Pharmacological properties of the drug Polydex with phenylephrine

Combined drug for local use in otorhinolaryngology. The therapeutic effect of the drug Polydex with phenylephrine is due to the anti-inflammatory effect of dexamethasone on the nasal mucosa, the antimicrobial effect of the antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin B and the vasoconstrictor effect of phenylephrine. When combining these antibiotics, the spectrum of antimicrobial action expands to most gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms that cause infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Thanks to the vasoconstrictor effect of phenylephrine, nasal congestion is reduced and nasal breathing is facilitated. Systemic resorption of the drug is minimal.

Incidence of rhinitis in pregnant women

The incidence of rhinitis in pregnant women is very high, every fifth pregnant woman experiences more or less pronounced symptoms of long-term (more than 6 weeks) nasal congestion, which can develop during any period of pregnancy, but most often in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy (from 12 to 38 week), which is understandable based on the listed reasons for its occurrence.

A special feature of rhinitis in pregnant women is that its symptoms completely disappear 2 weeks after birth.

Side effects of the drug Polydex with phenylephrine

Local: in some cases, there may be a feeling of dryness in the nose, local allergic reactions such as urticaria, itching. Systemic side effects are possible only with prolonged treatment (more than the prescribed period) or when used at a dose significantly higher than the recommended one. Systemic: headache, insomnia, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, tremor, pale skin. Sensitization to the antibiotics included in the drug is possible.

Rules of use, dosage and duration of therapy

Polydexa is available in the form of a nasal spray for topical use. The antibiotics it contains destroy all viral microflora, preventing the further spread and development of infection. The spray is injected once into each nostril, no more than 3 times a day. This dosage is considered gentle and is used only during pregnancy, in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters.

According to the instructions, the drug can be used up to 5 times a day, but not during pregnancy. The duration of therapy should in no case exceed 5 days. Otherwise, the active components can become addictive, which can not only nullify the treatment process, but also cause serious harm to the body of the mother and child.

Special instructions for the use of Polydex with phenylephrine

The drug should not be swallowed. This medicine should not be used for longer than the prescribed period (10 days). The presence of a corticosteroid in the drug does not prevent local allergy symptoms, but may change their course. If the general condition worsens due to an infectious-inflammatory disease, antibiotics for systemic use are prescribed, if necessary. Prescribe with caution to patients with hypertension (arterial hypertension), coronary artery disease, hyperthyroidism due to the presence of a sympathomimetic in the drug. The drug contains dexamethasone, which may give a positive result during doping control. Despite the local use of the drug, it should be noted that with long-term therapy or when used in a dose significantly higher than the recommended one, the drug may have a systemic effect. With systemic action of the active components of the drug, it is possible that they interact with other drugs.

Contraindications to the use of the drug during pregnancy

Polydexa has contraindications, especially when carrying a child. The main thing you need to pay attention to is the ban on use in the 1st trimester. The product is not used if you are allergic to its components or have an individual intolerance to them.

The drug is contraindicated in glaucoma, liver damage and diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system. It can be used with great caution by women suffering from hyperthyroidism, angina pectoris, hypertension or coronary artery disease.

Interactions of Polydex with phenylephrine

Below are the features of drug interactions that occur during systemic absorption of the active components of the drug. Interactions specific to phenylephrine Inadmissible combinations: with bromocriptine (risk of developing hypertension (arterial hypertension)); with guanethidine or substances similar in chemical structure (the possibility of enhancing the hypertensive effect of phenylephrine and, by reducing the sympathetic tone with guanethidine, the possibility of prolonged mydriasis); MAO inhibitors (possible development of hypertensive crisis due to weakening of the metabolism of pressor amines). Due to the prolonged action of MAO inhibitors, interaction is possible for 2 weeks after discontinuation of MAO inhibitors. Interactions specific to dexamethasone Inadmissible combinations: with drugs that can cause ECG changes (astemizole, bepridil, erythromycin IV, halofantrine, pentamidine, sparfloxacin, sultopride, terfenadine and vincamine). Hypokalemia, bradycardia and prolongation of the QT may be unfavorable factors. Combinations, the use of which requires special caution: prolonged systemic use of acetylsalicylic acid and other salicylates (a decrease in the level of salicylates in the blood serum is possible when using GCS and the risk of overdose of salicylates after discontinuation of GCS); antiarrhythmic drugs that can cause changes in the ECG (amiodarone, bretylium, disopyramide, quinidine, sotalol) - the development of hypokalemia, bradycardia and an increase in the QT on the ECG is possible; indirect anticoagulants (the possibility of GCS influencing the metabolism of indirect anticoagulants and blood clotting factors, which may increase the risk of bleeding specific to systemic GCS therapy - gastrointestinal, due to vascular fragility); drugs that reduce serum potassium levels (diuretics, laxatives, IV amphotericin B) lead to an increased risk of hypokalemia; digitalis preparations (hypokalemia enhances the toxic effects of digitalis preparations); heparin (increases the risk of developing hemorrhagic complications characteristic of GCS); insulin, metformin (reduced effectiveness of hypoglycemic drugs, which can lead to the development of ketosis due to a GCS-induced decrease in glucose tolerance); isoniazid (decreasing the level of isoniazid in the blood plasma). Combinations the use of which requires caution: antihypertensive drugs (possible weakening of the hypotensive effect); weakened live vaccines (risk of generalization of the disease, including death); praziquantel (a decrease in the concentration of praziquantel in blood plasma is possible).

Treating your nose correctly!

Each of us has encountered a runny nose throughout our lives... For treatment, specialists often prescribe drops and sprays into the nose... It would seem that it might be easier to put drops on the nose of yourself, a child, or a relative? But nevertheless, this simple procedure has nuances and features . We will talk about them. When a doctor prescribes several medications at the same time, the following order must be observed: 1. Relieve swelling. 2. Rinse your nose. 3. Instill medications (antibiotics, mucolytics, immunomodulators). Vasoconstrictor medications will help relieve swelling... But you need to remember that taking it for more than 5 days (and some for more than 3) leads to addiction and the nose will refuse to breathe on its own. Uncontrolled use of this group of drugs thins the mucous membrane, which leads to a complication - atrophic rhinitis due to long-term narrowed blood vessels and lack of oxygen. This group of drugs should also be used with caution by people suffering from hypertension, there is a danger of increased pressure due to the vasoconstrictor effect.. Algorithm The medication is taken as follows: you need to stand up and tilt your head forward. Inject the required amount of the drug into the nose and massage the wing of the nose. Then repeat with the other half of the nose. Nasal rinsing is carried out with saline solutions purchased at the pharmacy. You can rinse your nose with regular saline solution. These medications help moisturize the mucous membrane and remove mucous membranes containing pathogenic bacteria. It can be used daily as a prophylaxis against influenza and ARVI, as well as for hygienic purposes. As a rule, manufacturers in the instructions describe in detail the method of using the drug for both adults and children. The main features are that most of these formulations are administered into the nose at an angle. The head must be tilted down and slightly to the left, then inject the required amount of the drug into the right nostril (that is, the nostril that is on top). Then repeat with the other half of the nose. If you need to rinse your nose, the medicine is injected under pressure and should flow out of the left nostril. Antiviral agents. Before using them, it is better to clean your nose with saline solution, this will improve the effect of the treatment. Next, you need to take a horizontal position and tilt your head back strongly. Inject the medicine into the nostril and massage. Repeat with the other nostril. Antiviral agents and immunomodulators do not need to be taken out. If the drug gets into the throat there will be no harm, but on the contrary, an additional antiviral effect will occur. When prescribing antibiotics, the nasal passages must be rinsed!!! Since these drugs are prescribed, as a rule, for viscous and thick mucus... Drops with antibiotics need to be instilled (injected) for at least 5-7 days. Children under a certain age should not use sprays. Therefore, it is important to read the instructions to see if there are any contraindications based on age. To correctly introduce the drug into the nasal sinuses, the baby must be laid on his back, tilt his head back and inject the drugs into each nostril. Some drugs are administered at an angle and while inhaling. This is indicated in the instructions. If you follow these simple rules, then recovery will come sooner and your nose will thank you with its healthy, free breathing. Our center’s pharmacy is also always ready to help you.


You can make an appointment by phone, at the medical center reception and on the website

What to do if you are pregnant and suffer from long-term persistent runny nose and nasal congestion?

Be sure to contact a specialized ENT clinic or ENT office, or an otolaryngologist, who will first of all carry out a safe diagnosis that is permitted during pregnancy.

For example, in ENT clinic number 1, you will undergo an endoscopy of ENT organs, including the deep parts of the nose and nasopharynx; to exclude inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, an ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses will be performed; If necessary, they will conduct laboratory diagnostic methods. All these methods are absolutely painless, do not require any preparation and have no contraindications at any stage of pregnancy.

After making a diagnosis and prescribing (if necessary) drug therapy, you will be offered methods of hardware treatment, which are also allowed at any stage of pregnancy and are highly effective in relieving the blockage of nasal breathing: USOL therapy, photochromotherapy. These methods give a stable positive result, achieved in a course of 8-10 procedures.

Remember that minor symptoms may hide a serious threat to your condition. Contact specialists and they will definitely help you!

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