a difference, but it works.


My father takes Atorvastatin, he was prescribed to take it for life. Cholesterol dropped well, the problem was with triglycerides. Now they also prescribed Dibicor, and triglycerides also began to decrease and the liver stopped acting up, Dibicor turns out to protect it.


I took atorvastatin for high cholesterol, it helped, but unfortunately it made me feel sick. I asked the doctor to choose something else, he advised me to try rosuvastatin-sz - this is like a newer generation. I've been taking it for a month, everything is fine.


I have been taking atorvastatin-sz for the second year, my cholesterol has almost returned to normal, and I also think it has helped me lose a few kg. It helped me a lot; I wouldn’t have lasted long on a diet alone.


Atorvastatin sz was prescribed to me to lower cholesterol. We have a family problem and I knew about it. I take it regularly in courses, my cholesterol does not rise, and I have not found any harm to my health.


Everyone writes that diet helps with cholesterol, but this is not at all true - it has long been proven that the main cholesterol is produced in the body itself. Atorvastatin is a good tablet and helps in treatment, but this is the previous generation of statins; many new ones have now been developed. I take rosuvastatin-sz - the effect is just as good, and there are fewer side effects.


I didn’t even know that I had problems with cholesterol until a doctor accidentally discovered it. I took a course of Atorvastatin SZ and followed a diet. Cholesterol has decreased, so I recommend it.


When the analysis revealed elevated cholesterol, I was prescribed Atorvastatin sz. I suffered more from having to go on a diet. But I finally managed to lose weight. The product is good, I’m happy with it.


My mother takes Atorvastatin SZ. She has problems with cholesterol and stage 2 hypertension. Cholesterol really comes back to normal, we drink in courses. There are a lot of side effects in the instructions, but my mother hasn’t experienced any yet.



  • Helps lower blood cholesterol levels


  • No cons

I began to feel dizzy, my blood pressure began to spike, and I felt lightheaded. and I went to the doctor, passed all the tests, had an ultrasound of the brain vessels, and the doctor prescribed me otorvostatin tablets. I started taking one 20-milligram tablet once a day at the same time, my condition began to improve, pressure surges decreased, etc. Every month I take tests to check the level of cholesterol in the blood and while I’m taking these tablets everything is normal, I recently replaced these pills with more effective ones, but it turned out that I was getting worse, so I went back to atorvostatin and I feel fine

General impression:

Very good pills that lower blood cholesterol levels


Atorvastatin helped a lot, cholesterol dropped from 6.4 to 3.8, I’ve been taking it for more than a year, slowly reducing the dosage from 40 mg to 10. I donate blood for testing every month. Now it is possible to take a maintenance dose, not daily, as before, but for example 2 times a week. Since after a stroke I have to take this drug for life!

Elena L.

My mother drinks it, she was prescribed it for life. Her cholesterol was 9, which is a lot. When I started using Atorvastatin, after a month it turned out that my cholesterol had dropped to normal. But, since this is the case, they drink it constantly, since the body itself no longer regulates its level due to a metabolic failure. No side effects were observed.

Angela Ivanovna

Atorvastatin brought my cholesterol back to normal. Although I was previously elevated and a salt-free and fat-free diet did not help, but this medicine helped. I keep an eye on my muscles, as statins can destroy them and cause weakness. I advise all heart patients who take drugs from this group to do this.

(Anna22.04) Anna


  • Price.


  • Incompatible with many drugs.

This drug was prescribed to my grandmother, since, in addition to hypertension, she has high cholesterol. But, fortunately, this drug combines well with most antihypertensive drugs.

At the initial stage, the drug should be taken once a day, but it is very important to monitor the level of cholesterol in the blood, that is, get tested. After tests show that the drug acts without pathological manifestations, the dosage can be increased. It is necessary to strictly ensure that during the treatment period you do not use certain medications that can increase the active substance in the blood plasma, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Such drugs include antibiotics, antifungals, and nicotinic acid.

By the end of the first month of taking it, my grandmother’s cholesterol dropped and became within the normal range.



  • helps
  • it's inexpensive


  • No

Unfortunately, the problem of high cholesterol affects many people today. If at a young age the body successfully copes with excess bad cholesterol, then after 35 years it is necessary to carefully monitor your health and all blood indicators. It is better to identify cholesterol immediately and not allow it to rise above the permissible norm. If you take tests every year, or more often, you can easily track the dynamics of cholesterol levels in your blood.

But if it so happens that cholesterol has gone beyond the normal range, then you should not put off treatment for a long time, you should take the appropriate medications. Atorvastatin is a well-known drug for lowering cholesterol levels.

The drug is inexpensive, costs around 160-180 rubles, is sold in every pharmacy, the price will most likely depend on the markup of a particular pharmacy chain.

Atorvastatin will be effective only in combination with an appropriate diet, this is written in the instructions, and the doctor repeated this when he prescribed Atorvastatin tablets.

It is very important to take tests before starting treatment to be sure how much your cholesterol levels are elevated; this is necessary in order to accurately calculate the dosage of the drug. In my case it was 1 tablet 3 times a day for a month. Dosages can be different, up to 8 tablets, but this is all prescribed and controlled by a specialist.

A month later, a blood test was scheduled to find out whether the drug worked or not. After this time, I donated blood again, as the results showed, there was an effect and there was a significant decrease in cholesterol, but its level was still outside the normal range, it was decided to take Atorvastatin for another 2 weeks with the same dosage and at the same time drink milk thistle meal for the liver. This dietary supplement also helps lower cholesterol.

After another 2 weeks, the tests came back to normal, I breathed a sigh of relief, but this is no reason to relax. Yes, the drug Atorvastatin was discontinued, but then only diet and constant monitoring of health.

Andrey Leonov

The drug helped me personally, brought my cholesterol to normal, but you still have to follow a strict diet, otherwise there will be a chain reaction: cholesterol - Atorvastatin and vice versa, and then there are problems with the liver (read side effects). The drug is inexpensive, the effect is no worse than the imported one, but guys, you need to move away from chemistry and quit with butter, sausage and sweets and other joys. Eh..

Tatiana Prokofieva

Diet for high cholesterol plays almost the most important role. My grandmother's total cholesterol was 10 mmol/l. The doctor advised to adhere to a certain diet: a minimum of animal fats (if meat, then lean chicken, turkey); more vegetables, fruits (preferably unsweetened fruits); maintain water and drinking regime. The medication she prescribed was Atorvastatin. My grandmother took the drug once a day. After six months, the following results were observed: weight decreased by 14 kg (proper nutrition played a role), cholesterol became normal. Now the threat of atherosclerosis has passed.

Atorvastatin-Teva tab 20mg N30 (Teva)

Before starting Atorvastatin therapy, the patient must be prescribed a standard cholesterol-lowering diet, which he must follow during the entire treatment period. The use of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors to reduce blood lipid levels can lead to changes in biochemical parameters reflecting liver function. Liver function should be monitored before starting therapy, 6 weeks, 12 weeks after starting Atorvastatin and after each dose increase, and periodically, for example, every 6 months. An increase in the activity of liver enzymes in the blood serum may be observed during therapy with Atorvastatin. Patients who experience elevated enzyme levels should be monitored until enzyme levels return to normal. If alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or aspartic aminotransferase (AST) values ​​are more than 3 times the upper acceptable limit, it is recommended to reduce the dose of Atorvastatin or discontinue treatment. Atorvastatin should be used with caution in patients who abuse alcohol and/or have liver disease . Active liver disease or persistent increases in aminotransferase activity of unknown origin are contraindications to the use of Atorvastatin. Treatment with Atorvastatin may cause myopathy. The diagnosis of myopathy (muscle pain and weakness in combination with an increase in creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activity more than 10 times the upper limit of normal) should be considered in patients with widespread myalgia, muscle soreness or weakness, and/or a marked increase in CPK activity. Patients should be warned that they should immediately tell their doctor if they experience unexplained muscle pain or weakness if they are accompanied by malaise or fever. Atorvastatin therapy should be discontinued in the event of a marked increase in CPK activity or in the presence of confirmed or suspected myopathy. The risk of myopathy during treatment with other drugs in this class was increased with concomitant use of cyclosporine, fibrates, erythromycin, niacin, or azole antifungals. Many of these drugs inhibit cytochrome P450 3A4-mediated metabolism and/or drug transport. Atorvastatin is biotransformed by CYP 3A4. When prescribing Atorvastatin in combination with fibrates, erythromycin, immunosuppressive agents, azole antifungals or nicotinic acid in lipid-lowering doses, the expected benefits and risks of treatment should be carefully weighed and patients should be regularly monitored to detect muscle pain or weakness, especially during the first months of treatment and during periods of increasing the dose of any drug. In such situations, periodic determination of CPK activity can be recommended, although such monitoring does not prevent the development of severe myopathy. When using Atorvastatin, as well as other drugs of this class, cases of rhabdomyolysis with acute renal failure caused by myoglobinuria have been described. Atorvastatin therapy should be temporarily discontinued or completely discontinued if signs of possible myopathy occur or if there is a risk factor for the development of renal failure due to rhabdomyolysis (for example, severe acute infection, hypotension, major surgery, trauma, severe metabolic, endocrine and electrolyte disturbances, and uncontrolled seizures). Before initiating therapy with Atorvastatin, attempts should be made to control hypercholesterolemia through adequate dietary therapy, increased physical activity, weight loss in obese patients, and treatment of other conditions. Patients should be warned to seek immediate medical attention if unexplained muscle pain or weakness occurs. , especially if they are accompanied by malaise or fever. Effects on the ability to drive a car and use machines. Adverse effects of Atorvastatin on the ability to drive a car and use machines have not been reported.

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