New opportunities, old principles. On the use of allogeneic placenta hydrolyzate in the treatment of hair diseases



Duration of the procedure:

15-30 min.

Number of procedures:

4-6 (1-2 times a week)


from 4,500 rub. (depending on the amount of the drug)

Recovery period: no

Drug: Melsmon (Melsmon)

Placental therapy is a method for skin care and rejuvenation. Rejuvenation techniques based on the use of placenta hydrolyzate have been widely used in the Land of the Rising Sun over the past decades. Thus, Japan has become the largest manufacturer and importer of drugs that contain human placenta hydrolyzate concentrate. Melsmon is considered one of the most effective and efficient .

Effect of the drug Melsmon

1. Thanks to the natural ingredients in the composition of the drug, the effect is effective and harmless.

2. Unlike analogue drugs that have a synthetic composition, the biologically active components in the composition of the drug tend to quickly penetrate metabolic processes and correct their course.

3. The drug can be taken together with other medications; it does not react at all and does not affect their absorption.

4. The product nourishes and saturates the body's cells with elastin, while restoring the protective barrier of damaged epithelial walls.

5. The Melsmon procedure improves the protective functions of healthy cells, as a result of which their resistance to the negative effects of external factors increases.

6. Serum based on placenta hydrolyzate starts the process of active regeneration of aging, damaged and damaged cells. Thus, they are quickly replaced with new ones.

7. A carefully selected ratio of amino acids has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, facilitates the body’s adaptation process, and thanks to this, biological age is corrected.

Secrets of production

From the very first experiments in the field of placental therapy, the future (50 years ago, just a group of pharmacologists at the University of Tokyo in collaboration with the National Research Institute of Tissue Therapy) paid great attention to the processes of collecting biomaterial and the technologies for its processing. Since then, both have undergone repeated updates, so we can safely say that today the production of the drug has been brought to almost perfection.

It consists of several stages:

  1. Donor selection. Includes examination of the expectant mother to identify hidden diseases and management of pregnancy until childbirth. Japan has a national program that provides special privileges for placenta donors, so there is no shortage of people willing.
  2. Conservation. Immediately after birth, the selected material is sealed in special warm containers, which ensure the safety of the placenta until the necessary tests are carried out.
  3. Laboratory research. Three independent laboratories provide an opinion on the material’s compliance or non-compliance with the requirements of the international GMP standard, which regulates the rules for the production of medicines, dietary supplements and some food products.
  4. Treatment. The placenta, which has passed “quality control,” is deep frozen, dried and crushed, which ensures the release of biologically active substances.
  5. Sublimation. The biomaterial obtained at the previous stage is heated using water steam and hydrochloric acid.
  6. Hydrolysis. After the particles of the crushed placenta interact with water vapor and acid, they disintegrate with the formation of new compounds, then the acid is neutralized and evaporated. The hydrolysis process is high-tech and patented.
  7. Ultra-nanofiltration. For cleaning, new generation filters are used, which allow you to remove any unwanted impurities from the biomaterial and make it guaranteed to be safe. At the same stage, it combines with benzyl alcohol.
  8. Autoclaving. The resulting preparation is heated in a sealed container at a temperature of 120° to protect it from bacteria and viruses.
  9. Quality control. And again, an independent verification of the drug’s compliance with GMP requirements takes place.
  10. Standardization. This stage is necessary to ensure that each milliliter of the drug contains a certain amount of active substances. Thus, each 2 ml Melsmon ampoule contains 100 mg of a mixture of active substances.
  11. Filling into ampoules and packaging. After stabilization, the drug is sealed into ampoules, re-sterilized in an autoclave, labeled and packaged in cardboard boxes. The number of each ampoule goes into the general database, so you can always check whether you purchased the original drug or a counterfeit.

Marking will allow you to distinguish a fake from the original

Composition of Melsmon

The unique technology made it possible to include more than 10 amino acids in the composition of the Melsmon drug , successfully combining them with:

  • minerals. These substances are necessary to ensure the normal functioning of many body systems. Together they have a supporting, nourishing, protective and regenerating effect.

  • placenta peptides. This substance is obtained by splitting the placenta by hydrolysis. The component has a high value in the pharmaceutical market and is used in alternative medicine. Peptides actively stimulate the immune system and take part in the processes of restoration and renewal of the epithelium.
  • mucopolysaccharides. The molecules of this substance are involved in the synthesis of connective tissue cells; in combination with collagen and elastin, they form a connective matrix.
  • saturated fatty acids. Improve blood circulation and tissue nutrition, reduce inflammatory processes in cells.
  • nucleic and organic acids. These acids take part in active protein biosynthesis in cell tissues.

It is important to note that Melsmon injections contain hydrolyzed peptides, specifically from the human placenta. Compared to analogues of animal origin, human placenta has a greater spectrum of action and is highly effective.

Patient reviews

Like most medicinal or cosmetic products, Malsmon receives both enthusiastic and angry reviews. To help you get a true picture of the drug, we decided to give examples of both.


A woman enjoys the cosmetic effect after using a placental product:

The girl is delighted with the cure for early menopause with the help of the drug Melsmon:

Melsmon helped this patient restore the beauty of her hair:


A woman who hoped to become pregnant after a course of the drug complains that the desired changes in the body did not occur:

The girl experienced a strange side effect, which official instructions do not warn about:

The woman doubts the effectiveness of the drug as a cosmetic product and explains that Melsmon did not help her in solving gynecological problems:

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that Melsmon is an interesting drug, which is produced taking into account all safety requirements and at a high technological level. It is impossible to “catch” any infection from someone else’s placenta, as some patients fear, with its help. However, this is far from a magic remedy that is guaranteed to solve cosmetic, gynecological or age-related problems. For some the drug gives results, for others it does not. The relevance of its prescription is decided by your attending physician, cosmetologist, and the final decision on use is made only by you.

Indications for use

The placental drug Melsmon is prescribed in the complex treatment of conditions characteristic of menopause in women. Increases concentration, productivity, slows down the process of withering at the cellular level. The drug can be prescribed for the following conditions:

  • impaired elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • uneven, pale complexion;
  • the presence of damage to the skin, mainly of a mechanical nature;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • manifestations of acne, scars after acne treatment.

In addition, the Japanese drug Melsmon has a lifting effect and tightens the skin, making facial wrinkles and unevenness less noticeable.

Recommendations before and after the procedure: it is necessary to limit alcohol consumption the day before and after the procedure;
do not visit the sauna or swimming pool for 2-3 days after the procedure.


The quality control of Melsmon Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd products includes:

  • Hi-tech;
  • strict compliance with GMP requirements at all stages of production;
  • a specially developed system for selecting donors and testing biological material.

The safety of the drug Melsmon is guaranteed by a certificate from the Medical Department of Japan, and the Placental Health Program itself is under the control of the government.

Contraindications for use

Melsmon in cosmetology has a powerful effect and is introduced into the vital processes of the human body. There are a number of diseases in which the use of the drug can cause an exacerbation or provoke a worsening of the condition. Patients with impaired liver function or renal failure should take the drug with caution. It is strictly forbidden to take Melsmon if you have the following conditions:

  • gestation period and breastfeeding;
  • age under 18;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • increased sugar levels;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • protein intolerance.

Before using the drug, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Cosmetologists' opinions

Although there are still few reviews about the Japanese product on the Internet, some experts have already expressed their point of view.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist, physiotherapist Apolikhina Inna Anatolyevna shares her impressions of the drug:

Candidate of Medical Sciences, obstetrician-gynecologist, oncologist, surgeon, Senior Researcher of the gynecological department with an operating unit Anna Alekseevna Tsypurdeeva talks about the results of a study of the drug in Russia:

But this cosmetologist is not delighted with the drug, calling it a waste of money, but at the same time urges his colleagues not to give up on Melsmon, as it may be useful in other areas.

Course of use of the drug

The regulations for the procedures for using the product involve its administration using the pharmacopuncture method into biologically active points. The placental rejuvenation procedure itself lasts about half an hour and is carried out after 3-7 days. The duration of treatment and the number of procedures are determined by the doctor after assessing the condition and studying the characteristics of the patient’s body. Administration of the drug does not exclude the use of local anesthesia.

The use of the drug can not only slow down the aging process in tissues, but also improve the condition of the body. As a result, the pores narrow, the manifestations of pigmentation and enlarged pores decrease. After using the drug, the active process of collagen synthesis by body tissues begins.


The high effectiveness of Melsmon is evidenced by numerous studies and reviews of patients who are satisfied with the results of using the drug. When administered by injection, the product has a broad healing, rejuvenating and restorative effect. Moreover, we are not talking about suppressing external signs, such as, for example, dry skin, but about the complete restoration of cells and tissues - that is, eliminating the very reason why the defect arose.

However, despite all the advantages, Melsmon should not be considered a magical panacea for all health problems. There are also plenty of negative reviews about it on the Internet.

Melsmon is one of the recognized leaders in the field of placental therapy


The main component of the drug "Curasen" is human placenta with low molecular weight peptides. It has a positive effect on the human dermis and promotes active tissue regeneration. In this regard, “Kurasen” is aimed at eliminating and correcting imperfections of the face or body.

As a result of procedures based on this drug, blood circulation is increased, the process of regeneration of skin cells and metabolic processes is accelerated, and skin respiration is normalized. In addition, the appearance and complexion improve, wrinkles are smoothed out, the facial contour is strengthened, and a general rejuvenation effect is observed. Curacen can also be used on the scalp to restore and support hair growth by stimulating hair follicles. Features of application

With the drug "Kurasen" facial mesotherapy helps improve blood circulation, metabolic processes, accelerate cell recovery, and normalize skin respiration.

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