New possibilities for the use of methylethylpyridinol in ophthalmic practice


Properties of methylethylpyridinol:

  • removal of free radicals;
  • preventing the formation of platelet adhesions;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

The substance belongs to the group of antiplatelet agents. Under their influence, blood cells become plastic and pass through the capillaries more easily. In this case, platelets and red blood cells do not stick to each other. The blood becomes more liquid. Methylethylpyridinol is also able to separate blood cells that have already stuck together.

This effect justifies its use against retinal thrombosis, as well as in the period after ophthalmological operations.

As an antihypoxant and antioxidant, methylethylpyridinol increases the ability of tissues to absorb oxygen and removes free radical agents. Diabetes mellitus contributes to their formation in excess, destroying the structures of the eyes. Methylethylpyridinol supports normal metabolic processes.

In addition to the angioprotective function, drops with the active substance protect the retina from ultraviolet radiation.

Methylethylpyridinol not only reduces blood viscosity, but also causes arterial hypertension.

Injection solutions under the same name and drops of methylethylpyridinol hydrochloride are available. Well-known trade names: Emoksipin, Viksipin, Emoksi-optik.


The active substance in eye drops is methylethylpyridinol hydrochloride, which is an antioxidant and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and general preventive effect on the visual system. Once on the mucous membrane of the eye, it quickly penetrates into the deep layers and accumulates in the tissues in high concentrations. Epoxipin drops are prescribed:

  • for injuries and burns of the cornea, when the integrity of the ocular membrane is damaged;
  • accompanying injuries or arbitrary (due to capillary fragility or increased fundus pressure) hemorrhages in the outer part;
  • in the presence of an inflammatory process that causes discomfort and a burning sensation;
  • to prepare for surgery and accelerate healing and recovery in the postoperative period;
  • in case of deterioration of vision due to increased blood sugar (including due to diabetes mellitus);
  • insufficient blood supply to the retina;
  • irritation and dryness after or while wearing contact lenses;
  • to relieve eye strain, eye muscle spasms:
  • as a prevention of corneal dystrophy and age-related deformities.

Indications for use

Methylethylpyridinol is used as part of therapy for the following pathologies:

  • hematoma of the conjunctiva and anterior part of the eye;
  • angioretinopathy;
  • chorioretinal dystrophy;
  • thrombosis;
  • complications of myopia;
  • retinal atrophy of the macular zone;
  • detachment of the vascular network after antiglaucoma surgery;
  • mechanical damage to the cornea;
  • destructive influence of bright light, laser.

Hypoxia and thrombosis of retinal vessels occurs in diabetes. Long-term myopia, or myopia, leads to stretching and thinning of the eye membranes and blood vessels. The consequences of myopia also include detachment of the retina from the vascular layer - the choroid. After surgical treatment, medications containing methylethylpyridinol are prescribed.

Thin vessels can grow into the retina. Their weak walls tear, causing hemorrhages. This is how a Fuchs pigment spot is formed, which is visible when examining the macula.

Various forms of degeneration - lattice dystrophy, cochlear degeneration, age-related macular degeneration - also lead to retinal detachment. At the stage of prevention and surgical correction of pathologies arising from each other, drops containing methylethylpyridinol are used.

Release form

Emoquispin is available in the form of drops in a concentration of 1%. A 5 ml glass bottle is tightly closed with an aluminum dropper cap and sealed with a rubber stopper sealed around the edges. Packaged in a cardboard box with an image of an eye on a white background, which indicates the expiration date and composition of the medicinal product. Comes with instructions in Russian. There is a label attached to the bottle. The solution is transparent or with a slight yellowish tint, without a pronounced odor.

You can order eye drops on the website

special instructions

Features of the use of methylethylpyridinol:

  • control of blood pressure and blood coagulation is required;
  • drops cause drowsiness, so you should stop driving a car and limit work related to attention and precision mechanisms;
  • in complex treatment, other drugs are administered first, and methylethylpyridinol last, with an interval of 15 minutes;
  • After instillation, you need to close your eyelids and wipe off excess liquid with a paper napkin.

Among the excipients there is no benzalkonium chloride, which is not compatible with contact lenses. The indications for which drops are prescribed exclude the wearing of lenses. If the substance is used for preventive purposes, it is recommended to remove the corrective agent 15 minutes before installation and wait the same amount after the procedure. The lenses can then be put on.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug Emoxipin is compatible with all medications, except eye drops. It is prohibited to use several types of funds at the same time. Otherwise, the manufacturer cannot be held responsible for the absence of side effects and therapeutic effect stated in the instructions for use.

If the ophthalmologist prescribed additional eye drops, then it is imperative to fulfill the condition - Emokispin is instilled last, maintaining an interval of at least 15 minutes.


There are no known negative results from exceeding the dose of drops. Possible exacerbation of side symptoms: blurred vision, itching, burning, redness of the conjunctiva, swelling of the eyelids. To remove excess fluid, rinse your eyes with warm water.

In case of accidental ingestion of liquid, possible reactions:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • excitability;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea;
  • heartache;
  • dizziness;
  • headache.

Decreased blood clotting is also likely. To eliminate the symptoms of poisoning, you need to rinse your stomach.

Emoxipine analogues

Despite its pronounced therapeutic effect and good reviews, the drug is not suitable for all patients. If you feel pain in the eyes, burning, itching, sharp redness of the mucous membrane after using the drug, and the painful sensation does not go away within half an hour, it means that the body is experiencing an allergic reaction to one of the components in the composition. Individual intolerance requires replacing the drops with ones with similar pharmacological properties, but with a modified active formula.

A wide range of modern pharmaceutical products offers the following analogues of eye drops with methylethylpyridinol hydrochloride in the composition:

  • Vixolin 1% - available by prescription, not recommended for pregnant women or during breastfeeding. It is not a prophylaxis, it is intended directly for treatment. Not used in the pre- and post-operative period. Produced in Russia by Grotesk LLC. The average price in Moscow and the region is 350 rubles;
  • Emoxy-optic - eye drops aimed at treating hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye due to trauma, as well as age-related changes in the elderly. It has an antiseptic effect, extinguishes inflammation and relieves painful syndrome in case of burns and injuries of the cornea. Prescribed as a prophylaxis to maintain visual acuity for people suffering from myopia and myopathy. Price from 160 to 230 rubles in the Russian Federation;
  • Emoxybel is the most budget-friendly analogue, priced from 98 rubles, depending on the chosen manufacturer. But with a larger list of indications for use, it has a number of negative side effects: increased blood pressure, can cause drowsiness or short-term agitation. Patients suffering from concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular system and central nervous system are not recommended for use. Used for complex treatment of visual organs, including corneal dystrophy and retinal detachment;
  • Emsibel is a Belarusian drug from RUE “Belmedpreparaty” with good tolerability and treatment results. Strengthens blood vessels, prevents platelet aggregation and saturates the retina with oxygen. When treated with courses, it reduces the risk of developing age-related diseases - glaucoma and cataracts, thinning of the uvea, corneal dystrophy. Accelerates tissue regeneration after injuries. Contraindications: pregnancy and age under 18 years. Price - from 210 rubles in Moscow and regions of the Russian Federation;
  • Taufon 4% - differs in composition from all the drugs described above. The active ingredient is taurine. Effectively affects all types of catarrh (age-related, traumatic, diabetic), improves metabolism in the eye tissues, stimulates regeneration if vision deterioration is the result of injury to the cornea. Accelerates healing of the cornea during erosion, strengthens capillaries, preventing hemorrhages. The average cost in the Russian Federation is 108 - 130 Russian rubles.

Consumer Reviews

Elena: While playing with a child, I got hit in the eye. There was a bruise. Emoxipin was dripped 2 times a day. It stings, but is tolerable. I noticed the result every day - I kept dripping until the bruise completely disappeared.

Irina: A cold and working at the computer led to redness of the eye. 10 minutes after instillation of Emoxipine, the redness decreased by 2 times. The next day the bleeding remained very slight. The treatment took only 2 days.

Side effects

The tolerability of each drug, including Emoxipin eye drops, is determined individually. In case of personal intolerance to one of the components of the drug, typical allergic reactions may occur:

  • burning sensation;
  • itching;
  • tearfulness;
  • tension of the mucous membrane;
  • pain and blurred vision.

If the feeling of discomfort does not go away on its own within half an hour from the moment of instillation, then you will have to abandon eye drop therapy.

According to studies, the product is safe, without side effects and effects on the central nervous system, cardiovascular system and vestibular system.

Prescribe with caution to women during pregnancy and lactation. According to the instructions, Emoxipine is allowed from the age of 18, but in pediatrics and pediatric ophthalmology cases of use in emergency cases (hemorrhage in the retina) were allowed for children from one year of age without recorded side effects.

Shelf life and storage

A sealed bottle is stored for 2 years from the date of release. Shelf life after opening - 1 month. Storage temperature - no higher than 25°C. Do not leave the medicine within the reach of children.

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Alexandrova O.M.

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Precautionary measures

When using Emoxipin drops, no allergic reactions or side effects were identified. In reviews of eye drops, users note the affordable price, but some complain about the lack of effect. The manufacturer warns against purchasing the medicine from hand, not from pharmacy chains or spontaneous retail outlets.

Improper storage, transportation and counterfeit goods will have a detrimental effect on the organs of vision. Also pay attention to the prices - too high or low should raise doubts about the originality of the drug.

You can buy the medicine throughout the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus in the public domain without prior ordering from official pharmacy chains.

Another important indicator that must be checked is the release date, expiration date, series and lot number. They must match on the cardboard packaging and glass bottle.

Do not use a drug you are not sure about.

Where can you buy Emoxipin in the regions of the Russian Federation

Emoxipine is available in the regions of the Russian Federation:

  • FarmLand pharmacy (Tyumen) - 213.00 Russian rubles;
  • online pharmacy "April" Krasnodar - regular price 316 rubles, but if you have a club card 217.00;
  • online platform "Zdravcity" - 244.00 (Arkhangelsk region);
  • “Planet of Health” - 226 Russian rubles 00 kopecks. (in the Tomsk region);
  • MAGNIT-pharmacy - 231 Russian rubles.

Also, the manufacturer points out that in some pharmacies and online stores there is an o in the description - in this case, you will not be able to buy the product without a doctor’s permission. The drug is produced by a domestic pharmaceutical company and is therefore available even in isolated regions. Using an online application, you can order Emoxipin to the nearest post office or have it delivered by courier to your address.

When ordering drops, do not forget to look at the description, expiration date and manufacturer. After receiving your order, immediately check the integrity of the packaging.

Where can you buy Emoxipin in Moscow

Here are the best deals for buying Emoxipin eye drops.


  • online store - 263.00 with free delivery to 892 pharmacies in Moscow;
  • online pharmacy - promotional price 221.00, subject to ordering on the website. Reservations for a day are possible;
  • network "Main Pharmacy" - 255.00 rubles;
  • "ABC-pharmacy" - 278.00 rubles;
  • 24-hour pharmacy "NEOPHARM" - 358.00.
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