Decaris: instructions for use

Pharmacological properties of the drug Dekaris

The active substance of the drug Decaris - levamisole ((-) 2,3, 5,6-tetrahydro-6-phenylimidazo-[2,1-β]-thiazole hydrochloride) - has an anthelmintic effect. By exhibiting a depolarizing effect on ganglion-like formations of nematodes, it causes neuromuscular paralysis. With normal intestinal motility, paralyzed nematodes are eliminated from the body within 24 hours after taking the drug. Quickly absorbed in the digestive tract. The maximum concentration of levamisole in the blood plasma is observed on average after 1.5–2 hours. Levamisole is metabolized in the liver, the main metabolites are p-hydroxy-levamisole and glucuronide. The half-life is 3–6 hours. Less than 5% of the drug is excreted unchanged in the urine and less than 0.2% in the feces.

Component composition of Dekaris

The instructions describe in detail the components contained in the tablets. The composition of Dekaris is presented:

  • levamisole hydrochloride;
  • corn starch;
  • sodium saccharinate;
  • talc;
  • povidone;
  • apricot flavoring;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • yellow dye.

The medicine is made in pale orange tablets, packaged in blisters and cardboard packaging.

Use of the drug Dekaris

For adults, Dekaris is prescribed in a dose of 150 mg once. Children are prescribed in the form of tablets of 50 mg once at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg:

Child's age, years
Body weight, kg
Single dose of the drug, mg
≤3 ≤10 25
3–6 10–20 25–50
7–10 20–30 50–75
11–14 30–40 75–100

It is advisable to take the drug in the evening after meals with a small amount of water. No additional laxatives or special diet are required. If necessary, treatment is repeated after a 7-14 day break.

Overdose symptoms and interaction features

Consumption of large amounts of Decaris, in a volume of more than 600 mg, causes the development of acute poisoning. Intoxication manifests itself:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • cephalalgia with dizziness;
  • constant drowsiness;
  • diarrhea;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • impaired clarity of consciousness.

The patient needs symptomatic therapy to suppress signs of poisoning.

The instructions focus on the following nuances:

  • the drug is incompatible with agents that reduce the number of leukocytes, alcohol and lipophilic compounds;
  • the medicine may increase the effects of phenytoin and medications related to indirect coagulants.

Decaris is not intended to normalize the immune system in childhood.

Side effects of the drug Dekaris

When taken once as an anthelmintic, levamisole is usually well tolerated; headache, insomnia, dizziness, palpitations, convulsions, and dyspeptic symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea may rarely occur. These phenomena are usually mild, short-lived and go away on their own. There are reports of the development of encephalopathy 2–5 weeks after taking the drug. When using the drug in high doses or with long-term therapy, leukopenia and agranulocytosis may occur.

Adverse reactions

Treatment with Decaris causes negative symptoms. During the procedures the following may occur:

  • sleep problems;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • dizziness with cephalgia;
  • signs of encephalopathy;
  • dyspepsia;
  • dermatological rash;
  • involuntary muscle tremors;
  • feeling of heartbeat.

An anthelmintic agent can provoke the development of agranulocytosis and a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood.

Interactions of the drug Dekaris

When taking Decaris simultaneously with alcoholic drinks, disulfiram-like symptoms may develop. Caution is required when using Decaris with drugs that affect hematopoiesis. When taking Decaris simultaneously with coumarin anticoagulants, the prothrombin time may increase, so it is necessary to adjust the dose of the oral anticoagulant. Decaris increases the concentration of phenytoin in the blood, therefore, when using these drugs simultaneously, it is necessary to monitor the level of phenytoin in the blood serum. Do not use simultaneously with lipophilic drugs (chloroform, ether), as the toxicity of levamisole may increase.

Who is Dekaris indicated and contraindicated for?

The drug is prescribed for infection with certain types of helminths:

  • with ascariasis;
  • hookworm;
  • necatorosa;
  • trichostongilosis;
  • trichocephalosis;
  • enterobiasis;
  • strongyloidiasis;
  • toxoplasmosis.

Contraindications to therapy are:

  • individual intolerance to individual components;
  • development of agranulocytosis during treatment with other medications.

Decaris is not used to combat parasitic organisms for pregnant and nursing mothers, children under three years of age.

Increased caution and monitoring by a physician is needed when treating patients with kidney failure, liver failure, and suppressed hematopoiesis in the bone marrow.


Opinions on forums about the drug vary greatly. Some patients are dissatisfied with the side effects that have arisen, while others are afraid to give it to children. In other cases, there are no complaints about the effectiveness of Dekaris in the fight against helminths.

Doctors believe that accidental and intentional overdoses are the main cause of problems with therapy. Incorrect calculation of the required amount of medication becomes a predisposing factor for the development of cephalalgia, diarrhea and dizziness. Symptoms of intoxication occur less frequently with the exact dose of the drug and taken before bedtime.


If the treatment has caused intolerance to the drug or the appearance of severe allergy symptoms, then it is necessary to replace it with a more suitable drug. Popular analogues of Dekaris are presented:

  • Levamisole;
  • Pyrantel, Vermox;
  • Helmintox, Piperazine;
  • Mebendazole, Vormin;
  • Medamine, Biltricide;
  • Telmox, Nemozol, etc.

The selection of substitutes rests with the attending physician. When making a choice, the specialist relies on the results of a diagnostic examination, the general condition of the body and the reasons that caused the need to change the medication.


Decaris is considered a popular anthelmintic (anthelminthic) drug. It is also an immunomodulator (increasing the body's protective properties).

Manufacturing company

Hungary, "Gedeon Richter".


Active ingredient levamisole

Indifferent additional components.

Dosage form

Tablets for adult patients (white).

Tablets for pediatric patients (light orange, apricot scent).

Tablet dosage

  1. For adults, 150 mg of active ingredient (levamisole).
  2. For children - active ingredient (levamisole) in an amount of 50 mg. The drug includes a special flavoring additive and food coloring.

pharmachologic effect

The high therapeutic effect of the active component of the tablets has been proven. A single dose is usually sufficient to treat intestinal helminthic infestation.

The death of worms occurs as a result of paralysis of their muscular system. In the next 24 hours after consuming a therapeutic dose, dead parasites are eliminated from the body along with feces.

The disadvantages include a selective effect on parasites, since levamisole is active against worms with a developed muscular system (therefore it is used mainly for ascariasis and pinworm infection).

The drug does not affect the muscular system of other types of parasites (tapeworm, as well as the fluke parasite, which firmly takes root on the intestinal mucous membranes).

Immunomodulatory effect

The active substance of the drug activates the production of:

  • Monocytes.
  • T-lymphocytes.
  • Neutrophils.

The protective properties of the body of an adult and a child directly depend on their quantity. An increase in the activity of these cells stimulates the immune system of children and adults.


Prescribed for a number of helminthic infections:

  1. Ascariasis (pathogens: roundworm).
  2. Enterobiasis (causative agent - pinworm).
  3. Trichocephalosis (caused by whipworms).
  4. Hookworm (causative agent - hookworm).
  5. Necatoria (pathogens - necator).
  6. Toxoplasmosis (pathogens: Toxoplasma).
  7. Strongyloidiasis (pathogens are intestinal acne).
  8. Trichostrongylosis (pathogens are nematodes).


The development of negative side reactions is not uncommon during treatment with the drug.

Digestive organs:

  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • stomach ache.

Nervous system:

  • increased body temperature;
  • severe headaches;
  • convulsions;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • confusion, etc.

Allergic reactions:

  • skin rashes;
  • stomatitis;
  • renal dysfunction.

General reactions:

  • uterine bleeding.

Hematopoietic system:

  • agranulocytosis.

As practice has shown, children tolerate the drug more easily than adult patients

Contraindications for use

The drug should not be taken if you have:

  • increased individual sensitivity to components;
  • breastfeeding;
  • gestation period (any period);
  • childhood (up to three years).
  • agranulocytosis (bone marrow disease accompanied by a sharp decrease in the number of granulocytes).

The drug should be taken with caution in the following cases:

  • renal failure;
  • acute leukemia;
  • severe liver pathologies.

Recommendations for treating children

It is prescribed only by the attending physician in the case of an accurately established diagnosis, taking into account the age of the child and the presence of certain pathologies.


Depending on body weight.


For example:

The baby’s body weight is 30 kilograms, which means his dose is

  1. Three tablets (for children). One tablet is 50 mg of active substance. Single dose.
  2. Or one tablet (150 mg of active ingredient) for adults. Also one time.

Approximate doses (not based on body weight):

  1. Children aged three to six years. 25-50 mg once.
  2. Children from six to ten years old. Once 50-75 mg.
  3. Children from ten to fourteen years old. Once 75-100 mg.

Attention! Accurate calculation of the dose of the drug in accordance with the existing body weight is a more preferable option for the treatment of helminthic infestations. This approach reduces the development of possible negative side effects.

Decaris for the purpose of correcting immunity in children

Decaris, as an element of independent monotherapy for reduced immunity in children, is currently almost never used, since there are a large number of new immunomodulators that do not have toxic properties dangerous to the body and have more effective qualities.

Only a specialist, an immunologist, can prescribe Decaris as a drug to enhance immunity. A number of other factors are taken into account and a final decision is made.

Pregnancy and lactation

Use during pregnancy is prohibited.

When breastfeeding. When treatment is indicated for medical reasons, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Decaris and immunity

Until recently, Decaris was a frequently prescribed remedy for:

  • herpes (simple and shingles;
  • Reiter's disease;
  • chronic hepatitis B;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • recurrent stomatitis;
  • frequent acute respiratory infections (especially in children);
  • Crohn's disease;
  • malignant tumors of different localization (in particular in the postoperative period, as well as during chemotherapy or radiation therapy as part of complex treatment).

Method of using Decaris as an immunomodulator.

Reception with intervals between courses of fourteen days, a total of two or three courses.

Currently, levamisole is practically not used for this purpose; the treatment method is considered outdated and unsafe.

Mode of application

Inside (orally) after or during meals. Drink with water.

Worm infestations:

In the evening during meals, once.


Repeated use only as prescribed by a doctor! The reception is repeated after seven to fourteen days.

During treatment, a special diet is not needed. There is no need to use laxatives.

Toxoplasmosis and Decaris

Course of therapy:

Three days.


One tablet once a day.

Number of courses:

Two or three, interval – one week.

special instructions

The combined use of the drug Decaris (levamisole) and alcohol-containing medications, as well as alcoholic beverages (the period one day before and one day after taking the medicine) is prohibited.

The active substance levamisole affects concentration and also often causes dizziness, which is why driving vehicles and machinery is not allowed during treatment.

Decaris and other drugs for worms

Analogs for the active ingredient

These are not currently available.

When is it indicated to use Decaris, and when to use Vermox?

Both drugs are classified as anthelmintics, but they have a different mechanism of action on parasites.

Decaris is effective against round parasites, Vermox has a wide spectrum of action - round and tapeworms.

Vermox does not affect the immune system.

In the presence of worms, when a mixed infection is detected, Vermox is preferable.

Why do doctors prescribe two drugs at the same time?

To get the most effective effect.


  1. Once Dekaris.
  2. A few days later - Vermox once.

When is Decaris needed, and when is Pirantel needed?

The therapeutic effect and mechanism of action on parasites are the same for both drugs, but Pirantel is not an immunomodulator.

Dekaris has more contraindications than Pirantel.

Side effects for both drugs are similar.

For children, Pyrantel (especially in the form of a suspension) is preferable to Decaris, especially since Pyrantel does not interfere with the natural functioning of the immune system.

Attention! Our specialists, who have prepared an information article about the anthelmintic drug Dekaris, draw readers’ attention to the “miraculous” treatment method that has spread on the Internet.

As the “adepts” promise, with the help of the drug decaris, which is taken in ultra-high dosages, you can get rid of many serious diseases of the body, including serious autoimmune pathologies, endocrine problems, metabolic diseases, and even malignant neoplasms.

The name of a certain folk healer Ksenia Kravchenko is mentioned, who actively popularizes the “unique system” of healing from “all diseases” according to the holy martyr Seraphim (Chichagov):

“developed an effective treatment more than a century ago” (!!!) (quoted verbatim).

Attention! The drug had not yet been invented at that time, and Chichagov was repressed in 1937.

An overdose of Decaris leads to serious complications:

  • Impaired immune system functions.
  • Pathologies of the nervous system.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Bone marrow lesions.
  • Reducing the number of leukocytes, etc.

We warn: Taking the drug in the doses recommended by the “healer” (who does not have official permission to practice medicine) is extremely dangerous.

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