Ginkgoum. Reviews of patients who took the drug, instructions, analogues, price

pharmachologic effect

The drug is made from plant materials. It affects cell metabolism, microcirculation and blood rheology, and the functioning of blood vessels.

The medicine Ginkum Evalar provides oxygen and glucose to the brain, helps improve blood circulation in the brain. Prevents thrombus formation and dilates blood vessels, is a tissue antihypoxant.

They have an anti-edematous effect both in peripheral and brain tissues.

Used to treat peripheral circulatory disorders, including cochleovestibular pathology .

Prevents the development of proteolytic serum activity.

Dosage form, composition

The manufacturer of Ginkum is the Russian concern Evalar, which produces medications and dietary supplements based on natural raw materials. The medicine contains:

  • extract of leaves of the ginkgo biloba plant: activates the metabolic processes of the central nervous system;
  • rutin: strengthens the walls of small and large blood vessels, prevents their damage, has a venotonic effect.

Ginkoum is available in the form of capsules for oral administration: in dosages of 40, 80 and 120 mg. Cardboard packaging contains from 30 to 90 pills, which allows you to choose the most convenient scheme without spending extra money.

Analogues of Ginkoum

Level 4 ATC code matches: Ginos
Akatinol Memantine




Ginkgo biloba




Vitrum Memory


The main analogues of Ginkoum:

  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Memoplant
  • Bilobil
  • Tanakan
  • Vitrum Memory
  • Ginos

Contraindications and side effects

You should stop using Ginkoum:

  • with severe kidney pathologies;
  • hepatosis, liver failure;
  • acute gastritis, gastric ulcer, erosive lesions of the intestinal mucosa;
  • hypotension;
  • with a tendency to internal bleeding;
  • at risk of hemorrhagic stroke and after suffering it;
  • for headaches of unknown nature;
  • in case of allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Ginkoum is not applicable during pregnancy at any stage, as well as when breastfeeding throughout lactation. Signs of intolerance may include: diarrhea, bloating, skin rash, itching, swelling of the mucous membranes.

Reviews about Ginkum

Reviews about Ginkoum are generally positive. Ginkgo preparations are widely used in medicine and are actively used by doctors, and are also widely recommended by pharmacists in pharmacies. The medicine is often prescribed to improve cerebral circulation, especially in old age, when attention and memory deteriorate. According to reviews from those who have taken the drug, it is really effective in improving memory if taken for a long time, as recommended for the course of treatment.

Neurologists use it in the recovery period of strokes and in dyscirculatory encephalopathies .

There are also numerous reviews of Ginkoum as an effective remedy that reduces tinnitus and dizziness . The drug is also used to improve blood circulation in peripheral vessels, as part of treatment regimens for obliterating lesions of the legs.

Mechanism of action

The drug is used to stimulate blood supply to brain structures, prevent ischemic processes and associated pathologies, eliminate headaches, tinnitus, restore mental performance, and concentrate attention. The pharmacological properties of the drug are based on the action of the plant materials it contains.

  • Gingko biloba concentrates amentoflavone, quercetin, bilobetin and other compounds necessary for the proper functioning of the central nervous system. It contains a lot of organic and amino acids, provitamin A, essential oils, selenium, manganese, iron and other minerals.
  • The plant improves the rheological properties of blood, reduces the risk of clots and blood clots. Medicines based on it promote active blood supply to the brain, internal organs and limbs.

Ginkoum has been proven to reduce the likelihood of developing vascular and neurological and after traumatic brain injuries in patients with diabetes and other endocrine diseases. It maintains the elasticity of the walls of arteries and veins, prevents weakening of vision, and reduces swelling in cases of impaired renal function. With its help, it is easier to maintain normal well-being in case of meteosensitivity and various defects of the central nervous system. It has been established that regular use of the drug is beneficial for the preservation and restoration of speech, good hearing, motor, and cognitive skills in people who have suffered an ischemic stroke.

Ginkoum price, where to buy

Capsules of the drug in Russia cost about 300 rubles per pack of 30 pieces. 40 mg each and about 450 rubles per pack of 60 pcs. 40 mg each.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Ginkoum capsules 80 mg 60 pcs. Evalar ZAO
    RUR 551 order
  • Ginkoum capsules 40 mg 60 pcs. Evalar JSC

    RUR 457 order

  • Ginkoum capsules 40 mg 30 pcs. Evalar JSC

    RUB 296 order

  • Ginkoum capsules 40 mg 90 pcs. Evalar JSC

    RUR 587 order

  • Ginkoum capsules 120 mg 30 pcs Evalar ZAO

    RUR 348 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Ginkoum (caps. 80 mg No. 60) Evalar CJSC

    RUR 597 order

  • Ginkoum capsules 80 mg No. 60 Evalar JSC

    RUR 647 order

  • Ginkum capules 40 mg No. 60Evalar JSC

    475 rub. order

  • Ginkum capsules No. 30Evalar JSC

    RUB 304 order

show more

How to use Ginkoum: instructions

The medicine is approved for use from 18 years of age. Younger patients are recommended to use similar drugs, since gingko biloba may act too actively and is not suitable for a child’s body.

Capsules must be swallowed whole, without chewing, crushing or trying to dissolve them. General recommendation for daily dosage: about 160 mg. drug. On the advice of a doctor, it can be increased or decreased. You should drink the medicine 1 hour after a meal or half an hour before it, while drinking a sufficient amount of water. It is allowed to take no more than 90 mg at a time.

The duration of treatment depends on the existing disorders.

  • To prevent disorders, it is recommended to use Ginkoum for 6 weeks;
  • in case of identified pathologies, capsules should be taken for 8 weeks or more.

Repeated treatment should be discussed with your doctor. During the period of taking Ginkoum, it is necessary to control blood clotting. Especially with simultaneous therapy with anticoagulants, since the components of the drug help reduce it. Caution is also important when using acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs.

Indications for use

Ginkoum (reviews from patients who took the drug report the multifunctionality of the plant complex) is taken based on the indications and the established form of the pathological disorder.

The capsules have an angioprotective effect, have a positive effect on blood flow in the brain, while restoring neurosensory and cognitive functions of the brain.


  • circulatory disorders in the brain, accompanied by various negative reactions - loss of memory and intellectual abilities, development of headaches, dizziness, as well as deterioration in concentration and ringing in the ears;
  • disorders in the peripheral circulation, accompanied by negative manifestations such as a feeling of cold and chilliness in the lower extremities, heaviness in the legs, cramps, pain when moving, sensory disturbances in the extremities;

  • functional disorders in the area of ​​the inner ear, accompanied by the development of dizziness, ringing in the ears, and gait disturbances.

The drug can be used either independently or as part of complex therapy.

During pregnancy

When carrying a fetus, such pharmaceutical prescription is contraindicated. Clinical studies have not been conducted in this category of patients, so it is desirable to choose a safer treatment. Detailed instructions for use of Ginkoum inform that the biological supplement is contraindicated during lactation. The active ingredient of the dietary supplement is excreted in mother's milk and is harmful to the health of the infant.


Not all patients can use Ginkoum. The instructions for use contain a comprehensive list of medical contraindications:

  • gastritis with open erosions;
  • recurrent gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • blood clotting disorder (susceptibility to thrombosis);
  • acute cerebrovascular accident;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • liver diseases, liver failure;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • age up to 12 years.

Composition of the drug

The main constituent substances include:

  • ginkgo biloba leaf extract;
  • routine;
  • terpene lactones.

There are no chemical or narcotic elements in the formula.

A product of plant origin acts on metabolic processes in brain tissue, vasomotor reactions of blood vessels, and prevents platelet aggregation.

The drug inhibits lipid oxidation and the appearance of free radicals in cell membranes.

Each capsule contains 40 mg of ginkgo biloba . The leaves of this plant have antiviral, antihistamine, antitoxic, decongestant and neuroprotective effects.

The use of the extract helps normalize blood pressure, eliminate depression and reduce cholesterol in the body.

As a result, metabolism inside cells improves and vascular walls are strengthened.

Side effects

When used systematically, Ginkoum is in most cases well tolerated by all groups of patients. However, according to reviews and instructions in the instructions for the drug, the development of negative reactions associated with the physiological characteristics of the patient, as well as exceeding the recommended dosage, is occasionally noted.

Side effects:

  • development of allergic manifestations in the form of rashes, redness or itching;
  • migraines, headaches;

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • increased blood pressure and, as a consequence, the development of dizziness;
  • pain in the abdomen, upset stool;
  • hearing impairment in the form of noise and ringing in the ears.

If negative manifestations develop due to the use of capsules, including reactions not noted in the instructions, you must stop taking the pharmacological drug and contact your doctor.

Cases of medical overdose have not been reported at this time. However, if the prescribed dose is exceeded and negative reactions develop, it is recommended to stop using the drug and contact your doctor.

When using capsules, you must strictly adhere to the dosages prescribed by a specialist or indicated in the official instructions. For frequently recurring episodes of hearing impairment or dizziness, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional.

It is recommended to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages for the entire period of use of the medication, as the drug may cause increased side effects from the liver and central nervous system.

It is prohibited to use the herbal complex when carrying a child, as well as during breastfeeding, since the effect of the main substance on the formation and development of the fetus has not been established.

There is a high probability of penetration of the active ingredient into breast milk. Therefore, in cases of extreme necessity, it is recommended to interrupt feeding the child and transfer him to artificial nutrition.

At the initial stages of treatment, the medicine may lead to the development of dizziness. In this regard, it is recommended to refrain from driving a car or performing work that requires increased concentration and speed of psychomotor functions.

Instructions for use, dosage

The dosage regimen and other features of therapy are determined by the treating specialist on an individual basis, taking into account the nature of the pathological process and the age of the patient.

Please note that 1 capsule is equivalent to 40 mg.

To eliminate signs associated with the development of cerebral circulatory disorders, 1-2 tablets are prescribed 3 times a day. The duration of therapy should be at least 2 months.

For peripheral circulatory disorders, the recommended dosage is 1 tablet 3 times a day or 2 capsules 2 times a day. The duration of the course must be at least 1.5 months. In the presence of vascular disorders or diseases of the inner ear, 1 tablet is prescribed 3 times a day or 2 tablets 2 times a day.

If you miss taking capsules, it is not recommended to double the dosage. Further use of the dietary supplement should be carried out according to the standard regimen specified in the instructions.

Price in pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

Prices for the product in pharmacies may vary depending on the region and area of ​​sale. Also, the cost of capsules may vary depending on the dosage. You can purchase dietary supplements at any state or commercial pharmacy, as well as through a licensed online store specializing in the sale of medical products.

Region, regionDosagePrice
Moscow, Moscow regionCapsules, 40 mg103-1206 rub.
Moscow, Moscow regionCapsules, 80 mg399-1054 rub.
Moscow, Moscow regionCapsules, 120 mg364-445 rub.
Saint PetersburgCapsules, 40 mg135-980 rub.
Saint PetersburgCapsules, 120 mg345-543 rub.
St. Petersburg (suburbs)Capsules, 120 mg320-432 rub.
Leningrad regionCapsules, 40 mg98-328 rub.

Before taking the drug, you should carefully read the instructions for using Ginkoum and consult a specialist. Additionally, it is recommended to study reviews of patients who took the product.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Composition and release form

The drug Ginkoum is produced in the form of gelatin hard capsules containing brown powder with an active ingredient concentration of 40 and 80 mg. Packed in 15 pcs. in blister packs, 1, 2, 3 or 4 pcs. for each pack. Second option: capsules are distributed into polymer jars of 30 or 60 pieces. Instructions for use are included in each package. Active ingredient: dry extract of Ginkgo biloba. Features of the plant composition:

Active ingredient of dietary supplement, mg Auxiliary components Composition of hard gelatin capsule
ginkgo biloba dry standardized extract with flavonol glycosides and terpene lactones colloidal silicon dioxide red iron oxide
calcium stearate black iron oxide
microcrystalline cellulose yellow iron oxide
titanium dioxide


If a dietary supplement does not work or worsens the patient’s well-being, it is replaced with an analogue. Effective medications with identical herbal composition, pharmacological properties or principle of action in the affected organism:

  1. Ginkgo biloba. A combined drug in the form of tablets to improve cerebral circulation. The active ingredients - glycine and ginkgo biloba leaf extract, have a systemic effect in the body.
  2. Memoplant. Tablets with ginkgo biloba extract in herbal composition. According to the instructions, they are recommended for patients to restore cerebral circulation and improve memory functions.
  3. Bilobil. Capsules with identical herbal composition for oral use. In this way, you can improve blood microcirculation, prevent ischemic stroke and atherosclerosis.
  4. Tanakan. These are tablets and a solution for restoring cerebral circulation with ginkgo biloba extract. According to the instructions, treatment must be carried out over a long course; the dosage must be previously agreed upon with the doctor.
  5. Vitrum Memory. This is a vitamin complex in the form of tablets for oral use. Medicine is prescribed for memory impairment, visual and auditory confusion, and cerebrovascular accident.
  6. Ginos. A herbal preparation that is prescribed to children at school to increase concentration and improve memory properties. The composition contains the same herbal component and has a safe effect if medical recommendations are strictly followed.

Reviews from neurologists

Evgeniy Ilyich A., 45 years old:

Patients often come to me with complaints of poor concentration, dizziness, and sleep disturbances. For some, regular rest and taking vitamins is enough. For some people, poor health is systematic and requires additional examinations and the use of medications. Most brain stimulants have unpleasant side effects and are addictive. Therefore, I prefer to prescribe the less harmful dietary supplement Ginkoum. It is suitable for most patients, especially those who often experience stress.

As a preventative measure, I would recommend it to schoolchildren, students and elderly pensioners.

Yulia Sergeevna I., 30 years old:

I don’t see anything criminal in the actions and composition of Ginkum. All components are of natural origin. There are no serious contraindications. The product is not addictive. It is available to all patients and has a wide range of positive properties. In any case, it is important to read the instructions before taking the capsules and follow the regimen and dosage.

It’s even better to consult a doctor and get the necessary tests. After all, even mild dizziness can be a symptom of a serious illness, against which Ginkoum is powerless.

Igor Romanovich E., 46 years old:

I recommend using dietary supplements in combination with folk remedies, vitamins and more complex medications. It is captivating that the herbal preparation Ginkoum is suitable for young patients and allows you to protect the nervous system, acting very gently.

However, any remedy, even a natural one, has side effects. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to your body and know in moderation in everything.

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