Disturbance of intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis) is a condition in which the balance between beneficial intestinal bacteria (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) and pathogenic ones (klebsiella, proteus, enterobacteria, etc.) is disturbed.
Candidate of Medical Sciences EKATERINA ZAGREBINA Candidate of Medical Sciences, gastroenterologist, hepatologist "SM-Clinic"
How it works
The drug is a probiotic; due to its component composition, it strengthens the immune system, activates protective barriers, and helps stabilize the normal microflora of the intestinal tract. In parallel, Rioflora prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract and accelerates the production of immunoglobulins.
The balance of flora in the digestive section allows for complete digestion and the body’s ability to fight unfavorable environmental factors. Microorganisms from the medicine prevent the formation of pathological disorders in the form of diarrhea, constipation, and increased gas formation.
Causes of intestinal microflora disorders
A healthy person has about 500 species of bacteria in their intestines.
Beneficial bacteria digest food, enrich the body with nutrients, and support the immune system. These bacteria constantly work and regulate intestinal function, maintain ionic balance, neutralize various toxins, break down proteins, carbohydrates, and even synthesize some vitamins. Along with beneficial bacteria in the intestines live pathogenic bacteria, which are waiting for the right moment to remind themselves. They can be activated by weakened immunity, frequent stress, poor diet, or exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases.
Disruption of intestinal microflora can reduce the absorption of nutrients in the intestines and thus disrupt the digestion process. Leftover undigested food leads to rumbling, bloating, diarrhea and other symptoms.
The main causes of intestinal microflora disturbances include:
- Uncontrolled use of medications, for example, antibiotics, which affect both pathogenic and “beneficial” intestinal bacteria;
- Improper diet, containing monotonous food that does not contain all the nutrients a person needs;
- Impaired intestinal motility;
- Uncontrolled dieting;
- Intestinal infections;
- Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, enteritis, colitis, etc.);
- Endocrine diseases;
- Stress and depression;
- Alcohol abuse, smoking.
Disturbance of the intestinal microflora manifests itself in the form of dyspepsia associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. This condition leads to bloating, alternating constipation and diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc. With dysbacteriosis, unexpected allergic reactions to certain foods may develop, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itchy skin, and rash. In some cases, when the microflora is disturbed, the absorption of nutrients is disrupted, a deficiency of iron, vitamins, etc. develops, and immunity decreases. The patient may complain of weakness, headaches, and lack of appetite.
To whom is it shown and for whom is it prohibited?
The dietary supplement is recommended for patients:
- with dyspeptic disorders;
- dysbacteriosis;
- reduced immunity;
- frequent colds;
- chronic stress.
Treatment is carried out for patients who prefer an unbalanced menu and suffer from hypovitaminosis.
Rioflora is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to its component composition or acute pancreatitis.
The main symptoms of dysbiosis:
- pain in the stomach;
- nausea and belching, frequent heartburn;
- particles of undigested food in the stool;
- dry skin, there are cases of rashes;
- brittleness and layering of nails;
- dry hair;
- weight loss, decreased immunity, deterioration of general condition.
Problems can intensify in the presence of stress, chronic diseases, including gastrointestinal diseases, poor nutrition, consumption of alcohol, carbonated water. That is why many patients who have been treated with these drugs ask the question of how to restore the gastrointestinal tract after antibiotics.
Important! The appearance of pain and other symptoms is a signal for immediate examination and treatment by a gastroenterologist. Diagnosis of this disease consists of anamnesis, patient complaints, clinical picture, results of gastroscopy of the stomach and laboratory tests. The main thing is to take timely measures aimed at restoring the gastrointestinal tract after antibiotics.
When restoring microflora, gastroenterologists advise including fermented milk products, baked or boiled fish and lean meats, various pureed soups with grated vegetables, compotes, jelly, and slimy porridges in the diet.
- alcohol;
- smoking;
- dry food;
- fatty meat and fish;
- boiled and fried eggs;
- fresh white bread;
- milk and freshly squeezed juices;
- sauces and seasonings.
Side effect
Therapeutic manipulations can provoke non-standard responses of the body. When using a probiotic, allergies occurred, manifested by:
- hyperemia of certain areas of the dermis;
- obsessive itching;
- local rashes;
- swelling and puffiness.
Once signs of side effects appear, therapy cannot be continued. The patient should seek medical help and receive a new therapeutic regimen.
How to use
The instructions indicate the permissible dosages and duration of therapy with Rioflora:
- oral administration of capsules requires their use as a whole or, if conditions cannot be met, with their contents dissolved in liquid or milk;
- children over 3 years of age and adults - one unit per day on an empty stomach in the morning or evening;
- manipulations are carried out within 1-2 months, until the immune system is completely restored.
A repeated course is allowed if prescribed by a gastroenterologist.
Restoration of intestinal microflora
If you notice any signs of dysbiosis, it is recommended to immediately consult a gastroenterologist.
The basis of treatment is to eliminate the cause that caused the disruption of intestinal microflora. If dysbiosis is caused by antibiotics, their use must be stopped, and if due to the wrong regimen or diet, you need to return to the original diet. However, the symptoms of dysbiosis themselves also need treatment. For dysbiosis, 3 types of treatment are recommended:
- Diet;
- Prebiotics;
- Probiotics.
Manufacturer's instructions
The abstract highlights the following nuances of the medication course:
- it is allowed to combine Rioflora Immuno with other drugs;
- there is no information about possible interactions between the ingredients of the medications;
- the medicine is approved for use in children over 3 years old, in order to improve the functionality of the immune system;
- during antibiotic therapy, the use of a probiotic is mandatory; the procedures help maintain the balance of intestinal microflora and improve the functioning of protective barriers against infectious pathologies;
- Clinical studies on the safety of use for pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted; treatment can only be prescribed by a therapist, taking into account the benefits to the mother’s body and the risk to the fetus.
The medication does not affect the speed of reactions. During course therapy, it is allowed to drive vehicles and work with complex moving mechanisms.
Elements of dietary supplements are responsible for the production of individual vitamin substances, restoration of natural barriers that prevent pathogens from penetrating and multiplying. It is recommended to prescribe a dietary supplement during seasonal cold epidemics, with a reduced level of immunity.
Diet for microflora disorders
To treat a mild form of dysbiosis, a special diet may be sufficient. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It is recommended to drink a glass of warm water half an hour before. It is important that your diet includes the following substances:
- Lacto- and bifidobacteria. They are found in fermented milk products, butter;
- Fiber is found in vegetables and fruits;
- Amino acids glutamine and arginine, the sources of which are chicken, beef, nuts, fish, dairy products, peas.
It is necessary to avoid fatty, fried, smoked, spicy foods.
Replacement therapy is used when clinical signs of drug intolerance appear. The list of popular analogues of Rioflora Imunno is presented:
- Bificol;
- Hilak Forte;
- Symbiform;
- Premoy;
- Fluvir;
- Lactobactom Premium;
- Symbiolactom Compositum.
Substitutes for primary products may be more expensive or cheaper, and contain a lower number of probiotic microorganisms.
Storage and sale
You can buy Rioflora Immuno at any available pharmacy without presenting a prescription from a doctor. The average price per package starts from 405 rubles, the final cost depends on the number of tablets, the region of residence of the patient and the trade markup of the selling company.
The product is stored in darkened rooms at room temperature. It is one for 2 years, after the expiration of the term it is disposed of along with household waste. Expired goods are prohibited from being accepted due to the possible appearance of severe health problems against the background of developing intoxication.
Dietary supplement Nycomed RioFlora Immuno - reviews
Advantages: normalizes intestinal flora, protects against pathogenic bacteria,
Disadvantages: This is not a drug.
I learned about this dietary supplement exactly a year ago, when my daughter and I were on vacation in Crimea by the sea. The electrical substation could not stand the heat and all electrical appliances in the village, including refrigerators, were completely cut off. I don’t know what caused the poisoning: either the food spoiled or it was just a coincidence, but my daughter and I caught a very unpleasant intestinal infection. And while my process was more or less tolerable, my daughter had it with fever and vomiting….
and also take the RioFlora Immuno course. The doctor prescribed it for us, it will help well. It is a probiotic and immunomodulator.
Rioflora is the most effective probiotic preparation at present. I used to periodically drink Hilak Forte drops, and now I buy Rioflora twice a year. I read the instructions carefully; such a variety of bacteria beneficial to the intestines is not found in any other drug for the treatment of dysbiosis.
Liana Ufa
I read the next review and was surprised why they prescribed me an antibiotic after. In principle, Rio flora is a very powerful “helper” - but taking it simply bifidumbacterin or bifidobacteria in a regular state pharmacy would be enough. But in advanced cases, when not just a decline in the body from the antibiotic, but also allergies and Gastroenterology, doctors threaten to diagnose - then yes, Rio flora helps. At least two years ago, when my girl started coughing due to acidity and gastrointestinal problems, they took Rio Flora as a course of treatment for two months. Now I don’t know how much, but then it was inexpensive.
They drank Rio Flora for almost 2 months, continued with Creon. Moreover, they drank Creon when the child was just having a snack.
Rio flora, like many of its brothers, populates damaged areas with bacteria such as Linex. But drinking Linex all the time is not enough. Bifidumbacterin, dry bacteria are sold in pharmacies. So, how does Rio flora improve immunity? These are not vitamins like Alphabet Diabetes, which always help us, thanks to those who created them.
But it is like a nootropic - it is gradually included in the immune component.
My verdict - if used correctly, it will help in combination with others. If anyone needs it, there is a review with a photo about the alphabet diabetes and about Rio flora.
Effective, convenient to take.
High price.
Since the beginning of this year, my son (3 years old) has been constantly sick, although he does not go to kindergarten yet. The last time I caught some wild virus with a strong paroxysmal cough. It looked like laryngitis: at first he coughed for a long time, and in the end he coughed up a bunch of sputum, which he swallowed convulsively. Naturally, everything ended up in the stomach, and I decided to give him probiotics to speed up recovery and prevent pathological flora from developing in the stomach. My choice fell on “Rioflora Immuno”. It turned out to be quite difficult to find it in online pharmacies in Ukraine, but I did it. And here is the treasured packaging in our home. The package comes with instructions with detailed information about the composition of the drug, its effect, method and duration of administration. Children over 3 years old (and adults, of course) can take just 1 capsule once a day, in the morning or before bed in the evening. The course is 1-2 months. Contraindications: acute pancreatitis and individual intolerance. The package contains 3 blisters of 10 capsules each. Enough for just a month of use. The capsules are standard size and easy to swallow. The son, however, did not swallow them, but chewed them, washing them down with water. I didn’t get any capsules, so I don’t know what they taste like. I suspect they are neutral. But my son gnawed them willingly, and was very upset when they ran out. In total, we drank them for a month. During this month, my son finally recovered, and did not catch any new viruses, although he traveled on trains twice and walked in crowded places. Based on this, I concluded that these probiotics really help strengthen the immune system and restore order in the stomach and intestines. By the way, my son’s chair was just excellent all this time. And it’s convenient to take the drug: you give it in the morning on an empty stomach and forget it. Parents of small children will understand me: it is advisable to give all these probiotics on an empty stomach, but try to catch this “economy” during the day, when the child is constantly chewing something. I definitely recommend the drug, the only thing is that the price is far from ideal. But probiotics all cost a decent amount, and compared to other complexes, Rioflora is far from the most expensive option.
Convenient to take, store, increases appetite
Doesn't strengthen immunity
An immunologist prescribed this drug to us. Due to frequent illnesses and complaints of poor appetite. I gave it to a three year old child. Convenient release form, can be stored at room temperature, the contents of the capsules dissolve well in tea or milk. 1-1.5 hours after administration, an appetite appears, the child eats food with pleasure. Stomach function returned to normal and constipation went away. But, unfortunately, my immunity was not strengthened.
Profitable price
When I went to the pharmacy to buy an additional source of probiotic microorganisms for my child, I planned to buy others, but while I was standing in line and looking at similar medicines on the display, these pills caught my eye; the price was better than the others. There are 30 capsules in a package, you only need to drink one per day, if the child cannot swallow it completely, then you can pour the contents into a drink, that’s what I do, my son is only three years old and he cannot swallow such huge capsules, and the course is one month. In general, I thought it was profitable, they cost about five hundred rubles. We've already drank more than half the package, my baby's tummy feels better, after a rotavirus infection we have been following a diet for a long time and drinking RioFlora. So I think we can recommend them, it’s just that those probiotics that are always on our TV screens (advertising) cost twice as much, but the effect is the same!
Convenient form of administration, it works!
My 2.5 year old baby has poor intestinal function, this drug RioFlora Immuno helped us a lot. We used it after treatment for a cold. The intestines began to work like clockwork!!! Very convenient form of application - once a day! The child drinks it without problems! Course - 30 days. The only negative is that the diluted drug smells like cat food, BUT this is IMMO!!!
Good evening!
My pimple story
Earlier in my reviews, I wrote that I was diagnosed with demodicosis (skin mites) due to which I have acne (but pah-pah-pah there is much less of it now). Plus, I am very sensitive to my stomach and therefore I try to eat more or less right (drink as much water as possible, soups, vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc. at least every other day). I also have a very unstable nervous system (thanks to my temperament), which, as we well know, greatly impairs the immune system. Based on these factors, I decided to take some preprobiotics.
I’ll say right away that no one prescribed them for me, I didn’t consult with doctors, I just bought them at my own peril and risk, based on the fact that they are a dietary supplement, so it won’t get any worse. By the way, my friend advertised them to me)
I bought it and NATURALLY didn’t read the instructions. I started taking it like regular tablets, knowing that I only needed one tablet a day, as my friend said.
But, unfortunately, I didn’t see any results (
And only after that I read the instructions, where it was written in black and white: take it in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bed. That's it, Mikhalych!
It was a shame that, because of my stupidity, I just used up half the pack (And it’s not very cheap - 20 capsules - 375 rubles, and that’s in a cheap pharmacy. Okay, I think it also gave some effect) This is designed for 20 days, and the course of treatment is 1-2 months.
After a month I noticed real improvements:
Firstly, my stomach stopped hurting (in principle, it didn’t hurt me anyway, but sometimes, it happened in the morning)
Secondly, the condition of my skin has improved! For me this is a very big plus! Pah-pah, big painful pimples stopped appearing, sometimes they popped up, but only small ones)
After the first pack, I had a short break. And, unfortunately, the acne began to return! I bought a second one, drank it, after canceling it they also came back, naturally not the same as it was before, but also not very pleasant.
I didn’t give up, I bought a third one, etc., and after drinking the fourth pack, they stopped coming back! The effect is cumulative, in principle, like many drugs of this type. And the worse the situation gets, the more time it will take to accumulate.
As for immunity, I don’t know. I can’t remember at all the last time I had a cold, etc. PAH-PAH-PAH (knocked on wood 3 times)
Now I constantly buy this dietary supplement, I can’t live without it, it’s like a habit. The main thing is not to forget to drink in the morning on an empty stomach)
I recommend to everyone!
Hello dear readers. Today's review is about the RioFlora Immuno Probiotic Complex.
The manufacturer promises that this drug helps strengthen the immune system. It contains 30 capsules, just enough for a month of use. 9 beneficial strains of bacteria. I read about it in reviews from one woman. She said that she was very sick and this drug helped strengthen her immunity. I have health problems, lack of sleep, a lot of stress and chronic pharyngitis, I was hoping to strengthen my immune system with this drug.
Cost 503 rubles. It’s expensive for me, but getting sick is even more expensive, so far I’ve taken 27 capsules and I like everything, the only side effect is that it makes me stronger. But it only makes me feel better. And it doesn’t hold much. It strengthened my immunity while taking it, I haven’t been sick for a month now, I had a slight sore throat, but it went away very quickly, I don’t know how long this effect will last, because the instructions say that you can take it for 2 months, it apparently depends on the body.
I take it in the morning on an empty stomach.
And I also have problems with my pancreas, and acute pancreatitis is a contraindication, and I have no side effects. But I have the feeling that this drug has no effect on the stomach; if you have severe dysbiosis, then I don’t think that it will saturate your body with beneficial bacteria.
I recommend this drug, it is the best probiotic I have tried.