Lignarius. Reviews from women during menopause, doctors, instructions for use, composition, analogues

Lignarius is a dietary supplement that is included in the daily diet of women suffering from temporary disorders in the functioning of the reproductive organs. The dietary supplement is indicated for use during menopause, decreased libido, and age-related changes in the reproductive system.

According to reviews of women who were treated with this drug, Lignarius significantly improved their overall well-being. The dietary supplement helped eliminate unpleasant symptoms associated with hormonal changes in the body.

Pharmacological properties

Lignarius contains a patented lignan formula isolated from Norway spruce (Picea Abies) knots, which also contains essential oil, phytoncides, tannins and ascorbic acid.

The drug has a beneficial effect on the condition of the female body during menopause.

Scientists have found that 7-HMR (7-hydroxymatairesinol) is a new class of lignans with bioavailable phytoestrogens that have the properties of natural hormones. Lignans are precursors of estrogens (enterolactone). Under the influence of intestinal microflora they are converted into the active form of estradiol.

The drug Lignarius:

  • reduces the frequency and severity of hot flashes;
  • reduces irritability and mood swings;
  • reduces the frequency of headaches;
  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • increases sexual activity.

According to the results of foreign studies, the use of lignan 7-HMR in dietary programs helps protect hormone-dependent cells from growth-stimulating effects, thereby reducing the risk of developing tumors in the endometrium of the uterus and breast tissue.

By increasing high-density lipoproteins and decreasing low-density lipoproteins, lignans participate in the regulation of plasma cholesterol, which has a preventive effect against the development of atherosclerosis. This scientific statement was published in December 2007 in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

In addition, 7-HMR strengthens the structure of cells, increasing their resistance to oxidation by free radicals and slowing down aging.


The simple biochemical composition of Lignarius ensures its rapid absorption by the body with minimal risk of side effects. The table below details the excipients and the main component that are an integral part of the dietary supplement for women.

Lignarius composition

Components of Lignarius Purpose and effect of the substance on the body
LignanThis component is an active biochemical substance that forms the pharmacological basis of Lignarius. Lignan is produced industrially, by extraction processing of European spruce knots. In fact, this is an essential oil of a pine tree, which contains additional substances in the form of anti-inflammatory phytoncides and ascorbic acid. In the pharmaceutical industry, the lignan is also known as 7-hydroxymatairesinol. The biochemical substance has pronounced antioxidant, anticancer, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. During menopause, it fills the female body with an additional amount of natural phytoestrogens. Lignarius is included in the dietary supplement in purified form. The concentration of the active substance is 30 mg.
Microcrystalline celluloseThis is an excipient of the drug, which is a carrier of lignan. Microcrystalline cellulose ensures delivery of the active component into the intestinal cavity, preventing its premature disintegration in the aggressive environment of gastric juice.
Titanium dioxideThis component acts as an auxiliary chemical compound that colors the shell of the Lignarius capsule bright white. Titanium dioxide is a completely safe substance that has no toxic properties and does not accumulate in the liver and kidney tissues. It is excreted from the body in urine within 1-2 hours after ingestion.
Purified waterThis is an auxiliary component of the dietary supplement, which is used in the process of preparing capsules.
Edible gelatinThis is an excipient of a dietary supplement from which the capsule shell is made. After the required dose of Lignarius reaches the gastrointestinal tract, the edible gelatin shell gradually dissolves, releasing the lignan and its beneficial properties.

Side effects

Lignarius is a dietary supplement that is well tolerated by most women entering menopause. The manifestation of the main side properties of a dietary supplement may be associated with individual intolerance by the body to lignan or auxiliary components of the dietary supplement.

In this case, a woman may experience the following symptoms:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • the appearance of a small pink or red rash on the abdomen, lower and upper extremities, and neck;
  • itching of the skin;

  • urticaria and red swelling of epithelial tissues (the scale of the pathological condition of the skin depends on the degree of manifestation of the side effect);
  • angioedema of the larynx (the most severe allergic reaction of the body, which can lead to death);
  • loss of appetite and functional disorders in the functioning of the digestive system.

If side effects occur, you must stop further taking Lignarius, and also report the incident to your attending gynecologist or other specialist who prescribed the course of therapy with the dietary supplement.


There are currently no clinically confirmed cases of overdose with Lignarius capsules. When simultaneously taking large doses of dietary supplements that do not meet the standards specified in the instructions, the following symptoms may occur:

  • a disorder of the digestive system, which is accompanied by diarrhea or constipation;

  • complete or partial loss of appetite;
  • painful sensations in the central part of the abdomen;
  • frequent urination due to the fact that the body is trying to get rid of excess amounts of estradiol;
  • pain and discomfort in the right hypochondrium, which indicates a decrease in liver function;
  • change in the color of urine towards darker;
  • headache, unstable blood pressure;
  • decreased or increased sexual desire;
  • unstable psycho-emotional state, accompanied by sudden changes in mood, depressive states;
  • dry mouth and a constantly present feeling of thirst;
  • acute and moderate allergic reactions, which are expressed in redness of epithelial tissues, swelling, itching of the skin surface.

In case of an overdose of Lignarius, you must call an ambulance. To eliminate signs of general intoxication and restore gastrointestinal functions, a person must be given the maximum amount of warm water to drink, and then induce vomiting.

After this, the victim must take at least 10 tablets of activated carbon, 1 tbsp. l. Enterosgel sorbent or 1 sachet of Atoxil, dissolved in 200 ml of warm water. Doctors who come to the call must be informed about what sorbent drugs the person took and about an overdose of Lignarius.

Storage conditions and periods

Lignarius capsules should be stored in the original manufacturer's packaging away from direct sunlight. In the room where the dietary supplement is located, a stable air temperature should be maintained within +25 degrees Celsius, but not higher than the specified values.

Dietary supplements should be inaccessible to children of all age groups. Subject to the above conditions, the maximum storage period for Lignarius is 3 years. After the expiration date, taking the drug is prohibited.


Lignarius is prescribed to women during menopause, which is accompanied by a decrease in the functional activity of the organs of the reproductive system. It is recommended to take 1 capsule of the drug 1 time per day after breakfast. Dietary supplements should be consumed at the same time, washed down with plenty of liquid (on average, at least 150-200 ml).

The minimum duration of the therapeutic course is 30 days. If necessary, taking Lignarius can be repeated after 1-2 weeks.

Before starting drug therapy, you should consult with a gynecologist, and also undergo a preliminary examination of the reproductive system organs, take a biochemical blood test to determine the level of female sex hormones. An examination of the body is recommended before starting a course of taking Lignarius and after its completion.


Lignarius (reviews from women during menopause who took dietary supplements indicate its high therapeutic effectiveness) is contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to the main and auxiliary components of the dietary supplement, which is expressed in attacks of allergic reactions (the appearance of a red rash on the skin, itching, swelling, bronchial spasm);
  • pregnancy status;
  • breastfeeding a newborn baby.

These are the main factors that exclude the possibility of taking Lignarius capsules. Depending on the condition of the organs of the reproductive system and concomitant diseases of the body, which will be established during the examination, the gynecologist may discover other contraindications to taking this dietary supplement.


The pharmacodynamics of Lignarius appear after oral administration. When the capsule with the drug enters the intestinal cavity, the active substance of the dietary supplement is released. Partial breakdown of lignan begins in the gastrointestinal tract under the influence of beneficial bacterial microflora.

The main component of Lignarius is quickly absorbed into the intestinal walls, saturating the bloodstream, tissues of internal organs and systems. The constituent substances of the drug have high bioavailability and penetration into all body fluids.

The main half-life of the active substance and auxiliary components of the dietary supplement occurs in the liver tissues. The resulting metabolites in an amount of 95% are excreted from the woman’s body through the kidneys along with urine. The rest of the components of Lignarius are disposed of unchanged along with feces.

The dietary supplement does not create a significant load on the tissues of the liver and kidneys, and does not interfere with their functional activity. This pharmacodynamic property of the dietary supplement is due to its simple and safe biochemical formula.


Lignarius (reviews from women during menopause who took a course of taking a dietary supplement indicate the high effectiveness of the drug) is one of the few dietary supplements whose components have undergone pharmacokinetic studies in a certified laboratory.

Postmenopausal women did not receive replacement therapy, but regularly took Lignarius capsules. According to the results of the study, it was found that after 8 weeks the level of female sex hormones in the blood did not decrease significantly, since the drug saturated the body with natural phytoestrogens.

The pharmacokinetic feature of Lignarius is that after the dietary supplement enters the intestinal cavity, it is exposed to local microflora. The active substance of the drug, 7-hydroxymatairesinol, is broken down to the level of enterolactone, which is a form of estradiol.

The latter substance replenishes the deficiency of female sex hormones, reduces the frequency of hot flashes and other uncomfortable sensations associated with age-related changes in the organs of the reproductive system. Lignan does not have toxic properties, and its regular use helps not only stabilize hormonal levels, but also reduce excess body weight.

Drug interactions

Lignarius does not interact chemically with any medications. Therefore, taking a dietary supplement is possible in the process of complex therapy with medications.

The only limitation concerns the simultaneous use of drugs that contain synthetic analogues of female sex hormones. Lignarius should be used instead of hormone replacement therapy, since the dietary supplement contains natural phytoestrogens.

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