Carlsbad salt - use for weight loss and cosmetology

People, tired of being surprised, shocked and amazed by the long list of chemicals in medications and cosmetics, are beginning to give preference to natural remedies.

Carlsbad salt is healthy and natural.

This amazing trend is observed in the 21st century. Traditions take precedence over all innovative developments. Carlsbad salt is a bright representative of all-natural products that have amazing versatility in use.


There is no secret in the unusual name of this medicinal salt.

The thing is that it is produced by evaporation from waters taken from healing springs located in Karlovy Vary.

Karlovy Vary itself is a vast resort town, a meeting place for people who want to improve their health and just have a good time surrounded by picturesque landscapes.

Back in 1620, thermal salt could be easily found in any local pharmacy. In 1718, the greedy Czechs banned the export of salt and water taken from healing springs outside the country. The export of this medicinal product was allowed only in 1764, but there was no particular benefit from this decision. The production capacity and technical resources of those years were simply not enough for high-quality and large-scale salt evaporation work. At that time, geyser salt was not particularly in demand, because the effect of it was very, very symbolic.

Karlovy Vary. Geyser is a hot spring. People rush for water. Engraving from 1652.

It was only in 1882 that Carlsbad salt began to be produced on an industrial scale. And only very recently, special equipment was integrated into the production of medicinal products, which allows preserving all the beneficial minerals that the Karlovy Vary springs are so rich in in salt. This means that water in which mineral salt is dissolved is practically no different in its usefulness from water taken directly from a Czech source. In general, all business and busy people now don’t have to waste time on an inspired holiday in noble green landscapes; it’s enough to buy a box of salt, and all the benefits of the miraculous waters of Karlovy Vary will be in a mug with previously ordinary water.

In 1882, the evaporation of salt in Karlovy Vary began with terrible force and took on an industrial scale.


Natural Carlsbad salt is, to put it in abstruse language, a natural bicarbonate-sulfate sodium chloride salt. But all these hard-to-read names are not so important. It is important that this healing agent helps to get rid of a number of diseases and disorders and is perfectly absorbed by the body, because the composition of salt is as similar as possible to the composition of macro- and microelements in the human body. It contains 40 unique elements, including rare earth ones.

Hydrocarbonate-sulfate sodium chloride deposits on the source column are exactly what you think.

The active substances of Carlsbad salt include hydrocarbonate ions, chlorine ions, sulfate ions, sodium cations, calcium ions. Each of these elements has a beneficial effect on certain organs of the body.

And here in this beautiful bottle is exactly the same thing, only for sale.


Carloara salt has no structural analogues, but the pharmaceutical industry offers consumers a wide range of saline or other laxatives.

The most effective drugs are:

  • Bisacodyl;
  • Senna extract;
  • Forlax;
  • Guttalax and others.

It is not worth replacing Carlsbad salt prescribed by a doctor with any of the mentioned remedies, since they have a lot of contraindications, despite the fact that among them there are completely organic preparations.

Video on the topic: Carlsbad salt


Indications for the use of Carlsbad salt are as follows:

  • diseases of the intestines and stomach;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • a number of gynecological diseases;
  • reduction of gas formation, dysbacteriosis;
  • gum disease;
  • chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, sputum thinning.

These men and women climbed down into the dungeon - right under Karlovy Vary, to make sure that there is just a ton of salt deposits here.

In addition, salt is used for cosmetic purposes. It helps prevent aging and significantly improves skin condition. Mineral salt also improves metabolic processes, which means that it can be used for weight loss. Artificial Carlsbad salt can be used as a laxative. In its composition it is very close to natural products from Karlovy Vary.

- Hey friends, let me drink some salty geyser water to reduce the formation of gases...

Use of Carlsbad salt

For a laxative effect, it is recommended to drink, 30-45 minutes before meals, half a glass of water with one tablespoon of Karlovy Vary salt, for a choleretic effect - a glass of water (temperature 40-45 degrees) with one teaspoon of salt. The standard daily dose of medicinal water is 2 glasses. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. In cases of any diseases that are supposed to be eliminated with the help of magic salt, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since the instructions for treatment with the Karlovy Vary remedy are very individual and vary depending on the specific type of disorder. How to drink water loaded with minerals? The slower the better. It is best to strain the healing potion through a straw. Thus, minerals are completely absorbed by the body.

In order for all the minerals to be properly absorbed and the salt to be properly absorbed, you need to drink Karlovy Vary water slowly, without rushing, preferably from a special sippy cup.

Don't feel like drinking salty water? You can combine business with pleasure - lie in the bath while the active substances contained in the salt do their job. The instructions for using Carlsbad bath salt are simple. It is enough to dissolve it in water at the rate of 4 teaspoons per 1 liter. The time to enjoy the treatment procedures is 15-20 minutes. After taking a salt bath, remember to rinse well.

When preparing a bath, it is important not to overdo it with salt.

Storage conditions and periods

Carlsbad salt of natural origin can be stored indefinitely in dry rooms with a constant air temperature in the range of 22-27 degrees.

It does not spoil even when frozen, but heating can lead to a slight change in its chemical composition. Industrially produced salt is recommended to be stored under the same conditions, but it loses its beneficial properties after just 2 years.

If storage standards are not observed, Carlsbad salt may change its composition and lose its healing properties earlier. It can be disposed of with household waste, avoiding contact with wastewater or soil.

Where to buy Carlsbad salt?

If Karlovy Vary salt in Karlovy Vary itself is sold on virtually every corner, then in Prague it is very problematic to purchase it, however, if you know the places, you can buy the miracle remedy without unnecessary problems. Salt is sold on the corner of Vodickova Street, on Wenceslas Square, in a pharmacy. Another pharmacy where you can see this drug is located very close - near the nearest metro station.

Is it possible to buy natural Karlovy Vary salt in Moscow? Of course, but this will have to be done through distributors, fortunately, they can be easily found by entering the corresponding request in a search engine. Miraculous products are also available in online stores, but here you need to be careful, because it’s so easy to run into a fake.

There are almost as many Czech cosmetics in Russian online stores as there are from the Czech Republic itself. There are creams for you, soap for you, beer SPA for you, and of course, Karlovy Vary salt: for you with lavender, and for you with rosehip, and for you with mint, and for you with lemon balm.

The price of one tube of the miracle remedy varies depending on online stores. The approximate cost of one jar of salt is in the range of 600-1100 rubles.

Have you decided to rush to Karlovy Vary to treat hemorrhoids? We need to choose a hotel! The most popular among Russian holidaymakers is probably the Čajkovskij Palace hotel-sanatorium. Did you know that the city is famous not only for its mineral water and geyser salt? For those who are healthy, a wonderful drink, Becherovka, was invented here - Drink a drop at a time - you will be even healthier. Well, and of course, it is necessary to mention that there is a Svejkov restaurant in Karlovy Vary - if you please, stop by and try the dumplings.


The cost of Carlsbad salt depends, first of all, on the method of its production. Natural geyser salt is valued much more expensively, but the one obtained artificially is not much inferior to it in this indicator.

Average price in Russia

On the shelves of Russian pharmacies, the cost of Karlovy Vary salt ranges from 890 to 1200 rubles per 100 g. The minimum threshold is a mineral compound produced in the laboratory, and the maximum is natural salt from hot springs in the Czech Republic.

Average price in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the cost of Carlsbad salt ranges from 350 to 445 hryvnia per 100-gram package.


People who have already tried this method of treatment note that the taste of real waters from the source in Karlovy Vary and their salt analogue are very different. However, there is an effect, and this is not just empty fabrications and self-hypnosis. The effect of the famous salts is confirmed by the results of medical tests. The effect is not as stunning as cunning advertisers are trying to convince us, but it cannot be denied. Among the disadvantages, people noted the fact that undergoing the full course of treatment is quite dreary, which is not surprising, because walking through a picturesque area to a source and drinking a medicinal drink at home is a pleasure (in the case of drinking water prepared with salt, we take the word “pleasure” in quotes), even those that are incomparable with each other.

Hiking to the source is a pleasure.

However, taking a bath with Carlsbad salt is an incomparable pleasure: complete relaxation, rest, and an undeniable beneficial effect.

And taking medicinal baths is a pleasure.

The main advantages of Carlsbad salt are its versatility and undoubted beneficial effects. It should also be noted that there are significant savings in money. Healthy products from Karlovy Vary are not cheap at all, but the investment, relative to the cost of a trip to this Czech resort city, is quite minimal and justified, given the healing effect. However, not just salt, even if it is from Karlovy Vary. In the treatment of serious diseases, Carlsbad salt is an excellent adjuvant, but basic medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

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