Clenbuterol for weight loss. Harsh fat burner!


1 tablet of the pharmaceutical drug Clenbuterol Sopharma contains the following components:

  • Clenbuterol hydrochloride (main biologically active substance) – 0.2 mg;
  • lactose monohydrate – 70 mg;
  • microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) – 48.5 mg;
  • wheat starch – 31.48 mg;
  • povidone K 25 – 6 mg;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide – 2 mg;
  • Magnesium stearate – 2 mg.

1 ml of syrup contains the following components:

  • clenbuterol hydrochloride – 1 mcg;
  • sorbitol;
  • glycerol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • sodium citrate dihydrate;
  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate and butyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • Raspberry essence in liquid form;
  • purified water.

Release form

In pharmacies the medicine can be found in the form of:

  • Clenbuterol tablets 0.2 mg each. Packaged in blisters (blister packs made of aluminum foil or PVC) of 10 pieces. A cardboard pack usually holds 5 records.
  • Transparent and slightly viscous Clenbuterol syrup is colorless to light yellow in color with a characteristic raspberry odor. This form of the drug is packaged in 100 ml dark glass (or dark polyethylene terephthalate) bottles with a measuring cup and spoon included. The cardboard package contains 1 bottle of pharmaceutical preparation and the above mentioned elements.

Questions about taking clenbuterol

Let's look at the main questions that arise when taking clenbuterol.

Should I take clenbuterol if I just started working out?

No. At the beginning of training, progress is already taking place by leaps and bounds; there is no need to take clenbuterol. Instead, focus on creating a sound training and nutrition plan and stick to it. This will give much greater and more stable progress than a course of clenbuterol.

After the course ends, will I gain the same kilograms back?

No. I didn't notice such an effect. As a rule, after a course of clenbuterol, fat burning slows down slightly, i.e. you begin to lose weight at the same rate at which you lost weight before the course. But it all depends on your diet and genetic makeup.

Why take asparkam?

Taking clenbuterol creates a potassium deficiency in the body. Aspartic acid preparations (asparkam and panangin) increase the content of potassium and magnesium ions in the body, replenish aspartic acid deficiency, improve skeletal muscle tone, and have an antioxidant effect. In short, the cramps disappear.

It’s one thing if your leg or arm cramps. What if your heart breaks? After all, it is the same muscle. It is better, as they say, to be safe than sorry.

Drink asparkam and more water (from 3 liters per day, on average).

If I stick to a diet, do strength training and cardio training, will the effect be better?

Diet, proper strength training and low-intensity cardio training will only improve the results of taking clenbuterol.

What also plays an important role is how clenbuterol itself will affect you. The sensitivity of beta-2 adrenergic receptors is initially different for everyone.

Cardio training can make a HUGE difference in your fat loss if done in the right way. Be sure to read my article on how a cardio workout should be designed to burn fat. The link contains a lot of cool practical information!

How much can I lose on the Clenbuterol Solo course?

It all depends on your individual sensitivity to clenbuterol, gender, age, the severity of your diet and training. Also, there are different manufacturers of clenbuterol. Each of them works differently. I used clenbuterol from Balkan.

Is it true that clenbuterol makes your periods disappear?

Clenbuterol does not cause loss of periods. The cause may be sudden weight loss. Some girls lose weight relatively quickly (up to 3-4 kg per week). The body perceives this as stress and protects itself by stopping the cycle. It's not even about the lost kilograms, but about the speed of their loss. And in general, the problem with a broken cycle in girls is a fairly common phenomenon, even without clenbuterol.

pharmachologic effect

The main component of the drug Clenbuterol Sopharma is a selective beta2-adrenergic agonist , that is, the mechanism of action of the biologically active component includes a stimulating effect on this type of receptors, which are mainly located in the bronchial tree . In response, the following cycle of secondary messengers in the following sequence: Adenylate cyclase - cAMP - Protin kinase A. Further, the effects of Clenbuterol extend to myosin , a component of smooth muscle fibers, which, interacting with actin, leads to relaxation of the bronchi . Thus, the problem of narrowing the lumen of the respiratory tract during attacks of bronchial asthma is eliminated and respiratory processes are significantly facilitated.

Clenbuterol also has a secretolytic effect . In particular, the main component of the pharmaceutical drug slows down the release of inflammatory mediators and other active biological substances from mast cells, which increase bronchospasm. Thanks to these therapeutic properties edema is reduced , congestion in the lumen of the bronchial tree is eliminated, and mucociliary clearance is improved .

Separately, it should be noted the properties of Clenbuterol, which are used in sports pharmacology . The active component of the drug has anabolic properties like steroids, but exhibits its effects with less strength. The pharmaceutical drug is an active fat burner . The mechanism of this action is a slight increase in the internal temperature of the body, thereby increasing calorie consumption. Among athletes and bodybuilders, there is an opinion that an increase in temperature of 1 degree Celsius speeds up fat metabolism by 5 percent.

Thanks to such therapeutic effects, the rigidity of the muscle frame and strength significantly exceeds the initial indications before undergoing a conservative course. The body is given relief , vascularity and the desired appearance. Externally, such effects are comparable to a long-term low-calorie diet.

Clenbuterol for weight loss. Mechanism of action

Clenbuterol binds to type 2 beta receptors in human muscle and fat tissue. After this, a series of biochemical reactions are triggered that increase the synthesis of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).

Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) activates enzymes that mobilize fatty acids from fat cells (adipocytes).

Additionally, clenbuterol, by acting on beta-2 adrenergic receptors, promotes the production of adrenaline (the fear hormone) and norepinephrine (the rage hormone), which provide a fat-burning effect.

The secretion of thyroid hormones, which are the body’s natural fat burners, also increases.

Clenbuterol affects lipoprotein lipase, suppressing its activity, thereby making the process of fat deposition in adipose tissue impossible.

As a result of all the above reactions, the level of basal metabolism increases by 20-30%.

Is the mechanism of action clear in terms of weight loss? Let me explain briefly again.

  • Clenbuterol binds to type 2 beta receptors in fat and muscle tissue in the human body.
  • A series of biochemical reactions are triggered that increase the synthesis of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP).
  • cAMP activates enzymes that mobilize fatty acids from adipose tissue cells (adipocytes).
  • The secretion of adrenaline, norepinephrine and thyroid hormones (natural fat burners) increases.
  • The activity of lipoprotein lipase is suppressed, and fat deposition becomes impossible.
  • Basic metabolism increases by 20-30%.

Many recent studies, for example, Li P. 2015 on formoterol (beta-2 selective agonist), talk about the anti-catabolic effect of clenbuterol, i.e. about its ability to preserve muscle tissue while losing weight.

Experiments on humans in 2015 confirm the ability of clenbuterol to keep muscles dry and accelerate protein synthesis, which makes the drug relevant for bodybuilding.

I am sure that my experience in using clenbuterol will be useful to you. I will describe it in great detail towards the end of the article, but for now let’s look at some of the effects of using this drug.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The drug is used orally , after which it is quite completely and well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Clenbuterol begins to act within 10-15 minutes after ingestion, and maximum therapeutic properties appear after 2-3 hours. are metabolized in the liver, after which 78 percent of the metabolic products are excreted in the urine. A small amount of metabolites is eliminated with bile into the lumen of the digestive tube.

How to take clenbuterol

Perhaps one of the most important questions for a person who decides to take clenbuterol.

Clenbuterol is available in syrup and tablets. We are interested in the tablets, because... The syrup is full of sugar, which promotes the rapid production of insulin and stops fat burning.

Tablets are usually sold in a dosage of 0.04 mg (40 mcg) of clenbuterol hydrochloride. Also, there are tablets of 20 mcg and even 10 mcg. The dosage is indicated in micrograms (mcg), please pay attention to this.

And in general, never rush to stuff something into yourself without understanding the dosage.

The Internet is full of conflicting recommendations on this matter, but I will write you three main and two dangerous regimens for taking clenbuterol, although, from my point of view, only one is advisable.

So, three main and two additional dangerous (marked *) regimens for taking clenbuterol:

  1. Clenbuterol solo (clenbuterol only).
  2. Clenbuterol + Ketotifen (to extend the course of clen).
  3. Clenbuterol (2 weeks) + Ketotifen (2 weeks) + Clenbuterol (2 weeks).
  4. (*) Clenbuterol + Yohimbine.
  5. (*) Clenbuterol + T3 + Yohimbine.

Clenbuterol solo course

Perhaps the most common course, and, in my opinion, the best. The best because you don’t have to extend the period of use and continue to stuff yourself with clenbuterol.

So, as a standard, the dose of clenbuterol should increase exponentially during the first week (or rather, the first five days). Then the working dosage lasts 7 days, and then decreases over two days.

  • Working dosage of clenbuterol for men: from 100 to 160 mcg.
  • Working dosage of clenbuterol for women: from 60 to 100 mcg.

I indicated the working dosage range for a simple reason. Because all people are different, and some will already feel very unwell on day 4-5 that it will be impossible to continue, and some will feel a very weak effect even from 160 mcg.

In general, a dosage of 120 mcg on days 6-12 of use is suitable for most men, and 80 mcg will be sufficient for most women.

I always stick to the rule: less is more. Not a single pill can replace proper, competent training and diet.

A solo course of clenbuterol for 2 weeks looks like this (assuming that one tablet per package will be equal to 40 mcg):

  • Day 1: 20 mcg (0.02 mg or half a tablet).
  • Day 2: 40 mcg (0.04 mg or one tablet).
  • Day 3: 60 mcg (0.06 mg or one and a half tablets).
  • Day 4: 80 mcg (0.08 mg or two tablets).
  • Day 5: 100 mcg (0.10 mg or two and a half tablets).
  • Day 6: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 7: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 8: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 9: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 10: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 11: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 12: 120 mcg (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 13: 80 mcg (0.08 mg or two tablets).
  • Day 14: 40 mcg (0.04 mg or one tablet).

A further course of clenbuterol does not make sense, because the sensitivity of beta-2 adrenergic receptors to clenbuterol decreases after two weeks.

Important! How to use:

  • As long as the dosage does not exceed 80 mcg (at 80 it is still possible), then we drink it at one time, in the morning, 15-30 minutes before breakfast!
  • When the dosage exceeds 80 mcg, we divide the dosage by 2 times! 80 mcg in the morning on an empty stomach 15-30 minutes before meals, the rest (20 or 40 mcg) at 12-14 hours 15-30 minutes before lunch!

Girls should plan a course of clenbuterol on the 5-6th day of the cycle (i.e. at the very end of menstruation), so you will have time to complete the course before the next menstruation. I do not recommend that girls exceed the working dosage of 80-100 mcg (instead of 100-160 mcg for men).

Before use, check yourself for any contraindications! I indicated the side effects and contraindications above. In short, if you have heart problems, it’s better not to.

Another tip, from the first day of taking clenbuterol, start drinking asparkam (or panangin, but it is more expensive, asparkam is enough), 1 tablet after meals 3 times a day.

To extend the course of clenbuterol to 30 days, you can include the drug ketotifen in the course.

Course of clenbuterol with ketotifen

Ketotifen is a drug that stabilizes mast cell membranes, helping to increase the sensitivity of beta-2 adrenergic receptors.

Honestly. I see no point in prolonging the course of clenbuterol and thereby increasing the load on the heart, liver and other organs. But quite often people use clenbuterol together with ketotifen.

As a result of this, the course of clenbuterol can be extended for a month.

I barely made it through two weeks because I had rapid heartbeat, a constant feeling that you were getting sick, and sweating. Why be in this state for a whole month, when you can perfectly burn excess fat through exercise and diet, I don’t understand.

This option is only suitable if you specifically did not have time to dry out by the required time, you have one month left, and you decided to speed up the process a little.

The course of clenbuterol + ketotifen for a month looks like this (based on the fact that one tablet per package will be equal to 40 mcg):

  • Day 1: 20 mcg of clenbuterol (0.02 mg or half a tablet).
  • Day 2: 40 mcg of clenbuterol (0.04 mg or one tablet).
  • Day 3: 60 mcg of clenbuterol (0.06 mg or one and a half tablets).
  • Day 4: 80 mcg of clenbuterol (0.08 mg or two tablets).
  • Day 5: 100 mcg of clenbuterol (0.10 mg or two and a half tablets).
  • Days 6-27: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets) + 2 mg of ketotifen at night.
  • Day 28: 80 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets) + 2 mg of ketotifen at night.
  • Day 29: 60 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets) + 1-2 mg of ketotifen at night.
  • Day 30: 40 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets) + 1 mg of ketotifen at night.
  • This should be followed by at least a two-week break!

We take Ketotifen at night, and clenbuterol in the morning. The dosage of clenbuterol is the same (if the dosage is more than 80 mcg, then we divide the dosage into two doses). Girls should not exceed the dosage of 80-100 mcg.

Clenbuterol course + rest with ketotifen

A slightly exotic scheme, but in the West they speak very positively about it.

A break without ketotifen is useless! The sensitivity of beta-2 adrenergic receptors to clenbuterol will recover on its own only after 2-3 months.

This regimen is very similar to the first regimen (solo), but after a course of clenbuterol, a two-week recovery with ketotifen (2 mg at night) follows.

  • Day 1: 20 mcg of clenbuterol (0.02 mg or half a tablet).
  • Day 2: 40 mcg of clenbuterol (0.04 mg or one tablet).
  • Day 3: 60 mcg of clenbuterol (0.06 mg or one and a half tablets).
  • Day 4: 80 mcg of clenbuterol (0.08 mg or two tablets).
  • Day 5: 100 mcg of clenbuterol (0.10 mg or two and a half tablets).
  • Day 6: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 7: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 8: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 9: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 10: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 11: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 12: 120 mcg of clenbuterol (0.12 mg or three tablets).
  • Day 13: 80 mcg of clenbuterol (0.08 mg or two tablets).
  • Day 14: 40 mcg of clenbuterol (0.04 mg or one tablet).
  • Break for two weeks, taking ketotifen 2 mg at night.
  • After a break, a two-week course of clenbuterol solo can be repeated.

There is another regimen for taking clenbuterol, but it is extremely dangerous, because... the risk of side effects greatly increases.

Clenbuterol course with yohimbine

Honestly, I didn’t use this course because I didn’t feel comfortable with clenbuterol either.

Yohimbine blocks ALPHA-2 adrenergic receptors (which promote fat storage), and clenbuterol stimulates BETA-2 adrenergic receptors (which trigger lipolysis).

The regimen is simple: along with the course of “clenbuterol solo”, 5-10 mg (one or two tablets) of yohimbine hydrochloride should be taken 3 times a day with meals.

In this case, our wolves are fed and our sheep are safe. Alpha-2 adrenergic receptors are blocked (fat does not accumulate), Beta-2 adrenergic receptors are stimulated (lipolysis accelerates).

Fat burning goes faster, but again, I don’t advise you to do this, because... Even the instructions for yohimbine state that simultaneous use with adrenergic agonists is contraindicated!

Let me explain, you CANNOT use it together with clenbuterol!

Clenbuterol course with T3 and yohimbine

I HIGHLY DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS COMBINATION, and I am telling you about it for your information!

T3 is the biologically active form of thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland.

If T3 or triiodothyronine is used in conjunction with clenbuterol, then the whole thing begins to work like a fat-burning machine. So effective that you can eat sweets and fast food. But still lose weight.

Why do I strongly advise against even thinking about taking thyroid hormones (T3 and T4)?

Because after taking them, a “withdrawal syndrome” occurs, but not the same as when taking steroid drugs (when your glands fall asleep while taking them, and wake up after withdrawal).

Here, the return of your own production of T3 and T4 may not happen! In this case, you will be forced to swallow expensive drugs all your life to keep your thyroid gland in a sane state.

I don't see the point in taking such risks!

I’ll tell you for informational purposes or for completely frostbitten people:

The following content of starting substances is taken as one unit:

  • Clenbuterol – 40 mcg.
  • Thyroxine – 25 mcg.
  • Yohimbine – 5 mg.

The dosage is a multiple, i.e. if 1.5 units are indicated, then all values ​​must be multiplied by 1.5.


  • Day 1-3: 1 unit.
  • Days 4-6: 1.5 units.
  • Day 7-9: 1 unit in the morning, 1 unit in the afternoon.
  • Day 10-12: 1.5 units.
  • Day 13-15: 1 unit.
  • Day 16-19: 0.5 units.
  • Day 20-21: 0.25 units.

To soften the heartbeat, add 2 mg of ketotifen at night.

But I highly do not recommend this scheme! You don't need this!


  • increased individual sensitivity to the constituent components of the drug;
  • acquired or hereditary intolerance to biologically active substances of Clenbuterol Sopharma;
  • tachycardia and tachyarrhythmia;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis ;
  • severe forms of coronary heart disease ;
  • acute period of myocardial infarction .

Conservative treatment with Clenbutrol against the background of the following pathologies should be carried out with caution , which implies therapy in special hospitals under the constant supervision of qualified medical personnel and regular diagnostic tests:

  • hyperthyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (in particular, severe arterial hypertension, cardiomyopathy, heart defects, coronary disease or a tendency to arrhythmias ).

Side effects

  • From the nervous system - headache and dizziness , anxiety, disturbance of sleep and wakefulness in the form of insomnia , intention tremor of the fingers.
  • From the cardiovascular system - tachycardia, increased blood pressure, extrasystole , cardialgia.
  • Gastrointestinal tract – dry mouth, gastralgia , nausea leading to vomiting.
  • Local and generalized allergic reactions - urticaria , skin rash, bronchospasm, angioedema .
  • From other organ systems and tissues - muscle cramps, intense facial flushing , increased sweating, hypokalemia and, as a result, muscle pain.
  • There is a possibility of developing rebound syndrome and resistance when discontinuing a pharmaceutical drug.

Separately, it should be noted the development of muscle cramps when Clenbutrol tablets are used by athletes and bodybuilders. This side effect is caused by depletion of endogenous taurine reserves, deficiency of sodium and potassium electrolytes, and general insufficiency of water-salt metabolism. To relieve muscle cramps, the following dietary changes are recommended

  • eating plenty of fruit (especially bananas, as they contain a lot of potassium);
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • additional inclusion of taurine in the amount of 3-5 grams per day;
  • tableted potassium supplements daily before bed on an empty stomach (at least 200-400 mg).

Clenbuterol - for drying and losing weight[edit | edit code]

Clenbuterol - a drug for weight loss

) is a drug that is used in medicine to treat bronchial asthma. In recent years, clenbuterol has found widespread use in bodybuilding and fitness due to its ability to burn fat, and is therefore often used by athletes for weight loss and cutting. Clenbuterol courses often include thyroxine and ketotifen to speed up the weight loss process. Clenbuterol is not related to anabolic steroids and belongs to the group of adrenomimetics, which exert their physiological effect by stimulating beta-2 adrenergic receptors, as a result of which the sympathetic nervous system is activated and lipolysis is triggered. A prescription is required to purchase the drug.

Can be prescribed to girls, without the risk of developing androgenic side effects characteristic of anabolic steroids.


36 hours

Doping status[edit | edit code]

Clenbuterol has been banned by WADA for use in sports since 1992. Standard anti-doping tests usually respond to a urine concentration of 5-10 ng/L, which is observed 4-5 days after the last dose. More sensitive tests increase the detection time for clenbuterol to 2-3 weeks or higher (1-2 ng/L). The drug accumulates in adipose tissue and can be more actively released during exercise or competition.

One of the possible ways that clenbuterol enters an athlete’s body may be through meat, since in some countries (China, Mexico) it is used to increase the weight of fattened animals.

Several scientific articles report the frequent inappropriate inclusion of clenbuterol in fat-burning supplements.[1]

Mechanism of action[edit | edit code]

As a beta-2 agonist, clenbuterol acts as a fat burner by binding to type 2 beta receptors in adipose and muscle tissue of the human body. After clenbuterol binds to the receptor, a cascade of biochemical reactions is launched that lead to an increase in the synthesis of cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate). cAMP, in turn, activates enzymes that mobilize fatty acids from adipocytes (fat tissue cells).

Anabolic and anti-catabolic effects of clenbuterol

The action of clenbuterol on beta-2-adrenergic receptors of the presynaptic membrane increases the release of norepinephrine and adrenaline, which have a powerful fat-burning effect. Clenbuterol increases the level of basal metabolism by 20-30% of the initial level.

Clenbuterol inhibits the activity of lipoprotein lipase, as a result of which fat deposition in adipose tissue becomes impossible. Acting on beta-2 adrenergic receptors of the central nervous system, this drug enhances the secretion of thyroid hormones [2] - the body's natural fat burners.

A unique feature of clenbuterol is that it is not only a powerful fat burner, but also has a pronounced anti-catabolic effect, protecting muscles from destruction, which is very important during weight loss and cutting in bodybuilding. Studies have found that the anti-catabolic effect of the drug is due to blocking Ca2+-dependent and ubiquitin-proteasome proteolysis.[3]

The mechanism of the anabolic action of clenbuterol through the expression of the CRTC2 gene

A 2012 study (Francesca Wannenes, Loretta Magni) confirms the ability of clenbuterol to block the mechanisms of muscle atrophy.[4] A new 2014 study showed that β-agonists (catecholamines) released during intense exercise induce CREB-mediated transcription through activation of its obligate coactivators CRTC2 and Crtc3.[5]

In contrast to the catabolic activity typically associated with sympathetic nervous system function, activation of Crtc/Creb proteins in skeletal muscle of transgenic mice results in enhanced anabolic processes and increased protein synthesis. Thus, in animals overexpressing CRTC2, myofibril cross-sectional area increases, intramuscular triglyceride content and glycogen content increase. In addition, there is a significant increase in strength indicators.

Due to the above mechanisms, the drug has a moderate anabolic effect, which has been proven in experiments on humans and practical use in bodybuilding.

Given the fact that the drug has virtually no interaction with beta-1 adrenergic receptors, there is bronchodilation and easier breathing, as well as a much lower incidence of side effects from the cardiovascular system compared to non-selective agonists such as ephedrine.

Human studies[edit | edit code]

A 2015 study by Lee P. was the first reliable evidence of the effectiveness of beta-agonists in humans. Analogous to the mechanism of action of formoterol

(β2 selective agonist) at a dose of 160 mcg/day stimulated anabolism, increased protein synthesis, without causing side effects from the cardiovascular system, and these effects were more pronounced in girls. [6]

In addition, Morten Hostrup (2015) found that the beta-2 adrenergic agonist terbutaline

(10-15 mg/day) causes a statistically significant increase in lean muscle mass, increases strength and endurance at maximum load on an exercise bike.[7]

Effects of clenbuterol[edit | edit code]

  • Burning fat and drying muscles
  • Increased strength and endurance[8][9]
  • Temperature increase
  • Decreased appetite
  • Psychic activation
  • Anti-catabolic effect
  • Anabolic effect[10]

The low incidence of side effects (practice shows that irreversible side effects are almost completely absent) and a wide range of positive effects make clenbuterol one of the best fat burners in bodybuilding.

Some authors (Yuri Bombela) claim that in large doses clenbuterol may have catabolic effects, but this is not true, due to the lack of any physiological or empirical justification.

Clenbuterol tablets, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The syrup is prescribed for oral administration. For adults, the optimal dosage is 15 ml 2-3 times a day at the beginning of a course of conservative treatment. After relief of a serious condition, the amount of the prescribed drug should be reduced to a maintenance dose of 10 ml 2 times a day.

The instructions for use of the pharmaceutical drug allow its use in pediatric practice , however, with strict adherence to the following dosages:

  • children under 8 months weighing 4-8 kg - 2.5 ml 2 times a day;
  • from 8 months to 2 years (weighing about 8-12 kg) – 5 ml 2 times a day;
  • age category from 2 to 4 years (12-16 kg) – 7.5 ml 2 times a day;
  • children from 4 to 6 years old and weighing between 16-22 kg - 10 ml 2 times a day;
  • from 6 to 12 years (22-35 kg) – 15 ml 2 times a day;
  • children over 12 years old and weighing more than 35 kg - 15 ml 2-3 times a day.

Tablets , like syrup, are administered orally. The dosage of a pharmaceutical drug depends on body weight and the body's response in the form of side effects or adverse effects of the drug. The average amount of the drug used for men is about 100-140 mcg, and for women - 80-100 mcg per day. Reception should not begin with the optimal dosage , but accumulate it gradually to provide the maximum therapeutic effect. That is, a conservative course starts with 1 tablet per day, and then increases by 1 tablet every day.

average duration However, a special dosage regimen , since Clenbuterol does not exert its anabolic effects after 18 days of continuous use. Therefore, the course consists of 2 weeks of continuous use and 2 weeks of rest alternately, until the pharmaceutical drug runs out or the attending physician stops its further use.

Notes[edit | edit code]

  1. Parr MK, Koehler K, Clenbuterol marketed as a dietary supplement. Biomed Chromatogr. 2008 Mar;22(3):298-300.
  2. Katsumata M, Yano H, Miyazaki A. Effect of beta agonist clenbuterol on the body composition of rats with hypothyroidism induced by oral administration of propylthiouracil. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 1991 Aug;37(4):411-7.
  3. Yimlamai T, Dodd SL — Clenbuterol induces muscle-specific attenuation of atrophy through effects on the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. J Appl Physiol. 2005 Jul;99(1):71-80. Epub 2005 Mar 17.
  4. Francesca Wannenes, Loretta Magni. In Vitro Effects of Beta-2 Agonists on Skeletal Muscle Differentiation, Hypertrophy, and Atrophy. World Allergy Organization Journal 2012, 5:66-72
  5. Bruno NE et al. Creb coactivators direct anabolic responses and enhance performance of skeletal muscle //The EMBO journal. – 2014. – T. 33. – No. 9. – pp. 1027-1043.
  6. Lee P. et al. Formoterol, a Highly β 2-Selective Agonist, Induces Gender-Dimorphic Whole Body Leucine Metabolism in Humans //Metabolism. – 2015. – T. 64. – No. 4. – pp. 506-512.
  8. Thieme D., Hemmersbach P. Doping in sports. – Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, 2010. – Pp. 239
  9. Hostrup M. et al. Mechanisms underlying enhancements in muscle force and power output during maximal cycle ergometer exercise induced by chronic β2-adrenergic stimulation in men // Journal of Applied Physiology. – 2015. – T. 119. – No. 5. – pp. 475-486.
  11. Hausdorff WP, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ Turning off the signal: desensitization of beta-adrenergic receptor function //The FASEB Journal. – 1990. – T. 4. – No. 11. – pp. 2881-2889.
  12. Ung RV, Rouleau P, Effects of co-administration of clenbuterol and testosterone propionate on skeletal muscle in paraplegic mice. J Neurotrauma. 2010 Jun;27(6):1129-42.
  13. "Effects of ketotifen and clenbuterol on beta-adrenergic receptor functions of lymphocytes and on plasma TXB-2 levels of asthmatic patients." Huszar E, Herjavecz I, Böszörmenyi-Nagy G, Slapke J, Schreiber J, Debreczeni LA. Z Erkr Atmungsorgane. 1990;175(3):141-6.
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Taking dosages that exceed the prescribed ones is accompanied by:

  • arrhythmia;
  • tachycardia;
  • hypolkalemia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • pain in the heart.

detoxification and symptomatic therapy is used as treatment , that is, gastric lavage, administration of oral sorbents (for example, activated carbon ), the use of water-salt solutions to restore the corresponding metabolic disorders, monitoring the level of potassium in the blood serum and correction it properly.


When prescribing Clenbuterol Sopharma, the following clinical interactions of the pharmaceutical drug should be taken into account:

  • beta-blockers that have opposite effects ;
  • impaired intracardiac conduction when combined with MAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidase) and Theophylline ;
  • decreased effectiveness of the use of hypoglycemic drugs (requires recalculation of dosages for diabetes mellitus);
  • increased toxicity of cardiac glycosides (the risk of developing a pathological condition such as arrhythmia increases significantly);
  • increase in own toxicity in combination with sympathetic mimetics .

During pregnancy and lactation

Clenbuterol tablets to a certain extent have tocolytic properties , therefore should not be prescribed during pregnancy, during the prenatal and childbirth periods. The drug is absolutely contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Clinical studies have not reliably confirmed or refuted the fact that the active ingredient can pass into breast milk. Due to the lack of relevant data, it is possible to prescribe a pharmaceutical drug only if the expected beneficial therapeutic effect from the tablets significantly outweighs the potential risk to the child.

Positive effects of clenbuterol

Based on research, the use of clenbuterol provides the following positive effects:

  • Burning fat, drying muscles.
  • Increased strength and endurance.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Preventing muscle catabolism.
  • Slight anabolic effect (weak muscle growth).
  • Quite a low incidence of side effects (virtually no irreversible effects).

At the bottom of the article I will write in detail about my experience and feelings from using clenbuterol; I am sure that my experience will be useful to many.

One of the famous authors, Yuri Bombela, claims that in large doses (more than 250-300 mcg/day) clenbuterol can destroy muscles, promoting subsequent hypertrophy of muscle tissue, but this statement is not true, because there is no research, much less no empirical justification was provided. These are just the author's guesses. And taking this drug in such dosages is simply stupid. Later you will understand why.

In 2010, a study was conducted that shows the synergistic effect of using clenbuterol on a cycle of anabolic steroids (if you are using them, of course).

Reviews of Clenbuterol Sopharma

First of all, it should be noted that there are many more reviews about the pharmaceutical drug as a means of effectively stopping spasm of the bronchial tree during attacks of bronchial asthma . This therapeutic effect is widely used in medicine and is confirmed by clinical studies by qualified specialists. Of course, the drug has certain side effects, but its effect develops within 10-15 minutes after ingestion, which makes it possible to eliminate a life-threatening pathological condition in the shortest possible time.

However, on thematic forums and Internet resources there are reviews about another area of ​​application of Clenbuterol. Athletes and bodybuilders prefer to use this pharmaceutical drug as diet pills or so-called “cutting pills.” The drug copes with this task, as well as with the elimination of bronchospasm, with a bang, since this action is based on completely justified mechanisms. However, the course is accompanied by severe side effects in the form of muscle cramps, because, as a rule, such patients strive to lose excess weight as quickly as possible.

We can definitely say that during a conservative course of taking the drug Clenbuterol Sopharma, you should strictly adhere to the dosages indicated in the instructions. Thanks to such simple actions, you can save yourself from unnecessary suffering, trips to the doctor and other adverse consequences.

Clenbuterol in bodybuilding

First, I propose to understand what clenbuterol is.

Clenbuterol (from the English “Clenbuterol”, or among bodybuilders “maple”) is an adrenergic agonist, i.e. a drug that is used in medicine to treat bronchial asthma.

Clenbuterol does not belong to the class of anabolic steroids; I repeat, it is an adrenergic agonist (a medicine for bronchial asthma).

For us, this is not primarily what interests him.

Clenbuterol is used in bodybuilding for its ability to burn fat by stimulating beta-2 adrenergic receptors.

Don’t be alarmed if you come across words you don’t understand; the mechanism of action is quite simple.

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